“We have discovered freedom” – By seyoum Tesfaye
“People in Tripoli have been attending the last Friday prayers of Ramadan and the last Friday prayers before the month of daylight fasting ends with Eid next week.
“People in Tripoli have been attending the last Friday prayers of Ramadan and the last Friday prayers before the month of daylight fasting ends with Eid next week.
demssas hbte March 14, 2014
I wana thank for the web site
I saw a lot of articles on this web site most of them imotionals .that mean it attack for people from one region.
the editorial boards they have to check before they post.if some body passy away from other region even he was dictator they call as heroic.if from the victim region .they give all bad name.so let’s get off from this behavior.let;s tell the truth.