Say “Yes” to Sanctioning the PFDJ Regime
Email, FAX or send letters to the current members of the UNSC and urge them to consider the plea of the Eritrean people and vote for punitive measures against the Eritrean regime. We have made it

Email, FAX or send letters to the current members of the UNSC and urge them to consider the plea of the Eritrean people and vote for punitive measures against the Eritrean regime.
We have made it really easy to act. We encourage you to use the message as it is, but feel free to modify it and add your own voice. Click On this Link: EYSC
Kozami November 13, 2011
Please save us your analysis of why we use pen names, in my case, I have previously discussed my reasons for doing so, in that it is a standard protocol of online interactions. Even banks and other institutions would advice you to use ‘user name’ when dealing with them through the web. Back to your point though, your protestations that you were merely using one aspect of what Fanon said (and implied stance that you are less interested on the whole philosophy) really smacks callous association on your part. There sure are views common to US and Al qaida but they don’t quote each other for reinforcement of their views. The reason being the spirit in which Fanon’s assertions were made was so that to validate and justify many of the GoE policies you object to. If you are not sure who you are following, wouldn’t it be risky to expect others to follow you. Penmanship, grammar, style… are not enough to advance politics, there is a suitable profession to go with that, as in a Novelist. To be in be in politics you need to be clear as to who/ what you follow, its philosophy, assumptions and implications first. Mounting on a wrong horse may win you a ‘spot on’ accolade from those making the same mishap but not from me.
Kozami November 13, 2011
Maaza pt2
Your intrigue with my ‘weird pen name’ Kozami may call explanation on may part. There is a tigrignia adage that says “asha wedi abokha k’libm si abi habti” When your sibling’s folly threatens to disunite the family, there is little you can do beyond pained sorrow, for you wish not to have your brother’s blood in your hand. There for I am indeed kozami (or as Zehtam Eritrawi/Temesgen aptly spell it as ‘Qozami’). It is the likes of you, with views founded on a a sand castle who threaten the well being of our people and country that becomes the source of my sorrow.
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 13, 2011
If prolonged berating was an Olympic event, you sure would stand out first. I am not sure why you’re nagging the one and only Maaza haftey as if there is no tomorrow. You seem to shoot in your own feet as you excavate Fanon in a bid to have him marvel at the “independent thinking of PFDJ” and cry his heart out for PFDJ is the victim of the “conspiracy of the West”. The truth is however, Fanon would be heart broken as he witnesses the liberator turned oppressor; the liberator turned tyrannical; the liberator devours the flesh and blood of its people. It would be an utter disservice to the novelty and nobility of philosophy as you try to pull a philosopher in support of the ideals and brutes of PFDJ. Simply because, PFDJ is a syndicate crime organization devoid of any time tested constructed and systematic idea in history. As for your pen name or nick name, it is lamentation for lack of a better word and it is misplaced on your part when you support the very edifice of PFDJ as the latter traumatizes the people where they are lamenting till Kingdom comes. If I understood Maaza haftey correctly, she tells you to enjoy your privileges as you’re perfectly at home when you use your proper or given name. As for the rest of us however, the retribution on our loved ones in Eritrea is so severe and frightening where we opt to use pen names instead.
Kozami November 13, 2011
Zekhtam Eritrawi
It takes courage to own principle. To resort to unwarranted presumption of knowing what Fanon would do or wouldn’t and trivializing its essence as a mere “Conspiracy of the west” is frivolous. If ones basis of argumentation involves the ‘signing off’ of a blank cheque to any one who would happen to oppose the GoE regardless of motive or merit, then principle is stifled and political prostitution becomes normalized. I sure enjoy exchanging views (I don’t do naging, sorry) with Maaza and short of making political charges on her stand, I don’t intend to attack her person one way or the other (allow for perceptual differences). However, to have frank exchange with some one demonstrates the measure of respect for their intellect than showering them with phony praises that they would have hard time internalizing. Failing all this, even to knowledge that an inconsistency might have happened and duly apologize for the blunder would go a long way in humanizing the debate.
Baraee November 13, 2011
You have aptly selected a fitting name not because courageous eritrean standing on the way of your PIA, our DIA is working, because that no one will believe you. However, it is a pre-monition you probably did not realize this name is gliding you what is about to unravel and your hulubula where many of us have jibbered in support of this dictator until we woke up of his evil deeds in Sahel and now in the open…..Answer a quesiton if you truly is koazaimina that is beholding you of why of our young boys and girls are ransacked of their vital organs while living and yet your President, our DIA has not protested or even acknowledged as the worst risk our people are seeing?
Baraee November 13, 2011
Contd ‘
Have you no shame then to not even ponder of this but continue to cry and kozami for Eritreans are about to sell their nation? Have you no regard and trust the people of Eritrea? What is wrong with you? Where the helll did you group that you lack experience of this nation ? Probably somehwhere in the west aha? when was the first and last time you heard and faced warfare? Have you spoken and heard the heroic deeds of our men and women from Sahel? Why is that so many of these brave men “Yudiskulu- ugly word” trasnslating loosely “FROZEN”. With the exception of yes men almost all of our leaders are either silenced or rotting in jail….Have you no honor for them? Have you no human heart and more so protective Eritrean nature to feel sorry when Veteran father and Veteran mother are both in jail rendering their kids almost orphans? Why? simply because they chose to liberate you and I? Please take a quiet walk and sink these questions then come and show us this sacrastic bravery you jot through your pen? Did you ever see a picture with Joshua and Issayas ever? did you hear then when Issayas bluntly lied telling a journalist “I do not know him” in an intervew. ….I challenge you to go back piece by piece and listen to his interview and analyse then you will know this dictator.
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 13, 2011
Frivolous? Far from it. There is no need to slap a label with out knowing or seeing the facts. Here is the deal: In its congress (87) the Front stipulated to implement a multi party system, rule of law, ratification of the Constitution where by the distribution of power is based on checks and balances, freedom of press and speech, freedom of worship. After a relative or should I say a semblance of democracy, rule of law, freedom of press and worship with in the first decade after independence, the Front-turned-government reverted into a full blown dictatorship and cracking on dissenters where they end up in an unknown location till they hit six feet under where the regime is rightly labeled pariah and a rogue. Hence, a liberator turned tyrannical. I wonder if that is a political prostitution on my part. If you are to retort onto the banal “Merietna b’Weyane jiHo tetaHizu khelo, we can’t afford to entertain democracy, rule of law and implementing the Constitution” mundane clap-trap, please do not sweat on replying. Simply because, you’ve more than enough insulted people’s intelligence.
Abdi November 13, 2011
Bela dea kozami hawey,she deserves it,she has been”netselay habuni” long ago.
@Merza here is a well intellect person who respects other regardless their broken English like me or even worse without insulting them for the lack of the language like you do, temesgen(zekhtam Eritrawi)is good on this manner(zeynatu ayhboon),but you ms English you act as if you don’t miss a single word(apart from the dirty ones i mean) and belitting people for the lack of English,as if we were discussing English lessons in here,
hope this teaches you that English is not everything,and always remember there are many eritreans who studied in different languages other than English who are proud to serve their country and not serving woyane like you do.”tenqemqem ktbli zrekhebkya,may Hawiski weHaTya” ‘bleki.
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 13, 2011
Bela d’A t’bil alekha kem nay deqi gezawti baEssi gierkayo? What are you? Zeray (hagazi)?
Huluf November 13, 2011
Zekhtam Eritrawi
I can answer on behalf of Abdi Ibud….read all his debates it is riddled with sadistic and chauvinistic words so poisnous he has earned full decoration of Abid Al Ibud.
Tsahaye November 13, 2011
Have you taken a note of the last sentence of the guy who keeps changing aliases. Sometimes he comes with a female name (Shewit or Selam), other times with a male name (Temesgen M.) and now with a phrase (zekhtam Eritrawi). I would not even be surprised if Maaza is the same character. Imagine what this guy looks like in real life. I don’t think he is different from what he is in the world of surfing. In defending for using multiple aliases, as if the PFDJ is chasing him wherever he hides, this is what he said in his last sentence, “As for the rest of us however, the retribution on our loved ones in Eritrea is so severe and frightening where we opt to use pen names instead”. If what he said is true, why are so many people in the oppositions not afraid of revealing their identities? Is it because they don’t have any family member in Eritrea or their family members are already killed by the regime? Kozami, it is very disgusting to see that this website is sadly infested with the barbaric woyane’s agents. If the PFDJ persecutes people because their family members are against the regime, Amanuel Eyasu would not have dared to compromise the safety of his parents and siblings in Eritrea.
Baraee November 13, 2011
Tshaye, Tshaye, Tshaye,
You sound reasonable and your analysis is so smooth I want to bet you have an honest desire and wish Eritrea is safe from the enemy – now Woyane.
In that standing could you please help me understand one question I have been throwing and I seem to find in you clarity….here is my question!!
Why is that PIA has not protested at the maximum or at least recognised the urgency of this cruel act in the desert of Sinai? Why has he completely ignored it while he had believed their runining from the country was a “picnic” ride?
Kozami November 13, 2011
It is clear that you two have a bone to pick, so to speak. However, the general point you raise about the habitual innuendos characterizing the the so called “opposition” working in tandem with the sadistic woyane is best left by saying let the weight of the garbage box encumber those who elect to carry it. According to the sold out opposition, Eritreans protested in tens of thousands and submitted more than a quarter of a million petitions in their name to oppose the illegal and unjust sanction, for fear of their families back home being persecuted by PFDJ (Selam Kidane to VOA) or because they don’t want to pass up the chance on traveling to Eritrea in order to date “under age children” (the wanna be journalist Milkias Mihretab) and many other charges in between. Do you know that the families of the G15 (those still in the country) do actually retain the official perks associated with the status of their detained relative (such as government catered housing and other allowances)? We all know the reform and development our political system needs to undertake in order to make Eritrea better for everyone. However, these brand of “opposition” is a different breed all together.
