Review 2011 – Part 2- Voice of Assenna
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Asgedet January 2, 2012
I sure sensed some sort of tension between Drs. Assefaw and Angesom. Ostensibly, Dr. Assefaw has a serious issue with the erstwhile meeting in Awassa not only he downplayed its historic importance where he sounded more like Ali Abdu, he even tried to reduce the number of attendees from six hundred to four hundred. In a sharp contrast and in a sober tone Dr. Angesom highlighted the imperatives of Awassa where the attendees ought to be given a moral support at the bare minimum for their effort to minimize their differences and tackle the dictatorial regime in Eritrea head on. Again, I was under the impression that, the debate was between a quasi-Higdef (Dr. Assefaw) and a real deal Opposition (Dr. Angesom) and at times who seemed to be falling asleep neutral-Dr. Bereket. If I have to take anything from the debate and if the third part of the debate is to be foretold, it shouldn’t be too surprising to see Isaias in power for many winters to come simply because he has “Opposition” such as the likes of Dr. Assefaw who guide their political outlook if they have one through the prisms of Isaias. Isaias says, the border should be demarcated before we normalize relations with Ethiopia. Isaias says, the people who attended the Awassa meeting do not by any means reflect the panorama of Eritrea. And to the dismay of the audience of the radio program, Dr. Assefaw seems to parrot Isaias as he is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Mike January 3, 2012
First I would like to thank brother Amanuel for his great effort in bringing the 3- Eritrean academician’s to exchanging their ideas and views. It is a very lengthy and interesting discussion. All of them have different views, but they are carrying their discussions with civility. That is what is wanted. It is a great forum, which we Eritreans have missed for a long time.I am optimistic that, at the end of the discussion, these scholars will come to a common point and hopefully we will learn from them. I cannot wait to listen Part -3.
Thank you .
HZBAWI January 3, 2012
It was a very deep review of how the opposition is working in throwing down PFDJ.I loved the comments of all the attendees . As to for me i support Dr Angesom’s expression about the opposition.
The opposition is on behalf of the people as to the people is in need of a democratic change from the ruling Junta PFDJ. Not to hold power but to submit the power to people .
A Question to Dr Assefaw
I also want the boarder to be demarcated as to close the game of PFDJ to stick in power but what warranty will Dr Asefaw will give to Ethiopian gov to remove PFDJ afterwords which is the frustration of Ethiopian gov?
Thank you Happy new year to all of you including my hero Amanuel.
Yohannes January 3, 2012
It is very interesting discussion indeed. Thanks Aman Assenna! My hat off to Dr. Angesom. As to Dotora Assefaw, one clearly observes how incompetent he is indeed. As what they said, when one graduate with PHD, it is either way. Either the person graduate’s came out a brilliant person or as the PHD stands: the person in question came out with Permanent Head Damage. I think Assefaw is with the second one. ( in tegryna we call it: Dotor falso! ) Assefaw, you can’t even challenge Dr. Angesom. Old good time hiding behind doing evil things like your friend Mankey and Mesfin (Aka Zebie) is gone. Now it is 2012. You just want remove Wedi Medhin Berad and let your old friends stay in power. There is no way out. All of them will be removed!
A Iyasu January 3, 2012
woooooow….what a lovely and lively discussion. We really need to cultivate such civilised debate. This is the wayforward to regain our dignity.
My respect to Amanuel of Assenna, Dr Bereket, Dr Asefaw and Dr Asgedom.
PS: very good choice of the song by Abraham Afeweki!
A Iyasu January 3, 2012
Change is coming: Are you ready?
The collective cries of the people of Eritrea is getting louder and louder and has reached all the way to the heavens. Our help is coming from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. Who helps his people out of the hands of all their enemies, and out of all their troubles and afflictions.
