Searching for an Effective Strategy to End the Eritrean Nightmare: Global Initiative to Empower Eritrean Grassroots Movement.
Searching for an Effective Strategy to End the Eritrean Nightmare: Global Initiative to Empower Eritrean Grassroots Movement. Araya Debessay[i] Paper presented at the Eritrean Forum, University of San Francisco September 24, 2016 Introduction First and foremost, I would like
Searching for an Effective Strategy to End the Eritrean Nightmare:
Global Initiative to Empower Eritrean Grassroots Movement.
Araya Debessay[i]
Paper presented at the Eritrean Forum, University of San Francisco
September 24, 2016
- Introduction
First and foremost, I would like to thank Meron for inviting me to this Eritrean Forum and for giving me the opportunity to meet with many Eritrean activists and those non-Eritreans who sympathize with the predicament of the Eritrean people. I would also like to thank the University of San Francisco for hosting this Forum on Eritrea, and the panelists for their informative presentations. I would like to thank the audience for taking the time to attend the program.
We have heard from the previous panelists various aspects of the plight of the Eritrean people. There is no question that the condition in the country is deplorable and intolerable.
Anyone can judge how desperate the situation in the country is when one hears of the thousands of young Eritrean men, women and children risking their lives fleeing the country, knowing very well that they could be shot on sight as they flee. And those who are lucky enough to cross the border safely, still run the risk of being victims of Bedouins who mercilessly kill them to harvest their organs for lucrative markets. And if they are lucky enough to evade the Bedouins and Rashaida, they still run the risk of perishing in the deserts of Sinai or drowning in the Mediterranean Sea. Yet, many continue to the take the risk. That should tell us how bad and intolerable the condition in the country is. The UN Inquiry Commission on Human Rights abuses has extensively documented the atrocities being committed by the regime in Eritrea that amount to crimes against humanity.
It is indisputable to state that there is no Eritrean who does not feel pained to see Eritrea the way it is. When one’s country is being referred to as the North Korea of Africa (without nuclear arsenal), when Eritrea is listed as the number one producer of refugees in the world, relative to its size; when the country is being emptied of its productive force who are perishing in the thousands fleeing the intolerable conditions in the country, when many of its heroes who gallantly fought in the struggle for independence and who served as members of the cabinet are languishing in jails for years without ever being charged of any wrong doing; when members of the press, and members of minority religious groups are imprisoned without any due process; when basic necessities such as water and electricity are proving to be rare commodities, who would not be pained by these atrocities and dismal conditions. Eritreans in the Diaspora have also been victims of the atrocities of the Isaias government indirectly when they have to face the agony of having to empty their life time savings to spare the lives of their relatives who call them in the middle of the night screaming for financial help to appease those who threaten to cut off their throats for ransom money. I am sure there are some fellow Eritreans here who may have faced that agonizing dilemma.
The question is, so what are we doing as Eritreans in the Diaspora in light of this horrific situation facing our people? My topic is searching for an Effective Strategy to End the Eritrean Nightmare. In my presentation I will talk about the Eritrean political parties, the role of Eritreans in the Diaspora, the need for and the role of global leadership, and the process of how to elect legitimate global leaders and will conclude by an appeal to all Eritreans attending the conference and others beyond.
- The Eritrean Political Parties
We have several political parties, in fact too many for a small country like Eritrea. Unfortunately, our opposition political parties have not been able to unite and speak with one voice. This has helped the regime to continue its repressive and destructive policies unchallenged. No doubt, leaders of the political parties and their members deserve to be respected and admired for the many years of sacrifice they have made for the sake of their people. However, as it stands now, it is unrealistic to expect much from our fragmented political parties unless they resolve to unite. I applaud the effort Dr. Assefaw and his colleagues at Medrik are doing to unite our political parties. I wish them success.
- The Role of Eritreans in the Diaspora
When one considers the number of Eritreans who participate in demonstrations in Geneva, Israel, Ethiopia, New York City and other places, in support of the UN Enquiry Commission Report, some traveling across a continent despite their meager financial resources; and when one observes the large number of Eritreans who spend hours in Paltalk rooms on a daily basis, discussing the conditions in the country, one is left with the unmistakable impression that Eritreans in the Diaspora are indeed deeply troubled with what is going on in their country. Unfortunately, despite such deep interest, we have not yet found an effective strategy to channel this tremendous energy into meaningful action that can save our people.
- We need to elect legitimate global leaders.
