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Renovated Wad Sherifey School Starts Classes with 651 Eritrean Refugee Children

The Wad Sherifey Refugee School for Eritrean in East Sudan has been renovated and started in mid-June its new academic year for 2013-2014 with 651 registered students, of whom 55.3% are girls. The learning environment of

The Wad Sherifey Refugee School for Eritrean in East Sudan has been renovated and started in mid-June its new academic year for 2013-2014 with 651 registered students, of whom 55.3% are girls. The learning environment of the school was in bad shape until April this year. Now, and thanks to contributions coming from Eritreans of different political orientations in North America, the damaged walls were reconstructed; cracks on walls and ceilings repaired; and all classrooms, school compound walls, doors, windows as well as student benches painted in different suitable colours.

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  • Said July 10, 2013

    This is a good news, same Erirean people ware strugglingfor that to get a new generator for the computer. that is some progress.good job .

  • Said July 10, 2013

    And they still looking for $10,000, to get a new generator 2. because there is no electricity for the computer. unless somebody come up with that amount of money it will be even greater. I heard somebody in America it to come up with the money but I don’t know what happened. in anyways that’s a good news.

  • Mike July 10, 2013

    These kids will grow up and reclaim their land-a land that was stolen by the land-grabbers of kebesa ppl.

    • Nahom July 11, 2013

      this is an evil wish, the entire land, life, freedom of our people is grabbed by a totalitarian regime so claiming the land of such people is being grabbed by such people is aiming to prolong the rule of the mafia regime which can only survive through divide and rule policy.

      • henock July 11, 2013

        HaQI merar eya mechem.