We have to be ready to:-
• regain our dignity of self-respect and respecting other
• ask where are our brothers and sisters……ሓወይ አምጽኡለ ዝጎደለኒ ክምልአለይ
• go through the process of truth and reconcilation
• be farsighted in handingly crisis
• re-estability our culture of civilised debate – ኢሂን ሚሂን አብ ባይቶ
• discern the difference between good and unjust…and say no to unjustice
• re-discover our culture and values of charity, kindeness and empathy (ለውሀት፣ ሕያውነት፣ ድንጋጸ)
• We should be able to visit the imprisoned, care for the ill treated, mourn for the Eritrean refugees who are dying in the deserts and seas.
• regain our dignity which has been denied to us for generations.
ahmed saleh January 3, 2012
I love it, God bless.
Winta January 3, 2012
Thank you Amanuel and the three panelists, Eritrean intellectuals should lead the opposition camp, and I urge them to do more to enlighten the people.
And I like Asgedets critical comments in both parts of the discussion, I wonder if it is just a nickname or the real Dr. Asgedet from US, if so I would be pleased if Amanuel could find a way to interview her regarding the current affair, I am sure we would all benefit from what she has to say.
Thank you Amanuel and keep it up
yasin January 3, 2012
Bro. Amanuel as always you are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up. As to the panelists I agree with the comment made by Asgedet . I honestly felt like she read my mind because I have the same review like her’s. Thanks may God bless u all.
A Iyasu January 3, 2012
Change is coming: Are you ready?
The collective cry of the people of Eritrea is getting louder and louder and has reached all the way to the heavens. Our help is coming from the Lord, who made heaven and earth – which helps his people out of the hands of all their enemies, and out of all their troubles and afflictions.
We have to be ready to:-
• regain our dignity of self-respect and respecting other
• ask where our brothers and sisters are?……ሓወይ አምጽኡለ ዝጎደለኒ ክምልአለይ
• go through the process of truth and reconciliation
• be farsighted in handling crisis
• re-establish our culture of civilised debate – ኢሂን ሚሂን አብ ባይቶ
• discern the difference between good and unjust…and say no to injustice
• re-discover our culture and values of charity, kindness and empathy (ለውሀት፣ ሕያውነት፣ ድንጋጸ)
• We should be able to visit the imprisoned, care for the ill treated, mourn for the Eritrean refugees who are dying in the deserts and seas.
• regain our dignity which has been denied to us for generations.
Mr. T January 3, 2012
I have never expected Dr. Angesom would ever support the Hawassa conference. Why he defends the most exclusionary conference Eritreans have ever seen is mind boggling to say the least. I am really dismayed. Folks, forget about the PFDJ regime. At the moment, it is a giant compared to your ladybug’s size. We have an incurable disease, and it should be prioritized. We have people with PhDs who have not evolved yet out of their old village roots. We have highly educated individuals whose wisdom is shamefully below the average wisdom of an Eritrean shepherd. A conference that was hijacked in broad day light by the ethnic secessionists, religious extremists and people who are highly intoxicated by hatred against highland Eritreans cannot be by any means called a “representative” and a “hope for change”. It is very sad indeed to see individuals who are highly regarded, at least because of their academic credentials, after all have no legs that they could use to stand on firm and defend the obvious truth. The Eritrean opposition movements under the EDA umbrella are not independent entities and they are accountable to their creator: the barbaric woyane regime. The newly elected congress does not represent Eritrean diversity and it is clearly dominated by lowlanders including the Afar and Kunama ethnic separatists. Dr. Assefaw truly represents the views of many Eritreans, and it is time the people on the EDA side realize that they cannot win the race with one-legged foot.
Freeprisoners January 3, 2012
mr T
the conference had a good plan than quiting at home and the Drs know that it can be supportive to the Eritrea circumstance…you also ought to support it than talking here. What did you find not supporting the Wa’ala conference that are done by the brave Eritreans. you ought to grew up and help your people. just looking and talking here is not the solution. try to help your people and country from dictatrial regime. This coference was never to hurt people and country but to bring the constitution and justice in Eritrea. Belive or not this is the right conference ever done in the history of Eritreans. you should grew up and support your people than with oppressor regime.