Public relations for Nevsun in London next week
Friday 12 June 2015 Public relations for Nevsun in London next week There are meetings taking place in London next week which are of great concern to Eritreans. They involve the visit from Canada of Todd Romaine,

Friday 12 June 2015
Public relations for Nevsun in London next week
There are meetings taking place in London next week which are of great concern to Eritreans. They involve the visit from Canada of Todd Romaine, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility at Nevsun Resources Limited, and Lloyd Lipsett, LKL International, a lawyer who has been engaged in the defence of Nevsun’s nefarious mining interests in Eritrea. They appear to be promoting a public relations ‘charm offensive’ to protect the reputation (such as it is) of the Canadian mining company. Their visit coincides with the publication of the UN Commission of Inquiry report on human rights in Eritrea on Monday, 8 June 2015. The report – an appalling catalogue of human rights abuses – contains detailed passages on the Bisha Mine, operated by Nevsun. In brief the report states categorically that forced labour and torture in Eritrea, including at the Bisha mine, may constitute crimes against humanity (see references below). In November last year, three Eritreans filed a lawsuit against Nevsun Resources in Canada, claiming that they worked at the Bisha mine against their will and were subject to ‘cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment’ – the first case of its kind. The first meeting, on Monday, 15 June, will be held under the auspices of the Solicitors’ International Human Rights Group (SIHRG) when Romaine and Lipsett will be on a panel to discuss ‘Eritrea: Business Ethics, Migration and Trafficking.’ Last December, SIHRG launched a controversial report, authored by its Vice Chair, Ruby Sandhu. It was a highly coloured and inaccurate description of the true situation in Eritrea, both historically and factually. A robust, point by point, response, through Habte Hagos of Eritrea Focus has been made to SIHRG to which no detailed reply has as yet been received. There will then be a meeting at the prestigious Chatham House on 17 June, when the two Nevsun operatives will be discussing ‘Business and Human Rights in Eritrea: Lessons from the Mining Sector.’ Eritrea Focus has written to Chatham House indicating its concern that this important international institute has become part of a public relations exercise in defence of the indefensible. Finally, the House of Lords has become part of the Nevsun campaign with the respected parliamentarian, Baroness Oona King, surprisingly hosting an event on18 June with Romaine and Lipsett prominent as speakers. Once again, Ruby Sandhu seems to be associated with this exercise for Nevsun, raising questions about her relationship with the mining company. She seems to be promoting ‘constructive engagement’ with Eritrea – a message that is not appreciated by the tens of thousands of Eritreans fleeing the country or enduring life in one of the cruellest dictatorships in the world. Nevsun’s need for a successful public relations campaign is understandable against a dramatically falling share price and diminishing reputation in the face of their activities in Eritrea. Money speaks and the PR expenses will be a drop in the ocean compared with the rewards for doing business with the pariah regime. Nevsun has generated approximately US $1.6 billion in revenue since 2011 – with $250 million going to the Eritrean Government’s state-owned National Mining Corporation. Rich pickings indeed. -ends- Sources: 1. Full report of UN Commission of Inquiry on human rights in Eritrea: 2. See paragraphs 1085, 1409, and 1435 of the UN’s full report which refer to the human rights abuses that have taken place in the Bisha Mine. |
Sara June 13, 2015
We need to organize demonstration in London in front of the hall where they will have a meeting. It is very important for us, we shouldn’t miss this even if it is a short notice. Assenna need to call demonstration
Mehret June 13, 2015
PFDJ, in their desperate attempt to hoodwinck the COI report have organized a pannel discussion Ertrea building Bridges at the house of Lords in Westminister and Todd is going to present on how good it is to work in eritrea. Dr Asmerom Legesse is also going to present. We should confront them with questions like,
1. Does Todd know if PFDJ is using the money from the mining for the people. How does he know the lives of eritrean families. Eritrea should be good for eritreans to work not for foreigners to work. Todd is safe in eritrea just because erireans are nice not because the government is good. In other countries he would have been kidnapped and have his throat cut.
2. Would Dr Asmerom send his kids to Sawa and on endless service in the military?
so interested people should attend and make their voice heard.
Mehret June 13, 2015
The pannel discussion in on Thursday 18, 2015 at 5:30. We should not allow them to get away with the lies, specially now.
Eritra June 13, 2015
Please … please don’t miss this event to expose the lies of the regime and the company that is making profits out blood money.
true lies June 13, 2015
I think the reason we may not have enough demonstrates is we have problem with our priorities….As much as it is pure greed ,Eritrean problem is hardly nevsun, not even close….It is like disregarding A.I.D.S and worrying abour migrane heaache. Eritreans are being sold like goods and services ,men and women being raped, their 0organs harvested in front of the whole world.Neither pfdj nor we have conscience ,but pfdj has the power…we want to overthrow pfdj,which is very ecessary..but the principle should be love of our people ,yet it is not the past we stood by when disabled fighters were being slaughtered for demanding a clean bed sheet..kunamas afars and now the highlands are being imprisoned torured .our young girls became sex slaves of pfdj-s high ranking authorities.
I want to quote Simon G. again ” It is not that pfdj is strong ,as we are weak”…true, indeed true ,I am not discouraging for people to say no justice no peace anywhere or oppose Higdefs- guaylas..but it is fruitless. It is liking when a guy is sucking out your eyes and you are complainning that very person is stepping on your toe.
Nevsun is not the enemy of eritrean people ,It is greedy motherf**ker taking advantage of a people without shepherd and principle.
I hope you take my comment in it-s totality.
with great respect
Simon G. June 13, 2015
If I were a Lawyer or highly educated Eritrean and doing nothing or not siding by my people, I would be ashamed. I thought we have many educated people who reside in the UK? Are they siding with the evil junta as well?
I think a list should be created for those highly educated people and post it here. The people should know whose side they are. What the heck are they going to say later, post HGDF’s Eritrea?
Asmara Eritrea June 16, 2015
What Eritrea needs is action, not words. Until we learn this critical reality lesson then Isaias and his clique will no doubt continue to brutalise our people.
Time to speak out has arrived and those who support Isaias should frankly have their brain tested!
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship.