Say “Yes” to Sanctioning the PFDJ Regime
Email, FAX or send letters to the current members of the UNSC and urge them to consider the plea of the Eritrean people and vote for punitive measures against the Eritrean regime. We have made it

Email, FAX or send letters to the current members of the UNSC and urge them to consider the plea of the Eritrean people and vote for punitive measures against the Eritrean regime.
We have made it really easy to act. We encourage you to use the message as it is, but feel free to modify it and add your own voice. Click On this Link: EYSC
Abdi November 12, 2011
Agames are not allowed to say nothing about this,mind ur business.rebi yeTf’ekum ya hasadat.
sol November 12, 2011
Not allowed,,,,,,,nothing.
Abdi November 12, 2011
Ok,anything hope you got the message.
g November 12, 2011
I am so proud of my Eritrea. how could someone sanction the beuty of cycling in eritrea? may be you say so what cycling is cycling but it is the sport that brings all eritreans together like the american football brings americans together imagine if the fake/lie sanction was implied daniel and the rest players and his funns would not have a chance to celebrate like they celebrated as if we got another independence day. This ugly sanction would have affected daniel at the same time any farmer, student,man,women,any warsay (wish them the best).
helen November 12, 2011
you can be against sanction and isayas at the same time. There is always colatteral damage. Can you name one example in the world that sanction targets just the leadership not the people??
At this time, Ethiopia is the enemy. If you collabrate with Ethiopia to support the sanction, you are equally responsible for crisises to come. say NO for sancion!
helen November 12, 2011
No for sanction!!i am against sanction and isayas at the same time. There is always colatteral damage. Can you name one example in the world that sanction targets just the leadership not the people??
At this time, Ethiopia is the enemy. If you collabrate with Ethiopia to support the sanction, you are equally responsible for crisises to come. say NO for sancion!
Tsahaye November 12, 2011
It seems you have a problem with the idea of a targeted sanction because your targeted sanction is a complete sanction. The only thing you did not include in your list is the tomatoes and sorghum the government gets from the farmlands. A sanction that includes the economic is duly meant to kill the innocent people. No matter how much you hate the regime, the regime is still providing free education, free healthcare and many other public services. If you starve the regime to generate money from the mining industry and other resources, how do you expect it to provide services to the people? For your information, there has never been a sanction that does not hurt the people. The sanction on Iraq never brought down Saddam Hussein’s regime, but millions of Iraqis had died because of lack of medicine and other necessities. The sanction on N. Korea has not created a dent on the regime’s ability to continue surviving, but the people are living a life of hell under the sanction. I advise you to think big and ignore what the woyane agents are crying their lungs out in support of the fraudulent sanction against Eritrea. The sanction is designed to destroy Eritrea and realize the dream of the barbaric woyane’s regime. Think of this: Do you think if Eritrea had refused to abide by the final and binding verdict that the US and the West would have tolerated it? THINK BIG!
Abdi November 12, 2011
The sanction will no effect PIA, it will effect Eritrea and the poor eritrean.but who cares if you vote yes or no,even if the UNSG considers eritrean’s vote to impose the sanction,do you think the real eritreans will vote for the sanction,the only ones who will vote for the sanction are those unionists in addis to please their agame goytom and they are nothing comparing to the rest of us, your number is hardly reach 1% including ur woyane go on and vote and show us what you can do.newramat meghay zemedom.
Baraee November 13, 2011
Effect is positive , your proably meant affect. I disagree with you it will impact the Eritrean people. Simply put they are already santioned by Higdef….They do own land, they do not own their kids, they can not vote, they have no say whe DIA on his whim lights up a war….They have no say when he sentenced people into a dangeon with no court of law, they have no say who is “FROZEN” and who is elected and who is demoted…..They have only one say that is dance on Indepence Day, Women’s day, Youth day etc./etc. No sanction is going to impact the nomads, farmers etc….No sanciton is going to impact the middle class because it does not exist….it has been systematically demised by HIGDEFITE mafia….most of them relocated to South Sudan, Uganda and Dubai….the few remaining are directly linked to top echelon(recall Samson, Semon scandal). So I say sanciton the Higdefite for that will bring chaos inside themsleves and only then pure debate will emerge between you and I and between those so called supporters and so called opposition.
