State Department 2013 Human Trafficking Report on Eritrea (Tier 3)
State Department 2013 Human Trafficking Report on Eritrea (Tier 3):Worst Ranking for 5 Consecutive Years Eritrea is a source country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor, and to a lesser extent, sex and

State Department 2013 Human Trafficking Report on Eritrea (Tier 3):Worst Ranking for 5 Consecutive Years
Eritrea is a source country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor, and to a lesser extent, sex and labor trafficking abroad. During the reporting period, tens of thousands of persons fled the nation, many to escape conditions that amounted to forced labor through exploitative circumstances in the government’s mandatory national service program. Under the Proclamation of National Service (No. 82/1995), persons aged 18 to 50 years had the obligation of performing national service. For persons aged 18 to 40, this obligation consisted of six months of military training and 12 months of active duty military service, for a total of 18 months; persons over 40 were considered to be on reserve status if they had performed active duty service. An emergency situation declared in 1998, as a result of a border war with Ethiopia, remained in effect during the year, with the result that despite the 18-month limit on active duty national service under the 1995 Proclamation, many conscripts were not demobilized from the military as scheduled and some were forced to serve indefinitely under threats of detention, torture, or punishment of their families. Persons performing national service could not resign from their jobs or take new employment, generally received no promotions or salary increases, and could not leave the country legally because they were denied passports or exit visas. Those conscripted into the Eritrean military performed standard patrols and border-monitoring, in addition to public works projects such as agricultural terracing, road maintenance, and laying of power lines. Working conditions were often harsh and sometimes involved physical abuse. There were reports that some Eritrean conscripts were forced to build private homes for army officers, perform agricultural labor on farms owned by the ruling party, or work in privately-owned mines; functions that fall outside the scope of the proclamation. During the reporting period, the Ministry of Education continued Mahtot, a national program in which secondary-school children engage in public works projects including anti-litter campaigns and building school furniture. All 12th-grade students, including some younger than 18, completed their final year of education at the Sawa military and educational camp; those who refused could not receive high school graduation certificates, go on to higher education, or be offered some types of jobs. The first six months consisted of military training prior to military service. In 2012, the government instituted a compulsory citizen militia, requiring persons not already in the military or being trained at Sawa, including many who had been demobilized or exempted from military service in the past, to carry firearms and attend military training. Eritrean children worked in various economic sectors, including domestic service, street vending, small-scale manufacturing, garages, bicycle repair shops, tea and coffee shops, metal workshops, and agriculture; some may be subjected to forced labor. There were reports that children were exploited in the sex trade in Asmara.
Some Eritreans fleeing national service or migrating for other reasons became victims of forced labor, primarily domestic servitude, in Sudan, Egypt, Israel, Yemen, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, or other Gulf countries. Smaller numbers of Eritrean women and girls were subjected to sex trafficking inside the country, as well as in South Sudan, Sudan, and Gulf countries. The government’s strict exit control procedures and limited issuance of passports and exit visas effectively obliged those who wished to travel abroad to do so clandestinely, increasing their vulnerability to trafficking. During the reporting period, an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 Eritreans escaped to refugee camps in eastern Sudan each month. Additionally, there were at least 62,000 Eritreans, including 1,000 unaccompanied minors, in refugee camps inside Ethiopia, and smaller but increasing numbers of Eritrean refugees in Djibouti and Yemen. A significant number of fleeing Eritreans encountered serious risks of being shot and killed by Eritrean, Egyptian, or Libyan authorities or forcibly repatriated to Eritrea, where they were often detained without charge by the Eritrean government, or recalled into national service. Adolescent children who attempted to leave Eritrea were sometimes detained or forced to undergo military training despite being younger than the minimum service age of 18.
International smugglers and traffickers sought out vulnerable Eritreans in refugee camps, particularly in Sudan, sometimes extorting money from them or torturing them as they were transported through the Sinai Peninsula. Over the reporting period, there were numerous reports of Eritrean nationals being brutalized by smugglers operating in the Sinai; victims were chained together, whipped and beaten regularly, deprived of food, raped, and forced to do construction work at gunpoint at smugglers’ personal homes. Eritrean military officers sometimes colluded with Sudanese or Ethiopian military officers to exploit Eritrean migrants. Eritrean military officers sometimes operated within Sudan to abduct refugees from camps, particularly those who voiced criticism of the Eritrean government or were prominent political or military figures.