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 13, 2011
There is no need to curb your hallucination. While you’re at it, you might as well assume that Baraee, Huluf and I are one and the same person. My worry is however, the trend appears like you will end up assuming yourself me.
Abdi November 14, 2011
@ayte hulul
thanks but,men meslasay geyruka dea ab knday tmls? Ayne brkey dew ybelaley,layArskha gber embey,latey si baEley egnekhwo.
Huluf November 13, 2011
Abdi ibud,
You have such a sadistic nature thus love of a dictator….whe Kozami is debating Maaza or others and read a topic that is ululating the higdefite mafia you are screaming in your writings so obvious your words “Bela dea kozami hawey,she deserves it,she has been”netselay habuni” long ago…” and the best other word you bring is “Woyane”, “Unionist” etc….grow up please Ibdan ayzibukun
Abdi November 14, 2011
Hulul hawey,you r doing the same think you advised me not to do!, i did ululating my victorious brother and you wailed your defeated sis/brother (ezgi wan’om),so keep your advice save you might need to wail her soon when she and her superiors get kicked out of it”nmeas ykhoneni aybahaln ‘u weyle ‘bokha”.
Abdi November 14, 2011
I didn’t see you say anything when she was attracting,Im wondering what behaviour could be this?( kwEn b manka,,enkzHln b’eidka?).
thomi November 14, 2011
What are you doing covering by your nick name, you coward. I am 100% sure your real name is not abdi. You choose a Muslim name because you are proud of who are. Feel free call think everyone who opposes the lawless regime is an ageme or whatever you want call us. There is no true eritrean than who is truly not taking benefits of the barbaric regime we have ruling by stick or power of gun and making each eritrean uncomfortable living within the nation. An eight old born in Eritrean plans to escape the nation why???? National slavery, nothing to do there, freeing his/her mind from being retuinely controlled by the merciless dictator………. even those over sixty hated to live in the country heated the lies of the regime and its propaganda media…………
Abdi November 14, 2011
its vise reverse the oppositions are who harvesting from the crises of the eritreans from prisoners to refugees while dinning and winning in luxurious addis hotels,contrarily HGDEF had suffered to bring the independence yet again restlessly working hard to build the country.that’s why all Eritreans stand by their side and support them.
I don’t understand why Im coward for using a nicknam,although u are using one?please don’t tell you are gonna throw over PIA and it will be hard for me to hide then after you control the power? “aaaaaaaaye,tezey motkn Emri alekn” wake up and stop oooooover estimating urself.
Des kbleka, my name is abdu,but most of my friends and family spoil me by Abdi,”nezi’a khea qeni’ekaley? “.
Abdi November 14, 2011
Btw,My i have all the reasons to call you
-agame for being agame puppets.
-opportunists, for using ur people’s crises for your purpose instead of helping tackle it,the changes you have made to the initially planned demonstration against human trafficking organs trades in London last week,changed/added deportation to serve ur agenda which pissed off
many enthusiastic participants like myself and many others including HGDEF member and we call
it off.
-unionist for the reason that your intellectuals headed by Dr bereket clearly stating that the two
nations are one and the later made it his wish to see them united before he dies.
-telamat for the reason that you forget the torture,looting,burning, even you forgot the destruction they made on the martyrs cemetery, dag it and throw the bones away,yet again you stand by woyanes side disappointing the whole nation,oh the list goes on on on on.
thomi November 14, 2011
Abdi bial abay kebdi,
You are working for your stomach. You have given a blind eritrea and a deaf ears to all the abuses, imprisoning, brothers and sister death on crossing the deserts, hopeless life and endless national services, freedom deprivation or even your body or mind is the property of the dictatorial regime. Our family back home do not have a reason to wake up in the morning because their every movement in the country requires permission from the overly controlling government. All they see, Eritrea under this criminal regime going down to the ground every second. No young living in the cities or even around. No future for the young, no family upbringing no nothing. The only way out if one gets lucky is escape like you abdi like they call in this website EBUD. My last attempt talking to brainless animal. Go and see a doctor and be a human or act like a human being, stupid!
Huluf November 14, 2011
Abid Ibud,
How was your day in the democratic city of a democratic province withing a democratic state/province in a democratic west? I bet you had some good food with vitamins in it, some capuccino, clocked some hours to earn some dollars/euro….ohhhhhh now that you feel good( thanks to your abopted country) , You have Eri TV @ home and penetrates your sadistic brain….all of a sudden you are now an Eritrean vanguard looking with some venom and filth dirt talk towards honest , truth loving , those questioning their governoment on issues…sometimes giving them grades what level of Eritreans they are. Question for you on the way…Why is that PIA has not protested on behalf of the Eritreans who are ransacked of their organs while they are alive???????????????
