Sophia Tesfamarima should be Prosecuted for Wilful Incitement of hatred
Date: 28/02/2013 To: Attorney General of British Columbia, Canada

Date: 28/02/2013
To: Attorney General of British Columbia, Canada PO BOX 9044 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9E2
Re: Anti-Semite Speaker, Sophia Tesfamarima should be Prosecuted for Wilful Incitement of hatred
1.We, members of Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Groups, urgently report that Mrs. Sophia Tesfamariam is entering Canada to conduct a fundraiser seminar for the benefit of Eritrean regime and military which will be held in Vancouver, B.C., on March 03, 2013.
We urge the Attorney General of British Columbia to commence a prosecution against Sophia Tesfamariam for public incitement to hatred and wilful promotion of hatred, which is prohibited under Criminal Code articles 319 (1) and (2, as well as relevant Canadian provisions and guidelines.
2. Pursuant to Canadian Criminal Code 319. (1), and (2) “everyone who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years”; or “everyone who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.”
3 , On October 02, 2010. Ms. Tesfamariam , a Washington based Eritrean American, affiliated with the Eritrean regime which is sanctioned for its terrorist ties by UN and Canada, spoke at a public seminar and fundraiser . The Eritrean Community of Winnipeg , presided by Lambros Kyriakakos, organized the fundraiser seminar for the benefit of Eritrean military and it took place, at Masonic Memorial Temple in Winnipeg.
4. In her speech, Mrs. Tesfamariam repeatedly accused Israel of being a state engaged in terrorist activities and blamed the Jewish State for being the destabilizing factor in the Middle East. Mrs. Tesfamariam referred the Jewish people as ‘evil’ and ‘advised’ the audience ‘not to be like them.’ She said, “..don’t be evil like the (Jews). Don’t blow up people…there are a lot of stuff that they do…” (Listen to the clip attached.)
5. On May 20, 2011, B’nai Brith Canada, issued a statement calling on the Government of Canada and the United Nations sanctions committee established under UN Security Council resolution 751 (the 751 Committee) to designate Sophia Tesfamariam as a person inciting to hatred and terrorism. Incitement to hatred is a criminal offence under Canadian Criminal Code. Canadian immigration law prohibits the entry to Canada of a person who there are reasonable grounds to believe will commit a criminal offence.
6. David Matas, Senior Honorary Counsel for B’nai Brith Canada, stated: “The October 2010 speech of Ms. Tesfamariam fits within the prohibitions against incitement to hatred in the Canadian Criminal Code and incitement to terrorism in the United Nations Security Council resolution.”
The incident was covered in Winnipeg Free Press, on 21/05/2011.
6. Sophia Tesfamariam is coming to Vancouver to speak at a fundraiser seminar organized by Eritrean Cultural Center of Greater Vancouver (ECC- Greater Vancouver, a satellite group affiliated to the Eritrean consulate in Toronto) and the YPFDJ (Young PFDJ). It is unacceptable that Eritrean regime affiliates organize another fundraiser seminar that will likely expose their local community, their youth and everyone there or who may listen with lies which smear the reputation and record of the Jewish community and which are meant to dehumanize, demonize and devalue the Jewish State and the Jewish people.
7. Clearly Mrs. Tesfamariam has breached Canadian criminal code by demonizing the Jewish people in public seminar, as “evil”. The video and audio recordings have been turned in to the proper Canadian authorities.
8. Canada has repeatedly vowed to combat anti-Semitism and has stated its zero-tolerance policy on anti-Semitism. Hence the Attorney General of British Columbia should commence criminal proceeding action against Sophia Tesfamariam, under Criminal Code articles 319 (1) and (2) and other relevant provisions of Canadian laws, should Sophia Tesfamariam enter Canada.
We trust your good office will take the appropriate legal action.
Sincerely yours,
Eritrean Canadians Human Rights Groups
ahmed saleh March 2, 2013
Why you guys give her a statue of celebrity in Eritrean politics , I do not understand .