The Government of Eritrea does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so. The Eritrean government did not operate transparently, nor did it publish data or statistics regarding efforts to combat human trafficking. Although the government acknowledged the existence of a trafficking problem, including sending a letter seeking assistance of the UN Secretary-General, and warning its citizens of the dangers that traffickers posed, authorities largely lacked understanding of human trafficking, conflating it with all forms of transnational migration from Eritrea. The government rejected responsibility for creating circumstances that drove its citizens to flee the country.
Recommendations for Eritrea:
Develop and enforce a comprehensive anti-trafficking statute that includes prohibitions against forced labor, differentiating between illegal migration and human trafficking; conduct campaigns to increase the general public’s awareness of human trafficking at the local, regional, and national levels; enforce existing limits on the length of national service to 18 months and cease the use of threats and physical punishment for non-compliance; extend existing labor protections to persons performing national service and other mandatory citizen duties; investigate allegations of conscripts being forced to perform duties beyond the scope of the national service program and prosecute and punish, as appropriate, those who subjected recruits to exploitative labor; ensure that children who are sent to Sawa, the military school, do not participate in activities that amount to military service; cooperate with UN agencies to combat trafficking, and allow international NGOs to operate in the country, including helping to combat trafficking; institute trafficking awareness training for diplomats posted overseas; with assistance from international organizations, provide training to all levels of government, particularly law enforcement officials, on identifying and responding to trafficking crimes; in partnership with NGOs or religious entities, ensure the provision of short-term protective services to child trafficking victims; and accede to the 2000 UN TIP Protocol.
The Government of Eritrea did not report prosecuting or convicting any traffickers during the year. Article 605 of the Eritrean Transitional Criminal Code prohibits trafficking in women and young persons for sexual exploitation, which is punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment, or from three to 10 years’ imprisonment if aggravating circumstances are present; these penalties are sufficiently stringent, but not commensurate with punishments prescribed for other serious crimes, such as rape. Article 565 prohibits enslavement and prescribes punishment of five to 20 years’ imprisonment, penalties which are sufficiently stringent. Forced labor and slavery are prohibited except where authorized by law under Article 16 of the ratified, but suspended, Eritrean Constitution; Article 17 of the 2001 Labor Proclamation specifically excludes activities performed under national service or other civic obligations from the definition of forced labor. Existing labor protections limiting hours of work and prohibiting harsh conditions did not apply to persons engaged in national service. Proclamation 11/199 prohibits the recruitment of children younger than 18 years of age into the armed forces. The penalties are sufficiently stringent, though the government does not appear to have used these statutes to prosecute cases of human trafficking. During the year, an unknown number of Eritrean citizens alleged to be traffickers were returned from Uganda. The government did not behave in a transparent or consistent manner regarding information about prosecutions or punishments of these or other suspected trafficking offenders during the reporting period. Nor was the government transparent regarding any investigations or prosecutions of government officials allegedly complicit in human trafficking. The government did not provide information regarding training it might have offered to its law enforcement officials on identifying and responding to trafficking crimes.
The local Eritrean media reported government efforts to repatriate women and girls exploited abroad in domestic servitude or sex trafficking. The government identified an unknown number of those trafficking victims and sought their assistance in the investigation of trafficking-related crimes, but did not provide information on how it cared for them after their repatriation. No international NGOs operated in Eritrea during the reporting period. During the year, the National Security Agency assumed additional responsibilities related to combating trafficking, but individual cases of transnational human trafficking were reportedly handled by the Eritrean Embassy in the country of destination; information regarding efforts made by Eritrea’s diplomatic missions to assist trafficking victims was not available, and some victims reported that Eritrean Embassies abroad charged extra passport processing fees to victims lacking documentation. Whether the government trained its diplomatic officials in identifying and responding to trafficking situations involving Eritreans overseas was not known. The government did not have procedures in place to identify trafficking victims among migrants deported or forcibly removed by Eritrean security forces from neighboring countries; these individuals, some of whom may have been trafficking victims, often faced detention in Eritrea.