Abdi November 15, 2011
Do you want the truth?I’ve no idea,but to accuse any gov’t for not taking care of its citizens aboard you need to know first if the citizens had acknowledged their embassy of thier arrival?however the eritrean embassy held talks with the Egyptians and visited the prisoners in Egypt who claimed to be Eritrean after the necessary screening the embassy offered to take them home but i don’t know what happened after,but assena posted its lies as usual by saying the embassy held a secret meeting with the prison’s bosses inorder to force the detainees to sign the voluntary deportation forms.
So the question is did the victims report to the embassy?No
do we have to blame the gov’t for not visiting every hole in Sinai desert searching for the victim?No,because eritreans are blacks but not every black is eritrean,unless reports to his/er embassy period.
Instead you should blame assena for not making the victim’s contact number which assena ‘d
contacted them through, available For the NGOs across the region to help finding them.
Check Audio messages of the victims by assena,contacted them twice and promised to contact them of the 3rd time soon.
Abdi November 15, 2011
Pls read,for the 3rd,,,,,
Abdi November 15, 2011
Thomi,its in the oppositions blood to talk with out proofs and accuse everybody challenging them for being Ebud and animal,but Im glad you gave up and i say to u in tgrigna “qelele BegiEey”.
Maazza November 14, 2011
I have only gone as far as … (and implied stance that you are less interested on the whole philosophy)… and shame on you that you put words into my ‘mouth’. Never even implied it! Now I go back to reading what more you say to interpret and ‘tarnish’ as you will my thinking.
Maazza November 14, 2011
I have only gone as far as … (and implied stance that you are less interested on the whole philosophy)… and shame on you that you put words into my ‘mouth’. Never even implied it! Now I go back to reading what more you say to interpret and ‘tarnish’ as you will my thinking.
Maazza November 14, 2011
You write ‘Penmanship, grammar, style… are not enough to advance politics …’. If to be able to advance politics is to be like Hgdefites and your good self (condescending to tyranny), I consider myself blessed to be ignorant of the art of advancing politics! All of you who support DIA and Hgdef the way you do, leave me astounded that persons brought up in a society like ours, where to distinguish right from wrong is instilled in them from infancy, chose to be on the side of what is considered by many Eritreans and others as a cruel and oppressive system. If you guys consider yourselves as persons advancing politics, all I can say is you do not live in the real world. Your has a high dose of fantasy. Yesterday, I heard in the news that less than 1% in North Korea know that the Arab Spring has and is taking place in our planet earth! I am inclined to think that less than 1% of Eritreans in the rural area are also aware that there lived a tyrant ruler of 42 years who hoarded the wealth of his country and owned huge banks in the East and West and deprived his people any freedom. That he was dragged like a thief and died a horrible death. Hgdef works day and night for people not to know that. You, Tsahaya, Abdi ibud, g, support a system like that. I have a very hard time trying to metabolize that in my brain and accept it as normal.
Kozami November 13, 2011
You strike me as big on rhetoric and short on facts. You sure have felt our discussions has brought up some old fond memories. However, after claiming to know the big fat skeleton hiding in PIA’s closet, you come as boo….nothing! You think Eritrea and PIA would fail, I think not by a stretch of imagination. Let’s ask you what makes your prediction more credible than mine, your huffing and puffing aside? Nothing really, except your desire to hoodwink people by seeming to care more about the victims than their loved ones. You have, naively, conclude woyane has told you they recognize Eritrea (news to me really, which border do they recognize?) and their change of heart about Assab! Really, I am glad you found such a trustworthy friend, however IMO if it wasn’t for PIA they would have ripped your behind like there is no tomorrow. Who are you trying to kid? Seriously!
Baraee November 14, 2011
Eritrea never failed, never fails will not fail….so it is you who is hoodwinking facts….but DIA not only is going to fail, he has failed day by day.
Asnwer me one question…you keep eluding….why is then this brave man for his people to date has not protested for Eritreans who are ransacked of their vital organs while they are alive….? You are so brilliant in the way you answer, this one should be easy…..So you believe DIA but you will not honor Petros Solomon a hero of the Eritea you claim to be proud of….Oh shamelessly you will say he is Woyae or he was bought by Woyane. How about his wife….Shame on you not only for not standing up the Eritreans in Sinai but even war heroes….I only mention Military and Political genius Petros…but there are many rotting in the dangeon for utterly having a differing opinion like you and I are doing now.