MURAD ALI March 2, 2013
I agree with Abu Salah.
Any attention we give this woman will only embolden her and promote her credentials with a regime desperate for any likely saviour. We admire what our heroes in Canada are doing. But it would be preferred if say nothing now until the job is done. Then we can name and shame her and her likes. She would lose on both counts. It is important that we deny those opportunists the profile that they are after.
Harnetna 2013 March 2, 2013
well unless you fight them, they will not stop their campaine. This woman deserve more attention than any other PFDJ, she is the most evil and selfish slave of the mad dog Isaias wedi medhn berad. At least appealing against her is v good, but she should be targeted by anyone,so that all Eritrean across the world and American Eritrean in particular can be relieved.
abab March 2, 2013
She’s been given atention on the wrong reasons. She has to be known by all Eritreans that she is on of the most decorated devils who are trying to save essays. Old bitch. Bitch .. Batch..
A.A Yassin March 2, 2013
Ahmed and Murad,
I knew your heart was with Palestine.
Murad Ali March 2, 2013
At Least we have hearts!!
A.A Yassin March 3, 2013
Big hearts which love Palestine.
Saba March 2, 2013
Ahmed and Murad i do always agree to your statements because i feel the same!!!
I know this does not fit and sounds primitive BUT
Shorar Tesfamariam is trying so hard in everything to be “heard”, even if she would pay a man money i doubt that one would get intimate with such daughter of SHAYTAN.
HGDEF March 2, 2013
Poor guys! You should learn from Saleh Gadi, the owner of, who even opened a bank account named “Awate defence fund” to start a war with Sofia without any success. Do you think you can do better than Mr. Saleh Gadi?
How many times have you sent such appeal to the Canadian government? All of them ended in trash. You even sent similar letter about Ali Abdu without knowing where he is.
ADDERSSO March 2, 2013
I agree with you on this one,Ghadi took as for a ride in to pitching money for what he alleged would be spent to defense. so, what is the connection. does this make her to be free woman to speak on what she believe in by representing the well known aggressors.
Seble March 2, 2013
You are right about Salih Gadi losing. While America is a “free” country there are limitations at to how far you can go without infringing on someone’s right. Having said that though it does not exist anywhere in the American constitution it is absolutely verboten to criticize the 51st state, Israel that is. You can with death and destruction on any race and nation it is within your freedom of speech constitutional right. But utter a word about them 51st staters you are in deep doo doo. That is what this bitch is facing. She dared to cus them Jews out. This cunt with a half frozen face should have clamped up her pie hole but I suppose her brain is as fucked as her face. And them 51st staters don’t take lightly when the goyims dare criticize them as former senator and incoming defense secretary Chuck Hegel found out. Don’t matter if one is right or wrong to call them out. So what this ugly ass bitch with a fucked up face did is, she crossed a line. And she happens to be a cheer leader for a mafia regime. That ain’t good for business as they say.
A.A Yassin March 3, 2013
You are talking like a Ghetto kid who recently immigrated to the United States from Tigray.
Saba March 3, 2013
“Yassin” you remind me of a evil PFDJ-slave who acted online as if he was Muslim, so that people will be busy to blame our Muslims for beeing “terrorists”,to bring in your Baba Issayas new doctrine of AWRAJAT, although you are fake christian (by name only)(fakster) or the son of Shaytan.
A.A Yassin March 3, 2013
Do you approve of the language that Seble is using?
Gezae March 2, 2013
I wonder why myopic Eritreans admire others who bent on pulling others down. Sophia is indeed a true and foremost Eritrean that has put Eritrea to the envy of the international communities. Why not giving her the Kudos she deserved. Instead you use this silly thread to publish nonsense against the woman who is clearly Eritrean’s foremost activist. Sophia is not only an activist but she had outshined most of the male activists in Eritrea at the moment.
