Seattle Washington: New political changes that must happen in Eritrea in the Year 2016.
As we now approach the eve of the New Year 2016, one would reasonably ask the following two appropriate questions, in regards to the besieged state of Eritrea: What is the most important new change

As we now approach the eve of the New Year 2016, one would reasonably ask the following two appropriate questions, in regards to the besieged state of Eritrea:
- What is the most important new change that we, as Eritreans, would like to see on the tormented Eritrean political landscape, during the coming Year 2016?
- B) What new Change would the New Year 2016, hold for the unfortunate state of Eritrea?
Above are the two burning questions that all Eritreans should imagine answering?
Proposed Answers:
- From the beginning of the Eritrean Independence Day of May 24, 1991, the fruits of the sacrifices of the 100ths of thousands of human lives and an untold of material and in kind of losses, Isayas Afeworki, the self proclaimed president for life, defiantly took the power by betraying the Trust and Promise of his martyred colleagues, and he has been, and still is insanely destroying the country beyond repair, politically, socio-economically and diplomatically.
As a result of such treachery, many political opposition groups were formed. And their numbers have now grown to an imaginable level. Despite many attempts to bring all those political groups into a single united front, against Isayas’s dictatorship, no success has been achieved. With such unfortunate divisions, their political messages never resonated with the Eritrean people.
But now thankfully, a brand new concept of Mass political opposition, which is called the Grass Roots Mass Movement (GRMM) is now in the works.
This new strategic approach of organizing the masses is a bottom up, one person, one vote concept. Its hallmark is its ability to assemble well informed, willingly inspired masses under a single political line, guided by a road map plan for a common goal of bringing a Democratic Change in Eritrea, as opposed to the too vast amount fractured. The GRMM is uniquely transparent, inclusive and highly diverse concept, as long as membership is applied on the basis of the one person and one vote formulae, with no exceptions, and where leadership evolves only from the process of activism with membership consensus. Its main feature is that it is only a means, not an end by itself.
This new phenomenon is viewed by some political analysts as a panacea to the perpetuating divisions of opposition organizations.
This very appealing system of Movement will be formed at possibly in every state throughout North America wherever Eritreans inhabit in significant numbers, and which eventually will be centralized, under one leadership, one road map plan and By Laws, to be governed by.
At the same time, such a concept and approach of Mass mobilization process will be duplicated in every nation around the globe, wherever Eritreans inhabit in significant numbers. And after all nations are similarly centralized, and each country will send: one, two or even more representatives as needed, in order to form a national congress which decides on how to dispose of the present unconstitutional Isayas’s government in Eritrea, and decides on how to resolve the interests and responsibilities of the members of the opposition groups that had opted to participate on the new concept of creatively mobilizing the GRMM process, on the basis of the one person, one vote principle, and also on how to deal with the present military forces in Eritrea, etc.
Therefore, it is our sincere hope that the Eritrean people will embrace this brand new concept of motivating, energizing and inspiring especially the Eritrean Youth demographics, in masse and rise up to the occasion (new change), in the year, 2016!!!
2. Isayas Afeworki has had the systematic ability and immense power, despite his erratic behavior, to singlehandedly rule Eritreans for over 40 years to this date, unabated.
Unconventionally, he has always maintained his supreme authority, while the vast majority of Eritrean citizens have been living under tremendous unending fear and duress. His system of governance post Independence is characterized as: governing without any national constitution, a system of divide and rule, inhumane treatment of Eritrean citizens, arbitrary and systematic tortures and arrests of people without the opportunity to appear before court of law, because there is no judicial court system in the country, continuous cycle of violence and nonsense student military services, and no provision of sustainable national social, economic and health services,
Isayas Afework’s main legacy in Eritrea is his ability to vindictively make Eritreans lose their faith, culture, national pride, values and ideals.
Despite such unparalleled hardships, and untold human rights violations that Isayas has unilaterally been inflicting upon the Eritrean people, there has never been any contentious challenge to his devilish rule from any Eritrean or Eritreans, which is unheard of phenomenon. And that is why he never bothered to refrain from his unending evil deeds.
However, his political power base, lately seems to be waning, except that the ever increasing number of opposition groups, and their detachment from the Eritrean masses, is giving life to his highly weakened political support.
In aberration, however, with the advent of the new GRMM ‘s concept of public opposition process, Isasya’s rule will, and must, end in the year 2016, before he ultimately sells our country to the highest bidder!!
Happy New Year, 2016, again.
