Solidarity Message to the delegates of the EPDP Conference in Addis Ababa
Background As a matter of information, I was invited to attend the EPDP (Eritrean people’s democratic party) conference in Addis starting on 3/17/2013 by the Chairman of its North American branch but I could not make
As a matter of information, I was invited to attend the EPDP (Eritrean people’s democratic party) conference in Addis starting on 3/17/2013 by the Chairman of its North American branch but I could not make it because of personal reasons. I thank the Chairman for inviting me and I regret my incapacity to make it. In the mean time I pass the following solidarity message as an individual with sincere humility.
I stand willing to be corrected but EPDP, which was a collective political party composed of three independent political parties (EPM, EPP, and EDP) is now divided into two groups EPDP1 and EPDP2 because of irreparable difference on how to go about to solve the Eritrean crisis. Their internal friction immaterial, the main difference between them is said to have been on the question of joining the Eritrean Democratic Alliance (EDA). There are about 31 political parties in the opposition camp out of which, EDA comprises at least 11 of them. The Alliance is guided by organizational constitution adopted in its congress held in 2008, in Addis Ababa to the goal of forming a Transitional Government that would take the responsibility of effectuating the democratic process towards an eventual elected government in Eritrea.
The difference between the two EDPD branches
EPDP1 considers itself the only legitimate political party to lead the Eritrean people in post-Afwerki Eritrea and does not consider joining the united front (EDA) necessary for its objective. In essence, this group does not see the other groups in the united front as equally significant.
The separatist EDPD2, however, went for inclusive political approach and joined the EDA. This branch accepts all the political parties within the EDA as equally significant to the resistance against dictatorship, and rejects the notion that a single political party should take power in post-Afwerki Eritrea.
Apparently, while EPDP2 attended the 2011 National Congress of Eritrean forces in Awassa where the 31 political parties and more than 50 civic groups and independent individuals (total 600) participated, the exclusionist EPDP1 did not.Although the two EPDPs still use the same name, it appears like EDPD2 is going to better crystallize the internal split and consolidate its membership of EDA as an independent party in its upcoming meeting beginning on 3/17/2013 in Addis Ababa. In this conference, this group is expected to assert its inclusive position against any exclusivist group in the society, institute transparency and the rule of law within and into the EDA and set a clear and practical strategy to defeat the dictatorship in the country.
Dear EPDP2 delegates;
I first salute you with utmost respect to your effort in this rough struggle for freedom and democracy in Eritrea. I wish you the best in this gathering and I am sure anything is possible with honest desire to challenge the problem of our country minus opportunism intolerance, competition and power struggle. I congratulate you for your decision to join the united front as a single party with equal significance to any other party under the EDA. I believe the action is the best you could have taken for the following reasons:
1] Should the objective of the struggle be achieving democracy, peaceful transition of governments, rule of law and freedom of speech in Eritrea, the priority is forming a transitional government composed of all opposition forces in the world. This is the only way for Eritrea to eradicate dictatorship and move forward with the process by which democracy is reduced to practice in the country.
A transitional government is “A type of government which is intended only to be temporary, which runs things while a more permanent government framework is being designed. When the new framework is finished, the transitional government disbands and is replaced by one, which is constituted according to the new framework’s rules. A provisional government is an emergency or interim government set up when a political void has been created by the collapse of a very large government.”
This is time for Eritreans to form Transitional Government not to form political parties. The concept of political parties being active at secondary level of the progression, today’s priority is forming this temporary government. Crystallizing political parties then follows after this development achieves its goal most effectively inside Eritrea. The transitional period is the time a society conventionally organizes political parties towards the eventual formation of a democratically elected government; excuse my shallow understanding of the issue.
Apparently, the existence of many political parties within and outside the EDA shows that the Eritrean society has a wide range of political views, but it is clear that democratic Eritrea cannot accommodate more than 30 political parties. Therefore, it is logical to expect leading parties to agree on general policies and form a coalition (a combination of parties) to run the country or at least for the parties to converge into single parties that best approximate their policies. All this, however, should take place during the transition time under the transitional government of Eritrea. In other words the different opposition parties can converge into few of the strongest parties that will exist in the country in the future.
