Rueters Video: Libya detains 750 migrants, mostly Eritreans, in smuggler hide-out June 10, 2015 6:48 pmassenna401893Views SHARE
Tezareb June 11, 2015
እዋይ ውርደት! ኣንቲ ወላዲት ኣምላክ፣ ኣንቲ ማርያም ኣስመረይቲ ነዞም ደቅኺ ርኢኪ፤ ነዚ ኣንጸላልይና ዘሎ ደበና ድነ ሞት ቅንጥጥ ኣብልልና። ኣንታ እምባ ቢዘን: ደብሪ ዓደቦና ክብረትና፣ ቀደምሲ ኣውያትና ሰሚዕካ ሆይ ትብለልና ኔርካ፤ ደቂ ባሕረነጋሲ ኢሳቕ፣ ደቂ ሃጸይ ምራራ፣ ደቂ እምባ መጠራ፣ ወቐርቲ ኣኽሱም፣ ደቂ ጸረብቲ ዓረ ደብርታት ኣገው፣ ይጸንቱ ኣለዉ፤ በጃኹም ተደሃዩና።
Michael Tesfamariam June 11, 2015
What would you say if some of these refugees support PFDJ once they arrived in their destination? More humiliation and national embarrassment, is in’t it?
ERITRAWIT June 13, 2015
Isaias + Nhna Nsew, Nsew Nhna ba hameskewma eza hager!!!!!! June 13, 2015
Is this image the death of Eritrea?