ADDERSSO March 2, 2013
All you are doing is granting her wish, she is in this game to be fame, and get fat position, had she been valued to the Eritrean Government,she would have gotten official title by now. so. just ignore her,she is not going to change a thing.
MacMan March 2, 2013
Selam Murad, Ahmed, and everybody,
Brothers Murad and Ahmed, I agree with you that putting Sophia Tesfadiablos on the limelight is bud publicity and politics and a total waste of energy and time. However, viewed from the diplomatic, economic, political, and legal side of things, I think mounting a legal challenge at a state level should she go along with her stated mission is worthwhile for the overall struggle that Eritreans of diverse political backgrounds are waging against her sugar-daddy and god DIA before the world community. While I am at it, I will throw in a brief note that I compiled earlier about how the dealing wheeling of business as usually goes with the overall state of human affairs and thus it went and goes:
Where does change begin? Can all people change? What do you do with people who want to remain the same and can’t change or don’t want to change? Can people change their trying to change other people who can’t or don’t want to change? What is it that people want to change and how do they intend to bring about the change they seek? DIA the demoniac and his barbaric PFDJ regime of parasites and idiots are dying by their own hand and living on borrowed time. The Weyane is nothing but a lawless and backbiting errand regime of its New World Order masters. The rest of the Eritrea is talking about how to get the People of Eritrea out of the mess that DIA-Weyane-Luciferia have put them in. That is where I left everybody the last time and I am sure they have not changed. So, did anything new happen after Wedi Ali gave DIA the run for his life with his tail between his legs? What is up with the Weyanes and their Kidan friend and client these days?
In the world of the modern man-machine and business as usual, it is all about as simple as a rat and cat game, a sort of hide-and-seek and merry-go-round while keeping everything the same. It is important for people to be careful when dealing with the politics of the EDA/Kidan and the ENCDC and their Weyane patrons, DIA and his Weyane cousins and their Luciferian masters lest they become hypnotized and start chasing cats and dogs in dreams till the they come and get you. Dr Satan and his servants come to do nothing but to steal, kill, and destroy till the time comes when the Lord of lords and King of kings descends from heaven and destroys sends them all to hell. The servants of the Red Dragon —> Devil —> Demon —> Dracula —> Sons of Dracula and their mother Luciferia : The likes Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Saddam Gadafi, DIA, Hitler, Mussolini, and so on. Those who don’t own their politics and don’t know how to play the game right from the get go can’t get what they want the way they want it for they don’t own it!
The open secret that the worshipers and servants of Satan use screw up everybody : Hegelian Dialectics : How to screw up two opposing sides to get what you want at all levels from the bottom up: Problem —> Effect —>Solution. All that the sons of Luciferia have to do is just create the problems and come to cure the effects that these problems create to bring the result that they want. Problem : DIA vs. Weyane —> Effect : Eritreans are being divided and ruled by both DIA and his Weyane cousins and are being tired out as a nation in the making —> Solution : DIA has to go while the EDA or Kidan and its affiliates have to be held at bay by their Weyane patrons and wait and see what the rest of Eritrea can and will do after its life has been ruined by DIA and his Weyane cousins according to the wishes of their Luciferian masters! Again, the only peaceful way out of the ongoing Eritrean-Ethiopian-Luciferian crisis is for all concerned to let the rule of national and international law rule.
Cheers and Peace!
Sahle Yosieph March 2, 2013
The best way to fight patty criminals is by ignoring them. Expose her to people that she a mouthpiece, agitator and she is not even smart at all.
A.A Yassin March 3, 2013
She is smart and courageous. Sophia is related to Zer’ai DERES.
