Spike in the number of Eritrean refugee arrivals
According to OCHA, UN Agency, the refugee reception center in Ethiopia couldn't coop with the number of people coming from Eritrea. The number of daily refugee arrivals spiked since the first week of September. At present, on
According to OCHA, UN Agency, the refugee reception center in Ethiopia couldn’t coop with the number of people coming from Eritrea. The number of daily refugee arrivals spiked since the first week of September. At present, on average more than 200 Eritreans cross the Ethiopian border each day. They received 1,836 in September and 1,700 in October. As of 16 October, Ethiopia hosted 104,343 Eritrean refugees.
Masawa October 21, 2014
They killed Eritrea and its values, languages and history long long ago. And now, Eritreans are abandoning the land. Was all the sacrifice paid for this?
The Ghedli generation may have done its share but the young generation are running away from it. We need to ask: how did we get here?
Selam October 22, 2014
why everybody becomes woyane. who told you that eritrea is not progressing? you must be outside eritrea. for your information
eritrea is the best that shows great economic development in east africa. these who flee the country is only messengers of woyane and they are ethiopian in blood.
our presidnet is working hard day to day to change our country, now we already starting to see the fruit and bright future.
aus 17 October 22, 2014
Shame on the today’s adults, shame on you the potiticians, shame on the oppositions, shame on you all Eritreans who are matured enough to be counted adults!! Why do you torture your children so brutally? Aren’t these children under your responsibilty as an adult? You flee, escape, argue for nothing for so many years, executive committe’s meetings in Europe, middleast, in Ethiopia all these are in vain, lost of purpose if they fail to tackle the problems of our children’s existence at home.
Believe me I am an ashamed ERitrean, when my daughter asks me, why all these exodous exile? Is it enough to say to her because of one man?
Daniel October 22, 2014
Adi xenetet ye kemzia indabelet ye haylalo.
Senait October 23, 2014
Eritrean heroes are free at last!