The government made its first-ever efforts to prevent trafficking during the reporting period, though it tended to regard all transnational migration as “human trafficking.” The government acknowledged the problem of its citizens becoming victims of “human trafficking” and began issuing warnings about the hazards they sometimes faced when attempting to migrate abroad. Warnings issued by government-sponsored organizations such as the Youth Association, Women’s Association, and Workers’ Federation incorporated information about the dangers of “trafficking” into their regular programming. In a letter dated February 2013, the president of Eritrea asked the UN Secretary-General for UN assistance “to launch an independent and transparent investigation” into human trafficking as it affects Eritrea. The government did not take steps to decrease migrants’ vulnerability to trafficking, such as facilitating legal short- or long-term migration abroad. The Ministry of Labor was responsible for investigating cases of forced labor, but it lacked adequate capacity to carry out this mandate and its efforts in this regard during the reporting period were limited. In an effort to reduce the demand for commercial sex acts, the government arrested an unspecified number of clients of the country’s sex trade during the year. Eritrea is not a party to the 2000 UN TIP Protocol.
Source: US State Department
Youtube Video: Secretary Kerry Delivers Remarks at the Release of the Annual Trafficking in Persons Report
Kabbire June 22, 2013
Eritrea does not rank very high in the Human Development Index, Literacy rate, economic development, Women’s Rights, Human Rights Index, Freedom of Expression … but it ranks at the top in Human Trafficking for a population of less four million people.
This is how it looks in pictures,
Eritrea Super Power June 22, 2013
what is this demonizing eritrea ?Let us go to the statistics of rape in first world ,champion of justice ,USA,..I quote the Atlantic Wire ,as presented by the pentagon itself Quote ¨There were 3,374 rapes in the military last year, a 6 percent increase, and an estimated 26,000 sexual assaults — news that comes from a Pentagon report released Tuesday, the day after news arrived from the Air Force that its officer in charge of sexual assault prevention office was charged with sexual assault.¨ END.
Was the rape in the US military democratic ,or ? We should be appauled by rape anywhere,it should be condemned ,no buts or because,but should we accept the demonizing of Eritrea as a special horror ? In brazil, the government is warnning not to exaggerate the ¨violent¨ demonstration….wow what a democratic move.
usa uses verizon & At& t to spy on Americans uses the IRS to victimize right wings …another eg. a whistle blower exposes banks laundering narcotic /drug money for columbia & Mexico…they pleaded guilty nobody went to prison but ,the whistle blower. give us a break ,what democracy or human rights are you expecting from third world Eritrea ? how about Ethiopia ,they might as well call the country ¨WAL mart or or Erthio-mart .the country has been practically ¨leased¨ to the Saudis ,Japanese ,Alamouhdi ,China ,America & brazil. Eritrea belongs to Eritreans .So many nativas were massacred ,infested by small pox ,massacred ,so that developmenmt can happen..the same is happenning in kunama land & afar .is it fair ,hell no. but all governments do that. americans are being lied that the socalled Obama care will not add a cent to the deficit. bull does yemane monkey bullshit us by saying 75% of the constitution is practiced.governments are repressive by nature. by the way when minority farmers in Ethiopia do not want to evacuate their land for a rich saudi or korean ,they are being massacred by weyane sattelites. how about democracy for all ethiopia but in tigray even a bird is registered , woyane´s hasusat in tigray listen through windows what the family is saying.
i believe we need to dislodge weyanes from our land and reform our government gradualy .even by usa standard of torturing by water boarding, and sending prisoners to third world country to be tortured I would say there is more humanity in Eritrea than the USA. A police in the phillipines or Guatemala will detain your enemy for $20 dollars. not in Eritrea. stop working with weyane to dismantle our country.
Awet June 22, 2013
You justifying our failer by bring up other country failers? Let’s assume the figures you have given us are right about US or Ethiopia, heck two wrongs don’t make right.