Eritrean Youth for Unity, Justice and Salvation
Seattle Washington, Chapter.
tekle December 30, 2015
ዝድገፍ ሓሳብን ዕላማን እዩ ግን ኣብ መጀመርትኡ ከይበጽሐ፡ ኣምሓሩ ከምዝብልዎ “የኣህያ ችኩል ቀንድ ይነክሳል” ኮይኑ ምኽንያቱ እቲ ዕላማ ቅድሚ ኣብ ግብሪ ምዉዓል ምጅማሩ በቲ ተነቃፋይ ዝኾነ መከላኸሊ ሓይሊ ኤርትራ ሓሳብ ምሃብ ጀሚሩ። ስለዚ ከምቲ ቀሪቡ ዘሎ ሓሳብ በብሃገሩ ኣብ ግብሪ ክዉዕል ይጀመር እሞ፡ ሽዑ እቲ ክግበር ዘለዎ ጉዳይ ክሕሰበሉ ይከኣል። ብወገነይ ግን ቅድም ስጉምቲ ክዉሰደለን ዘለዎ እዘን ኣብ ወጻኢ ብዕላማ ዘይኮነስ ብዕርክነትን ቤተሰብነትን ተኣኻኺቦም ባዕሎም ንባዕሎም ዉድባት ኢና ኢሎም ተፈጢሮም ዘለዉ እዩ
Kidane Beraki December 30, 2015
Bravo, straight talk looking inward and be blunt the way we grew up. Let’s evaluate ourselves first. We need to stop talking about the evil and his cohorts.
Dawit kflezghi December 30, 2015
ብጣዕሚ ተስፋ ዝህብ ክሉስ ሓሳብን ስነ ጹሑፉን፡ኢዩ!
ዝሓለፈ፡ድኽመትና ንዝመጽእ ቆዶትና ይበሎ፡
ልብን ሳዕርን እንዳ ሓደረ ይበቁል ከም ዝባሃል፡ ሉቦናና፡ይዕዘዝ፡እዚ ማለት ድማ ጉዳይ ሃገርን ህዝብን ንዝምልከት እንተዳአ ኾይኑ ብልክዕ ካብ ዓብይ ካብ ኑኡሽተይ ካብ ወዲ ካብ ኡጓል ብዘይ ቡሉ ኣፋላይ ናይ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ጉዱስ ኤርትራዊ ዜጋ ከም ዝኾነ ንኹላትና ሩዱእ ኮይኑ፡
ይተካእ ይለቀብ ግን እቲ ዝላዓለ ተራን ግደን ባዓል ቤታዊ ዋኒን መንእሰይ ምኻኑ ዝሓለፉ ናይ ለውጥታት መድረኻት፡ህያው ኣብነታውያን ኢዮም።
ብዝኮነ ቅድም ቀዳድም ነፍሲ ወከፍና ለዊጥና ብሓድነት፡ንህዝባውነት ለውጢ ንመርሽ፡ ኣዚ ሓያልን ሕልኽልኻትን ዝመልኦኡ ህመት መስርሕ ሓርነታዊ ቃልስና ልዕሊ ኹሉ ምጹዉዋርን ምክእአልን ምክብባርን ኣብ እንካን ሃባን ምእማንን ምልዛብን ከድሊየና ባህሪያዊ ክኑሱ ብዘይ ዋዓል ሕደር ኩዉናት ክኾኑልና ጥራሕ ዘኮነስ ብሓቀኛ ስራሕና ተግባራውያን ክንገብሮም ሓላፍነት ኣሎና።
ኣብ መደምደምታ ካብ ማይ ባሕሩ ብጭልፈ፡ዝቱሑዙታአ ሪኢቶይ፡ኣብ ዓወት የራኽበና፡ ኪኖ ጸልማት ብርሃን ኣሎ ንስራሕ ነንኹሎ፡ኣምላኽ ንመን ኢልዎ ንዓና ዝበሎ፡ እወ ይካአሎ ብልቢ፡ንቀበሎ።
ሩሑስ ሓዱሽ ዓመት! ዓመተ ሰላም ዓመተ ራህዋን ፍቕሪን ሲኒትን ይግበረልና!!!
ሓርነታዊ ግድልና ኣብ ዳራ ዓወትና!
ኣጀኹም መንእሰያትና ኣብ ጎኑኹም ኣሎና!!
ዳዊት ክፍለዝጊ
negusse December 30, 2015
Viva GRRM.
mehari January 2, 2016
Good plan that is we need,if we have one person one vote,people likes that idea we can participate our own movement from bottom up grass root movement we don’t need more opposition,all I can say we have to participate, meeting in order to achieve our goal good work.