Sanction Watch: Not a Penny for PFDJ
The Legal Struggle against PFDJ-Part One By Seyoum Tesfaye The UNSC has imposed two sanctions: Resolution 1907 (December 2009) and Resolution 2023 (on December 2011) on the Eritrean regime. It more likely, come next December, the

The Legal Struggle against PFDJ-Part One
By Seyoum Tesfaye
The UNSC has imposed two sanctions: Resolution 1907 (December 2009) and Resolution 2023 (on December 2011) on the Eritrean regime. It more likely, come next December, the UNSC will have to impose a much stringent comprehensive sanction than the one passed in December 2011.
As a rule UN member nations have the responsibility of implementing these resolutions and all other relevant resolutions-i.e. previous resolutions concerning the situation in Somalia and the border dispute between Djibouti and Eritrea, in particular resolutions 751 (1992), 1844 (2008), 1862 (2009), 1916 (2009), 1998 (2011), and 2002 (2011), and the statements of 18 May 2009 (S/PRST/2009/15),9 July 2009 (S/PRST/2009/19),12 June 2008 (S/PRST/2008/20)- within their national jurisdiction.
Contrary to the regime’s smoke and mirror public relations gimmick all these resolution have to be adhered and implemented. There is not too much manoeuvring space. The futile strategy of the regime will only give false comfort and empty hope to his diminishing support base. As it has been repeatedly stated the only way out is for the regime to fully comply with the requirements of the resolutions. But that will mean taking a rational approach to diplomacy and doing the right thing. Unfortunatelyit is not in the nature of the present leadership controlling state power in Eritrea to do what is right, legal and rational. The effort to continuously blame the rest of the world and cover up its true nature and behaviour will continue unabated.
Fortunately the world now has a better grasp of the diabolical nature of the regime and its propensity for illegal actions. No doubt even within the ruling party and within the Eritrean democratic elites inside the country, an avoidable consensus must be emerging as to the fact that the president and his small hand-picked collaborators are playing fast and loss with the very future of the young nation. The deeply felt but unexpressed resentment hopefully will manifest itself in some corrective form in the near future to help salvage Eritrea from this dangerous trajectory.
The world will not keep tolerating further the intransigence and arrogance of Isaias and his clique for too long. The choice is either Isaias and his clique or the survival of Eritrea. There is no space for ambiguity or equivocation. Those of us living in Diaspora have now an opportunity to find ways on how to assist, cooperate and facilitate the implementation of the critical aspects of Resolution 1907 and 2023 in the countries where we live.
Our struggle in the Diaspora now has reached a different phase: the legal phase. We have to deploy all legal instruments to destroy, expose, checkmate and minimize the widespread illegal activities of the regime and its surrogatesin each country, states, and counties where we reside. We have to identify and understand the exact role of the specific institutions and departments that have been set up or are designated to implement all UNSC resolutions on a national level. This potent approach is at our disposal. Peaceful struggle includes this kind of proactive deployment of mind, intelligence and heart.
How do we interpret and help turn these three critical parts of Resolution 2023 intoan actionable policy in each country where we are citizens or residents under the protection of the constitutional law that we have sworn to uphold?
As posted on the Australian Government department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website, the three key resolutions are as follows:
- Eritrea to cease using extortion, threats of violence, fraud and illicit means to collect taxes outside of Eritrea from its nationals or individuals of Eritrean descent;
- States to undertake appropriate measures to hold accountable, consistent with international law, those individuals on their territory who are acting, officially or unofficially, on behalf of the Eritrean government or the PFDJ contrary to the above requirement;
- States to prevent funds derived from the mining sector of Eritrea contributing to violations of resolutions 1844 (2008), 1862 (2009), 1907 (2009) or this resolution, by undertaking appropriate measures to promote the exercise of vigilance by their nationals, persons subject to their jurisdiction and firms incorporated in their territory or subject to their jurisdiction that are doing business in this sector in Eritrea including through the issuance of due diligence guidelines.