Bottom line is Eritrea is the worst county in planet earth by far to live in for a human bring.
** Let’s implement our constitution so we can unite and get Ethiopia out of our land.
Eritrea Super Power June 23, 2013
you are falling to the weyane /cia magnified indexes ,i am not justifying nothing ,just ,what kind of unit of measure do you want to put for Eritrea ? Awe ,I know you mean well ,but ,WE JUDGE THINGS RELATIVELY..if yopu compare eritrea with Medhane Alem church ,i give up ,America has no moral ground to judge any nation at this juncture ,democracy of multi mundial corporations that have business in bisha extracting gold and potash.
America has a constitution to die for ,but is thing of the past .Constitutionalists are demonized while femminist and socialistic powers are leading america in a state worse than third world ,they beat Eritrea ,because in Eritrea ¨there is no food stamps for ERITREAN CAB DRIVING FREEDOM FIGHTERS¨.
I am not for cruelty ,i am for selective denouncement of cruelty in order to destabilize eritrea ,Weyane´s hand book .
Tewelde June 23, 2013
Stop lecturing about USA or Philippines and do your home work… USA doesn’t have refugees in Eritrea or elsewhere. You are trying to defend the in-defend-able brutality of PFDJ against its own people, if PFDJ is Eritrean in its totality.Don’t we Eritreans need a transparent and accountable government? Who are the people in authority in
Eritrea? Have they shed more blood or sweat more than the martyrs or Tegadeltis? Eritreans are fed up with the one man show and PFDJ’s cruel administration which is worst than Ottoman Turkey. PFDJ is party affiliated Mafia company and not a nationalist organization. PFDJ and its leader Isayas think they are above Eritrea and makers of New Eritrea (Hadas Eritrea). PFDJ unlike EPLF or ELF, it is a company exploiting Eritrean human resource, its national resources and destroying our heritage and wealthy and healthy values. They care about their longevity and not Eritrean nation and its people progress. They believe in Isayas and HGDEF or nothing no matter what and how Eritreans are suffering suffer daily. PFDJ says it is not responsible for the horrific Eritrean refugee disaster. It is hard to believe the denial,let the victims talk to the world!
This is a joke of the century! PFDJ is not Eritrean in its entity and is trying to gamble with the lives of thousands of children, women and young people of Eritreans. Where is PFDJ’s Eritrean-ism and responsibility? Eritreans are not fleeing from Eritrea but PFDJ’s
un-just, and bad governance, one man show and corruption. PFDJ, they have failed Eritrea socially , economically and politically. Please defend the people and the voice less and face the truth and reality and look at the blood and tears of our martyrs and their vow to the people of Eritrea, this was not their dream. The tears of the children of Eritrea will dry soon! Collaborators of PFDJ wash your hands ahead of time and stand with the people, stand for the truth and stand for justice and freedom and not against!
Eritrea Super Power June 23, 2013
Tewelde ,
I am not defending goverment more than the nation. I am not denying Eritrean goverment actions ,I even believe eritrea as a nation maybe gaining from tragedies in the sinai ,i am just giving examples how eritrean action is almost sesame street when compared to that of many nations. china got where it is by ¨exploiting¨one generation ,endless national service ,slave like atmosphere ,china still detains prisoners and extracts their organs for research ,America with involvement of A black doctor withheld treatment for blacks vicyims of Syphilles (venmereal disease ) Canada ,destroyed the natives and still does by pushing alcohol and cigarettes at a dirt cheap prices in the indian reservations .American people are scared to death of their goverment spying on them targetting them for harrasment and using drones to kill suspected usa citzens to kill them. Outspoken people are suddenly ¨hanging themselves¨ after they were misteriously killed…In singapour one gets lashes and $ 100 dolars for not flashing a toilet ,talk about a government investigating your shit.Stop being weyane´s tools in dismantling your country.
like all other goverments the eritrean goverment does cruel things ,by conmparison to usa and weyane almost humane.
American streets & prisons are filled by homeless veterans ,usa almost needs eritrean help to be humane & i know what our goverment did in 94 is cruel and should have been handled better. well man made PTSD ,SHELL SHOCK ,Nerve damage ..pray for the people in developed countries.
