Subject: ATV: ዋዕላ ንቕሎ ኣዴታት ንድሕነት ሃገርን ህዝብን ተኸፊቱ፡ ኣዴታት `ይኣክል፡ ሓደ ኮይንና ኢና` ይብላ – መንእሰያት ድማ ይዕልላ ኣለዋ ኣዴታት መናእሰይ ክብሉ ይቕበሉወን, Augusr 24 2019,
Subject: ATV: ዋዕላ ንቕሎ ኣዴታት ንድሕነት ሃገርን ህዝብን ተኸፊቱ፡ ኣዴታት `ይኣክል፡ ሓደ ኮይንና ኢና` ይብላ – መንእሰያት ድማ ይዕልላ ኣለዋ ኣዴታት መናእሰይ ክብሉ ይቕበሉወን, Augusr 24 2019, Having failed by the usual masculinity of the Eritrean population, it is about time that Femininity should try to SAVE ERITREA. They can do it. They have a way and inner strength of

Subject: ATV: ዋዕላ ንቕሎ ኣዴታት ንድሕነት ሃገርን ህዝብን ተኸፊቱ፡ ኣዴታት `ይኣክል፡ ሓደ ኮይንና ኢና` ይብላ – መንእሰያት ድማ ይዕልላ ኣለዋ ኣዴታት መናእሰይ ክብሉ ይቕበሉወን, Augusr 24 2019,
Having failed by the usual masculinity of the Eritrean population, it is about time that Femininity should try to SAVE ERITREA. They can do it. They have a way and inner strength of galvanizing regardless of their composition of identity. They can do it. It is about time that FEMININISIM in Eritrea take over the steering wheel, for a change, and navigate to the seemingly impossible eternal ambition and reality of establishing FREE, INDEPENDENT, ERITREA. They can do it. The least the Eritrean masculinity can do is step aside peacefully from the ‘dirty carpet’; be faithful supporter; and let Eritrean FEMININISIM show how to cleanse the intricate obstructions and bring out the bright nature of Eritrea. They can do it. If a 28-year-period of active play by MASCULINITY cannot produce the age-old intention and desire of Eritrea, it is only logical to pass the baton to the other PARTNER for LIFE and see the outcome. They can do it. They only need the ‘ears’ and positive ‘attitude’ on the part of Masculine Partner for LIFE.
Let me now digress. I read in a very interesting news item in which “Chinese medical personnel conclude one year service. The 15 Chinese personnel including Medical Doctors that have free medical service providing free medical service in Eritrea were seen off …….”
Dear Compatriots: Do you really believe that OTHER countries [in this case China] would really help Eritrea for FREE? They are ONLY interested in garnering knowledge/experience in their medical field using innocent people as experimental items in collaboration with indigenous personalities who have their own private needs to satisfy>>> scratch my back; I scratch yours. Yes, in a “dark” atmosphere, advantage is taken on ‘guinea pigs’ for the benefit of experimental advancement for others, by others. In a crude statement, it was a perfect experimental experience for the so-called foreign ‘good doers’ to the people of the “Dark” Continent of Africa. It is an open secrete that Africans – Black Africans — have been victims to experimental needs of other countries around the Globe. Africa has also, and still is, a source of mineral earthly resources. It is not a surprise. The attitude of the world towards Black Africa is clear. The president of the most powerful country in the World put it this way about Black Africa: “Shithole”. Even a president of one African country, with a Ph D Degree, agreed, fully, openly, with that insult. No murmur, of any value, was heard from our BELOVED “Dark” Continent of Africa.
Dear Eritreans: Refresh your memory of the past multiple years of experience and ask yourself one question: Did colonial powers, or black hooded religious marauders, or sleek forces in various concealed economic agenda ever helped Eritrea to be FREE and SELF-SUPPORTING, INDEPENDENT Country? I answer the question myself, for myself: NEVER and WILL NEVER HAPPEN. If Eritrea is to stand by itself, it MUST rely on its feet. To do that, Eritrea must be honest to ITSELF and look at ITSELF deeply – accepting the INHERENT TRUTH — and adjust to the TRUTH and forge a LIFE of HARMONY among the Eritrean Diversity towards a LIFE of UNDERSTANDING and RESPECT to EACH OTHER.
One more point: We have been talking about Issayas Afewerki Abraha Miratch endlessly, ad nausea as a sole cause of the Eritrean PROBLEM. THAT IS SELF-DECEPTION!!! Yes, Issayas is NOT an Angel. Yes, Issayas is a crumb piece of evilness. Yes, Issayas used the weakness of Eritreans in order to achieve his long-held grievances [call it HATRED} against Eritrea – for his own reason. He did what he set out to do. And that is a million times more than the numerous uncountable so-called ‘OPPOSITION’ parties and individuals are doing for the liberation of Eritrea from one single mortal indigenous human being.