The first two are the two sides of one legal coin. The later one needs an extensive political campaign and a legal strategy. Let us for just now focus on the first two parts of the resolution:
Reading them for temporary politicalconsumption and to merely enhance and jazz up our expanding Paltalk conversation is one thing but studying and grasping the far-reaching implications of the resolutions with the intention of how to practically facilitate implementationis a different kind of responsibility and assignment. Between now and next December we have no other paramount responsibility than legally shutting down the vast PFDJ subterranean financial mafia network in Australia, Europe, Canada and USA as well as some parts of Africa. All agents of the Eritrea government/PFDJ in the Diaspora have to be exposed and held accountable under the national law of the country they live in, without mercy or trepidation, on the basis of the UNSC Resolution 2023 that explicitly declares: (reiterated for emphasis)
“States to undertake appropriate measures to hold accountable, consistent with international law, those individuals on their territory who are acting, officially or unofficially, on behalf of the Eritrean government or the PFDJ contrary to the above requirement;”
Nations like Australia have already started implementing the sanction. More will follow. Those of in Diaspora have to work hard to help the leadership of the nations where we reside to follow the Australian example and fully implement the consecutive UNSC resolutions in their totality. It takes a different kind of struggle and tact to do this. We cannot seat with our hands folded and expect the governments in Africa, Asia, Europe, USA and Canada to stop whatever their own national agenda aside (given the current global economic challenges) and put our agenda at the top. We have to work smarter and harder and more intelligently to bring our issues (sanction as well as other issues) to their attention.
We must methodically push for the implantation of the sanctions that are already on the book and start preparing the ground work for a more comprehensive sanction at the end of 2012. Take it as a given: as long as Isaias is heading the Asmara regime the Eritrean government will not comply with UNSC resolutions, thanks for his help our work to squeeze the finical oxygen out of it will be a bit easier.Not a Penny for the Eritrean Regime! shouldbe our campaign’s slogan as we mobilize and push for the implementation of the details of the sanctions.
We are at a crossroad both as people and individuals. Future generation will evaluate us on what we do and what we do not do in the face of the most concentrated draconian assault on the people Eritrea and everything they stand for by a minuscule clique. To hesitate or fumble at this stage in the struggle will be a dereliction of a solemn duty. For the sake of the people of Eritrea, the neighbouring people and the international community at large everything must be done to economically and politically suffocate and dispose of this regime.
I thank the government of Australia for implementing the UNSC resolutions. I hope Eritreans in Australia will find ways to engage expose and publicize the gold-mining company or companies’ use of “slave labour” in Eritrea to enrich the pockets of their stockholders.
We can do it- If we dare to rise to the challenge.
The Opinion and perspective presented in this posting reflects my point of view (POV) and only my POV.
I have attached the Australian government posting in the interest of enhancing our discussion:
Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally
On 23 December 2009 the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted resolution 1907, imposing sanctions against Eritrea in response to the ongoing border dispute between Djibouti and Eritrea, as well as Eritrea’s support to armed groups destabilising and undermining peace and reconciliation in Somalia, which the UNSC determined constituted a threat to international peace and security.
On 5 December 2011 the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted resolution 2023 imposing additional sanctions in relation to Eritrea. Resolution 2023 requires:
- Eritrea to cease using extortion, threats of violence, fraud and illicit means to collect taxes outside of Eritrea from its nationals or individuals of Eritrean descent;
Popular Front for Dicatorship and Jailing(PFDJ) January 26, 2012
Popular Front for Dictatorship and Jailing(PFDJ) must bury in red sea…. soon
hggum brhan January 28, 2012
thalm aleka wezi kondaf. bmen eyu nab bahrri zatu bethiopia ?wow denaqur ekum mechs.