Saudi arabia ,the most criminal goverment ,beheading its citzens ,a woman not driving ,a suspected thief amputated a raped woman is regarded as a shame to her family and massacred by family members ..i think saudi arabia should be sanctioned while eritrea being prized for maternal and child mortality progress.
Tewelde June 24, 2013
So MR./Ms., Eritrea Super Power, is your advice to Eritreans to accept HGDEF as it is and even if it gets worst and say AMEN to Isayas and his beasts? Then why did you think we fought for thirty plus years against Ethiopian occupation?
This is not an advice but an insult to the people and its martyrs.
Let alone in Eritrea our mother land, the ones you are mentioning elsewhere should be condemned and fought back by any means possible.
We will not live in fear and stop liberating ourselves from the evil!!!
Eritrea Super Power June 24, 2013
i am not saying that ,evil should be condemned wherever it happens ,i am only saying stop launching bazuka at a fly ,do not use external force to help dismantle the nation . let our opposition be in prospective in relativity to the world we live in.
i am against the crappy reply by yemane monkey ,even england does not have constitution, he should have brought a better excuse and it is excusewhy did they put it in a book in trhe first place if their reply is england does not even have i said goverments do cruel ,lies and tricks ,they should be called out on that, but not to be a tool of weyane and cia.
TwoWayStreet June 23, 2013
Eritrea S.P.
1. There is a state department report on every country, not just Eritrea.
2. You have mentioned rape statistics from the US. Hell yea, but they investigated the case, admitted the incidents and passed a law that will help prevent it in the future. Eritrea does not give a chance to criticism, does not admit mistakes, does not put rules to prevent them.
3. When I tell you, “you have food on your teeth” do you go check it in the mirror and clean it up, or do you tell me back “Awet too have food in his teeth”
4. If you are going to compare Eritrea with American Guantanamo and others when it comes to human right abuses, then why don’t you compare Eritrea with American multi party system, or American Election process
5. You mentioned Ethiopia being out of the international communities radar while doing a unacceptable things. Guess what they have an excellent diplomatic machine, Eritrean diplomacy is insulting the AU and UN, insulting US officials, walking out on IGAD.
Eritrea Super Power June 23, 2013
Brother Two way street ,
Instead of having sham rich peoples fixed and predetermined elections or like the weyane one to kill thousands of ethiopian citzens ,eritrean goverment stated we may not have elections for 30 or 40 years ,is it good ..well, i do not know ,african electons lead to tribal violence because people elect their tribe instead of their conscience ,someones gold may not glitter on you.
How did Obama know he was going to be re-elected that he arranged his Obama care to start in 2014 ,he did this on his first term. Was Ramney a fall guy or a gennuine contender ,,American goverment is the same that is leasing Ethiopia ,,walmart ,verizon ,banks ,oil companies. Would i want that for Eritrea ? would you prefer that for Eritrea .
Saudi ,Sweden ,Britain ,Spain are monarchys (constitutional),china is one party ,dominnant ,Singapour being led by benevolent dictator that lead to its super speed progress.Every country has it´s respective way of leading .China got where it is now by using exactly what eritrea is doing ,cvheck your microwave and underwear China slave labor was the father of those ,look..I am putting things in to prospective .Weyanes democracy is only for others but Tigray ,are tigrawot allergic to democracy ,,no but wweyane smartly know democracy in a tribal continent works reverse ..that is why a bird in tigray has a social security number ..while in oromia it can fly with a bottle of whisky.
Stop being weyanes messangers of destruction.think like adults ,not like sissy faggots .You can not make4 an omlette with out breaking the egg´s shells ,someone uis going to suffer.Am I glad thast money from sale of kidneys is helping eritrean economy ,I AM NOT heart less,but goverments do cruel stuff including usa and weyane,.
TwoWayStreet June 24, 2013
-I see your arguments contradict each other,
-I see a lot of participants patiently trying to convince you to accept their argument, (I see none on your side)
-You either have closed your eyes purposely not to see what is coming, or your emotions are on the way.