Abdi November 13, 2011
@baraee p1
thanks (Im +1word)
You missing something here,the sanction might look affecting HGDEF internally as woyane predicted for the unionists, but in reality HGDEF with its branches all over the world won’t be affected at all,and no power on earth can stop their businesses abroad which have been running under eritreans ownership,EPLF(Gov’t ) have passed through many isolations and int’l
collaborations against them to won us our
independence,remember? As we all know they always
come back stronger and more popular instead,So the only
victims will be the Eritreans who depend on their internal
incomes (small business,farm and labours) even the ones
who get support from their relatives abroad will slightly be
affected by their surroundings>>>>
Abdi November 13, 2011
@baraee. P2
>>>>we should understand that woyane is not doing this for the
sake of Eritreans whom they hate their eye colour and
kicked them out penniless,whom them they burnt their
villages nor to get rid of HGDEF,No, they are doing it
because they don’t want us(Eritrea) to become stronger and
economically independent nation kinda (amawutuna),so
the main target is Eritrea and this way they can make us aid
hostages, aid addicted who don’t own the decision they
make and always wait for directives from the donors.
We never heard of any sanction which left good impact on people and their nation nor any sanction which threw over a gov’t period.
Baraee November 13, 2011
You dream so much….In the past it was dedication and readiness to give one’s life. All those heroes now do not support this evil dictator. So get out of that illusion. As you have seen it stipulated in the UN Sanction report they have everyone’s name in the US , Europe and Dubai. ….Leave alone this old shitara the west pin pointed all activities with deadly patience and nailed OSAMA and the secret communicaiton he used…..There is nothing hidden now in the world. Those individuals hiding governoment asset in their names….I can guarantee you few will be toasted with a book thrown at them with aiding and abeiting, all sanction. But they do not need to get there the Zemachs who are in this ugly game will cower quickly and will have no stomach for it.
Baraee November 13, 2011
Why are you so PARANOID of woyane? unless you must love them. Everything you associate it to them… I have told you so many times. Woyane not only have they recognized Eritrea….their leader officially declared Aseb is not in border debate is an Eritrean soverign land….There is one thing they are after I agree with you and are winning in their diplomatic campaign….DIA is a bad gangster in the neighborhood and he must go….He kept getting int any trap they bring him….until he woke up the rope is dangling and getting close….thus the rush to New York. He is smart man unlike many who support him…he is aware all the people who came screaming to show their love will not save him at the end of the day…..He used it for the Eri TV to calm the henchemen specially the military brass.
Beyond that he is cognizant and am not surprising if he cowars and accepts one more time a de facto by IGAAD which you are Woyane….But remember that is what Gadaffi went for too.
Abdi November 14, 2011
don’t give these weak excuses,he can’t say otherwise, aseb is an Eritreans whether he likes it or not, and no thanks for him doing that.
Im sick to hear you trusting woyane after what they have done,you became too blinded to realize what did!!
We (i) are not against you are being opposing the gov’t but to accept what woyanes tell as if it was a Bible or Quran and to reach the point of supporting the sanction against ur people is tooooooooooo much.
You have missed that “lbi tigray twyway”and that you have the
same eye colour as the ones whom they looted,robbed,tortures
and kicked them out few years back.
Im not paranoid but the truth infront of me tells me what woyanes are,so please tell me one good reason why to love them?
aman November 12, 2011
no to sanction by any-means you guys think twice about what u talking???????
Baraee November 13, 2011
Aman b Aman santin to HIGDEF mafia for the peopl of Eritrea are not only sanctioned but their children are abused at home and in the desert. Yet DIA can not even have the desency to protest…..He only protests when he is in danger and rush to the UN and appear humble and subdued…..Sanction is needed to bring this guy to his knees and respect his people.
Bus.Zone November 12, 2011
when some one read the comment made by The BANDITS supporters in Eritrea they look like someone out of this planet we leave in , what is the motivation of this people ? self interest or just sheer ignorance or BOTH ? but remember Fish Brain : Josef Stalin ruled the Soviet Union with an iron fist for 25 years until his death in 1953 where is he now ? where is Gaddfi ? Hit them with sanction bring them to their knee , not only that shut their begging outlet the So Called (Embassy ) through EU and USA
guest November 13, 2011
I do not know where these people come here , they just remain quiet while Eritreans are being abused from home then goes all over the world from the Mount Sinai, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Mediterranean sea, Tunis, —-etc, these people even did not bother to ask their president but Praising him like the roaring lion, but now they are crying when this guy reaches his time to reap up what he sow.