Kozami November 13, 2011
Source: The Impact of Sanctions: A Study of UNICEF’s Perspective, Table 3, Eric Hoskins, MD Consultant, UNICEF New York February 1998
Part I
Direct Effects (immediate)
1. Decreased Imports
Food Imports
Agricultural Inputs – fertilizer, pesticides, spare parts
Industrial/Commercial inputs/parts
Other spare parts
Educational materials
Water Purification/supply inputs
2. Decreased Exports
Impact on export earnings, access to foreign currency, etc.
3. Decrease in Communications
Including telecommunications, media
4. Impact on Diplomatic Efforts
Kozami November 13, 2011
Source: The Impact of Sanctions: A Study of UNICEF’s Perspective, Table 3, Eric Hoskins, MD Consultant, UNICEF New York February 1998
Part II
Short Term Effects (intermediate)
1. Health
Deterioration in health status;
Increased: Morbidity and mortality (esp. child),Maternal and perinatal [sic] mortality,
Low-birth-weight babies, Infectious diseases, Epidemics, Malnutrition;
Deterioration in water quantity and quality;
Deterioration in health services;
Decrease in available medicines, vaccines laboratory and diagnostic tests;
Breakdown of medical, Xray, lab equipments.
2. Food Security
Higher market prices for basic foodstuffs;
“Entitlement” problems in obtaining food;
Shortages of basic food items;
Decrease in household diet and caloric intake;
Decreased agricultural and production;
Decrease in livestock production;
Black market purchases
3. Economics
Decreased export earnings;
Decreased trade leading to closure of business and industry;
Emergence of black (paralles [sic]) market;
Decrease wages, purchasing power;
Increase in personal/household loans;
Decreased economic activity ( industry, commerce, agriculture, etc) due to lack of trading partners, resources, funds, inputs.
Kozami November 13, 2011
Source: The Impact of Sanctions: A Study of UNICEF’s Perspective, Table 3, Eric Hoskins, MD Consultant, UNICEF New York February 1998
Part II
Long Term Effects (chronic)
1. Health
Reduction in the overall (general) health status of the population
Deterioration in health services and diminshed [sic] national capacity to provide care;
Loss of previous gains in preventive and curative care services;
Resurgence of illness and disease associated with poverty (e.g. epidemics, infectious disease)
2. Economic
Chronically decreased economic activity;
Decline in revenue from all sources;
Decline in GDP, GNP, per capital income;
Loss of trade partners, regional/international trade interests;
Chronically high unemployment
Collapse of public and private infrastructure
Decline in public education.
3. Social
Increase poverty
Increase in social inequality (Income gap between rich and poor);
Social upheaval, violence distress
Decrease in social cohesion
Psychosocial impact difficult to measure
4. Political
Impact on democracy
Impact on human rights, previously-observed democratic freedoms
Change in regional balance of power, security
Kozami November 13, 2011
Please note that about half a million (500000) Iraqi children and more than one million (1000,000) Iraqi adults died as the result of sanction in that country (source: UNICEF).
guest November 14, 2011
Do not worry about all these Eritreans have been denied all these for the last 15 years. Regarding what the points raised non-of these are affected by the current sanction in Eritrea, but it would be also good as the PFDJ does not have to waste our money to support Alshebab, Ethiopian oppositions, Djibouti oppositions and Sudan oppositions.
If you talk about all the food, medicine, fuel, and others , it is close to non-available even at this moment, the only beneficiaries are few who are associated with the regime. Even the generals import beer from Ethiopia for the daily consumption by taking off the label.
The housing construction has come to halt since 2006 by imprisoning the contractors and the engineers so as to control the business. Agriculture is totally controlled by the PFDJ generals and military units using the army for the benefit of few.
I think you better focus on helping and discussing the issue with concerned party about how to solve the problem the Eritrean popn faced currently instead of giving blind support to the regime
Abdi November 14, 2011
m’enti haqi tgebro zelekha aberkto zmsgen eu,kab mmharna kea aytHmeq,bertE kulatna ab gonkha alena.good job,well done and keep it up brother.
Huluf November 14, 2011
Lier ! no UN sanction will impact medicine, medical equipment..vital to people….
What export are you talking about? Exporting of our youth? DIA could care less.
Huluf November 14, 2011
Kozami the paranoid,
So if you believe the sources of UNICEF are you willing to accept sources of UN and UN affilated inofrmation for me to bring it to you. But do not run and run and run and say UN is CIA, America is CIA, Djibouti is CIA, Sudan was CIA ,
Are you ready????
Abdi November 15, 2011
Eubud ktbl si nbaElkha Abidka,zeyttsahfe aytenbb,
g November 13, 2011
Nowadays i dont read the articles by instead I enjoy kozami & abdis comments.
Huluf November 14, 2011
g the ginay!!!
yet you find this website !! You are so saturated with Eri Tv propaganda you miss the diverse and true loving(per Abdi Ibud we are all Woyanes) and fearless ideas….Welcome! bro! mariam teahgizka ginay hawey….As they in south , bless your heart!!!!!!!!!!
g November 14, 2011
hassenna = hasot hasena it is not a spelling mistake.
guest November 14, 2011
At least you should thank for get a platform to say your opinion which you do not get from the or unless your point is applauding the regime.