-So I rest my case.
awet June 23, 2013
Eritrea super power:
From the comments to your comment, as you can see the majority rule. But in your HGDEF world there is no such….one man with a gun rules. I don’t understand people like you, what the heck is wrong with citizens asking:
1. Let the constitution be implemented?
2. Let the prisoners face their day in a court of law?
3. What’s wrong with people asking what is the budget of the country?
4. What is wrong with citizens asking if the president of the country was to die today who would they be lead with.
I can guess the typical the regimes and supporters answer
1. Ethiopia is occupying out land. We are shabia who freed the country hence we know what we doing. It’s just a piece of paper; we will implement when the time is right.
2. They are spies for Ethiopia and CIA. We are shabia, experience thought us a lot in “Meda”
3. We know what we are doing….people just need to be feed, budget of the country is not a primary.
4. We have ministries we know who would lead us.
Eritrea Super Power June 23, 2013
Awet ,
I agree with what you put down as PFDJs supporters answer ,that is political ,we kniow it is for stability not those crappy lame ,excuses .we can verify the constitution and implement it on the books until we turn green and blue.
Reality ,Ethiopian press rules and even USA claiming terrorism requires to curb them and spy on innocent citzens They spy on every citzen in the USA but the mosques are out of touch ,last time I checked all the terrorists frequented mosques,..Is it truly to control the population or the terrorists,is weyane using the terrorism crap as an excuse or is it gennuine .I do not believe any goverment is holy ,but have to control the citzinery they claim risky .Weyane is scared to hell by people in Adwa than the people in Akaki..because ,what is in their heart is also in the heart of Adwans ,Agamites, Axumites …Is it good and morally acceptable ,hell no ..can we first put our land and nation first…and minor constitutions and same sex rights for later. by the way did you have constitution for lunch ?
Jews-hater June 23, 2013
Eritrea = DIA, no more no less. Please don’t speak about Eritrea, then the people are nowhere involved. MR ESP /Eritrea Super Power)is only working hard to get his usual incentives from his Boss. ESP , open your eyes and heart! Tell the truth, the reality without any agony and distortion.
We move forwords only with innocence and Honesty, but not with pretention. You see a second Guantanamo in Sinai. At the same time DIA strengthens his friendship/relationship with Egypt. This were a matter of humanity not diplomacy when it comes to at lieast organ harvesting of the own people to whom the president represents.
Shame for you, if you are Eritrean with some feeling for the concerned ! You idiot!
Eritrea Super Power June 23, 2013
Jews hater ,
I love jews ,americans ,iraqis ,i am not a hater ,I am putting things in to prospective ,I am not some secret agent like people say about meskerem or mesfin hagos ,I am stating the facts as I see them ,I am not insinuating nothing ,I am trying to save the naqtion that the4 opposition is trying to destroy with the help of weyane & cia. Do not assume ,with me what you read what is the message ,I am not siophisticated just a regular citzen tired of seeing Eritrea going to hell, because..
Eritrea Super Power June 22, 2013
correction & addition to the above comment…brazil warns facebook..was the intended report..& when I explained about natives being by the CANADIAN EUROPEAN INVADORS.
Stefanos Temolso June 23, 2013
Eritrea Super Power, try to answer if this is correct about Eritrea or not. You are trying to be like yemane Monkey. When he is asked why is the constitution not implemeneted in Eritrea he answeres there is no constitution in England, saudi Arabia. Listen guy, Eritrea is a unique country that paid more than 100 thousand martyrs and more than that in civilian casualties With around half a million refugees and more than 10 thousand disabled fighters. This happenned in more than thirty years time, so, dont you think its People deserve more than the most developed countries? Our People need the best justice system, the most independent Courts and the best Schools, hospitals etc. To accomplish this we do not need a dictator or prsions but a democraticaly elected Parliament and youth who would be professors, doctors, engineers, sculptors, inventors, chemists; not soldiers who spend their time killing their countrymen, guarding imprisoned ministers and journalists or refugees who become victims of human traffikers. We want Our youth to remain in their country and raise a decent Family and not to flee from the country and serve other nations. Asl why are you not living in Eritrea in the first Place? Finally, be interested in what is happening in Eritrea and how it can be solved not bring a side issue! What is happening in America or India concrens them not us!