Obviously, one mortal human being cannot independently control the entire population of Eritrea. It is an obvious conclusion that Eritreans are inherently divided and sub-divided for their respective parochial sociological agenda. That is a perfect weapon for a dictator. By the way, a neutral Reader may be confused with the admirable legacy of the Eritrean Freedom Fighters, in 30-year war against Ethiopia, which won in the most admirable fashion. But it is not that mysterious. THAT GLORY WAS YESTERDAY FOR A COOMON CAUSE. TODAY is different than YESTERDAY: Eritrea is now an INDEPENDENT country and thus (i.e. consequentially) Member of the United Nation Organization etc. etc. etc. With this fact, Eritrea is now facing ITSELF with all its inherent sociological problems that were conveniently placed on back burner for future action. THAT ‘TOMMOROW’ is now ‘TODAY’. and Eritreans must face themselves with their own gnawing problems. Issayas is not in a hurry. In fact, he encourages it, manipulates it, and keep it alive. NO QUESTION about THAT. Now, let us be HONEST to ourselves and admit our weakness. There is no any other WAY for Eritrea. The consequence of pretention/cheating THYSELF will only prolong the suffering of Eritrea down the drain to the gutter. We have a problem to solve.
Question: If, miraculously, Issayas would disappear TODAY, would we have peaceful, tranquil, speedy recovery to greatness? Let us not cheat ourselves. After all, following our awareness of Issayas’ personality after thirty-years (yes,30 years of calling him affectionately as “wedi-afom” ), the remaining longevity of Issayas is directly proportional to the intensity of our differences among ourselves. Never underestimate the power of religion, region, and other paraphernalia characteristic. After all, we are talking about our Dear Africa. The choice is ours. Dictators love and use those ‘weaknesses’ in Society as effective means of governing for LIFE. THE END
k.tewolde August 27, 2019
‘Dictators love and use those ‘weaknesses’ in Society as effective means of governing for LIFE.’…indeed rezen,even in the most smart and intelligent society,the pioneers of the communist manifesto,the authors of Da Capita,home of the renowned physicists, the first ones to roll out armored vehicles….the ‘weaknesses’ worked,forget in a village where the smartest person is a college dropout with a subjective view who thinks without him the world ceases to exist and destroys even the ones closest to him to stay alive and on top, whose arsenal is the fertile soil of ignorance,it is self consumption,it is family feud on steroids and guess what,he is the only self appointed arbiter >>>>>> over half a century of deception! 28 years of watching reruns of the post liberation era…who you fooln,even the kids figured you out and refusing to go to the barracks.There is expiration date for everything,HGDEF check your label.
k.tewolde August 27, 2019
read as ‘pre-liberation era’.
Asmara Eritrea September 1, 2019
As long as the monster is removed from power who gives a toss by whom? Male or female as long as Isaias ends up 6ft under that should be just fine by me and I suspect 99.99% of Eritreans. We should focus on the big picture and ignore trivialities.
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship.
rezen August 29, 2019
Subject: Eritreans Opposition Parties [uncompleted]
The following uncomplete list of Opposition Parties were formed, ASSUMING, for the liberation of Eritrea from an indigenous Dictator and self-appointed President for the State of Eritrea – a respectable member of the United Nation Organization. The list is not complete. Still, it is an extraordinary phenomenon that so many groups are established – presumably – for the SAME goal i.e. TO LIBERATE ERITREA FROM ONE INDEGENOUS MORTAL DICTATORSHIP. He has been on the helm for 28 years – in addition to 27 years of being the darling and hero of Eritreans during the liberation war against Ethiopia. Fifty-five (55) years as a dominant figure in the History of Eritrea that Eritrea CANNOT challenge, for any reason. It says a lot about the “make-up” of Eritrea and Issayas’ deception with ingenuity to manipulate it. In any case, here is a list of groups fighting – this time — to unseat the darling of ‘YESTERYEARS’.
Opposition Parties DMV, DMLEK, EDP, EDA, EDJ-DMV, RSADO, NDF, ENSF, EPM, ENCDC, EFND, MEDREK, EMC, ENF, EYSC, AYSNS, EF, GLEEGM, ECHIGM, CEPONA,EPP, ENST, AH, EGS, APPG, ELS, RSA/DO, DMLEK, DMES, EMDJ, EDUF, QicNit, KNON, UEJ, ይኣክል, TCC, EMDHR, joint three Australia Group[no name given], ሓድነት፣ ሓ . ደ . ለ . ት, EPDP, FND, EMJ, ……………. Please update the List for posterity.
Facing so many groups for the SAME goal, one can’t help remembering the insightful Tigrigna wisdom about a person with so many armours [ ‘ፈራሕ ዓሰርተ በትሩ’ ]. The question then (in one word): WHY? If we answer to that dynamic singular question, in sincerity and boldness, then Eritrea will have 75% chance of knowing ITSELF and thus heading in the right direction to the seemingly eternal dream of generations of Eritreans. AMEN, INSHALAH [in alphabetical order]
Tsehaye August 31, 2019
Eritrea was NOT meant to be a nation, that’s why.
Poor Eritrea was created to become the toilet and spare parts supply for the barbarian Arabs.
k.tewolde September 1, 2019
A typical GMO of the tyrant,isn’t that the grand scheme which is playing in front of our eyes and the reason and your boss and his friend awarded a huge bling around their neck guess by who?! ‘the barbarian Arabs’.I would have called you worst names for desecrating my nation of heroes and heroins like that,but I am refraining because it contaminates the essence of this medium.
Haben September 5, 2019
individuals like Tsehaye fall in to two categories – they are either home-born individuals who are from across the boarder(who suffer from identity crises) or they are Eritreans by origin but sadly they do not use their heads as for it was originally intended or created by the ALMIGHTY, their minds are rather as you have said it on your comment above they are “GMO” by their master Isaias in order for them to accomplish his evil deeds in an ill-advisedly and selfishly way.