Say “Yes” to Sanctioning the PFDJ Regime
Email, FAX or send letters to the current members of the UNSC and urge them to consider the plea of the Eritrean people and vote for punitive measures against the Eritrean regime. We have made it

Email, FAX or send letters to the current members of the UNSC and urge them to consider the plea of the Eritrean people and vote for punitive measures against the Eritrean regime.
We have made it really easy to act. We encourage you to use the message as it is, but feel free to modify it and add your own voice. Click On this Link: EYSC
Tsahaye November 11, 2011
Injustice to one is injustice to all. The sanction against Eritrea is meant to reverse Eritrea’s hard won independence. So it should be condemned without reservation. The sanction is conceived by the barbaric woyane regime and its giant master to break our nation and make it a failed state. So it should be condemned with the strongest terms possible. The sanction is the most farcical and fraudulent document of modern time, and its sole purpose is to kill the dream of a people who had refused to kneel down for thirty years struggle to achieve it. So the sanction should be faced with our tested determination no matter how many of us hate the ruthless PFDJ regime. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out that the main goal of the sanction is to destroy Eritrea once for all, not to punish the PFDJ regime. lomi zeimekete bwoyane zteAsben hlnU zsheten tray iyu. Stand up and be counted to register another history!
Barentu November 11, 2011
you need to condemn the Hgdef regime just for denying the existence of Eritreans suffering in the Sinai desert. This is the first time in Africa, a nation denying the existence of its own citizens. Mengistu Hailemariam did not go this low when he denied his own captured prisoners of war.
This makes Eritrea, the land of shame. Just watch below.
ስርዓት ህግደፍ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራን ንደገፍቱን ዘለዎ ንዕቀት ኣዝዩ ዝሕዝን እዩ። ኤርትራዊ ምኻነይ ካብ ዘሕፈረኒ ፍጻመ በረኻ ሲናይ ከይኣክል፥ እቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍ መሊሱ ንቑስለይ ዘራኽስ ዝሕዝን ዜናዊ ጸወታ እዩ።
ኣብዚ ኣብ ታሕቲ ብዘሎ መስመር ከሊኩም (click) ቲቪ ኤረ ብኣምሓርኛ ዜና ኢላ ዝፈነወቶ ጉድ ረኣዩ።
ኣብዚ ብማዕከናት ዜና ዓለም ዝተፈነወ ስቓይ ሞትን መከራን ኤርትራውያን፥ ናይ “ዘሕጋውያን ኣፍሪቃውያን መከራ” ኢላ ከይሓነኸት ኣቕሪባቶ። ነዚ ኣዝዩ ኣነዋሪ ኢሰብኣዊ ፕሮፓጋንዳ፤ ራድዮ ድምጺ ኣሰና ኣብ ገጻታ እንተትጥቅዖ ከመይ ግሩም ኔሩ፤ ምኽንያቱ ኣረሜንነት ናይዚ ስርዓት ስለዝግህድ። ብድሕሪ 6.03 ደቓይቕ ረኣይ:
Abdi November 12, 2011
we all saw the video,yes there was refugees id issued by sudanese or Egyptian authorities under eritreans name among others as read by the reporter,yes there were also names printed on the wall and we know that many eritrean went through Sinai to Israel,however there wasn’t a shred of evidence to show that the bodies are belongs to eritreans,even the reporter said “gnsiyat afarika” Africans nationalities could be eritreans or other we can’t be 100% sure that they are eritreans or not,
to all ERITREANS be alert the following nicknames are woyane’s agents (temesgen medhane recently changed to
zekhtam Eritrawi,mazza, sol,Gual medefera also corrected to be
Gual mendefera, haqi tezareb and kunama) are agents and
you should ignore their illwish comments,be it sanction or else.
Huluf November 12, 2011
Abdi Ibud,
How about you try that route to Israel and tell us NO they do not do this to Eritreans. Give it it a try….Have you now shame you have to be so unreasonable to defend the udefensible. Oh, now I remember….the famous word…”EVIDENCE”. Is that the reason why your President, Our DIA is silent…..You are as reckless as he is when spew filth through you writing. Are you telling us those dead bodis (already decomposed) can not be proved…..Do we also have an autopsy proves of minsters sunde death coincidetally from their trip abroad in Eritrea….Did you ask for “EVIDENCE” on what Eri TV tells you that a minister died suddenly…..Stop disgrace yourself with IBUD behaviour Abdi.