Eritrea is in sanction by his belligerent act and reduce from being country to a place unwanted by many diplomats, most embassies, international institution, and agencies are out due to the belligerent nature of the PIA. Even I read at one time the Israel Foreign Minister could not find any body who is willing to work in Eritrea, if people are talking about people gone suffer from this sanction forget it, the people have sanctioned for long time — cry Abdi, Aman, g helen, and whatever. What goes around comes around. Rest in peace our martyrs and victims of PFDJ
Kozami November 12, 2011
Zekhtam Eritrawi
I assure you that your depiction of Franz Fanon is not much different from what little I have had chance learn about him. However, the interesting point is that the fact Maaza found Fanon’s theories/teachings/philosophies to be a spring board from which to launch her assertions. At a deeper level, politically, Fanon would validate many of the landmark GoE policies such as: home grown democracy, self reliance, national service… that she finds atrocious. Here is a quote from BSWM (p63) revealing the call to fault of Fanon by the black woman: “The colonized woman of color seeks humanity, value, through a white male love. The colonized man of color caresses “white Breasts” with the belief that he is grasping “white civilization and dignity” and making them his own”
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 12, 2011
Of course, I can’t talk about Fanon’s magnum opus if you will with authority where I have a fleeting ideas about his works. In fact, I came to know about his work through a girl I dated when I was a stud and of course when I was mistaken for an Eritrean version Brad Pitt. On a serious note though, as much as his work is fascinating and an appealing when the third world was engulfed with the wind of change (If I could borrow Churchill’s term) as it was coming of age after centuries of colonialism, here and now however, his works would be confined to intellectual curiosity at best as his mentors Freud and Carl Jung seem to suffer from the same fate. In fact, the said quote on your part about the coloured woman would be described as Displacement Freud and Transference by Carl Jung. Having said that however, it would be prudent to give him the credit for an original idea as he tried to find a parallel stream of ideas between psychoanalysis and the slave and the master (Nietzsche) or the indigenous people and the colonizers (Lenin) or proletariat and the bourgeoisie (Karl Marx).
Kozami November 13, 2011
Zekhtam Eritrawi
From stand point the view of culture and language as key component of empowering the oppressed, Fanon’s work is very much alive and kicking within the cross-cultural research literature as we speak. Hence, it may be premature to relegate it a thing of the past. If you allow me to digress in order to make my point, the latest area of transformative theory in cross-culturalism espouses the notion of anti-racism as the tool of struggle where by the western educational system is said to be constructed on the pillars of Anglo supremacist premises. Its language and cultural referents deemed to reinforce oppression of the other civilizations. The deconstruction process involves ‘language’ as the most critical factor. And this is where Fanon’s assertion that by speaking french he had lost his culture, by virtue of language being an expression culture, becomes both current an relevant in the field of cross-cultural research. Back to our discussion however, Maaza may have misunderstood the whole thing, and your (albeit understandable) flattery of her as if she had been ‘spot on’ was not made sincerely, given your manifest understanding of what Fanon was about and what she was trying to make out.
Kozami November 13, 2011
please read stand point of the view of…
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 13, 2011
You’re killing me tonight. I’m travelling back in time to my young, stupid and idealistic self where my irresistible need to make a meaning of my life (philosophically speaking that is) and to break out of the existential crisis or angst took a life of its own where we are left with anxiety as we (as a species) don’t know where we came from and where we are going. Back to the discourse: As you invoke Edward Said (Orientalism) when you said, “….. Western educational system is said to be constructed on the pillars of Anglo supremacist premises…” and Jaques Derrida, when you said,”….The deconstruction process involves ‘language’ as the most critical factor. And this is where Fanon’s assertion that by speaking french he had lost his culture, by virtue of language being an expression culture, becomes both current an relevant in the field of cross-cultural research….”, whose works are an intense reaction to the ugly legacy of colonialism and teeter on a verge of a conspiracy theory as Globalization seems to blur the dividing line between Oriental and Occidental if you will.
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 13, 2011
To put it differently, when Modernization and Westernization are two different manifestations, the victims or the people who claim to have been victimized by the Occident (Westernization) do not hesitate to make use of the product of the West (Modernization) as they strive to join civilization as the world turns onto a global village. That is, it sure is a confusion at best on the one hand to abhor the West and in the mean time to enjoy the product of the West which is Modernization. Of interest, Samuel Huntington talks more about this on “Clash of Civilization”.
Huluf November 13, 2011
Zektham Eritrawi,
Well on point …he reminds many of us….poor Kozam he has drunk the Koolaid.
At least his descent debate is enjoyable unlike Abdi Ibud.
Baraee November 13, 2011
You remind me exactly when I did not question any thing. The war is what woke me up from my ardent and unwavering support…..Then I went diggin and still do in Eritrea. Once the true Hizbawigenbar fighters trust you….they open and share with you so much pain they are enduring because of this filth mouth and backstabber DIA….So keep gliding for I have no doubt you will land one day the way I did…..You will wake up to this fact…..If only you get close to DIA for a week and observe his hoodloom nature then you would see what I am telling you. ……meanwhile enjoy your good felt emotions of what a wonderful nation Eritrea is , what a great President it has? !! One morning you will be hit by reality like a brick of stone hitting you….Please at that time, adress this debate and tell us what was pushing you to be this blind…. One last question!!! Todate your PIA my DIA has not protested on the brutality in Sinai? why? why ? why?
sle-fthi November 13, 2011
The eritrean government must be punschid he is anti humanity ani peoplsright antipeace and development he is alwayes for war and like Mafia gambling with the life of people.