2] I do not believe any political party can at this moment be mandated to independently represent the Eritrean people. In fact such a party is illegal and should be resisted, needless to state that it would be in contradiction with the perception of freedom in favor of authoritarianism. I cannot imagine any party trying to do so without the intention to dictate political terms in future Eritrea. Such a party cannot produce democracy in our country since failing to join the united front and dictatorship are mutually inclusive, at least in my opinion.
Brothers and sisters in struggle!
You know the situation of our country very well. Our society has been a victim of absolute dictatorship for about 22 yeas as of today. You also know that you have been trying to form a solid united front to solve the Eritrean socio-political question for quiet a long time. I thank you very much for your sacrifice!
For what I understand, you will discuss the issue of setting a clear strategy to defeat the dictatorship in the country as part of your main agenda. The resistance’s options may be limited at this point in the confrontation but I strongly suggest the delegates to pay attention to what brother Seid Saleh brought to the table as an alternative to quickly defuse the regime in Asmara (ASSENNA Interviews) for reference material or as a potential amendment to what may be chosen at the end of the conference.
In so stating, I respectfully remind you that there is a strong sense of pessimism on your capacity and genuine interest to solve the Eritrean problem in so far as the people are concerned. Please allow me to point some of my problems to this effect.
A] There is no adequate motion that constantly alerts the Eritreans in Diaspora though written materials and other means of communication from your party individually and from the united front collectively. There is no public information as to what you will discuss and what you plan to achieve in this conference, for instance. This style of operation excludes public participation in the common agendas, a contrary situation to the goal of the struggle for democracy. The operational mode of the struggle does not create an ample ground for public awareness and academic debate through information exchange and this should directly affect your political ambition as well. Close attachment with the people is very important for your organization to have an impact in the struggle.
I do not think this is a good representation of the society at all and it provokes the notion that you cannot be ineffective in organizing and uniting the people and simultaneously claim of having a mandate to lead them.
I sincerely believe that you can influence the Alliance in this regard significantly. I hope one of the things you will discuss in this conference will be on how to upgrade your communication with all Eritreans in the world.
B] I am sorry to tell you that the Eritrean opposition forces are extremely weak in recruiting or collecting the intellectual power of Eritreans around the world. No effort what so ever, at least to my knowledge as to utilizing the intelligence of dynamic intellectuals that can internationally represent the resistance efficiently. Our groups in Addis do not seem to be interested in other Eritreans’ involvement probably because of the exclusivist culture inherited from the era struggle for independence. The political future of Eritrea appears to be decided without adequate involvement of capable Eritreans (politically and technologically) that can easily be recruited to the resistance.
Can this be possible without targeting political power as the main objective of each party comprised by the united front?
Would not this imply an exclusionist policy similar to that of the government of Eritrea?
Would not this contradict the upshot to form a strong and all-inclusive Transitional Government in our country; which is the order of the moment and the main priority of the struggle as a matter of democratic procedure?
Would not this negatively affect international support to the resistance and compromise our opportunity to confidently lobby the big powers for stronger moral and material assistance with more effective intellectual confidence?
I sincerely believe that individual freedom from cultural hang-ups and inhibition is mandatory for this struggle to succeed. You can change the situation and become a good role model to the parties comprised in the EDA in this regard. Part of your discussion in the conference should focus on how to filter out and recruit Eritreans that can be taken seriously by the international political environment towards transforming the productivity of the resistance. This will change your financial and operational situation greatly, needless to state that it can strengthen the resistance overall and the democratic journey of our society similar to how the Somalian politicians did it through open and free intellectual participation.
Brothers and sisters!
If you commonly isolate Gender, religion and ethnicity from being a basis for forming a political party, I believe all opposition forces should then accept the Eritrean constitution and practically apply it without a problem.
In the absence of power struggle between the opposition groups anywhere in the world, it should not take a long time to compromise and unify at this critical moment in history when the government is at its most vulnerable stage and the people have started resisting from inside; impatiently waiting for you to fill the political void created as a result. The whole world is waiting for your effective leadership to expedite the process by which the dictatorship ends in Eritrea.