Tes March 2, 2013
Well try Human right activists. This monster lady deserves anything thrown to her. She make a mockery of our mothers cry and she even has no hart what so ever. She is evil creature, a whore she can do any thing to be in the lame light. Hope the authority in Canada execute their power and kick teeth and not allow her entry.
rora eskindir March 2, 2013
pfdj is now dependent on people like sofia so well done guys. do whatever you can to expose pfdj gansgsters wherever they may be. i know sofia is only a messenger because she is dumb enough to know better but she is still a pfdj. it is ironic that people like this pfdj bitch should stand by the criminal regime when they know equal to nothing about Eritrea.
Dawit Meconen March 2, 2013
The Jews have their own extremely powerful, rich and educated group against defamation; I do not think they need our help in this respect. Besides degrading Sophia Tesfamriam won’t further our cause an inch but the Tigrai-Conspirator, Isaias Afewerqi thousand folds. We are affording him to keep his his human-stronghold strong for a lot longer time than anticipated under the current circumstance.
Suppose we do the same thing to members of the Eritreans Forces, including the Militry Generals and other jenior Officers, would that help our cause? Not a bit. Because, as I said above, it has paradoxical effect; it hurts us and benefits him a lot more. Emotional outburts are always counter-productive with respect to the long term goal one is trying to achieve. It is like some one who, wishing to be a milionaire , robs a bank and wastes the rest of his life in prison.
There is also another thing that we have to guard ourselves from very carefully: There are enemies embedded deep in our midst acting as one of us, or seemingly sympathetic to our cause but who are in reality under-cover agent of woyane, working their hardest to ship-wreck our cause from within by keeping us at loggerheads in perpetuity.
Our strategy, therefore, should be to exert ourselves very hard to unify our people, and to systematically and consistently ruin the human-castle of the Tigrai-Conspiratory, Isaias Afewerqi. Our activities, writings etc. should gain the respect and trust of those who still are serving the usurper. You cannot kill your way out.
Exalting those who profess to be your friends and degrading those who are followers of your enemy is not the the way to achieve political objective and build a nation. This is completely immature, naive and rediculous, unless you are a colonialist in search of expanding your empire by exterminating the native population, or you are an agent of woyane working hard to build Abai Tigrai in the ashes of Eritrea.
This is what every Eritrean struggling to liberate his/her country should have at his/her finger-tips: we are all Eritreans who have different views on how to go about building our country democratically, economically etc. The way to resolve the difference is through, directly/indirectly, dialogue, and not through burning down Homes ,or degrading others on account of difference.
Sophia Tesfamariam should be gained through dialogue and not be bashed. She is proud and brave Eritrean and should be respected despite her difference. Over the years, she has waged tremendous war against woyane and should be admired for that.
Zebib March 2, 2013
Regarding your last paragraph, how about we also gain Isayas and Monkey and all the rest becaause they are proud and smart. I fail to see what you are really saying by trying to ‘gain’ a person like Sofia who is blind to the need of the people and a blind servant of a man drunk with absolute power.
I have no admiration for the likes of her. In fact, the contempt I feel for her servile personality is that of shame. When one is young and with some education, it is truth and principles and a very high sense of justice that should govern one’s guiding motor. She is a hollow poodle!
Dawit Meconen March 2, 2013
Perhaps you do not understand your own self but to me you sound another tyrant who hates people just for holding different point of view. If this is true, then you will have lot of difficulties in Democratic Eritrea because the essence of Democracy is, among others, freedom to hold and experess different views within the context of the Constitution.
As to your question whether or not we should also convince Isaias, Yemane and others to abandone their principles and join the Democratic movement, I say resoundly yes, and they have to because their downfall is inevitable and if they ignore our call and fall, they will fall real bad because they will be held accountable for the pain and agony they caused to every Eritrean.
Our struggle is nonviolent; killing people, burning down properties or tarnishing peoples’ name is not allowed. If we do such action, then we are not different from the Tigrai-Conspirator, Isaias Afewerqi, or we are woyane agents; we are not democrats.
Zebib March 3, 2013
Dawit M.