Abdi November 12, 2011
Forget PIA’s speech and prove me wrong,were there any id or any evidence taken from the dead body’s pocket showed that they are eritreans?No, don’t divert every news to serve ur sick agenda.
sol November 12, 2011
Are u saying that the dead are not Eritreans, what type of evidence di u want, u see their printed name, are u gone say theses are Tigrayans, did u hear when she reads the names and nationalities, of course she called few Sudanese but most of them are Eritreans. Di you know how many Eritreans are there in Israel, it is the highest refugee number, Are not they in Egypt Prison.Now the only safe place they can stay us Ethiopia, where they are not harrassed by PFDJ or other security forces, so we are supporting the sanction as far as it weaken the regime and the interest of Komaros like u, it is like crying over spilled water.They were chasing us and now so they will look for hiding place, are they gone go to Tembien or Nakfa, I do not know, or rather ask mercy from PMZ.
Abdi November 12, 2011
what i said was what i heard from the reporter’s mouth,she mentioned one Eritrea name the one she tried to read but she couldn’t spell it out,and also read two or more,we also saw the written in the wall,but all these were not evident enough to suggest the killed ones were eritreans,its very clear,she explained that they are Africans and all what she discovered was 4 bodies.don’t telling me the refugees in Israel are all eritreans?many of the are agame hiding under eritrean names like you.,
what do you mean by we or us?you are agame and should not involve urself in eritrean issues in
the first place,go sort ur own problems we can handle ours.
Oh god, you Agames we gonna send you back to run ur inherited business (begging) mark my
word. mercy?you are such a dreamer funny agame.
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 12, 2011
I shouldn’t be surprised to note that your confusion is taking a life of its own where you’re not only defending the regime you seem to berate but you’re missing the kernel of the on going struggle against the regime in Eritrea where it has been placing a severe sanction on the Eritrean people for the last ten years or so. Let me spill the beans so that you would see the gravity of the pain that is permeating Eritrean hearts: if the sanction is the design and work of the Weyanes to weaken and remove the regime in Eritrea it is a noble undertaking on Weyanes part. Simply because, it is the dictation of the grim reality where the pending sanction is to cripple the regime as opposed to the Eritrean people where they are already suffering under the cruel hand of PFDJ. When your paranoia is fretting here and there as if the impending sanction is to reverse Eritrean independence, you sure are reading what is not there where the rest of us are to take your state of mind for pathological. Get real before it gets bad.
Tsahaye November 12, 2011
It has been sometime now since I have omitted your “nice” name from my list of serious contenders. I think I reminded you before that I am only here for a higher purpose…a lot higher purpose than chatting with a clown. I can still change my decision though. Here is the deal: if I am going to kindly offer you the attention you seem to be desperately craving for, you first need to stop “farting” all over the place with various pen-names. Be friendly to the environ-surfing by recycling your previous pen-manes…Temesgen Medhanie and so forth.
Maazza November 12, 2011
Are you interested in the contents of the debate or it makes such a hell of a difference whether you will dialogue with a person or not depending on the name issue. You also said on another Assenna debate that except Kozami everybody else in the opposition bores you. I am inclined to say lol as Abdi would say. If you are bored, why not go to Dehai DMB where they will spread the red carpet for your ideas and you will be not only instantly accepted, you will be a celebrity! We did not ask you to be here and get bored. I read your post because I cannot believe a normal sane human being could side with DIA and Hgdef so I read in astonishment. And now you are saying that you have a higher purpose, do you care to share with us what that might be, given that you are moving freely in our turf? Leave our adored Zekhtam alone!