The need for Global Leaders is obvious. So far the major reason why Eritreans in the Diaspora have not been an effective catalyst for democratic change in our country is because, we are too fragmented and we lacked the leadership that can coordinate our activities. We need leaders who can unleash the tremendous energy and resources that we have as Eritreans in the Diaspora.
- The Role of Global Leaders
The primary role of the Global Leadership is to chart an effective strategy to remove the dictatorial regime and prepare the ground work for transitioning the country to democracy. They need to prepare a blue print for a smooth transition to democracy. This strategy and blue print or road map has to be developed in consultation and with the collaboration of the Eritrean political opposition groups and agents of change inside the country. We understand change will come from within the country, and we believe that those agents of change inside the country will be more encouraged and emboldened if the Eritrean Diaspora becomes a formidable united force.
The responsibility of the Global Leadership Group will be to gain the recognition and support of the International Community and the Eritrean people both at home and in the Diaspora. Given that the Global Leadership Group is elected to represent Eritreans in the Diaspora, they will have the legitimacy to speak, to act and to represent Eritreans in the Diaspora in any forum: at the United Nations, African Union, European Union and the countries that are being flooded by Eritrean refugees. Through an effective and intensive diplomacy and lobbying, this leadership group should be able to persuade the International Community to apply intensive pressure that will cripple the dictatorial regime and give moral and logistical support to elements inside the country to bring fundamental changes.
Many nations and the International Community as a whole could not support our cause up to now and the main reason for their reluctance is the fact that we are too fragmented and they do not know whom to deal with and whom to trust and support. And that is the reason why recently the European Union and others countries are unfortunately trying to make a deal with Isaias to stem the flow of refugees. With the election of the Global Leadership, a body that will have the legitimacy and the mandate given to it by every Eritrean in the Diaspora, our Global leaders will get the attention of the International Community and will be able to comfortably appear in any forum to speak effectively on behalf of the Eritreans in the Diaspora and on behalf the voiceless at home.
- The Process of Electing Legitimate Global Leaders
For the global leaders to be truly legitimate leaders with the mandate to represent Diaspora Eritreans, it is critically important that all Eritreans in every part of the globe participate in the election process. And this can be done using the bottom-up/grassroots approach that will give every Eritrean a say in the election process which will ensure the elected will have the support of the Eritreans in the Diaspora.
The process of electing legitimate Global Leaders should start at the grassroots level. This will require an intensive campaign to mobilize and reach out to ALL Eritreans in every locality. The success of the effort will depend on the participation and involvement of each and every Eritrean citizen irrespective of their gender, religion, ethnicity, region and political affiliation. A serious effort should be made to invite ALL Eritreans particularly those from minority groups who may not have access to the Internet or Eritrean radio programs. The call for a general meeting of all Eritreans in a given locality should be written in Arabic, English and Tigrigna or any other appropriate language widely used in the local Eritrean communities. The announcement should be disseminated in written form through phone messages, websites, radio programs, seminars and workshops and widely distributed in places frequented by Eritreans, such as churches, mosques, community centers, restaurants and bars. It is not enough to call a general meeting; people should understand why their participation is important to save our country.
Once Eritreans in every corner of the world elect their local leaders, the next step for these elected leaders is to meet and elect their country representatives. This process should take place in every country and every continent. Electing national leaders in a given country will help in coordinating the lobbying and other activities in the given country
The final step is to conduct a global conference of Eritreans representatives from every corner of the world: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle-East, North America, South America and other places to elect the Eritrean Global Assembly or Hagerawi Baito that will appoint an executive body, the Global Leadership.
This process requires a body that will facilitate local, regional, and global conferences which will require raising funds and logistical arrangements.
For your information, the Global Initiative to Empower Eritrean Grassroots Movement was started in February 2016, by a group that have been independently advocating the need for global leadership.
The mission of the Global Initiative is to function as a facilitating body to enable Eritreans in the Diaspora to establish local, regional and global Assemblies/Baitos and elect their legitimate Global Leaders using the bottom-up grassroots approach. Global Initiative is a temporary body and does not have any intention to duplicate the efforts of others who are already mobilizing the grassroots nor do the members of Global Initiative have any desire to assume leadership positions.
I am pleased to inform you that the Global Initiative is gathering steam and is gaining a great deal of support from Eritreans in different parts of the world, and from those who participate in the various Paltalk rooms. Already there are localities in Europe, Israel and the US who are in the process of electing their local leadership.
