Sudanese Court Fines Rescued Illegal Migrants
Issue #: 3297, Issue Date: 10th July, 2014 Sudanese Court Fines Rescued Illegal Migrants (KHARTOUM) - A Sudanese court ordered the 600 people who attempted recently to migrate illegally to Libya to pay a fine or serve

Issue #: 3297, Issue Date: 10th July, 2014
Sudanese Court Fines Rescued Illegal Migrants
(KHARTOUM) – A Sudanese court ordered the 600 people who attempted recently to migrate illegally to Libya to pay a fine or serve several months in jail after being rescued by the army last week.
The total amount of fines sentenced by the North Sudan’s Dongola tribunal reached 40,000 Sudanese pound ($4,800). The courts also ordered to repatriate the foreigners, mostly Eritreans and Ethiopians to their respective countries.
A joint Sudanese Libyan border force rescued last week over six hundreds illegal migrants and transported them to Dongola, capital of North state.
The Sudanese authorities said traffickers had abandoned them in the desert in miserable conditions.
The Sudanese authorities said traffickers had abandoned them in the desert in miserable conditions.
Police authorities in Dongola said a significant number of the victims are Eritrean and Ethiopian.
Sudanese and East African nationals used in the past to go to Israel or apply for asylum in Western countries from Egypt.
However, Libya becomes recently a favourite destination for immigrants who want to reach Europe by boats through the Mediterranean Sea.
Last June, Libyan guards killed a dozen migrants who had illegally crossed the border from Sudan.
Sudanese and East African nationals used in the past to go to Israel or apply for asylum in Western countries from Egypt.
However, Libya becomes recently a favourite destination for immigrants who want to reach Europe by boats through the Mediterranean Sea.
Last June, Libyan guards killed a dozen migrants who had illegally crossed the border from Sudan.
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis July 11, 2014
I cry, we have a nice culture and nice land, we miss some thing in our mind and we could not stsimin our beloved country given to us by our grand fsthers.
poor eritrean and Ethiopian whst makes to be like this , God of your fathers have blessed you , why you people luvk Harmony
berie haqi July 12, 2014
ካብኡ ሓሊፋካ እንታይ ድኣ ክትዋጢ ኣንታ ከይሲ : ኣቦኻ ኣታሊ : ትኽፈል ስለዘለኻ ዕስበትካ ኣዋድድ ሓንቲ መዓልቲ ግን ብሓፋሳ ክትረኽባ ምዃንካ ልዕሊ ዝኾን ንስኻ ትፈልጥ : ሓለንጊ ሓፋሽ ነዊሕ እዩ :
Hazhaz July 12, 2014
ኤርትራውያንሲ ካን መጻወቲ ራሻይዳን በደዊንን ኮይኖም ተሪፎም ?
በሉ ኣባሓጎታትና ኣይስምዑ። ካን ከምዚ ብላይ ጠይቂ ኣድጊ ትጽውት የብሉልና ኣለዉ።
” ኣድጊ ” እናበልና ንኻለኦት ንጸርፍ ኔርናስ፡ ንባዕልና ጠይቂ ናይ በደዊን ራሻይዳ ዓረብን እባ ኴንና።
እቲ ቀደም ቀደም ብባሃማትና ከለና፡ እዋይ ሎምስ ክንደይ ዓያሹ እንድዮም ዝደግምዎ፤ “ዓረብና ኢና፤ ቃልስና ጸረ ኣሜሪካ ጸረ እስራኤልን ጸረ ጽዮንውያንን እዩ።“ እብሃል ኔሩ። ሓሻካ ዓያሹ።
ሎሚ ኸ፧ እዛ ኹላ ጀብሃ ሻዕብያኣ ወረ ብዓረብ እዩ እቲ ሽሞም ዘይሓፍሩ፤ ኩላ ንኣሜሪካ ብሪጣንያ ኣውስትራልያ ሽወደን ጀርመን ሃዲማ ተዓቊባ ደቃ ተዕቢ ኣላ።
ወዮ ዓረብ ይኣስሩና፡ ይጥሩዙና፡ ኩሊትና ይሰርቁ፡ ኣሕዋትናን ደቅናን ይዕምጹ፡ ወረ ኣሸሓት ገንዘብ የኽፍሉና፡ እንተኣበና ብረሲን ሓዊ ይትኩሱና፡ ጠባቢሖም ይድርብዩና። ሓደ ዝረብሕ ውድብ ወይ ሃገር ዓረብ ከማን ኣይእወየልናን።
ወተሃደራት ሱዳን ግብጺ ብጥይት ቶኪሶም የውድቑና፡ ኣብ ምድረበዳ ይጉሕፉና።