South Sudan crisis: Kenya and Ethiopia leaders in Juba for talks – BBC
The leaders of two of South Sudan's neighbours, Kenya and Ethiopia, have arrived in the capital, Juba, in an attempt to halt fighting there. Thousands of people are feared dead in violence that began 11 days

The leaders of two of South Sudan’s neighbours, Kenya and Ethiopia, have arrived in the capital, Juba, in an attempt to halt fighting there.
Thousands of people are feared dead in violence that began 11 days ago and has raised fears of a civil war.
President Salva Kiir was seen going into talks with Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta on Thursday.
Mr Kiir is involved in a power struggle with ex-deputy Riek Machar.
The fighting has exposed ethnic divisions in the world’s youngest state as the president is an ethnic Dinka, while Mr Machar represents the Nuer tribe.
UN officials believe thousands have been killed since violence erupted on 15 December, when clashes broke out at a meeting of the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).
President Kiir accused the former vice-president, who had been sacked in July, of plotting a coup. Mr Machar denies trying to seize power.
Clashes have since spread to half of South Sudan’s 10 states.
Tens of thousands of people have fled to UN compounds across the oil-rich country. The UN Security Council has decided to boost the existing UN force (Unmiss) of around 7,000 peacekeepers and police to about 14,000.
In a Christmas Day message, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said “South Sudan is not alone”.
President Kenyatta, current head of the East African Community, was met by senior government officials as he arrived in Juba shortly before 10:00 (07:00 GMT), Kenyan media reported.
Talks with Mr Kiir and the Ethiopian prime minister were then held behind closed doors, officials said.
The European Union is sending an envoy, Alex Rondos, to Juba to push for a negotiated solution. China said its special envoy to Africa would also travel to Juba “soon”.
Both the South Sudanese leader and Mr Machar have said they are willing to discuss an end to the crisis.
But the former vice-president has said his detained political allies must first be freed, while Mr Kiir says there should be no preconditions.
South Sudan’s Information Minister, Makuei Lueth, told the Associated Press on Thursday that no contact with Mr Machar had yet been established. “For us, we are not talking with him,” he said.
‘Sense of confidence’
After the violence broke out, forces loyal to Mr Machar seized the key towns of Bor, the capital of Jonglei state, and Bentiu, the main town in oil-producing Unity state.
But government forces recaptured Bor on Tuesday and are trying to retake Bentiu.
Unmiss spokesman Col Michael Chadwick told BBC News that the area around Bor was currently relatively stable.
Some 15,000 people had fled to the UN compound in Bor but up to 2,000 of them were now moving out as the situation had become safer, he said.
“This is giving us a sense of confidence that we’ll be able to establish more Unmiss flights and possibly more humanitarian flights.”
South Sudan has struggled to achieve a stable government since becoming independent from Sudan in 2011.
The independence referendum was intended to end a decade-long conflict, led by the SPLM, against the north. But the oil-rich country remains ethnically and politically divided, with many armed groups active.
After a peace deal was signed in 2005, the southern rebel group appointed Mr Machar as vice-president of the South Sudan regional government, a position he retained after independence in 2011 until he was dropped in July.
Awet December 26, 2013
No surprise the two super powers of East Africa are involved in South Sudan. God bless them and I hope they find a way to seat the two leader and find a solution to their differences.
Samuel December 26, 2013
It would have been more fruitful if President Issaias Afeworki has been part of this effort. He has a good experience in bring peace as he did in Eastern Sudan.
Med December 26, 2013
I don’t think Iseyas can contribute towards peace;but he is very good in creating problem there fore no need of involvement of Iseyas Afewerki in the peace agreement.
Hayat Adem December 26, 2013
Oh really!? PIA has good experience in making peace in Somalia, with Djibouti, with Ethiopia, in Yemen, in DRCongo, Sir Lanka, Darfur…he is a peace man, peace keeper and peacemaker. He is always like a dove with an olive leaf in his mouth. And in case you miss my satire, it is one. Once, there was a meeting of wild animals where all kinds of predators were attending. At the center of the discussion agenda were “the fate of some cattle that happened to fall in the hands of the jungle beasts. What do we do with donkeys and cows that were blessed to come to our turf? That question remained unanswered even if everyone tried to engage constructively in earnest. Another meeting was needed to settle that question and it was scheduled for the next day. One seemingly little house keeping issue needed to be taken care of until the next meeting: where do these donkeys and cows stay for the night and who can be assigned to handle them up to the next day meeting? Someone suggested Hyena to take responsibility. The Hyena protested, saying: what if some of the cattle get lost on the night?
