Say “Yes” to Sanctioning the PFDJ Regime
Email, FAX or send letters to the current members of the UNSC and urge them to consider the plea of the Eritrean people and vote for punitive measures against the Eritrean regime. We have made it

Email, FAX or send letters to the current members of the UNSC and urge them to consider the plea of the Eritrean people and vote for punitive measures against the Eritrean regime.
We have made it really easy to act. We encourage you to use the message as it is, but feel free to modify it and add your own voice. Click On this Link: EYSC
Aweliee November 12, 2011
Yes to sanction on PFDJ junta, Eritrean people are already loser any way, nothing will be missed by giving a breathing space to
brute ragime in Asmara, no body benfits except the few officals and thier family out side Eritrea. we will over come our ordeal.
we will never give up on our people, Eritrean people doesn’t deserve this kind of humilation. death to the traitor’s.
daniel November 12, 2011
my question is how many percent of the Eritrean population abroad and in the country really opposes the government ?when I was in Eritrea 8 month ago a few ppl that I know oppose the government despite the suffering and the torture they go through and here where I live overseas most of the young ppl who migrated recently from the refugee camps in Ethiopia and Sudan, most of them they support them ,they go to their function and say “we came here because of economical problem we like our government and we love our country” I am just concerned that the opposition to this government still weak , I am puzzled by what I am witnessing this is how I see it , what does it take for the whole population to unite against this government ,here where I am, there are around may be 100 Eritreans out of these 70% support the government , I just think that the government has succeeded in dividing the people and people have fall for the propaganda that the pfdg releases .it is sad for significant number of Eritreans to be so stupid and narrow minded and selfish , this is how I feel ,that is the truth to me ,even thou it doesn’t make sense.
Kozami November 12, 2011
Your statement of fact about the popularity of GoE is true. However, your assumption that Eritreans have been duped by ‘propaganda’ and your characterization of the people as “so stupid and narrow minded and selfish” is tragic at its best. In order to help you think through your puzzle, let’s assume the view of Eritreans vis a vis Eritrea’s situation follows a normal distribution. Visually, this distribution takes the form of bell-shape where the middle part contains 95% of the population. The two extremes, right and left, take 2.5% each. Now, the extreme right 2.5% thinks one size fits all and a death mask and garrison state is the only safe way to defend our interests. The left extreme 2.5%, on the other side believes a total capitulation to the sadistic woyane and ruthless vilification of the Eritrean people, at home and abroad, as terrorists, antisemitic, selfish…is the only way to effect change. The central 95% is one with credible national defense and provision of meaningful opportunities to the youth as well as implementation of critical reform and upholding fairness through due process as the way forward for the nation. So, with the absence of an opposition that would cater for the central majority, the GOE benefits from 97.5% of support i.e 95% center + 2.5% right. Hence, for you to indulge in mundane slagging of the people would only win you the 2.5% extreme left and IMO pretty darn useless really.
daniel November 13, 2011
yes you are right I shouldn’t use these remarks against the Eritrean ppl , but I should have been more specific when I say that I am referring to the the DIE HARD Supporters of GOE who lives Abroad ,they don’t have any thing to fear, they just arrived from there and seek asylum here ,and then they turn around and say “we love our government”
I can’t stand that ,another thing you shouldn’t paint me with the same brush as the 2.5% extreme left , if that was the case I would not be concerned about what is going on in our country ,we paid dear price to get our country free , now to see the country run by ppl like DIA makes me very sad
Maazza November 12, 2011
The points you raise are both factual and worrying! But my queries about this type of incongruencies found response in what Franz Fanon coined as the title to his eternal book ‘The Wretched of the Earth’. among other things, he explains how the trodden and the voicelessi is unable to articulate clearly his/her ills so that the doctor can give a medical diagnosis to the patient’s complaint. I was young when I read the book but I used to hear my grandmother, my aunt, my mom and other women of the neighborhood describing their illnesses to each other in ways like “the pain starts right here on my right side and shoots straight to my left side and then goes round and round and pierces me in my lower backbone, etc”. I used to hear all sorts of descriptions that Fanon, the psychological scientist that he was ascribed to the fact that the colonized people are inarticulate as they have to hide how they truly feel and think from a an oppressor. Most people of Eritrea are hiding their true thinking and feeling from Hgdef, the oppressor.
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 12, 2011
Maaza haftey,
Your analysis is spot on. Fanon’s timeless synthesis of the suppressed pent up anger (please excuse redundancy on my part) in one-self and violent mechanism in which society utilizes to gush out through catharsis can not be anymore befitting in the Eritrean political reality. However, if anything, the inertia which is holding the pent up anger is none other than the intense security apparatus which is permeating in bed-rooms including between the sheets where husband and wife are suspicious to each other. Let alone Eritreans living in Eritrea, here in Diaspora as well people are incredibly terrified by the prospect of somebody breathing on their necks where they opt to maintain a complete silence or giving a lip service to the regime in a bid to have a reputation of a regime-supporter. If truth is to be told, it is undeniable fact that, almost everybody (except those who are enjoying the perks of PFDJ and those who hate Weyanes with passion) abhors the regime as if there is no tomorrow. Daniel sure enough is either masquerading as somebody who opposes the regime or he is too naive to assume that people in Eritrea would open up to him their inner feelings about the regime when they are cognizant of being landed in prison.
