Russian paper, Pope Francis and Eritrean priest among Nobel Peace nominees
(Reuters) - A Russian newspaper critical of President Vladimir Putin is among the nominations for the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize, along with Edward Snowden, Pope Francis and a priest helping African migrants. Although the committee has

(Reuters) – A Russian newspaper critical of President Vladimir Putin is among the nominations for the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize, along with Edward Snowden, Pope Francis and a priest helping African migrants.
Although the committee has marked the last four 10-year anniversaries of the 1945 bombing of Hiroshima by honoring the fight against nuclear proliferation, there was little speculation among Nobel watchers that the trend would continue.
Thousands of people, including all members of parliaments, can make nominations, which must be postmarked no later than Feb. 1. The $1.2 million award will be announced in October.
The Norwegian Nobel Institute does not publish names of nominees, but Norwegian experts compile lists.
Pope Francis has been nominated for stressing social justice and care for the environment, and former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden, who leaked details of U.S. electronic surveillance, for showing how citizens are monitored with few democratic controls.
Kristian Berg Harpviken, head of the Peace Research Institute, Oslo, named as his favorite Mussie Zerai, a priest of Eritrean origin living in Italy who has helped some of the thousands of African migrants who have risked their lives to cross the Mediterranean.
“The migration crisis is worsening day by day,” he said.
Harpviken put Novaya Gazeta, a Russian investigative newspaper critical of Putin, second for its work to expose corruption.
He said such an award “would also more widely speak to the issue of media freedom” after the Islamist attack on the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo last month in which 12 people were killed.
Harpviken doubted whether Charlie Hebdo itself could win, since many Muslims oppose the newspaper, known for lampooning Islam and other religions.
Islamist violence was in any case condemned last year with a prize shared by Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai, who campaigns for girls’ education and survived a 2012 assassination attempt by Taliban gunmen.
Asle Sveen, a historian and expert on the prize, said the secretive five-member committee was unlikely to feel bound by the nuclear anniversary.
The International Atomic Energy Agency won in 2005, ban-the-bomb scientist Joseph Rotblat in 1995, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in 1985 and Soviet human rights campaigner and nuclear scientist Andrei Sakharov in 1975.
The last non-nuclear winner in a year ending in a ‘5’ was the U.N. Children’s Fund, UNICEF, which won in 1965.
“I think it is more of a coincidence that you have these intervals,” Sveen said.
Harpviken said one anti-proliferation candidate could be Nihon Hidankyo, who represents the sufferers of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
(Reporting By Alister Doyle; Editing by Kevin Liffey)
Teqera February 3, 2015
Congratulations to Abba Mussie,
Kristian Berg Harpviken, head of the Peace Research Institute, Oslo, named as his favorite Mussie Zerai, a priest of Eritrean origin living in Italy who has helped some of the thousands of African migrants who have risked their lives to cross the Mediterranean.
Teqera February 3, 2015
The Higdef regime will be humiliated and exposed if Abba Mussie Zerai wins anything in front of the whole world.
Tes February 4, 2015
Congratulation Abba Mussie. Well done and really deserved recognition which is more than due now. More recognition to follow for your courage from your people when Eritrea is freed from the monstrous regime.
Alem K. February 4, 2015
Thank you father Mussie Zerai for being the servant and for being a shepherd to our brothers and sisters. It is shame the murderer ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his brain dead followers labeled you as a TRAITOR, CRIMINAL, CIA and AGAME whereas millions of Eritreans and several million others in the world recognized you as an angel sent from God to tend and care for our helpless youngsters.
It is not a surprise the Nobel peace prize institution nominated you for your service, dedication, care and love and it is a sure thing God is not surprised either.
“Although the Norwegian Nobel Institute refrains from publishing names of Peace Prize nominees, Norwegian experts take it upon themselves to compile lists. Pope Francis has been nominated for his focus on social justice and his concern for the environment, while Father Mussie Zerai, a Catholic priest of Eritrean descent has been nominated for the Peace Prize for his efforts to aid many of the thousands of African migrants who seek freedom by risking their lives to cross the Mediterranean”. Inquisitr Feb 2nd 2015.
This is a huge victory for peace loving people and for people who are their brother keepers.
God bless our father, our brother MUSSIE ZERAI.
monica salguero February 4, 2015
Abba Natka xama-mosa deabeye hiyab selamn rahwan hareneten nayti etefkeron kedmi hager zewekalu hezbikan eyu. Gn etom kenuh helena delewom n belexa ketewedadwer kab amezgbuja te-ewet yegberca. B-kulu leyten mealtn keytehalelka netom b bahri dsageru habereta kuenka ashahat menseyat kolowih anesti zedhaka, ezi kal naytom zdhakayom Eyu. Bsm kulom Egziabiher yehabelna.
Selamawi February 4, 2015
It is refreshing to see good deeds acknowledged and rewarded. The pfdj regime persecutes men and women of good will and common sense. Pfdj would stifle any good work…Thankfully the world has once more proven to us Eritreans that we can be recognized for our good work by strangers than by our own ‘Mesegagheri Mengisti’and its blind followers.
The nomination came from elsewhere when it should probably have come fro Yemane Ghebrab or Alamin for the good Abba Musie has been helping Eritreans persecuted by the master-minders of the pfdj tyranny.
God bless your good heart Abba! Whether you win here or not, your faith and your caring love towards the needy will earn you eternal glory. Amen
Afewerki February 4, 2015
I want that either PFDJ or Mr Isayas Afu-Werki be among the Nobel Peace nominees! Because Tyrany and Terror of helpless civilians are PEACE for him.
oromay February 4, 2015
Congratulations Abba Mussie ! You deserve for the award in recognition of saving human life.May God bless you abundantly and grant you healthy and long life.
selamawit2 February 5, 2015
Congratulations Abba Mussie. You deserve being nominated for the Noble Peace Prize, dear Abba Mussie.
WOW, that’s really great news!
Natnael February 6, 2015
you are a typical Eritrean (?) who doesn’t tolerate any criticism. No criticism => no progress and full of ignorance that is suitable for a dictatorship.Only facts count not blablaaaa. Whether I do have many nicknames or a cybername in your sense it is the dictatorial and confusing atmosphere that obligue citizens to behave so.
In my eyes it is true that a pope who never cared about the hundreds of victims in Sinai-Guantanamo deserves no nomination for a NOBEL prize. He stands for christianity with a focus [a mother] Marry with her son (Jesus) who was rescued from a tyrant (herodes) just in this holy place Sinai, where now according to the ifnfornmation of Assena the rest bodies of our youngs are sattered on. Many people seem to be not interested about this holocaust, but the mothers in question do !!! Where is your brother/sister ???? That is the reality, it ought not be meant for obscure political achievements.
I myself am proud of the selfless ABA Mussie and he will definitely get the prize, no matter whether politicaly or really ! But forgetting the vitims and dancing upon their bodies will never be supported from myself !
It were the job of the POPE to be concerned about the whereabout of the youth of this magnitude!
How can you nominate then such a person??? MAy be I don’t know your mission!
Truth prevails !