Jews-hater June 23, 2013
@S.Temnewo, a very good comment. Eritrea S. Power is distorting the facts like his master deliberately to destroy our hard earned ERITREA . Down with you!
Eritrea Super Power June 23, 2013
i would not live in Eritrea ,i would not want to be a priest either ,it does not mean i am against the church ,or just because my pastor was getting a head from the choir girl ,I do not go to atheists to destroy the church. Temelso ,whom I have respect for the times dedicated to your country ,your country needs country says your hatred to pfdj should not make you align with weyanes gloves.If you read all my comments I am not excusing the Eritrean goverments disgraces but put them in to prospective ,just because you have a bad father does not mean you have to burn it by7 torch lit in Mekelle & addis abeba.
Crimes are commited against their own people in ethiopia and usa. Why is Saudi has a eputasble stanmding and Eritrea that treats women with health care and respect should face sanctions ,WHICH CITZENS BEG UN TO STARVE THEIR PEOPLE ? only eritrean anti goverment forces .just because i believe there is a stepmother i do not like in my house i burn all my familty ?
I would not go to china either , should that equate that I am denouncing the chinese goverment .
Even cultures differ on handling thieves..In Eritrea ,we call the police or we may sympathise and by bread for the guilty (humanitarian) it does not mean we condone robbery ,In Addis Ababa the merchants beat up the thief ,in Saudi they cut his guilty hand ,in Kenya they kill the thief..Well ,which is the right way ,I would preffer the Eritrean way,and to some extent the Addis Abeba way.
The Saudis & Kenyans are going to think I am soft on crime and the Americans will blame me for not giving him councelling fod stamps and why I DID NOT MAKE HIM COMMUNITY ORGANIZER .eVERYTHING IS RELATIVE..OTHERWISE WE WILL END UP KILLING ALL OUR GOVERMENTS.
Sahle Yosieph June 23, 2013
Eritrea super power
You are very smart well read and you are going to be rewarded
with love by the dictator. Keep abusing the Eritrean people.
Eritrea Super Power June 23, 2013
i want you to reward me for protecting the nations integrity ,i do not deny what eritrean goverment does ,i just put it in to prespective.We have to put a unit of measure ,how dowe measure the Eritrean goverment ,if I compare him with mother Theresa ,the Eri Goverment is a loser ,but with countries like China Usa and Weyane .Only self destroying weyanes hasusat would dig to deminize eritrean state.
seliho June 23, 2013
eritrea super power,
your pen name also shows that u r emotional and stupid. please even i can give u a chance to forget what the UN and America are saying about your government. how ever dont you have all the sense organs? can’t u see what is happening to the Eritrean people? can’t u see how families are getting disintegrated? children are left in the street, a father is away in the military camps for like 19 years, dignified eritrean mothers are turned to be begars,all the law enforcing institutions and professionals are absent, the quality of education is degraded which will lead to incompetency in the new generation , we are loosing the eritrean national pride, eritreans are becoming too selfish and individualistic like u. no body cares about the mass. and why do u try to compare the case of Eritre with that of Ethiopia? forget about Ethiopia, it is non of your business. just react to what is said about eritrea. think about those are rotting in the hands of the Bedewin, think about the family and country who reared up this children. think about the family which waits for the 5 hundred nakfa monthly from the father guarding the jailed eritreans as his national service. i hate you really wedi shermuta
seliho June 23, 2013
eritrea super power,
your pen name also shows that u r emotional and stupid. please even i can give u a chance to forget what the UN and America are saying about your government. how ever dont you have all the sense organs? can’t u see what is happening to the Eritrean people? can’t u see how families are getting disintegrated? children are left in the street, a father is away in the military camps for like 19 years, dignified eritrean mothers are turned to be begars,all the law enforcing institutions and professionals are absent, the quality of education is degraded which will lead to incompetency in the new generation , we are loosing the eritrean national pride, eritreans are becoming too selfish and individualistic like u. no body cares about the mass. and why do u try to compare the case of Eritre with that of Ethiopia? forget about Ethiopia, it is non of your business. just react to what is said about eritrea. think about those are rotting in the hands of the Bedewin, think about the family and country who reared up this children. think about the family which waits for the 5 hundred nakfa monthly from the father guarding the jailed eritreans as his national service. i hate you really .
