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Sudanese police stormed a clinic in Khartoum and arrested its entire Eritrean staff for almost a week.

Sudanese police stormed a clinic in Khartoum, known as “Habesha Clinic” on 19th December and arrested its entire Eritrean staff until December 24th, for no apparent crime according to sources. The clinic is legal and

Sudanese police stormed a clinic in Khartoum, known as “Habesha Clinic” on 19th December and arrested its entire Eritrean staff until December 24th, for no apparent crime according to sources.

The clinic is legal and has been giving authorized service. But, as it is the case these days in Sudan and elsewhere, Eritreans are easy prey for the security forces as they are aware that they do not have a caring government which could advocate for them.

Whenever such instances occur against Eritreans, the PFDJ embassy does nothing or it is found to be party in the atrocities committed. Thus, Eritreans who are being exploited for their precarious situation in Sudan say “they are sandwiched between the PFDJ dogs and the police of the lawless state” which they label as “small Sinai”.

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  • nakfa December 25, 2013

    Really!!!! Did not know the Embassy had an obligation for staw aways!!

    • Berhane December 26, 2013

      Shame, shame, shame on you. you don’t desreve to call yourself nakfa, how about coward….Eritrea and its people are much bigger than your love with monsters like Isaias Afwerki and his cohorts.

      Happy Holidays to all

  • ተወልደመድኅን December 25, 2013

    ልክዕ’ዩ።ኣብዝኾኑ ሃገራት ዘለው ኤንባሲታት ኣብዘለውሉ ዓዲ ንዘሎ ዜጋ ናይ ምክልኻል ይኹን ክብሪ ኣይህቡን’ዮም።ንዓታቶም ዚመስሎም፡ን ኤርትራ ዚከይድ ቪዛ ምሃብ ወይ ምኽላእ፡እቲ ቀንዲ ዕላማ ግን 2% ምእካብ’ዩ።ኣብ 2006 ኣቢሉ ዚነበረ ግዜ ናብ ኤምባሲ ኤርትራ ደዊለ፡ናይ ዚነበረኒ ጸገም ኣካፈልኩዎ።ምስ ዝሰርሃላ ዚነብርኩ ዲታ ዘጋተመ ጸገም’ዩ።ኣብ መወዳኣታ ኩነታተይ ብምግምጋም ነቲ ጉዳይ ብዘይፍሉጥ መንገዲ ይዓጽዩዎ።እቲ ኩነታት ካብ ኦኣቕመይ ንላዕሊ ኮይኑ ስለዘሎ ኣነ ናይ ኤርትራ ዜግነት ዘሎኒ እንታይ ክትተሃባበሩኒ ትኽእሉ ኢለ ይሃትት።እቲ ዝተወሃበኒ ምላሽ ናይ ሃደ ኣብቲ ውሽጢ ዝሰርህን ናይ 2% ኣካብን ምኳኑ ኣጸቢቀ ዝፈልጦ’ዩ።ንሱ ወላ ሓንቲ ክንገብረልካ ኣይንኽእልን።ኣብ ኦኣዲ ሕጊ ኢኻ ዘሎኻ ጠበቓ ኣውጺኣካ …..።ቅድሚ ሽዑ ወርሒ ይገብር፡ብዛዕባ ናይ ፓስፖርት ምሕዳስ ምስቲ ሰብቲ ተዛሪበ ስለዝነበርኩ፡ህርቕ ኢለ ስማዕስኪ እንድሕሪ ንከምዚ ዚ ኣመሰለ ጸገም ንዜጋኹም ዘይትተሓጋገዙ ኣንተኾንኩም ስለምንታይ ንዜጋታት 2% እተኽፍልዎም።ንሱ ኣይመለሰን ነታ ቴለፎን ዕጽው ኣቢሉዋ።ልክዕ’ዩ ኢምባሲታት ዘለው ካብ ላዕሊ ጀሚሮም ክሳብ ታሕቲ ዝኾነ ይኹን እኩል ብቖኣት ዘይብሎም ካብ ውድብና ተበጊሶም ብሰበይ ሰብካ ዚመልእዎ’ዩ።ኣዚ ስለዝኾነ ኣብዜጋታት ክገብሩዎ ዝግበኦም ክብሪ ይኹን ተገዳስነት ዜሮ’ዩ።ልክዕ ዚሞተ ሬሳ ንምስዳድ የተሃጋገዙ’ዮም።ኣዚ ከኣ ኣቲ መፈክር ህግደፍ ንህሉዋት ደቂ ስውኣት እናሳጎገ ኣናጸቐጠን ኣናበደለን ስለ ስውኣት ይዝምር ገንዘብ የዋጽእ፡ምእንታኦም ዓንገረር ይብል።ስለዚ ህሉው ገዲፎም ኣብ ሞት ጥራሕ’ዮም ምትሕብባሮም።