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 12, 2011
Maaza haftey,
Isaias says, “I have seen the bogyman”. Isaias says, “I have heard the bogyman roaring.” Isaias says, “I have analyzed the bogyman’s foot prints as he marches towards Eritrea in a bid to compromise her sovereignty.” Sure enough, Isaias seems to have the knack for or seem to have perfected the art of manipulation of the perceived fear of his sycophants where he renders them paralyzed to the extent of unable to have their own independent opinion. They say, maturity is the measure of one’s ability to think clearly with an independent mind. But as you could trace the forum, you can’t miss a confused self where an otherwise productive mind is made perturbed and on tenterhooks as well. One could hate the Weyanes for different reasons where I for one couldn’t careless if the person vilifies them till his last breath on Earth but to invoke Weyane to manipulate the clear and present danger in a bid to salvage Isaias as the noose is getting tight is not only irresponsible but betrayal of the agony of the masses as well.
Tsahaye November 12, 2011
Let us ask Amanuel, the owner of, that his website is “your turf”. If he agrees with your statement that the website discriminates Eritreans based on their political ideologies and gives priority to those who see the PFDJ regime only through the eyes of the barbaric woyane regime, I will be gone for good to give you more space to flirt around with your buddies. I am serious that I will be gone for good, and you will never see my comments on this website. The reason I am here is because I don’t see Eritrea and the PFDJ regime through your magnifying glasses. I am an independent thinker, and I don’t apologize if that gives you and your friends an excruciating headache. Are you also sure that I said “except Kozami everybody else in the opposition bores” me? Is Kozami part of the opposition? Please be honest.
daniel November 12, 2011
I support targeted sanction against the government like freeze their asset, travel ban on the officials ,ban mining company’s from operating in the country and put pressure on the government to reform and release prisoners .
Maazza November 12, 2011
Amanuel Eyasu is crystal clear about his stand vis-a-vis Hgdef, no question about that! But the consumate democrat that he is, he will fight so that the other side CAN also say FREELY what it wants. if you don’t understand this basic fundamental principle about Zekhtam, Amanuel, myself and most if not all those who oppose DIA and HGdef, then, dear Tsahaye, you are off track and no explanation from any of us can help. as regards about you saying that except Kozami’s post you find the stuff of what we post boring, I promise to cut and paste, what you said ‘ad verbatim’ for your ease of reference soonest. By the way, you did not insult me in your response and that came as a very pleasant surprise. Thank you!
Tsahaye November 12, 2011
The problem with those who think they are members of the opposition is that they really love “guwal neger”. Most of them are, I guess, sadly suffering from an ADHD. They like to keep branching an issue until it loses its theme. The reason why I did not want to insult you is because I was not willing to stoop into your level. I am still waiting for the “cut & paste” part you’d promised to deliver, though.
Maazza November 14, 2011
Tsahaye: here is the cut and paste of your entire post.
Tsahaye says:
November 9, 2011 at 8:46 pm
I am glad you are still around. Without the voices such as yours, would have been a boring place to visit. I believe you are a person of great humility, and I truly find your comments very insightful and intriguing. I hope those who are so tuned to the culture of group-thinking would have the opportunity to learn from your comments. What your comments won’t change, however, is the minds of the barbaric woyane’s agents.
Tsahaye November 14, 2011
I admire you for keeping your promise. However, I still don’t understand how you came up with the statement, “You also said on another Assenna debate that except Kozami everybody else in the opposition bores you.”? How is that possible “without the voices of such as yours” gets interpreted as “except Kozami”? I won’t say you have a problem with the English language, but I am sure you have extreme shortage of personal honesty and integrity. You also tried to imply that Kozami is a member of the opposition. I ask you admit that you have made a mistake. I also still believe that without the voices of Kozami and many others that don’t subscribe to your views, would have been a boring place to visit. I say this because it would be like “tsema hade derfu”. What is making so vibrant now is the outcome of so many different views: pro-PFDJ, against PFDJ and so many others in between.
death to Isaias November 11, 2011
Eritrean people are already under heavy sanction for the past 20 years. It will not be worst any more. I think U saw what is happening to those innocent Eritrean in Seinai desert. Currently any real Eritrean supports sanction. so i 1000000% support for sanction!
sol November 11, 2011
Now I will as this is a heartless government for its own citizens let alone to the peace of the peace of the Somalia. They never cared about Somalia but it is the scapegoat.I will retaliate the blood of innocent Eritreans. Fool me once shame on you PFDJ fool me twice shame on me.