Eritrea Super Power June 23, 2013
Seliho ,I appreciate your hate & the insult (wedi Shermuta)..I guess you can only give what you have ,let me render what I have ,a sound yet unpopular by the pro & anti goverment forces.
I am not covering for the Eri Goverment .I am not denying the thigs commited by the Eritrean goverment ,I am just comparing things relatively .Why do you single out Ethiopia ,I also speak about china ,usa ,guatemala,philippines and of course singapour .how can I measure what the Eritrean goverment is doing then ,I was also american soldiers having endless tours to Iraq & afganistan ,the disserters are sought & judgedalthough the Eritrean goverment uses the Russian ,ethiopian ;Chinese ,Singapour ,Chinese…rule of being the judge & jury .do not single out our nation to special presecution. I am tired of presenting Saudis judicial system..etc. Iraq was better compared with Saudi ,either terrorism or womens rightsoh ,but it had WMD or did it ? surprise another country compared with Saudi Arabia is Jeffersonian state ,Syria ,well it also has WMDand the west is going to arm the alqeida rebels ,people ,I am not judjing America or the west merely showing how developed countries are worse compared to eritrea ,in their manufacture of lies and crime against weraker nations and humanity.
i will not callyou names .Am I emotional ? Eritrea Super Power has fought against russian pilots & british ,American and be4lgian commandos in Badme and resisted.
thyak you ..and be emotional,what can I say, by the way what does wedi shermuta mean ?,I guess you know
Eritrea Super Power June 23, 2013
correction ..pls read the [..I was also american soldiers having endless tours to Iraq & afganistan ,the disserters are sought & judgedalthough the Eritrean …
As ¨i was also against american soldiers …….
MightyEmbasoyra June 23, 2013
Trying to educate to Eritrea super power is fruitless.
As they say, you can teach someone who doesn’t now but you can’t fix stupid.
Awet June 23, 2013
Zeyte’Aweyelika Konica ember moytika eka..
Kindey helewwulew tibil eka…
Eritrea Super Power June 23, 2013
please try to confront and reason the points ,blanket stupid does not teach us anything.
MightyEmbasoyra June 23, 2013
ወናኒ መስከረም ኔት “ወዲ ተምነዎ ተሳዒሩ” ክብል’ኳ መሬት ዓሪብዎ። መጣቖሲ. ዓሊ ዓብዱ, ንስኻ ደሞዙ ትኸፍሎ ንሰምዕ ኔርናሞ ኩነታት ናይዚ ሰብዚ ዘይቲሕብረና.
Kombishtato June 23, 2013
Well said yakob,
There are many groups, websites and organizations that are silent to the genocide of Eritreans in the Arab world such as Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Egypt.
My question is that why are these heinous and evil crimes taking place against innocent Eritreans mainly in the Arab world but not in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan or Israel?
Why are these crimes taking place only in the Arab world in this large scale against Eritreans and other Africans?
ስለምንታይ እዩ እዚ ጭካነ ዝመልኦ ግፍዕታት ኣንጻር መሳኪን ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብ ማለት ኣብ ሱዳን የመን ሊብያ ግብጺ ብዜጋታት ዓርብ ናብ ኤርትራውያን ዝፍጸም ?
ብተዛማዲ ኣብ ደቡብ ሱዳን ኡጋንዳ ኬንያ ኣንጎላ እስራኤል ኢትዮጵያ ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ብሰላም ይነብሩ፤ ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብ ግና ባሮት ኮይኖም ከም ጠሌ በጊዕ ይሽየጡ፣ ናውቲ ኣካላቶም ተጎዛዝዩ ይሽየጥ። እወ ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብጥራይ። ስለመንታይ ?