The Global Initiative has over 200 individuals who have expressed their support as signatories and this number is continuing to grow. But more work needs to be for the success of the Global Initiative. We are therefore seeking the support of all of you in the Hall and will need the support and full participation of all sectors of the Eritrean society, namely:
- Eritrean Opposition Political Parties
- The Eritrean Youth – What Meron Semedar, founder and President of LEAD ERITREA urging Eritrean youth to start leading, and others are doing is encouraging.
- The Eritrean Women – I am encouraged to hear the presentations by Adiam Haile Raphael and Almaz Yihdego. I expect them to play an active role in organizing Eritreans in the Bay Area along with other activists.
- Eritrean Artists and Musicians
- Eritrean Minority Ethnic Groups
- Eritrean Religious Leaders
- Members of Eritrean Civic Organizations
- Eritrean Web Sites, Radio Programs and Pal Talk Admins
- Eritrean Intellectuals, and
- Those Eritreans who seem to be disengaged from Eritrean affairs.
- Summary and Conclusion
Eritreans in the Diaspora have amply demonstrated their interest in ending the suffering of their people, as has been repeatedly demonstrated by their active participation in demonstrations and the endless hours they spend in Paltalk Rooms. What we are missing is leadership that will coordinate our activities. For such leadership to have the legitimacy to represent, speak and act on behalf of Diaspora Eritreans, the process of electing such global leadership should start at the grassroots level. Wherever there are critical mass of Eritreans, they should form local assemblies and elect their representatives.
These elected global leaders in collaboration with the opposition parties and change agents inside the country will be expected to develop an effective strategy for transition to democracy thereby ending dictatorship in our country and saving our people from further suffering.
In conclusion, I would like to urge and appeal to every Eritreans in this hall and to Eritreans following the conference to play an active role in organizing elections in your respective localities. As I stated earlier, the role of the Global Initiative to Empower Eritrean Grassroots Movement is to facilitate the election process at the local, regional/country and global stages. Please do not hesitate to contact members of the Global Initiative for any assistance you might need. You can contact them find their email address shown below.
My earnest wish and hope is that each one of us will consider it as our individual responsibility and indeed our national duty and obligation to initiate, along with other activists in our respective local area, the process of electing our local leaders.
The ball is in each and every one of us’ court, let’s not fail our people. Our country has lost thousands of its sons and daughters to gain its independence. Let’s make sure the sacrifices they have made is not in vain.
The Global Initiative to Empower Eritrean Grassroots Movement is a movement whose time has come. It is the most viable, expedient, all-inclusive and democratic process to ending the Eritrean Nightmare.
Thank you for your attention. I will be happy to answer any question.
Global Initiative’s email address:
[i] Araya Debessay, PhD, is Professor, in the Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems, at the University of Delaware, since 1978. He was a visiting professor at the University of Asmara in 1993. Prof. Araya has been active participant in Eritrea affairs since the time he came to the US for his doctoral studies. He is a member of a group of Eritreans, known as G-13, who wrote a letter to President Isaias in 2001, known as the Berlin Manifesto, requesting the President to implement the ratified constitution, allow freedom of press, abolish the special court, and to resolve the border dispute with Ethiopia peacefully. He was one of the founding members of Citizens for Democratic Rights in Eritrea (CDRiE), a founding member of Eritreans to Facilitate National Dialogue (EFND), and is now an active member of Global Initiative to Empower Eritrean Grassroots Movement. His email address:
Wedi Hagher September 26, 2016
Assenna admin
Please stop the guy called Teclay, Langano …etc, a Tigreyan intruder with close to 50 nicknames.
Son of ex-Torserawit who hates Eritrea and it’s people to core.
He is here posing as Eritrean and insulting every one.
Stop this ‘Komal Agame’ , else I will send him to Gonder where the Amharas will cut him to pieces.
Solomon Seyoum September 26, 2016
Dear Prof. Araia
I have read your presentation..It is not new, however; you said it during the interview with Assenna, and you repeated much of the same during your appearance in Smeer room 1 a week or two ago, which I had joined.
I do agree with much of what you presented or said; it is logical afterall, and i do consider grass root movement as second to none since 2003-4. ..But there are issues which you raise, which I find them to be damaging to the project. As i said it in my earlier e-mails, it is rather damaging to be planning to cooperate with wudbetaat during and after the formation of the project. ( the best strategy is keep the; wudbetaat at arms length; they are unhelpful groups, or are also political liability to post-dictator Eritrea; look at their history, and at the mess they have created in Baito since its begin, in case proofs are needed;.the lessons must be learned.)