The killing part is coming from your own mouth and not mine. Killing and other tyrant methods may be more your hidden problem than mine. I say for those who deliberately (not inadvertently) are causing untold misery and death to a whole generation depriving them of their right to education, family and normal happy lives in their own land, at least they should be made to feel shame and sense of having wronged innocents to quench their thirst of power or visibility. They should be responsible for their wrong actions in which they persisted for no other reason but for their personal gains sacrificing all that is good and noble in the human spirit. They should hold such a low place in society consuming their callousness and cruelty, utterly insensitive to the tragedy a sector of the youth is facing so that one man with a diabolic clutch to power is served. They should serve as examples so that our tomorrows will not accommodate such personalities who steal the dreams of a trusting and loving society that sacrificed its cream best for the sake of the collectively (AND NOT ONE MAN).
I read you as the type, no matter what atrocity is done (deliberately and knowingly), it should be instantly deleted and the persons committing is should go scot free. NO! They should serve as an example so the same is never repeated in the future. They should be made to go on their knees and ask forgiveness for the havoc they created and in Sofia’s case perpetuated.
At present, Sofia T. should be looked down by all deleiti fitHi so that she could mend her ways and realise that her blind and deaf position towards the trodden and her untiring hard work to ensure that the mad man in Asmara continues his unholy grip is costing lives. That’s all. We all should condemn and reject her ways. I have nothing to benefit from her or anybody’s killings as you recklessly suggest because I am so sick of the senseless killings caused by the people you wish to exonerate instantly without making them feel responsible for their wrong actions.
jonah March 2, 2013
Dawit Meconen, you spent half your comment talking about what the Tigrai is trying to do? Is Tigrai is responsible for all the political prisoners, refugees or forto or indefinite national service? Are they responsible for us not having a constitution or a rule of law?
Issias is tigrai conspirator? What is that? It seems paranoia on steroid. Issias is just a bad leader who in his head feels he is doing the best for Eritrea.
But I do agree with you with regard to Sofia T. She is entitled to her point of view and we eritrean need to at least agree to disagree at least in foreign countries.
So, she is government supporter? So what? We can debate and protest. I don’t know about burning buildings, vandaling office,or projecting Sofia T. as anti-semite etc.. No matter what as Eritrean we need to be able to work with each other and not destroy each no matter how frustrated we are.
A.A Yassin March 3, 2013
Dawit is from Tigray.
Dawit Meconen March 3, 2013
You are absolutely right that we should agree to disagree. I might add that none of us should take him/herself as a the benchmark. The only benchmark we should never waver from is the preservation of our Sovereignty, the territorial integrity of our country and and the unity of of our people.
With regard to Tegaru however, I think, you are wrong and there are enough historical and current objective evidences to sustain my views. I am sure you are aware woyane’s Abai Tigrai Manifesto of 1976 where it claimed huge chunk of Eritrean territory; its inhumane deportation of hundred of thousand of Eritreans from Ethiopia; its current illegal occupation of Badme after its claim was invalidated in the international court of justtice and there are many but these are enough for now.
Considering every atrocities Isaias Afewerqi has been committing on the peole of Eritrea, particularly on the intelectuals and other gifted warriors, and given his Tigrai Origin ( his father came from Tigrai and died in Tigrai), and the fact that after he completely purged EPLF of its genuine Eritreans, he has surrounded himself with his likes, one can persuasively argue that his tyranny is not an end in itself but a means to somthing more sinsiter, Abai Tigrai.
Take for instance the war with woyane, Was it really necessary to invade Ethiopia for border skirmish? No. The right thing to do was to inform the UNSC about the case as required under the UN Charter,and by so doing, he could have aborted woyane’s evil intention but he did not for his own ulterior motives.
Once he got the war in motion, he conducted it poorly: he exposed EDF to woyane air bombardment without any anti-aircraft protection; to be attacked from behind by woyane troops; ordered Assab Front to withdraw but luckily, his order was rejected and our port was saved; he did the same thing to Zalambesa Front, the result of which AdiQeyh, San-Afe and many other were ransacked by woyane troops, not to mention the unknown number of EDFs who were killed by woyen troops who were chasing them from behind.