Kozami November 12, 2011
It begs disbelief that you uphold Franz Fanon’s premise to validate your constructs. If it is the same Maaza that I am commenting to (that so I believe) you have only recently lambasted PFDJ for undermining the intelligentsia and making a gebar of everybody. If you still stand by that assertion, then you be horrified to learn that Franz Fanon would have joined the PFDJ should he be around. Franz Fanon despised the intelligentsia for he believed that they are far too corrupted by the oppressor to effect meaningful change to decolonize the oppressed and thus the torch of championing such change be given to the ‘lumpenproletariat’ or the peasant. I for one would neither share his beliefs nor accede to your characterization of what is happening in Eritrea. However, when you pull out a philosopher to reinforce your assertion, it would be logical for you to find one who agrees with you than some one who would have you killed had he gotten his way.
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 12, 2011
Franz Fanon wouldn’t find his place in the pantheon of philosopher-kings if you will for he was a psychiatrist-turned-revoutionary par excellence. Karl Marx once said, if philosophers have interpreted the world, the point is however to change it. Sure enough, Karl Marx would have showered Fanon with accolade and garlands on his neck for the latter was a pragmatist as opposed to a thinker who sees the world as it is as opposed to as ought to be. Perhaps, his keen sense of understanding the reading of the classic psychoanalysis where the early diagnosis in neurosis, psychosis to mention but a few were taken for the end manifestations of a long standing suppressed and violent memories helped him to weave his ideas into the teaching of Karl Marx where the forces of history (read thesis and antithesis morph onto synthesis) can not be seen in isolation from psychoanalysis. That is, if psychosis and neurosis (oppressed or suppressed violent memories) can be gushed out through catharsis, equally the gruesome reality of the oppressed people under a cruel yoke of colonialism can be broken through a violent Marxist revolution.
Maazza November 13, 2011
I only referred to how Fanon expounded on the fact that the oppressed do lose their capacity for lucid and straight foreword expression in their predicament of hiding their true thinking and feelingj about their real world, period! That was in response to Daniel’s post raising the relevant question of why both inside and outside Eritrea, the majority pay more than lip service appearing to approve of Hgdef. In to this, you bring the whole ‘philosophy’ of a renown author and melt it into a concept of discredit of my person. Judge for yourself if you are being reasonable. I took one single aspect to justify or to explain a phenomenon and you take a totally different scale to invalidate my discourse with Daniel. Looks like you are sitting therei in waiting to hit and hit hard. Kozami, remember, even you are somehow cowed by Hgdef, otherwise, why hide behind a ‘very weird’ pen name. You are so ‘valuable’ to Hgdef, you should present your posts with your photo but you do not because your being an articulate person has been tampered by our oppressive, believe it or not!
daniel November 13, 2011
I know ppl who are under authoritarian regimes tend to hide their true feeling I can sense that
but I would have tout ppl will run out of patient and do some thing ,but how about ppl who lives overseas they are not under authoritarian regime, why are they still support the government you can’t dismiss them as insignificant apparently they are many of them , that is what I am talking about.
Amanuel ; Birmingham November 12, 2011
we need to fax and send e-mail to show that we need the sanction for the benefit of eritreans and ertirea and in general for the region. alreay the eritrean people has been on sanction by issais for the last 20 years.
ahmed Saleh November 12, 2011
If we are on this political movemennt seriously, it is not the talk, it is the walk. So let be united and
act , we are not going to loose, just do our parts practically for good cause of our country. As you
said to help the whole region too, smart and wise comment. Thanks.
Abdi November 12, 2011
Ya rajeel?putting the rope around ur own neck,never being a wisdom.
Huluf November 12, 2011
Ya Ibud,
The rope is already on our neck from these mafia Higdefite who are part of the network in exporting our children, brothers and sisters….Wake up….it has been proven that some of the network conneciton, an individual based in Nairobi part of this network frequnts Asmara unabated…..In your Ibud mind reasoning does not seem to sink simply because you have blocked your mind and jammed your grey matter.
daniel November 13, 2011
true true !! Eritrea under sanction at least for the last 13 years since the war with Ethiopia
truly, Truly i say to you November 12, 2011
As far as i not see any signal or confirmation of help from US government and Europian Union to set free Eritreans from the hand of the world worst evil dictator like they helped the Arab people, specially like for Libya, Iraq or Afghanistan deed it, why should I support sanction only,or give my signature? To please Ethiopians and other interst groups? I never do that! also i never advice and encourage to any real Eritrean to involve. Make your priorities like i said to get a concrete help from US at first, otherwise it will be stupidity what ever sanction imposed,to think PFDJ will fall down easily, unless it is to worsening the ordinary innocent people life and putting Eritrean sovereignty and unity in danger. Even, if you get millions of signature, it wouldn´t be a real approvement weather the signature comes from Eritreans or Ethiopians. This either will serve PFDJ, to mobilize and to manipulate people like always.
ahmed Saleh November 12, 2011
This a first step of our resolution to solve the problem in peacefull way. Otherwise we have our own
experience with international world. If they ignore us, we know how to take care it the hard way.
We are tired of hearing the question of fake unity, Ethiopia and CIA, and diminishing our youth the
hope of our future and surpressing the societies in general.
Abdi November 12, 2011
@ truly truly
I back and respect your real eritreanism stand,the woyanes agents here misleading ppl by saying the sanction will not hurt the eritrean ppl it will only paralyze the HGDEF and bringing stability in the region,emmmmmmbuaE Haqu dea ?!
My fellow eritreans you should understand regardless our opinions that no good comes from Agames they want us to beg like them qomalat ,
neither the sanction will bring peace nor what the woyanes dream of change in Eritrea as if the care,we eritreans should think twice before backing this woyane motivated action,you should understand hager and hzbi come first,if ur dream of change comes true through sanctioning the Eritrean ppl,YOU SHOULD GIVE UP CHASING IT, and think of “menti megogo teHlef anchewa”,instead.
daniel November 14, 2011
no body is talking about AGAME OR TIGRAY OR TPLF we are just discussing the effect of the sanction on the government of ER ,why are you diverting the conversation to another Issue ?
by repeating the word “AGAME “AGAME” one wonders ,may be you are suffering from inferiority complex ,most of the time people who feel inferior look for some thing weak to attack and make them selves feel better , just look at the people in power in ERITREA the president him self , Hagos Kisha ,Yemane Monkey , Abraha KASA they all are Tigrayans or have Tigray blood in them but who do they hate most Tigrayans ,so make them selves look pure Eritrean , but still the reason why I hate the government of Eritrea is not because they have tigray blood in them ,it is because they are killing, torturing sucking blood of Eritreans ,that is why ,for that matter even though they are Tigrayans by blood they were born in Eritrea and grew up there so they are like Eritreans .
Abdi November 15, 2011
In a simple way agame are the ruling party in Ethioipia who causing these problems,and every one who back them has to be one of their blind puppets, Im wondering why you are so keen to defend them?are you one of them or you blinding yourself from seeing what they did?
I don’t understand why said i changing the issue,i explained who is behind the sanction and the most beneficiary and i don’t see any change to the issue,i stick with no to the sanction.
daniel November 16, 2011
the bottom line is the government has lost the plot ,it needs to reform release political prisoners ,the government doesn’t listen to it’s ppl ,doesn’t listen to any body
,what else do you want the ppl to do , the country is going the wrong direction and has been for the last 13 years, that is why the sanction will get their attention!!
danie/lingio November 12, 2011
keep it up EYSC,God help u guy’’s good movement and we have to encourage it.the more we put our signature petition probably the more will get follower’s.people’s are afraid to talk to in front of PFDJ may be they will also involve and change their mind,specially after the Senai situation.As a human being that’s what we have to do.God be with us,and free Eritrea
Dawit Tsehaye November 12, 2011
Asha dye beraki……is quite enough for those who think with their brain
solomon araya berhe November 12, 2011
yes for stronge sanction for PFDJ
Weldit November 12, 2011
In the original short response in the summer, the Eritrean authorities had said, in response to the accusation that they attempted to bomb the AU in Addis, the following: “nor is it reckless or stupid to contemplate such a hideous attack” when they meant to say, “it would have been reckless and stupid to contemplate such a hideous attack.” They have had three whole months to correct this error, but it is still there with the PFDJ, on record, saying that it is not reckless or stupid to contemplate such a hideous attack.
Nothing is funnier than this. I was laughing and laughing when I read it yesterday. I know the PFDJ is famous for it’s gaffes, mis-spelling, and mis-grammer if you will, but this one goes way too far. 🙂
danielwoldu November 12, 2011
I support sunction to dictater isaias regim and his puppys
Abdi November 13, 2011
How you gonna sanction the supporters?mn key hamyeka ekha hawey?
Mehari Ogbe November 12, 2011
Yes to sanctions.
Isaias Afework is an open enemy of East Africa, but a secret enemy of the Eritrean people! He ought to have gone yesterday!
But never mind! Eritrea and its people know how to give a death blow to their adversary and restore their dignity!
helen November 12, 2011
I Am Against PFDJ!! I am also against sanction!! As we have seen in Iraq, sanction hurt the innocent people not the regime. PIA has a point … Where is the evidence for sunction ? As much as I wanted PIA to step down BUT I refuse to be meles’s puppet . We may oppose PIA/PFDJ but we should for Eritrea and it’s people…Say no for Sanction !! It is funny … What does Gabon has to do with sanction? Meles is behind this … Deki adey aytehamelu.. Lbi Tigray twyway.. Meles may come thru many colors like chameleon !!eritreans be wise!