Even i really enjoy Kozami, or Abdi, for saying what they like that is what we need in a free Eritrea just to present idea, discuss it and take what is best for us, instead of being papa Gallo and repeat what the PFDJ OR tv ERi told us, i think we deserve better, and i am happy here enjoying where you share your opinion, feeling and critics.
kozami November 14, 2011
According to UNICEF Eritrea has reduced maternal mortality by 80% (not Eri TV), Sanctions hurt the most vulnerable in the society as women and children and the infirm. You’re brushing aside the stark realities and only go to show how cruel you could be than having any effect on the imposition of sanction one way or the other. Alternatively, what I am saying is that UN imposed sanctions are particularly insidious; not only because they have the potential to hit hardest but because the endorsement of sanctions that have overtly dire consequences on civilian populations undermines the UN’s credibility as an international organisation for universal good. With each civilian death, the global body suffers in popular esteem as the public comes to regard it as yet another tool in the arsenal of the world’s most powerful nations. UN involvement therefore does not act to legitimise the action but rather to de-legitimise the actor and to entrench political strife and human suffering, as has been seen in both Iran and Iraq.
Huluf November 14, 2011
Pleas do not trust too much UNICEF….they are US biased CIA….I believe Eri TV live jot and jot from Vice President Ali Abdu.
Abdi November 14, 2011
lol,yzregeka ‘lo mesleni,
Are suggesting to trust”ezi derfi Ass ena eu,derfi Ass ena Kab democrasyawit Ethiopia zftel hasot eu?” A tailored sanction on Eritrea to only paralyze the regime with out affecting the people of Eritrea,huh?gudamegna, agame aytbeluni mbalka ‘gedd.agame
Kozami November 14, 2011
If I had to describe love with one word, it would have to be newborn. To look in the eyes of your newborn for the very first time, is like nothing else. Here is this innocent, trusting, vulnerable, disparately needy, new person, who has heard the world only from the inside through water, now submerged into a world of lights and noise, listening for the familiar voice of his or her mother. You look at this new being and you can get a glimpse of what God might feel when He looks into one of His children’s eyes for the first time. The magic of the new born radiates the quiet, still moment of that unquestionable love that cannot be possible by any other means. It is unfathomable evil that if the wishes of the sold out opposition and their sadistic master woyane was to be realized through sanctions, a great number of newborns would die before getting to blow their first birthday candle. No Eritrean worth his/her salt would want to stain their hand by spilling the blood of this innocent life at its most fragile.
Maazza November 14, 2011
How low are you willing to stoop to discredit the opposing side? I had a lot of respect for the sort of calm and cool manner you tended to preset your case, but as time goes, you are wearing thin and in your search to depict the opposing side as inhuman you came out with a post, to say the least, is neither here or there. New infants when they come to world shout and scream because they have been taken out of a very cozy warm and loving place out into the world. You describe some fairy tale. Or, may be you looked at your newborn after he has been calmed down, washed and bundled in warmth and has cooled off from his fear of the unknown. Whatever, you are trying to do, just stay where you used to be trying to debate on factual grounds. Here you are trying to ‘create’ a horror scenario to discredit us but you really sound ‘funny’ to say the very least. Sanction and Sanction and Sanction around the neck of DIA and Hgdef is what some of us pray for on the 16th. So many died since the struggle for reasons that History will reveal hopefully in our life time. So many jeganu are rotting in jail not being given the possiblity of hearing from their loved ones!!! DIA and Hgdef, may you have the same fate, languish in jail! This is being clement.
Kozami November 14, 2011
You are entitled to your views about the sanction, but regarding the way babies come to this world, you are talking to a man who stood by his wife not once but three times for the occasion. To describe the experience is beyond words can muster. Yet, to realize so many Eritrean babies would be killed if what you ‘pray for’ comes with a terrifying confirmation of the magnitude of evil being contemplated by the run away wagon (sold out opposition). Do, you know SID’s (sudden Infant Death) is most common among infants under 6 months? Do you know what it takes to nurse and care to infant from infancy to toddler hood? Do you know unpasteurized milk could kill them and so does of common illnesses due to lack of basic medical provisions? As king Solomon found that the true mother refused to have her baby cut in half, highlighting your UnEritrean (devoid of Eritrean nature) undertakings were meant for those who might be hoodwinked than the proper tesekam shanta nai weyane.
Kozami November 14, 2011
please read …’pray for’ is realized…
Maazza November 14, 2011
I cannot help admiring you for being the type who would stand by his wife while she is having a baby. I still disagree on newborn babies coming to the world in the manner you described it. They herald their coming by making it clear that inside their mothers’ wombs they were safest.