    • Andu December 26, 2013

      ኣቱም ሰባት እምበርዶ እቶም ኣብ ኢንባሲታት ሃገሬ አሪትራ ዚሰርሑ ቲፈልትዎም ኢኹም ናይ ባዖሎም መሰል ዘይፈልጥ ናይ ዘጋ መሰል ኪፈልጡ ቲጽበይዎም ቁርብ አባ ሕስብ ኣብሉ መሰል ደቆም ከማን ኣየውሑሱን ኣብ ሱዳን ኣሽንኳይ ዶ ኒኻሊእ

  • Kuwamyitegber December 25, 2013

    HIGDEF are doing endless murders inside Eritrea, Sinai and the whole world. So how do you expect them to do the right thing. What the worst thing in the world is doing by HIGDEF. So i am not happy by what they have done for you but i just want to tell you that we should not expect them to do good thing for our people rather we have to be united and fight for Democracy. Eti Tokla Iseyas keywetse kabti adi tsibuk aynitsebe kulatna bebi akmina nenishto nsrah, nte akakeb, nwedeb, hizbna nenikih, bizey afelalay Haymanot, awraja, edme, tsota, agelgilot, yikalo, dika, habtam, etc. mengomongo aynikun alem nay wesenti slezikonet, “endihri tekawime geza kimiles yideli, beti hade ka nhizbey kikaleselu rahwa kemtsalu yideli” kabzen kilite mergetsitat hanti entemeritsna neanan nhizbinan rahwa kenengis nkiel ena mengomengo aynikun eta nmertsa filiti eya nkales against HIGDEF. Kalie meftihi yeblan. Kinfelto zelena HIGDEF alo zibihal tenkolat yitikem maebel tekawimo hizbi Ertra nmidikam hanti ab asmera tiray aykonun seleyti HIGDEF zelewu haleyti temesilom win ab Internet enigebro miti ekikabn, hadinetn nmikutsay rietom yihibu neabinet bewraja tefelalina, b haimanot tefelalina etc endabelu kinirihihak yitsiru. Slezi ninkahalom aynihazelom dima miknyatu nkhat eyom sienom, aynihazelom ankihna eta melhasom nabti zilakom kemzitewyiwa nhagizom. Abzi alem zelo Ertrawi kulu nlewti kirub eyu, entay eyu eti fililiy ente elna ka kalot lewti kemtsiulna emo shiu abti nay lewti celebration kinisatef slezi nezi gedifna serihna abti nay lewti celebration misitaf yihaysh. Nestewiel emo abey alewu etom Esepa zibihalu zineberu cadretat nay Derg rejiem. alewu eko gina bitegbaratom enda haferu hilinom endawekesetom tselim kaba tekedinom yinebru alewu slezi betri haki tiketin ember aytisibern kemzibihal, betri haki nmerkos. Nebsina nmlek, nebsina entemlikna ena kin ewet nikiel. Mebzahtna teazebti slezelena eyu ember HIGDEF is dead. Difie zeblo sleziseane abta dewmebelitu dew elu alo, ember difie enteabilnayos echiu miwdak tiray eyu, eti Tekula, kitsemie kelo dem jeganu ziseti merahiom iseyas Hizbi Ertra kemzitselio slezifelete nab sudan bimekina keydu rishi weliuley eluwom. likie eyu waga nkefil alena ezi nkeflo zelena waga ab sinai yikun maekelay bahri higi nmingas kindiu aymikefelnan. Higi yinges, kuwam yitegber yea