Alem January 28, 2012
Denkoro eka nisiKa! why you jump to ethiopia? you scared of it. I bet if ethiopia opened war on eritrea will hid and never join the army to defend your country HarAE! Musshmush
hggum brhan January 28, 2012
mnalbash kedem ab eritrea zmoto wetahaderat ethiopia azmad enteneromka gena keymotu kelwu bgebial bgergis do ane endaboy kusto gussa zeberkuye do kabtom a ezanom ztemm znebeku eye emo nethiopia rograg zeyfelt eritreawe men allo.sahsah
Cambo January 27, 2012
agena’E! Seyoum Tesfaye,
your analysis is remarkable, and your pin-pointed and focused struggle to expose this evil regime is exceptional. Given Hgdef’s continued terrorist activities, the sanctions will get tighter and stronger. Keep up the good work.
I liked this part:
“The three key resolutions are as follows:
— Eritrea to cease using extortion, threats of violence, fraud and illicit means to collect taxes outside of Eritrea from its nationals or individuals of Eritrean descent;
— States to undertake appropriate measures to hold accountable, consistent with international law, those individuals on their territory who are acting, officially or unofficially, on behalf of the Eritrean government or the PFDJ contrary to the above requirement;
— States to prevent funds derived from the mining sector of Eritrea contributing to violations of resolutions 1844 (2008), 1862 (2009), 1907 (2009) or this resolution, by undertaking appropriate measures to promote the exercise of vigilance by their nationals, persons subject to their jurisdiction and firms incorporated in their territory or subject to their jurisdiction that are doing business in this sector in Eritrea including through the issuance of due diligence guidelines.”
Gaul Mendefera(Rahel) January 27, 2012
Isayas wants to govern Eritrea even after he died…
even after he died, people will build for him a church so that they will make a pray there to wake up from his death once again.
isayas asked one up on time:
Q. how do u describe Eritrea after you or without you?
A. wowwwwwww, Without me?
Q.yes without you?
A. i dont guess you to ask me this kind of Questions, but it looks like A BIG HELL.
Q.why dont you make it be heaven eritrea without you/
A. some people like Woyane,Ethiopia,USA, AU, IGAD say that” even the IMPOSSIBLE” mean ” I am possible” but for me impossible means impossible
Q, well mister president, can u mention some countries who are very undemocratic?
A. well it is clear… USA EU…Ethiopia, woyane, south africa, Gabon…
Q. sounds great, what about countries with full of freedom, justice and democracy?
A. this is much clear than any question you asked me… ERITREA,Eritrea , IRAN,North korea…
Q. oh mister president.. how do you describe the Eritrea people?
A. oh just the best people in the world, we are number one in the Africa content?
Q, good in which factor you are number one?a lot of people say Eritrea is number one in prison center ? and even the only country in Africa without any private media and without any political party? is that what you make you number one in Africa?
A. you hell and agent of woyane.. where is the evidence, where is the evidence?
source: hadas eritrea news paper.
hggum brhan January 27, 2012
Ahmed saleh January 27, 2012
Show a little respect pls. Do you have a reason to violate her with your nasty words, grow up, man. What a shame.
solo January 27, 2012
Please hggum brhan – it’s important to respect each other and always good to having good manners…
SINGAPO-ERITREAN January 28, 2012
YOU EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM HGGUM BRHAN .REMEMBER ONLY FROM A BEE IS EXTRACTED HONEY ,NOT FROM A TOILET FLY.As much , as I hate to get personal ,his is too much ,and ,I am trying to get to you ,not him. With him ,even if I were to erect a school on his “brain” ,I do not think common sense will make any difference.
Kokhob Selam January 27, 2012
How will you know to say anything except ‘Weyane”if you are not able to see the truth?
SINGAPO-ERITREAN January 28, 2012
Kokhob Selam,
You are trying to give “diamond to pigs”.Could you have changed Saddam Hussien´s crime ,by giving him therapy.
hggum brhan is like a “special” school retarded student ,among rocket Scientists of common sense like you. He has no capacity to comprehend your advice. You need to bring examples using ,sponge Bob or sesame street examples .I never get personal but ,QomTTa ,QomaTTa neh calalut ,gebche lfeteft ylal. Leave him to me ,next time ,I understand retarded language…..although my major is COMMON SENSE .
