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PRESS RELEASE: Eritrean Global Solidarity-EGS and Eritreans for Facilitating National Dialogue- EFND

It is all about Freedom of Religion !! The events unfolding in Asmara expose the unrestrained desire of the tyrannical regime to take over religious institutions and dismantle their leadership. The intensity of the interference has

It is all about Freedom of Religion !!

The events unfolding in Asmara expose the unrestrained desire of the tyrannical regime to take over religious institutions and dismantle their leadership. The intensity of the interference has been accelerated in the last few months.

The resistance against this evil agenda has been building and expanding. The open challenge exhibited by the Eritrean Moslem institution’s leadership has galvanized all Eritreans to stand up and resist the unrestrained push by the regime. We stand with our hero and patriotic, Hajj Musa Mohammed Nur, and honor his selfless action in breaking the silence of our people. Because of his valor and resilience, the demonstration by the youth has elevated the struggle for Religious Freedom to a higher level.

Everyone who deeply cares about religious freedom has to show unwavering solidarity with the heroes who took open stand and chose to march in open defiance of the regime’s interference and oppression.

We resoundingly affirm our solidarity and pledge to expose the sinister plans of the Eritrean regime to the world to the best of our ability. We encourage all Eritreans, regardless of their organizational platforms, to unite and work to defeat the nefarious agenda of the regime to divide us on religious and ethnic line.

It is time to put our minor differences aside and push to bring an end to this tyranny. This is our responsibly. We must own it and shoulder our responsibly.

Transition Leadership

November 3, 2017

Review overview
  • ተስፎም November 7, 2017

    ኣንቱ ዘይትሙሑርና፦ መልክዕኩም እናቐያየርኩም እንተመጻኹም በዝን ወዲኸምዝን ዝታለል ሰብ የለን። ኣብ ወጻኢ ኮንካ እዚባ እዚባ እንተበልኩም ተምጽእዎ ለውጢ ስለዘየለ ናብራኹም ግበሩ። እዛ ሃገር ዋናታት ኣለዉዋ። እሶም ድማ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ኣለዉ። ሓቒ እንተለኩም ዓዲ እተዉ። ብኢንተርነትት ዝወድቕ መንግስቲ የለን።