Long liver the struggle of the Eritrean people for freedom and democracy!
Fetsum Abraham
hamid March 15, 2013
Like your posting. I do agree with you that it’s the right move for EPDP2 to join forces with EDA, as any party should. The goal should be to form a broad united front against the brutal regime in Eritrea in order to ensure victory. Also, your critique of the opposition leadership lack of approaching, rallying and utilizing the Eritrean intellectuals the world over is in order. The reason behind this maybe that the opposition may lack the political will and/or they are just incompetent.
Keep up the good work.
luna March 16, 2013
The opposition parties outside of Eritrea seem to be unaware of what the most urgent and immediate call for the nation is at this point in time. This is the question which needs to be addressed not party affiliation. Do Eritreans chose these parties to represent them? They are way out, unreal and irrelevant when one looks at the big picture. So many splintered groups to which a name and a face can’t be put to. There is no emotional tie to these groups and as such far removed with no consequences at all.
The main players of this act are Eritreans who live within its jurisdiction. The diaspora provides support. It’s challenge is to build capacity and carry the struggle forward with help of the international community.
I heard on Radio Assenna on its latest interview about one family caught up in the thick of the human trafficking web. The title: Tragedy of an Eritrean family in Shagarab and Sinai. The three Eritrean women were pleading for their life and words can’t express the pain and fear the women were going under. If you listen to the interview it makes you helpless and very sad too. But, the point is to make a decision to stand on the side of our population against injustice.
After I listened to the interview I was asking myself, “What can be done to bring the plight of these women to the ears of the international community”? Can the Eritrean issue get the attention of the world? The diaspora has the capacity to do this but only if we choose to. We are not alone in the struggle instead, many freedom loving individuals are with us too.
Let us stay focused on issues which help unite us rather than draw a wedge to divide us.
petros Haile March 16, 2013
Selam Fitsum,
This article of yours is full of contradiction and highly judgmental, not to mention shallow (by your own admission)… The first part of the article talks about the difference between EPDP1 & EPDP2, as being inclusive & excursionist is purely subjective and totally off track, in fact, the little I know about the original differences was mainly on the number of representation, and also a major rift on principle issues, such as the methods of struggle. I am not sure why EPDP2 retracted from that position and decided to join the EDA … If you have detailed information please let us know … With all honesty your simplistic view does not serve justice, specially unjustly trying to discredit EPDP1 and promote EPDP2, just because they extended an invitation to you, in order to buy your sympathy … by the way, I don’t think EPDP1 ever claimed to be the only alternative, or vanguard to bring about salvation in Eritrea, if they have said that, please direct me, this way I would not be another uninformed, shallow and judgmental Eritrean in diaspora !!!
fetsum abraham March 16, 2013
Brother Petros;
I may not know too much to discuss details here because of lack of communication between the forces and us in Diaspora.
“..and also a major rift on principle issues, such as the methods of struggle. I am not sure why EPDP2 retracted from that position and decided to join the EDA” for this what i can say is that if they had a difference then they had to separate. Besides, how long does it take for a party to agree on issues and move on? The method of struggle should concentrate on Transition Government through a united front as priority. EPDP can not stay out of the united front for any excuse and Eritreans do nort have the time for it to decide what it wants to do; we need to move on brother, with or without.
“I don’t think EPDP1 ever claimed to be the only alternative, or vanguard to bring about salvation in Eritrea, if they have said that, please direct me, this way I would not be another uninformed, shallow and judgmental Eritrean in diaspora”. To me it did through its action; refusing to join the united front: u can not separate this from anticipating to salvage Eritrea alone, in my opinion. I do respect your opinion as equally valid and I hope mine will get equal status in your view. I, however, do not belong to any party as an independent mind and that is what I am reflecting here really and not because they invited me to attend their conference.
David March 16, 2013
” I am not sure why EPDP2 retracted from that position and decided to join the EDA … If you have detailed information please let us know … ”
The answer is simple: people like Abdelnour are more comfortable in dealing with the jihadists.
ahmed saleh March 16, 2013
Brother Fitzum
As usual nice article to educate readers at least from a mind of yours and the courage to say it.