Thanks ESMG, Now I will see what the blind PFDJ supporters do.U have no friend dictator.Do not cry puppet over the spilled milk Kumaro.
Tami November 11, 2011
The usa email link is not working. I was able to send the letter to email addresses list, but the bounced back to me. Is it only me or did it work for all of you? I am a us citizen and want to remind my country of citizenship to vote to sanction the evil eritrean regime. I need my people in eritrean to share what I am sharing here in my host country.
Abdi November 12, 2011
you are so funny, it works for eritreans who have eritrean id only not for Agames.if you don’t have one simply mind you efffing business.
tami November 12, 2011
You are brainless animal. Really, I do not have time for you. PIA=Gadafi, learn from Gadafi and shut up or my people will over run you. Trust me, it won’t be that long.
Abdi November 13, 2011
follow the formula,no id no vote.
alem November 11, 2011
Dear sisters and brothers. this sanction is not about Issayas or PFDJ, it is about Eritrea independence. How can you support a sanction who allows our historical first Enemy, Ethiopia to control any shipment going to Eritrea regardless what we think about the gentelman. I strongly support and recommend to every oposition to go on the street and opose this sanction, you can not play on hard earned Eritrean independence!!!
alem November 11, 2011
Yes we have big time issue, and we need to get rid of PFDJ, most of us agree, however this sanction is not serving our Eritrean dream , to live in justice with dignity. It is designd to destroy our dream or send us back to the seventees, I am for sure the last who want to support PFDJ, but I will never play with my two brothers blood !!!!!!! never!!! never !!!!!
alem November 11, 2011
All concerned Eritreans and Eritrean grass root, Say so “NO” to this sanction, cause it does not serve any Eritrean interest, did they really care about Eritrean agony, unjustice , name it. The grassroot need to stop this sanction NOW, dont leave it to PFDJ , Issays ,Yemane ………, they will mess it any way as they have beeing messing the international diplomacy for the last 10 years.
Every person who supports this sanction, will regret for ever. Let us put our difference aside on this point and stop this sanction, we can do it with all the relationships we have to the decision makers around the world, if we add our voice jointly this will not happen. Again we should not leave our kids destiny to Issayas and co.
Helen November 12, 2011
I Am Against PFDJ!! I am also against sanction!! As we have seen in Iraq, sanction hurt the innocent people not the regime. PIA has a point … Where is the evidence for sunction ? As much as I wanted PIA to step down BUT I refuse to be meles’s puppet . We may oppose PIA/PFDJ but we should for Eritrea and it’s people…Say no for Sanction !! It is funny … What does Gabon has to do with sanction? Meles is behind this … Deki adey aytehamelu.. Lbi Tigray twyway.. Meles may come thru many colors like chameleon !!eritreans be wise!
Huluf November 12, 2011
Helen & truly, Truly i say to you ,
I will agree with you if one could prove to me how it hurts the Eritrean people. I say it does not for the following reasons. 1. Eritrean has more than 50% unemployement and if you release those in the Army defending our nation that rate will rise up to 80%. 2. Most of the business people left for Dubai, South Sudan, Uganda mainly but all over
3. All meagre business that seem big in Eri TV( but nothing compared to the region , leave alone the comparative world not the big nations) is in the hands of Kisha. On the contrary if the sancitons hit, this time it will bring us to reality those in so called opposition(in my opinion 90% are demanding their right and have no evil desire to our governoment which is Eritrean entity(except I am convinced it can funciton on one man rule and DIA needs to go), and those good hearted Eritreans so called supporter(in my view they are paranoi of history as they should be , paternalistic eritrean mentality which is usually a strength. Once that happens it will give a platform to majority in the governoment to stand up(second phase of G-15) and the people will be with the true governoment.
Huluf November 12, 2011
…. Let us not kid ourselves, in a closed door just every family dreads this Dictator. Case in point 15Thousand Eritreans received the PIA in 2001 in DC…..compared to 3Thousand (after weeks of secret campaigns exploiting regional emotions and interst emotions…that is now Eritrean behaviour , it is Zemach behaviour that did not help our neighbour in the south – feudalistic charged patriotism of no substance….the Zeraf, Zeraf fukera…the screaming of super star hero worship…so uneritrean…
Abdi November 12, 2011
you can’t even convince your own sick mind by this,not only but you ‘re fooling yourself too.
helen November 12, 2011
i do not think you seem to understand that you can be against sanction and isayas at the same time. There is always colatteral damage. Can you name one example in the world that sanction targets just the leadership not the people??