  • Kuwamyitegber December 25, 2013

    HIGDEF are doing endless murders inside Eritrea, Sinai and the whole world. So how do you expect them to do the right thing. What the worst thing in the world is doing by HIGDEF. So i am not happy by what they have done for you but i just want to tell you that we should not expect them to do good thing for our people rather we have to be united and fight for Democracy. Eti Tokla Iseyas keywetse kabti adi tsibuk aynitsebe kulatna bebi akmina nenishto nsrah, nte akakeb, nwedeb, hizbna nenikih, bizey afelalay Haymanot, awraja, edme, tsota, agelgilot, yikalo, dika, habtam, etc. mengomongo aynikun alem nay wesenti slezikonet, “endihri tekawime geza kimiles yideli, beti hade ka nhizbey kikaleselu rahwa kemtsalu yideli” kabzen kilite mergetsitat hanti entemeritsna neanan nhizbinan rahwa kenengis nkiel ena mengomengo aynikun eta nmertsa filiti eya nkales against HIGDEF. Kalie meftihi yeblan. Kinfelto zelena HIGDEF alo zibihal tenkolat yitikem maebel tekawimo hizbi Ertra nmidikam hanti ab asmera tiray aykonun seleyti HIGDEF zelewu haleyti temesilom win ab Internet enigebro miti ekikabn, hadinetn nmikutsay rietom yihibu neabinet bewraja tefelalina, b haimanot tefelalina etc endabelu kinirihihak yitsiru. Slezi ninkahalom aynihazelom dima miknyatu nkhat eyom sienom, aynihazelom ankihna eta melhasom nabti zilakom kemzitewyiwa nhagizom. Abzi alem zelo Ertrawi kulu nlewti kirub eyu, entay eyu eti fililiy ente elna ka kalot lewti kemtsiulna emo shiu abti nay lewti celebration kinisatef slezi nezi gedifna serihna abti nay lewti celebration misitaf yihaysh. Nestewiel emo abey alewu etom Esepa zibihalu zineberu cadretat nay Derg rejiem. alewu eko gina bitegbaratom enda haferu hilinom endawekesetom tselim kaba tekedinom yinebru alewu slezi betri haki tiketin ember aytisibern kemzibihal, betri haki nmerkos. Nebsina nmlek, nebsina entemlikna ena kin ewet nikiel. Mebzahtna teazebti slezelena eyu ember HIGDEF is dead. Difie zeblo sleziseane abta dewmebelitu dew elu alo, ember difie enteabilnayos echiu miwdak tiray eyu, eti Tekula, kitsemie kelo dem jeganu ziseti merahiom iseyas Hizbi Ertra kemzitselio slezifelete nab sudan bimekina keydu rishi weliuley eluwom. likie eyu waga nkefil alena ezi nkeflo zelena waga ab sinai yikun maekelay bahri higi nmingas kindiu aymikefelnan. Higi yinges, kuwam yitegber yeakil hisem. Ninkah, Nwedeb, hadnet teatikna nkidmit ntemit. yekeniyeley.

  • ahmed saleh December 25, 2013

    When a shepherd abandon his herds they become prey for wild animals , the same goes to people
    who left out to survive by themselves with no assurance of protection from their representatives .
    Those Eritreans stated that they are sandwiched among two corrupted dogs from HGDF and Sudanese
    regime . Well , nowadays that is the reality on the ground of Eritrean dirty political game .
    The source of all the problems started from the absence workable legitimate people’s government .

  • ahmed saleh December 26, 2013


  • Sara December 26, 2013

    Eritrea has no embassies, it is agents who facilitites 2% payment and some other things. The embassies are not better than refugee communities. They are always not helping any eritreans including their 2% clients. I am sure there are many Eritreans in south sudan who was paying 2% but for hgdf they are just customers.

  • Nahom December 26, 2013

    ኣምባሳደራትኤሰያስ ህግደፍ ወከልቲ ናይ ሽፍታ ስርዓት ሸፋቱ እዮም። ከም ሱዳን ዝኣመሰላ ሕጊ ኣልቦ ሃገራት ድማ ንሸፋቱ ለምለም ቦታ ናይ ሽፍታዊ ስራሖም እየን።

  • tesfaldet December 26, 2013

    this is anather propoganda by the poor oppositoion they dont like the firendship of ERITREA & SUDAN so desprate to break the releshinship they will say sudan gov AREEST ERITREANS they thinking that meybe the people will belive them IDIOTS

    • Weygud December 26, 2013

      Tesfaldet, you wake up @8 to talk cheap??? You better sleep forever loser

  • ahmed saleh December 26, 2013

    The IDIOTS are the ones who voluntarily surrendered their right to speak up out of fear and selfishness by
    ignoring their people’s plight for help.