You raised the importance of unification among political parties to minimize their numbers , to
focus more on ways how to defeat the dictatorial system out of progressive agenda and at last the
weakness of luck of communication with people . I agree with most of your critical points and the
logic of your arguments . THANKS .
Arkeb H. March 16, 2013
Brother Futsum, I resepct your ideas and your contribution on this critical time is very important. we need to push farther hegdf to downfall and at the same token we need to put pressure on political parties to merge and narrow their differences before it is to late, they could divide the eritrean people in religion or ethinc groups for their seek of power, some they donot care as long as they comes to power. So we need to work around their because sovergnity is more important than their differences too.
Embasorya The Mighty March 16, 2013
You have to realize that the motivating factors of the so-called oppostion are ethnicity and religion. That is their essence. For them to abandon their nature is tantamount to committing suicide.
I invite you to join the Popular Front if you are against ethnic and religious division and for stability and long term economic prosperity.
belay nega March 16, 2013
“As a matter of information, I was invited to attend the EPDP (Eritrean people’s democratic party) conference in Addis starting on 3/17/2013 by the Chairman of its North American branch but I could not make it because of personal reasons. I thank the Chairman for inviting me and I regret my incapacity to make it”
jonah March 16, 2013
Thanks Fetsum,
I didn’t even know there were 30+ political parties… do we have one political party for every year we fought for our independence.
Whoa! It is an alphabet soup.. How much different can the platform be? Just looking at the name you get a sense these organizations were formed by individual with 60’s ethos. You know during the 60’s when many third world countries fought their independence.
“front” or “movement”.. (their slogan is “transparency, modesty, and diversity”) what’s up with Modesty? Maybe they can use Progress..
If that is the case, it just gives you the idea of age of these individuals or leadership. I would be very surprised if any of them has bachelor degree or Master degree or has an experience running an agency in civil society.
Fetsum your words could be very prophetic.
“The political future of Eritrea appears to be decided without adequate involvement of capable Eritreans (politically and technologically)” I don’t understand if there is something wrong with our people mentality but Meritocracy just doesn’t exist.
I get a weird feeling that the Ethiopian leadership is laughing seeing the caliber of these opposition parties and leadership.. If I am Ethiopian leader.. I would do everything I can put them in power in Asmara.. that is just Realpolitik. This would have nothing to do with trusting or not trusting Ethiopian…
Also, It is ironic or more strange the event is taking place in Ethiopia not because our 30 years independence battle was against Ethiopia but given Ethiopia occupies Eritrean territory and the arbitrary deportation of 100K+ Eritreans in 90s by the same political party ruling now.
I am not sure why it needs to happen in Ethiopia?
luna March 16, 2013
Individuals stated that they were invited to attend the EPDP’s conference but didn’t make it. Being invited is not a big deal! It is not personal. Instead, ask yourself what is the motive of the invitation. We just do not comply out of RESPECT. Principle is the big factor which governs and matters in deciding to attend.
The various opposition parties in Ethiopia were around for many years and no concrete result till now. As an entity the bodies are amorphous, not defined their mission statement and what they stand for. So, more and more as a body it has become invalid in my opinion. The urgency is so great but the response we hear is so little.
What we need now is new blood, the youth with lots of vigor bringing fresh ideas and level of commitment to take the nation into new heights. It would be unthinkable to even vie for power or some undisclosed motive. Such weaknesses must be nipped in the bud.Eritreans no longer have the patience to play with fire. Having had experienced the regime and still toiling under the weight of it no Eritrean is going to make the same mistake again. In Eritrea life has become hell for millions of our country men and woman. We shall stand guard with great vigilance against the forces of deceit and lies.
The wailing Eritrean women caught by Bedouins in the sands of Sinai is still ringing in my ears. What is our response to this poor souls in no man’s land?
For these four women it feels it is their last hour. I have never heard in my life these kind of desperation coming out straight from victims caught by traffickers. If we do not answer now we are not going to answer it at all.
kifle March 16, 2013
Dear Fitsum, you are either wrong or misinformed about the one you call EPDP1. I wish you do some reading about the two and I am sure you will know the truth anless you are ignorant.