You seem to consider wudbetaat as political parties, with rights to struggle for a political power in post-dictator Eritrea. But these wudbetaat are not political parties with legal basis; parties are to be formed in post-dictator Eritrea, following an endorsement of drafts on electiion, parties, etc- which all or most of us will be told to discuss, and approve. ( i wish you refer them as political groups, and nothing more- which the leaders of must fully agree to without any disappontment. )
For your information, i am a member of a grass root movement in Belgium; it is started in 2013, and its members- most are much younger than me- are exceptionally committed, involved in all issues- party thanks to Viber-, and are happy to contribute their monthlycontributions; it is lead by bright, understanding, and compromising young Eritreans.)
Z. Hagos September 26, 2016
I think, it is time to know who are enablers of the tyrant. I mean, the friends and foes of the Eritrean people. For example, by focusing on Qatar as an enabler of the tyrant, we can make assessments by calculating the damages and other adverse effects caused by the support provided to the tyrant. Once the damages calculated in terms of money, we can claim the sum of money from the government of Qatar. Eritreans in their host countries can take the government of Qatar to court claiming the monies in damages and forcing it to stop financing the regime and bribing the neighboring countries, like Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Somalia, to silence them discouraging them to support the Eritrean people against the tyrant.
Simon G. September 27, 2016
Dr. Araya Debesay,
My hats off to you, Sir!
However, my little brain tells me we are missing the root cause of our sickness, worse than the famous cancer.
The priority is to identify the cruel people who are are residing in the west but under the criminal HGDF pay roll.
Why? Because the biggest problem we have is that we are not not united. Root cause for that: there are active cells among us who are working 24 hrs/day to make sure that we are not united; by religion or region.
so, the priority should be identifying them and educate people about them. Then, we can concentrate on the grassroots. If not, these same people will be part of the grassroots and plant their one and only one seed and dismantle the movement.
So, let’s first concentrate on that.
DESALEGN September 27, 2016
Issayas believes on a Passive Management System !
The overall strategic plan of Issayas Afewerky has failed because he used a Passive Management for implementing. I call “Passive Management.” This is characterized by assuming that things will run themselves after we get them started, which is about as likely as being hit by lightning while being eaten by a shark. Instead, I suggest that implementing strategic plans is more like keeping plates spinning atop a number of pointed sticks. If we don’t put forth a regular effort to keep them spinning, the plates will fall down and the sticks will end up in uncomfortable places. “When the implementation phase begins there is not enough follow-through — or follow-up for that matter — from the relevant Minister or Regional Administrator [Zoba Sirhit Generals*].” “Poor and inexperienced management to execute the plan.”
Notice the subtle difference here from leadership. While leadership is expected to communicate the vision and support it with demonstrable actions, management is expected to know how to execute the individual tactics. “All talk and no action, failure to assign and hold individuals accountable for delivering on the assignments.” “No one takes total charge and follows up when someone doesn’t meet commitment dates.” “The objective .. is written down on paper … and nicely filed away.” Here is what seems to be missing: “… this is the objective, this is how we’re going to get there, here is your part in the plan and you will be held accountable.”
Like leadership, management is not easy either: “It takes a special person to be able to define strategies and to plot out and manage others in how to achieve those strategies. Most fail because they assume their team has the wherewithal to pull it off and they therefore do not manage the process.” I must say, I was surprised to learn that people want more management — at least where implementing strategic plans is concerned!
DESALEGN September 27, 2016
I don’t believe that the Global Initiative to Empower Eritrean Grassroots Movement. is the bottom up approach as indicated on their advert. rather it is the reversed one. Therefore, how it could be an Effective Strategy to End the Eritrean Nightmare ?
Semere Belay September 27, 2016
Well said Dr Araya. The Eritrean people lack a committed global leadership. Without this we will never ever overthrow the dictator. That’s why the regime works hard to spoil the unity of the Eritrean people both in Eritrea and abroad. As you rightly said it, we need a body to rely on and advocate for the betterment of our lives. Once this leadership is formed the regime is gone the next day for three reasons. One, the regime will lose legitimacy from within and from foreign backers. Secondly, the Eritrean people will boost up their morale and need to participate in the fight against the dictatorship. Thirdly, those who still support the regime will withdraw their support for fear that change is on the making. I believe this idea will get broader support than we had before. However, I would like to recommend you that try to meet up with many Eritrean intellectuals and people with experiences such as tegadelti shaebia and jebha to contribute their hard earned experience to this cause. Thank you.