At this time, Ethiopia is the enemy. If you collabrate with Ethiopia to support the sanction, you are equally responsible for crisises to come. say NO for sancion!
mehari November 12, 2011
sanction never ever has achieved what was meant to achieved. through almost the entire last decade has seen sanction here and there but didn’t brought any solution except making life hard for the people. North Korea is under sanction but that sanction has not affected the regime except making life even tougher for the ordinary peasants. putting the mafia style nature of PFDJ into consideration I think sanctions will not brought an immediate solution to the eritrean problem. we have to think that Saddam was overthrown from his post by military intervention not by the sanctions imposed on Iraq which was extended over 10 year the same to Geddaffi. targeted sanctions may be otherwise advocating economic sanctions against Eritrea being yourself away from its effects is as if creating a gab away from the Eritrean people inside.
Baraee November 12, 2011
Respectfully, this is when most of us Eritreans make huge mistake in assement and comparison. In Eritrean just about everything is imported. A nation on the verge of Atomic capability(it is only when compared to the south it dwindles) is not to be compared how the infrastruture will work. Mind you we are @ war feeding and losgistically connected to a standing army on borders. If santion would not work DIA would be the first to shrug on them and not dash to Uganada, Equatorial Guinea as he should always and am not opposed to that. But what was astonishing was the 360 degree on UN and it’s importance….not to mention how subdued he spoke….a chamellion behaviour from the demeanour in his interview with Al Jazzera(……lies, lies ….where is the evidence….). Iranian leader can afford to act tough(well resourced), Korean leader does not even care to come to the UN…..Please do a little bit of objective viewing. You know Sudan is in agreement of the pressure from IGAAD with soft touch….Once sanction hits Sudan will use this card to it’s bargain with the west..(I would bet on this with any one)….Our psyche and Sudanese has no convergence my friend….Once he is cornered Sudan will rally with IGAAD and behind the scene with Ethiopia……Sudan’s friendly role with Eritrea is containement…they want no trouble from DIA.
ahmed Saleh November 12, 2011
I care less about this sanction word, it only affects the interest of selected few than the good for our people
as a whole. Haven’t we have enough of those bad news of those HGDF gangsters crimes on our people all these
years. The funny thing these retarded HGDFwian cry when their master cries. I love my country, but my
priority is my people’s security. We paid our beautifull youth life dearly for the sake our freedom, liberty
and equality. At the time of GEDLI they use to say once we are free, the governmnt belongs to the people.
So I am not stupid to stand for those bastrard liars who betrayed the promise our beloved MARTYRS and the
principle we fight for 30 years. We will overcome soon though, I know my people it is just a matter of time.
ahmed Saleh November 12, 2011
ERI-Tv reported by saying: African refugees left to die in Sinai Desert ………… and so on.
I as AHMED am part of them, HGDF mendef I am not part of you too, Thank you. But I am
blue blood pure Ertrean like those victims and just wait for the proof to appear clearly
to clarify between you and us to find out who is whom then you will have big problem.
Again just a matter of time.
Baraee November 12, 2011
Tell me how a sanction affects the nomads of Eritrea, tell me how a santion affects our traditional farmers if left alone.(yes they will stop drinking coffee, tea….in the early days lavished by their brethern and sisters from the city).
What is key is Higdef destroyed the Eritrean middle class with the exception and very few directly connected with top officials and have become super rich. Where are the small civil engineering companies(most returnees from ethiopia) not only are they destroyed some have been refused payment for their work….Where are the small business people. It is not only soccer players that never return it is our professionals. I fail to see who else in Eritrea it is going to impact but the Hidefites mafia and their business…..Everything will lock up….that is when everything cracks.
Baraee November 12, 2011
I meant to agree with you and state more facts…..should have started noting that….so it is not asking you but rather deliberating with your well said points.