This is to express our dismay of and strong opposition to the European Union’s current plan to provide a multi-million development package to the repressive Government of Issaias Afewerki of Eritrea. WHEREAS over the last two

This is to express our dismay of and strong opposition to the European Union’s current plan to provide a multi-million development package to the repressive Government of Issaias Afewerki of Eritrea.
- WHEREAS over the last two decades tens of thousands of Eritreans fled the country escaping enslavement in the name of military service
- WHEREAS the Government of Issaias Afewerki has curtailed most freedoms, from movement to expression; from religion to association; from where to live, when to marry and who to worship
- WHEREAS the extra-judicial executions, enforced disappearances and incommunicado detentions aimed at silencing all perceived critics continue unabated
- WHEREAS the 2007 European Union’s122 Million Euros similar aid package had no impact in either reducing or eliminating the brutalization of the Eritrean people at the hands of the repressive regime
- WHEREAS in June of last year, the regime’s brutal treatment of its own people prompted the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) to launch the International Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea
- WHEREAS European Union development aid notwithstanding, so long as repression continues in Eritrea, children, youth and women will continue to flee the country and embark on treacherous journeys that claim innumerable lives
We therefore CALL upon the European Union to:
- Stop rewarding the brutal dictatorship with new funds and instead redirect funding to nongovernmental humanitarian organizations to provide food, shelter, counseling and transitional assistance to refugees in desperate need of help
- State unequivocally its position in support of the Eritrean people in their struggle to usher in a constitutional and accountable Government elected by the people
- Demand that the brutalization of the Eritrean people that is at the root of mass migration be halted immediately
- Identify and impose travel restrictions on senior members of the repressive regime who visit European capitals to mobilize financial resources from the diaspora
- Request the repressive Government of Issaias Afewerki to allow the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) access to Eritrea
Eritrean Afar State in Exile (EASE)
Eritreans For National Dialogue (EFND)
Eritrean-American Civic Association, Boston (EACAB)
Eritreans for Human and Democratic Rights – UK (EHDR-UK)
Eritrean Global Solidarity (EGS)
Eritrean Movement for Change (EMC)
Eritrean National Council for Democratic Change (ENCDC)
Eritrean People’s Democratic Party (EPDP)
Eritrean Solidarity Movement for National Salvation (ESMNS)
Eritrean Youth Movement for Change – Las Vegas (EYMC-LV)
Eritrean Youth Solidarity for Change – (EYSC)
Eritrean Youth Solidarity for Change – (EYSC-NA)
Eritrean Youth Solidarity for National Salvation (EYSNS)
Hidmonna – Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group – Manitoba (ECHRG)
Human Rights Concern – Eritrea (HRCE)
Independent Eritrean Women’s Association for Peace & Democracy (IEWAPD)
Nationaler Rat fuer demokratischen Wandel in Eritrea E.V
Network of Eritrean Women (NEW)
Release Eritrea
Stop Slavery in Eritrea
Mr. Abdu Kelifa
Dr. Afeworki Paulos
Dr. Almaz Zerai
Ms. Amal Ali
Mr. Amanuel Iyassu
Dr. Araya Debesay
Dr. Bereket Yohannes
Dr. Berhan Ahmed
Dr. Chefena Hailemariam Debenna
Mr. Chris Cotter
Mr. Dan Connell
Ms. Elsa Chyrum
Mr. Ermias L.Tecklehaimanot
Ms. Fowzia Hassen
Mr. Ghezae Hagos Berhe
Mr. Karrar Hiabu
Mr. Khaled Abdu
Ms. Khedijah Ali Mohammed-Nur
Mr. Leonard Vincent
Mr. Martin Plaut
Ms. Meriem Omer
Ms. Meron Estefanos
Mr. Michael Ghebre
Dr. Mohamed Kheir Omer
Mr. Petros Tesfaghiorghis
Mr. Rezene Dermas
Dr. Russom Mesfun
Mr. Saleh Gadi Johar
Mr. Samuel Negash
Dr. Sara Ogbay
Ms. Selam Kidane
Mr. Seyoum Tesfaye
Dr. Tadios Tesfu
Mr. Tes Meharenna
Dr. Tsigabu Asmelash
Ms. Vanessa Berhe
Ms. Veronica Almedom
Dr. Yonas Mehari
Ms. Yvonne Meir
Natu April 3, 2015
EU the mother of all contradictions is the root cause of all evil doings specialy in the HORN and in Africa in general. One must be naive enough to expect that EU will react in our sense upon our desperate call.
EU may give a positive response that it may stop its intention to support DIA, but who monitors whether EU gives DIA the amount of money promised secretly as usual or not ?
EU must demostrate a clear and transparent stand whether it is for or against dictatorship. The reality shows the contrary. EU expects that we the people of Eritrea MUST ovethrow the dictator our selves whereas EU laminates DIA’s way forward indirectly. Shame for EU for its lip services ! EU must refrain from dissemling (especially ITALY), if we are going to finish the job against the dictator soon!
failed people April 3, 2015
Natu ,
Has n’t EU waited more than enough for us to overthrow PFDJ ,how long can they wait ,EUs interest is for Isaias to lessen the flow,it is pure blackmail ,that is how the world functions not on a right wrong isasue necessarilly. I don’t like it either but Papa Isaias has the upper hand and for eU or EPRDF (Ethiopian govt.)Papa Isaias is the lesser of all Eritrean evil.Eritrea can not sustain free will or democracy ,that would uncover uncurable Illlnesses .
Tesfa April 3, 2015
How many members do they have these all organizations? Where does they exist? Really! Who are the leaders? What is their record? Are they trustworthy? It is not about Pfdj now, but who is the right alternative? …Because of your failure to be the good choise, the EU has now its choice. Do your homework, you have a long way to go.