Wedi Fre September 28, 2016
Dear Prof. Araia
I have read your presentation and I can say more than I am proud to be your brother.
Many have said enough and my only request is let us translate it to action.
We have understood the problem and we know the solution but the solution shoud be now!!!!
God Bless you.
Judge P. September 28, 2016
I am not accusing the Eritrean elite for a mismanagement of a revolution that could have gone right, but for having invented a cause that were never there, entirely inspired by their alien-loving-evil ghedli colonial aspirations.
The Christian elite, repelled by “backward Ethiopia”, wanted to create an Eritrean in the image of colonial Italy “bella Eritrea”. The Muslim elite (few as they didn’t have many), on the other hand also repelled by “Christian Ethiopia”, set out to create an Eritrea in the image of the brutal backward Arab world.
So both, of course, had to invent a “colonial oppression” by Ethiopians that were never there to justify a mad and costly revolution that would take them to their alien destinations. The rest is history of ghedli generation madness and destruction.An evil revolution that makes the means (itself) its terminal end is a revolution devoid of any vision. Without a vision to guide it, a revolution resorts to unnatural means to provide meaning to its goals.
The habesha September 28, 2016
Dearest judge
Well put.the shifta generation is abroad, while the youth are the victims !!!
DESALEGN September 28, 2016
ኤርትራዊ ዜጋ ነብሰ ቅትለት ይፍጽም ኣሎ!
ኤርትራዊ ዜጋ ናብራ ህዝቡ ንዘየማሓይሽ ህግደፍ ብምድጋፍን ዕላማ ዘይብሉ ተቓዉሞን ብምክያድ ካብ ነብሰ ቕትለት ዘይንእስ ጌጋታት ኣብ ምፍጻም ተጸሚዱ ይርከብ ኣሎ። ህግደፍ ባዕሉ ንዘኣምነሉ መነባብሮ ህዝቡ ከመሓይሽ ዘይምኽኣሉ፥ ንኣብ ወጻእ ዝርከብ ኤርትራዊ ዜጋ ከም ዓብይ ስርሒት ተቖጺሩ ህዝብና ንምድንጋር ናብ ወጻእ ሃገር ዝመጻእኩሉ ምኽኽንያት መነባብሮ ንምምሕያሽ እዩ ኢልኩም ፈርሙለይ እንዳበለ ከፈርም ጸኒሑ ኣሎ። ነዚ ጉዳይዚ ንሰተውዓለሉ ሰብ ህግደፍ ናይ ምሕደራ ብቕዓት ስለዘይብሉ ንካብ 6 ሚልዮን ንዘይበዝሕ ሕብረተሰብና መነባብሮ ከመሓይሽ ዘይምኻኣሉ ብመንገዲ እንባሲታቱ ኣብ ዘንጸባርቐሉ ዘሎ ጊዜ ደግፍቲ ህግደፍ ግና ሃገር ጽቡቕ ኣላ እንዳበሉ ንክሕስዉ ሕንኽ ዘይምባሎም ኣብ ልቦና ድዩ ወይስ ኣብ ድንቑርና እዮ ክቑጸር እዚ እከይ ስነምግባራት እዚ። እስከ ደሓን ከምቲ እምባሲ ዝብለና ዘሎ መነባብሮ ንምምሓይሽ ተባሂሉ ይፈረመሎም። መንባብሮ ምምሕያሽ ማለት እኮ ካብታ መሰረታዊ ኣገልግሎት መግቢ ማይ ጥዕና ከምእዉን ትሕተ ቕርጺ የጠቓልል። ነዚ መሰረታዊ ኣገልግሎት ሕብረተሰብና ህግደፍ ከማልእ ብዘይ ምኽኣሉ ናብ ስደት ክነምርሕ ከምዝተገደድና ንጹር ክነሱ ተመሊስና ንህግደፍ ድጋፍና ምሃብና ካብ ነብሰ ቕትለት ምፍጻም ተግባራት ብዘይፍለ መንገዲ ክረአ ዘይኽእለሉ መንገዲ የለን እንተብልና ካብ ሓቂ ዝራሓቐ ክኸዉን ኣይኽእልን እዩ። ሃገርና ጽቡቕ ኣላ ክንብል እንተኾይኑ ኣብ መነባብሮ ሕብረተሰብና ገለ ምምሕያሻት ምስ ዝረአ ጥራሕ እዩ። ስለዚ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ መነባብሮ ሕብረተሰብ ብቐረባ ንከታተሎን ኣብ ዘጋጥሞም ዘሎ ጸገማትን ሽግራትን ተሳተፍቲ እንዳሃለና” ንገበናት ህግደፍ “ምድጋፍና ካብ “ነብሰ ቕትለት” እንታይ ዘፍሊ ነገር ኣለዎ።
ንተቓወምቲ ኢና በሃልቲ ክርኢ ምስ እንፍትን እዉን “ምዝራብ እንተሎ ትግባረ” ኣብ ቕድሚኦም ተገቲሩ ይጽበዮም ከምዘሎ ዘይፈልጡ ኣብ ሓሸዉየ ትርጉም ወይ ዕላማ ዘይብሉ ሕሶት ተጸሚዶም[ ስመርዶ; ካብ ታሕቲ ንላዕሊ] ገለ መለዶ እንዳተባህለ ሓቅነት ዘይብሉ ሕሶት ይዝየም ይወዓል እሎ። እሞ ደኣ ንነብስኻ ምትላል ማለት ካብ ነብሰ ቕትለት እንታይ ዝፈሊ ነገር አለዎ።
ብመሰረቱ “መሰረት ዘይብሉ ተቓዉሞ ይኹን ድጋፍ ካብ ነብሰ ቕትለት” ብዙሕ ዝፈልዮ ነገር ክህሉ ኣይኽእልን እዩ። ምኽንያቱ [ኤርትራዊ ዜጋ ኣብ ሃገሩ ከም እንስሳ ወይ ንብረት ተሃጊሩ] ዝኾነ ዓይነት ናጽነት ተሓሪምዎ እንከሎ ከምእዉን ናይ መነባብሮ ጸገማት ኣጓኒፍዎ እንከሎ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ናብ ስደት እንዳምረሐ እንከሎ ንህግደፍ ኣብ ምድጋፍ ይኹን ዕላማ ዘይብሉ ተቓዎሞ ምክያድና ብዝኾነ መለክዒ ካብ ነብሰ ቕትለት ዝፍለየሉ መገዲ ክህሉ ኣይኽእልን እዩ።
ካብ ነብሰቅትለት ንምድሓን መፍትሒ፥
ብቐዳምነት ናይ ሕሶት ባህሊ ካብ ነብስና ምዉጋድን ኣብ ህሉው ኩነትን ሓቅን ምእማን ከምእዉን ኣብ ክንዲ ከም ኣድጊ ንዉልቅና ምሓሳብ ንሕብረተሰብና ምሕላይን ብዘድሊ መንገዲ ምህጋዝ።
ኣብ ሃድነትና ምእማን ከምእዉን የሕዋት ከምኻና መጠን ናይ የሕዋት ስራሕ ምስራሕ።
ምድጋፍ ይኹን ምቁዋም ንስልጣን ወይ ረብሓ ዝደልዩ ዉልቀ ሰባት ምግልጋል ምኻኑ ካብ ሕሉፍ ማለት ኣብ ጊዜ ቓልሲ ዝተወፈየ ሂውት ሰብ ከም እዉን ድሕሪ ናጽነት ዝተኸፍለ መስዋእቲ ክንመሃር ይግባእ።
ኣብ ወጻእ ንነብር ኤርትራዊያን ሓድነት ብምፍጣር ንመንግስቲ ሕግደፍ ናብቲ ዝድለ መንገዲ ብሰላማዊ መንገዲ ኣንፈቱ ከምዝሕዝ ምግባር እቲ ዝቐለለ መንገዲ እዩ። አዚ ጉዳይዚ ንመብዛሕትኡ ሰብ ክትግበር ዘይኽእልን ዓቐብን ይመስሎ ይኸዉን ግና ንሕና ሓድነት ፈጢርና ክንሰርሕ እንተጀሚርና ንህግደፍ ኣብ መስመሩ ንኽነእትዎ 1 ዓመት ክትወስደልና ከምዘይትኽእል ኣይጠራጠርን እየ።
Afewerki September 28, 2016
Desalegn H/Mariam or H/Mariam Desalegn
When did you learn to write in Tigrigna so much trash and garbage?
We thought you were a puppet prime minister of Ethiopia in lots of crisis.
If you are a confused and lost poor animal then we could guide you back to your zoo free of charge as you sound a desperate wounded animal screaming
for help and guidance. Next time write about solutions and something new that we don’t already know as we are sick and tired with your noisy types.