hggum brhan January 29, 2012
hager mnalbash nbzhat titrnf etntkonet kemzi kemaka metaleltn jesewsn gn aysanwan eyom bhaki eritrawe eritrawe atom agame yehwatka eka enchi minchi ktbl twel zeka.bhaki eritrawe entekoyka dma ezi tgebro zeleka geben eyu emo ente hasebkalu zbelete eyu. NATO HLUF SINGAPO ERITREA MEKERA…
Abrahaley ETiDine January 27, 2012
Gaul Mendefera(Rahel)
Good Job. I don’t think this is a joke in Isias’s mind
zemen beraki January 27, 2012
Abdi as ur name suggests are Abdi including those who utter similar opinion like u! I wonder about u people, If u r really nationalists or Eritreans do u ever think about the suffering of the Eritrean people???? We struggle for a just system where no one will be the boss of another, where there is no oppression!! Isayas himself used to say, ‘merahti hagerat Africa ab sltan kidyibu ayxgimomn iyu kiterdom gn abi xegem alo’ again in another incidence he said, ‘ab naxa Ertra nzkone seb xnxnya aynu zenfrelu yelon’ how come now he is in power for more than 20 years and trampling on the peoples rights!! U people paid nothing in the liberation of Eritrea but want to harvest the fruits of it! come to yr minds, u r still dreaming or sleeping or u r simply puppets and bootøickers of Isayas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teweldeberhan January 27, 2012
It is a well written action oriented article. I hope our people in diaspora will act on it. I agree with you our slogan for 2011 should be NO PENNY FOR PFDJ, VERY ACHIEVABLE.
solo January 27, 2012
Please hggum brhan – it’s important to respect each other and always good to having good manners…
Kokhob Selam January 27, 2012
Well I wish all those resoltions could give but only will give some energy only. Peacefull is will never give result. the group only has to be eliminated with its supporters form the earth like Sedam and Gedafi for ever. dictators don’t know peace and correcting mistakes. have ever heard single supporter accept the mistakes and crimes done by PFDJ? never. they never learn. Semerrrrrrrrrrr
tesfomgere@yahoocom January 27, 2012
naka atta eritrawi behalli (hggum brhan )
hademtti nefelttekum eqa enna enttay dea agame dos gele tebel….wedi men ke tebahal neseka …teref meref eka tekewen enber …..behelfi kemaka zeamesellu denakur eyom neza hager nab gedel zetfewa zellewu
hggum brhan January 28, 2012
ahmed saleh January 28, 2012
It does not mean nothing to hold a gun to fight the enemy, a lot us did that. What makes you respected as ex-tegadalay is when you have the courage to abide on to GEDLI teachings to the willingness to defend you people’s right, care, love and most of all the desire to be a good example and mentor with positive influence. Anyway I didn’t see that kind quallity from you yet, unless you are the product of those corrupted ex-tegadelti in Asmera. I forgot to tell you, you may be one of those with AK47 on their shoulder having a fun behind the front when others were sacrificing on the real fight .
hggum brhan January 29, 2012
Barantu January 27, 2012
HGDF mendef
cannot learn from his mistake.. even these who are blind supporter cannot learn from their mistake.. they will oppose only when they get the punishiment of mister president for themselve.. dont care about others, about our youth, children, mothers and fathers..
according to the arrogant isayas regime, if one helps him, he consider him as a true eritrean
if someone oppose him for what he is doing the crime on our people, he will call him, woyane agent…
where is your mind mister president………….? just wait your time is counting down, you better find your hole like your master gaddafi
tesfaldet January 27, 2012
ihave ans wer to this MEAT HEAD SIYUM TESFAY ther is no going to be sunction to eritrea next year meybe your sleep or dont know to read the UN UN UN jast sayed eritrea is not ARMING ARMING ARMING ALSHEBAB did you know what that mean thats is a night mear for MELES & SUSAN RICE well shabia is rich THATS WAY this so called enemy upset because they dont know where the money is hiding thats way they cant froze the money like they do with ather leaders they are beging EROPE COUNTRYS & ATHERES where the money is come from so they have to come up with this plan to stop the 2% from its people they think the gov is living from the 2% they dont know how SHABIA is very smart