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 14, 2011
Your plea is absolutely moving. As much as you’re supplicating and pleading to the world so that the world would save Isaias from the wrath of sanctions, where were you when the little girl Maaza Petros Solomon came out to this world believing that she will be cuddled and protected by her loving parents but all of a sudden she was rendered zekhtam as her parents were made to disappear in to the thin air by Isaias’ incredibly cruel hands? Why is that you all of a sudden having a kind heart when the Tigrigna adage has it, “Ayni keda’E neba’E”.
Kozami November 14, 2011
It is such amiss to note that a person who profess ‘psychoanalytic’ tendency with keen interest on ‘pent up anger’ would take comfort from the disparaging adage “Ayni keda’E neba’E” However, your callous attitude towards the inevitable victims only shows how expendable Eritrean life has been taken to be in the circles of the sold out opposition. If your logic leads you to believe only PFDJ supporters have issue with the sadistic woyane’s inception to mire our people in destitute, then you really are blinded to the facts, albeit out of desperation. There is no pleading here, thanks to the unyielding determination of our people, but the facts above were illustrative of the evil being perpetrated in the name of ‘human rights’. Baby killing is the worst form it takes!
Kozami November 14, 2011
to zekhtam eritrawi of course…
Huluf November 14, 2011
You are so sincere in your points but I have to share with you….Kozami pretends to understand of the love for a baby….For god sake there are so many Eritreans now in dangeon and the baby that he adores are just like. Yet he shows no honor for those unjustly put in prison. Kozami like to hear himself talk…I bet if you met him you would agree. Beyond that he is a principled paranoia at best.
Baraee November 14, 2011
………..and this new born innocent grows watching how adults deny truth…he becomes these 2, 3, 5 year old absorbing like a sponge all the facade where when his friends father can not come home because he said a word different than a President of a nation would like to hear…..He would watch a raped citizen in a hotel (do not worry this does not happen in Eritrea) screaming to journalists to only be whisked like a dog by security apparatus( I am talking of Libya) oh in our Eritrea we do not do this…..these kids grow to see where they heard of the war of heroes and seeing how they are treated( no I am not talking of the verterans from Mai Haber)….oh these kids grow to see how adults lie….These kids grow up to be teens (1991-todate) and they see Kozam, Baraee, Abdi, Maaza..G- Ginay arrive to their Eritrean cities….and are the best looking, VIP hosted … Waw they end up in 20 years in Sawa just to be visitied ( hagerka zura….these funny sounding Eritreans in their English, German languages) touring and admiring them like Bambula!!!! Now these teenager emerging to be an adult just found out all he has to do is dash to Sudan, sign “nai taasa worket(regret form) and try and fly to Eritrea to be respected, to be adored and to sometimes be seen in Eri Tv hungrily interviewing……Ooops Kozami hawey ….i am almost doing what you are bracing for Koazamme !!!!! Kozammme!!! Aey,, Aey…..Aigdin…
g November 14, 2011
Hassenna always deletes my messages and i never got chance to let others read my message except him. At one time I wrote my message in amharic using english alphabets(on mind thinking hassenna amharic ayketlan eyu ele ) he posted my message and then i believe some one told him about the message and after that he completly stop posting my messages but i keep righting him atleast he will read it. Thank you is an easy word to say however hassenna doesnt deserve it no matter what he does. Remember the article
ካብ ናይ ምጽናት ወፈራ ኣድሕኑና፡ ኣእዉዩልና ኸኣ! – መልእኽቲ ካብ ኤርትራ
he is such a person who wrote the letter and posted it. It talks about warsay in Dekemhare the article was very ugly and painfull but thanks god it was a lie. He deleted the article after couple hours.
Kokhob November 14, 2011
nothing will save PFDJ. just accept the change and stand with your people. things are no more under the mafia group. honestly speaking we are only working to save some people who are cheated otherwise PFDJ’s gruop life is in hand.
Kokhob November 14, 2011
supporting the sanction is only to let the cheated get chance to wake up. if the revoluion of the mass starts today it will end with no time but may hurt the innocent. but preparing the mass is important and that is the reason we work hard to let PFDJ paralized.
kozami November 14, 2011
First of all, my apologies for being limited in my ability to relate precisely what it is I tried to say about new born. If you had the experience in the delivery room, would note that ones the baby has been delivered and until that moment it starts to breath with its precious new lungs, there is that powerful experience with the air swollen with total silence. I heard some guys faint and others breakdown in tears upon the sight of their newborn stepping into their world. I hope this clears the misunderstanding and that we can move on. The experience of love when a mother is holding her newborn is also offset by other neurochemical activities in her system.
kozami November 14, 2011
Contrast that to the sadness of a mother holding the corps of her dead newborn for lack of medicine (thanks to the sanction you pray to be imposed). Imagine that this mother has neither done anything wrong to deserve that or has any means to resist it. No regime, from Burma to North Korea, from Iran/Iraq to Cuba has ever been overthrown by Sanctions. Rather, ended up more entrenched and combative. However, the misery that it wrought upon the innocent (and the most vulnerable most) has been devastating to say the least. Whether you support or object to it is of no relevance to the authors, other than to show what you are all about and what evil you wish upon the innocent. As far as the sadistic woyane is concerned, you’re good for working the shovel and the dagger to bury you dead, after they have left town. Do not buy into the “lets roll the body in the rug and throw it to the sea, clean the stains up and it will wash away and nobody will found out” conspiracy.