Said December 26, 2013
involving sudan peace, you must to be a lunatic, to think about peace, by wedi afewreik, let him make a peace with us first, that’s means, get out of the country, that will bring a peace . you made me laugh, by thinking he’s charismatic, president, and the other way both of them, are dictator, I wish the other side drag it until the end, that way there will be no the dictator ship in East Africa Eritrean we need to get our information together, us.united again dictator, everywhere.
abdu December 26, 2013
You are mistaken. Because; the dictator needs to reconcile & peace within himself first before he contribute peace to cross the border; and as the same time he is probably happy to see the fight broke out in Sudan because he is anti peace and weird self president ever seen in the whole entire world.
abdu December 26, 2013
As a matter of fact the the dictator is involved in the war South Sudan; i mean with a strong evedance
MightyEmbasoyra December 28, 2013
I have heard the reason of why isayas was not invited – they assume he doesn’t understand what peace means. Who can blame them?
MARY December 26, 2013
Abdu December 26, 2013
This is the slogan and propaganda by dictator; HGDEF and HGDEF members they have been using to terrorize the public in order to prolong their power and this is out dated an old cassette songst. My brother we have been heard this song for years; if you can do us a favor and flip over the cassette to see if you got a new songs the public would have been appreciating you. So; I will call this is the wish of remnants of Derg ; HGDEF; and Andent day dream ; this is your wish you would like to see ; and Eritrean people are away head of this ; and if you would please have any new and nice songs we would like to hear it other ways you are hurting our ear drum and stop it immediately brother.
Michael December 27, 2013
Are you a cheerleader for these monsters? One is indicted by the ICC and the other is overseeing a genocide in the Ogaden. Some of us in the resistance need to wake up and stop vouching for these criminals. Too many lackeys of the Ethiopian government are running wild within this site.
kiflay December 26, 2013
hi kemey kenikum netom ab bor zirikebu enkuae biselam amilak awietsiom
bilen December 26, 2013
dear said,
it is true, what did you say. Isaias is no. 1 to organise war.
amiro mario December 26, 2013
Said&bile issaya is 1, leader in africa.
Said December 26, 2013
Amiro my friend, you can dream all you want, in that’s okay, but you an the dictator that. u love, because he now that you can think us only dream that is why he got you by the balls, so I now a good please for you an him wen u read I will teal what is that please, I’m not going to call u dom an idiot, because I’m that u can read and right .
Said December 26, 2013
correction I no that u can read an right .united against dictator.
johnny December 26, 2013
please,bringing a thug and criminal to the peace talk would be like the world on it heels.he cannot manage his own house how could he mediate outsider.please,please
johnny December 26, 2013
this show that this eritrean who support him never felt the pain that the people feel inisde eritrea.there days are numbered now.there is no wiggle room to discuss anymore life or death for them if they do not leave power quitely.
my lovely country December 26, 2013
ምናልባት ብዛዕባ ቃልሲ ደቡብ ሱዳን ዝፈልጥ እንተሎ “ኣውራጃታት ደቡብ ሱዳንን በሰላታቱን ” ዝብል ብኽፍልታት እንተዝቐርበልና ብዝበለጸ ምተረዳእናዮ።ሓው ታደሰ ኣውራጃነት ኤርትራን በሰላታቱን ኣቕሪቡልና. ናይ ደቡብ ሱዳን ድማ ንደሊ ኣለና ምናልባሽ ዳርጋ ኩሎም እቶም መራሕቲ ቦጦሎኒ ናይ ደቡብ ሱዳን ደቂ ኣውራጃ ዲንቃ ኔሮም ከይኮኑ ?
semere December 26, 2013
Let us forget about Isayas now and concentrate on our nationals who are trapped in Bor and Juba itself. The safest route is to enter Uganda through Nimule. Those in Juba can do it easily. Some relatives and friends did it. But those in Bor are in dire conditions and it has not being easy to contact them. The diplomatic mission in Uganda and Juba should act without delay. I got some news about some friends in Bor through the UN mission. Let us all make a concerted pressure and something positive will happen.
Gash Barka December 27, 2013
brother Samuel I disagree.
It would be more fruitful if President Issaias Afeworki stay out of the South sudan conflict. He is more know to warlords than peace maker. The conflict started when President Kiir tried to follow PIA example. Kiir sacked 10 Ministries in July, and that being the main roots of the conflict.
MightyEmbasoyra December 28, 2013
Probably isayas advised Kirr to sack those ministers b/c he knows that will create friction that leads to war.
ogai December 27, 2013
Stop the fear mongering propoganda to support your iragant dictator Isays to bring peace in Soth Sudan.The other point mad by bad wisher for our country Eritrea to see war between Hamassien and Akeleguzay is May be in your dream. Eritreans will never go to war against each other. I grantee you that. But don’t fall deep sleep because the Eritrean people are uniting against your dictator Isays and his cronies suporters. You have to find any crack to hide yourself now before it is to late. It is fact but it is not going to be against eac other. We will free our prisoners out of the cruel rule of Isayas, and we will have a government guided by the RULE of LAW of the country case close for you puppets of the dictator. The horn of Africa will be better with out of the dictators like Isayas. Isayas has never been peace maker but war maker. He has no peace with his own comrades and his people. He rule the country by gun points and terror. I can’t imagine how Ignorat you are to suggest Isayas is to be called a peace maker. Do you lost your mind. However, I wish to the people of South Sudan by any means to come to peace and security very soon. God wills.