Normally this guy should have been arrested and hanged not only for starting a wrong war in violation of UN Charter but also for mismanaging to the detriment of our country, people and EDFs. Nothing of that sort happened to him. As a matter of fact, he went on to break a number of other Laws: he illegally suspended the ratified Constitution which was scheduled to be implemented; disbanded the National Baito and purged EPLF, arrested and incacerated its senior officials with impunity, falselly branding them as defeatists and enemy collaborators. At the end of the day, he came out as the sole Iron-Man on the land, still running unabated.
All these misscariage of justice on the Constitution, Baito and EPLFs were carried out after the war was stopped and cessation of hostilities was signed between the two countries. The question is: Why did he do it? Some may say because he wanted to escape responsiblity for the wrong war and all of its ramifications. I disagree. The one reason and the only one was that he did not want to see Eritrea standing on its feet as a nation.
Lets bring the United States of America into the equation. USA is the most powerful country in the world and its status within the UNSC is huge. To this, add NATO, in which the USA plays also the dominant role. I think the picture is clear that if an issue comes before the UNSC and if the USA is against it, more than likely the issue will be dead. It was with this knowledge that Isaias Afewerqi antagonized and openly accused the USA with an attempt to overthrow him.
By so doing, he successfully ushered in the endless era of No War, No Peace in Eritrea, a time he has been using to kill Eritrean nationalim, to, progressively weaken her defense and productive forces etc. While perpetrating all these evil schemse on our country and people, he tells the people that the USA is to blame, and the vain people buy it.
jonah March 4, 2013
Dawit you entitled to have this view with regard the president. I just perceive him as a very bad leader in the mold of saddam, adi amin, pol pot, etc.. these leader didn’t take power or keep power in order to give or work for another country..
It absolutely doesn’t matter to me if his parents came from tigrai. He was born in Eritrea. Meles was always accused of being half eritrean but look what he did for his country. Or a lot of Ethiopian hated the Menguistu era with all its dysfunctional and mass starvation. Did anyone claim Menguistu was working for some foreign or people?
If you ask Menguistu or Issias or Adi Amin or Saddam in their own twisted ways they will tell you what they did or were doing was what is best for country. So, Eritrea is in predicament that it is not because of Issias working for some(“sinister neighbor) but he his “doing” what he feels is best for country. I think you give him too much credit or intelligence for list of things he said he did “intentional”. All dictator live with grandiose sense of importance and that they can’t do anything wrong. After 1993, Issias was almost “god-like” among Eritrea. Remember before the problem started with Ethiopia, Issias had problem with Yemen, Sudan, etc.. plus as guerrilla fighter he knew nothing of running of civil society and war and conflict is what knows best..
He didn’t care of constitution or eliminating important members of EPLF as long as he stayed in power. That is what saddam, assad, salih did after taking control of baathist parties.
Dawit, the only thing Issias intentional doing is too stay in power and reacting to every situation at any cost. The tigrai stuff, destroying eritrean nationalism, constitution, etc.. are a by product.
By the way, no single human can destroy Eritrean nationalism only the Eritrean people.
Let’s lose hope or look for conspiracy theory. This is our first leader as country. He happen to be bad. But he is as an Eritrean as you and me.
Point March 3, 2013
When does Assenna stops this kind of Tabloid stories and non-senses!!!
A.A Yassin March 3, 2013
Emmanuel Iyassu loves President Issaias and the lovely Sophia. He can not stop talking about them.
Murad Ali March 4, 2013
You some times remind me of the famous Zegenfo (back in the eary seventies the Asmarinos could not work out if he was mad or a comedian or both. He used to immitate the king (Janehoy) with satirical body launguage)
I used to meet him on my way to KAHAS High School in Asmara.
You are fanny A.A Yassin!!!!