Maazza November 14, 2011
Now that sanction is what’s upper most in your mind, the lack of medicines becomes a reality to your thinking and feeling. I have lost count of how many close family members and neghibours and friends I have lost as a result of lack of proper medical attention and partcularly lack of medicines in the last 20 years. I truly don’t give a hoot whether you believe me or not because the facts on the ground speak for themselves. we drowned in sorrow over the untimely deaths of some of our people from easily treatable diseases. Where were you then, Kozami. Glorifying Hgdef. Remember, those of the G15 who we sometimes hear passed away? They did so from lack of medical attention and complete isolation from their lovedi ones and the world. Your sensitivity has conditions. On the other hand the word sanction makes you alarmed for the death of newborn babies. I’ll never know why you are so defenisive of the leadrship in Eritrea who are trying to institute a system that fooled masses 50 years ago but in today’s world, except in North Korea, has melted into nothingness. it is a tool to rule by keeping people as uninformed and as ignorant as possible, except the opportunists seemingly ‘educated’ like your good self?
kozami November 14, 2011
Your preoccupation with PFDJ-phobia is really blinding you to the horrendous evil that you have made yourself part of. Please note the following: “Economic sanctions almost always have a dramatic impact on the rights recognized in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. They often cause significant disruption in the distribution of food, pharmaceuticals and sanitation supplies, jeopardize the quality of food and the availability of clean drinking water, severely interfere with the functioning of basic health and education systems, and undermine the right to work; unintentionally, economic sanctions can lead to reinforcement of the power of oppressive élites, the emergence, almost invariably, of a black market and the generation of huge windfall profits for the privileged élites which manage it, enhancement of the control of the governing élites over the population at large, and restriction of opportunities to seek asylum or to manifest political opposition” (Background Paper prepared by the Office of the High commissioner for Human Rights for the meeting of the Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs, 2000)
Kozami November 14, 2011
The form of sanction you are praying for is not what is termed ‘smart’ sanction but only applied when the whole society is a target. The UN had only passed 4 such sanctions in its history. The following extraction explains the distinction “recognizing the often-unacceptable human costs associated with comprehensive sanctions, and the unlikely potential for holding together such an international coalition (indeed, there have been only four U.N.-approved comprehensive sanctions), Cortright and Lopez provide specific recommendations to improve the effectiveness of sanctions. They recommend maintaining a list of individuals and entities responsible for, or supportive of, objectionable policies in targeted countries, who are then subject to financial sanctions and seizures, as well as travel bans. When whole sectors of society, such as businesses or communities, are the targets, they recommend expanding sanctions to strategic commodities, such as arms (although arms embargoes have traditionally lacked adequate enforcement), petroleum products, and commodities of great value to decision-makers (e.g. diamonds in Africa).”(Smith, M. Shane. “Sanctions: Diplomatic Tool, or Warfare by Other Means?.” Beyond Intractability).
Huluf November 14, 2011
Kozami the paranoid.
All these hoopla you write is clearly manifesting of the dread going that is crumping you stomach, if you have one for usually people that adore DIA never seize parading. You remind of the Sadam Hussien’s military press secretary who was still oozing his mouth how wonderful his leader was and how the Iraqi army are braving the war while the Americans were right behind at the airport of Baghda…
Kozami please brace yourself for the inevitable. Stop the zeraf! zeraf ulultation. Learn from the leaflets of ethio-feudalism…
Huluf November 14, 2011
Kozami the paranoid,
Stop preaching Meaza….she is for the people and sees reality….There is no need to be PFDJ-phobia. She is an Eritrean where these parasities have found themsleves to the contrary you suffer from truth-phobia. If not answer the quesiton? Please …you have been asked many times.
Why has PIA not protested and even acknowledged the dehumanising of”his people” in Egypt….At the minimum how is it not he has not mobilised the Eritran community to protest…? Ah ? Aha? do you have answer….Do you a moral fiber so deep in Eritrean pysche where life is precious….so much Eritreans would headbut, punch rarely is there a knife fight ….for life is always respcted culturally and religiously…..Alas DIA is missing.? Tell me Kozami the paranoid instead of spewing evil talk with Maaza answer the quesiton and you will earn a respect you deserve for a great debate….otherwise you are just a panic-mania so vivid in your writing.
Maaza writes with confidence and unemotional points but facts.