Pope Francis meets with Lampedusa survivors
(ANSA) - Vatican City, October 1 - Pope Francis on Wednesday had a private and reportedly emotional audience in the Vatican with a group of migrants who survived a shipwreck near the southern Italian island
(ANSA) – Vatican City, October 1 – Pope Francis on Wednesday had a private and reportedly emotional audience in the Vatican with a group of migrants who survived a shipwreck near the southern Italian island of Lampedusa a year ago.
The pontiff called on European men and women to open their hearts to the migrants’ plight. “I want to say that I am close to you, I pray for you and I pray that all closed doors shall open” said the pontiff according to Vatican press officer, Father Federico Lombardi. The boat disaster took place on October 3, 2013 and claimed the death of 368 people, most of them Somali and Eritrean refugees. Another disaster 10 days later claimed 34 lives. Lombardi specified that the delegation who met with the pope was composed of 37 Eritreans made up of survivors and their families, coming from European countries such as Germany, Sweden, Norway, Holland and Denmark.
Some of the migrants spoke to the pope in English, others in their language, thanking him for his commitment and pleading for his continued support.
Francis travelled to Lampedusa in July 2013 where he denounced “the globalization of indifference” including attitudes towards migrants who risk their lives trying to reach Europe via Italy from Africa.
johnny October 1, 2014
here is a pope giving a voice and recognition to the Eritrean victim.as Eritrean and proud catholic I could not be proud of this pope or the other pope before him.this criminals and thugs in eritrea most of as we know they are part of tigray ancesters do not care for any Eritrean people.they just want finish the people of eritrea and join back to Ethiopia.
yonas October 1, 2014
The pope gave the lampedusa survivors comfort and hope while the tembien ‘government’ in asmara called them african refugies and never aknowleges that they are eritreans,forbade them any proper burial in eritrea by any means.qhen they exposed to international meadia they started faking like they care.these mafia group will never care as far as they are in power,they never helped any single eritrean in eritrea or around the world.the eritrean people will never ever forget the crimes commited in eritrea or by their ambassadors around the world.hgdf’s media or websites never mention any incidens concerning eritreans who were in danger prior to lampesusa.now we know they are faking.God was and is watching them,they will go in history as the worst abusers to the eritrean mass(tsere hzbi).death to hgdf,God bless eritrea!
ahmed saleh October 1, 2014
When the time HGDF officials blessed the
policy shoot to kill at helpless Eritreans ,
that was the end of relationship between
government and our people .
FM October 2, 2014
Dear Johnny and Yonas,
The cruelty and the abuse of the regime in Eritrea has nothing to do with ancestry or lineage it is rather “ካብ ምላድ ምልማድ.” It would be impossible to separate Eritreans and Ethiopians from family affinity -ካብ ትግራይ ዘይውለድ ኣይጭዋን -is a saying that predates our current political problems. My points are regardless what part of Eritrea you live or claim to come from ሓረግ ወለዶ ዝተጠማጠመ ስልዝኾነ there is no clear cut of blood identity that gives Eritrean essence apart from its neighbors; second, Tigray of Eritrea has become the refuge place of tens of thousands of Eritreans, almost every Eritrean that had to face deportation, chooses Ethiopia as destination; finally, thousands of Eritreans students are enrolled in Ethiopian Universities and colleges. After taking all these things into consideration, it would not be wise to disparage the people of Tigray ancestry, regardless how direct or direct the Eritrean regime is linked. Finally, I am also a proud Eritrean Catholic, the stand of our Eritrean Catholic Bishops and the compassion of the Pope Francis is consistent with the our social justice and moral teaching based on the dignity of human being created in the image and likeness of God.
Tamrat Tamrat October 3, 2014
“ካብ ምላድ ምልማድ.” Not only for tigrians blood relation but the same goes for all ethnic Groups divided between Eritrea and ethiopia.
Mulue October 1, 2014
R.I.P. and Condolence to their families!!! I hate the tyrant leader and his fellow because they are accountable and will come to Justice in the near future!!! God bless Eritrea !!!!! The truth will be prevailed sooner!!!!
Eritrawi October 1, 2014
Let’s be patient. The Tyrant Gang Leader of Asmara dark days are numbered.
semere 2 October 2, 2014
A man of God has the duty to console the brokenhearted and to denounce any crime done upon human beings who are created in the image of God. I am proud of Pope Francis and I thank him for defending the rights of the immigrants.
Europeans came to Africa and invaded us forcefully, including Italy to Eritrea. And now when we are massacred by ruthless dictators, like Isayas, they are not able to host us. This in itself is crime against humanity. History repeats itself and I am sure time will come when Europeans will seek refuge in Africa.
Long live Pope Frances and may God give eternal rest to our victims!
ZEGiRM October 2, 2014
Smerrrrrrrr October 2, 2014
How did this pop helped eritrean , I don’t really see that. He is saying he is going to pray for them but we have enough people who can pray for us all but does prayer helped anybody in the world? Are we in this mess because a pop from Vatican didn’t pray for us, I don’t think so. If mr. Pop wants to help Eritrea people there is a lot he can do but the prayer part we can do it ourselves mr. Pop. We don’t need prayer from Vatican we know how to pray.
Baba ogbai October 2, 2014
Semerrrr< Why are you against the Pop's Prayer in that matter any body's prayer?
We need all kind of prayers, moving legs, working hand, good aiming eyes,setting goals,and in all aspects united force and united voices.
please get smarter than that if you are rely for Semerrrr. thank you
ሓውኻ ኣበይ ኣሎ? October 2, 2014
The Vatican is contributing greatly in humanitarian aid to Eritrean refugees in the Sudan refugee camps. The Vatican is the main contributor in the continuation of wadsharifay refugee school which was abandoned by the UN for years now.
Tesfu kbrom October 2, 2014
Look at the criminal PFDJ. It kept silent while a pope is trying to do something about the plight of the Eritreans. May be PFDJ will say the pope is an agent of the CIA!
Meretse Asmelash October 2, 2014
Now-a-days, I have tried to restrain myself from giving any comments on any written subjects but on this particular message I simply could not help it.
Dear readers, just check it for yourself. Is this how survivors or victims behave during prayers let alone during….
Frankly, I am disgusted to see that majority of the survivors were busy recording the pope’s speech rather than picturing the victims in their mind and praying for them. Taking a picture should been left to the media.
Simon G. October 4, 2014
That picture tells you what our society has become. Eritrea is not becoming bankrupt financially but also morally.
I see no sense of sadness from this picture, from those survivors.
monicasalguero October 2, 2014
Etom kulom ne Papas zenashu delow
Teref guahi-kum Ekum kemey gud nay HGDF dro ab Alem tekalihu eyu.
sala-omn sala etom kurubat tekalesten. Agiona.
habirna barnet ye-akel nebel.
Awyat Eritrawiyan Goita Tekebilu neta keneti tekel helena yelegselna.