Sponsoring Eritrean Refugees from the Blended VOR Project, July 13 @ 1:00 pm EST
This webinar will focus on private refugee sponsorship of Eritrean refugees, residing in Sudan, through the Blended Visa Office-Referred (VOR) Initiative, a new program designed to resettle specific refugee populations identified by the UN Refugee

This webinar will focus on private refugee sponsorship of Eritrean refugees, residing in Sudan, through the Blended Visa Office-Referred (VOR) Initiative, a new program designed to resettle specific refugee populations identified by the UN Refugee Agency and referred to sponsoring groups by Canadian visa offices abroad. The aim of the webinar is to reach out to members of the Eritrean community and those interested in sponsoring Eritrean refugees by highlighting the many profiles currently available for sponsorship. Through this session you will gain an understanding of the Blended VOR sponsorship process and learn how you can help Eritrean families in Eastern Sudan waiting to be matched with sponsors in Canada. Speakers are Felisa Ponce and Yosief Araya of the RSTP. This session is open to the public.
Register here: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/747696359
selam June 27, 2013
This session is open to the public? when, where???/
assenna June 28, 2013
The meeting will be online in webinar format. Participants can register for the webinar by clicking on the link included in the description. They will need a computer with functioning audio and can either listen to the webinar through speakers or on a headset. They will also be able to see the moderators screen which will have information that people can follow along with. If they wish to be able to make comments or ask questions they can either use a microphone on their headset or one that is built into their computer (on a laptop, for example) or they can simply type their comments and questions to the moderator during the webinar.
selam July 1, 2013
Thank you Assenna!
Gne June 28, 2013
I think it is best that people who want to understand the the sponsorship process directly to the CIC office or web site. There is so much misinformation by people who claim to be members of community organizatin,representing refugees, etc…. the abuse on Eritreans is mounting from all the borders of Eritrea, through traficking zones of North and and East Africa and into Europe. Go to the horses mouth, CIC, or visit a dependable sponsorship agreement holder group in person. Buyer be ware.
merhawi teklai March 13, 2015
Dear to refugee helpers my full name merhawi teklai i born in 1986in eritrea. i growth with my aunt because my parents are died when i was at five years old. i have faced to many polotical prolems That forced to migrate from my home land. in 2004 while i was a soldier the government took away from my military place to a big prison called aderset. they put me in that prision about three years in under ground with enough light. after three years they back me to military place. in 2008 I escaped from my country to sudan with weapon. after five months i come in july 2009 intered to isreal by sahra Desert called sinay egypt and i cros the border and enter to isreal. after one year and eight months my wife come to me by sahra desert. Now we are living together. We have a child with as and she is pregnant now. we are in difficult life because we don’t have permition work. no healthy inssurance there is no rights in this state they are not accept us as a refiges. i cant tell you what are they doing over as realy difficult to live with jewish because they don’t like black people. so please please help me to take me to another countries by sponsorship or something alse. thank you. my phone number is 00972542548742