PIA is selling Eritrea and its people at the low rate of 40% of its value!
In 1991with the then US Undersecretary Herman Cohen in London, agreed to sell Eritrea and gain the Presidensy of greater Ethiopia, but thanks to the late PM of Ethiopia, Mr Meles Zeinawi said that the

In 1991with the then US Undersecretary Herman Cohen in London, agreed to sell Eritrea and gain the Presidensy of greater Ethiopia, but thanks to the late PM of Ethiopia, Mr Meles Zeinawi said that the poeple of Eritrea have faught nothing less than a total Independence and Liberation and not a confederation with Ethiopia. Immediately PIA went outside, very furios(as usual) and declared “independence” without consulting his fellow Eplf fighters.
The Day Eritrea died
The Sodeha Eila group have a meeting in Dankalia when they crossed the Red Sea in Mid Dankalia (Red Sea Afar area) and they have got a message from the leader of Selfi Natznet Issayas Afewerki, saying “that tegadalay Mesfin Hagos already elected here with us as a member of the leadership,and send him to us and no need to elect him with your group,” ended the message.The two close friends decided the fate of Navy Commando expert Ibrahim Afa at this very date when the two joined hands.
The story of Selfi Natznet in Ala area, is known for the death of Abram Towelde, and the visit of PIA to the Kagnew Station (US Marine base in Asmara).Thanks to late Mr T/Michael Giorgo’s memoires we were informed what the secret meetings were about.
Here are some articles written by Skip Dahlgren:
Kagnew Station Eritrea, Ethiopia – The Main Gate, in the 60s. Image Credit: Tom McCandless
During the Vietnam conflict, there was a strict hierarchy for supplying military bases that weren’t located in Nam or directly supporting the troops stationed there.
Despite the economic troubles caused by the closing of the Suez Canal in 1967, the Eritrean capital was a well-to-do multicultural city, partly constructed in the style of a northern Italian town, and largely built in a more traditional African pattern, with thriving commerce throughout.
Kagnew Asmara was a top secret secure operations site on the base!
During the Vietnam conflict, there was a strict hierarchy for supplying military bases that weren’t located in Nam or directly supporting the troops stationed there. The work performed inside was classified, some at the very highest level, and only people who had top secret clearances and above could enter, except under special circumstances, such as when the local nationals who performed some of the maintenance work on the base had to be brought in, closely escorted.
At such times, flashing red ceiling lights and blaring klaxons left no doubt that uncleared personnel were in the secure sections of Tract C. Doors were kept shut, and in this day before computers or networks, any work product that had to be moved between rooms was enclosed in the same brown paper bags that usually were employed as burn bags to destroy any classified paperwork that was no longer needed.
2.The Eritrean civil war in the 70ties in Weki Zager, that brought the whole Eritrean Highladers went all the way to interven and stop the war between the EPLF and ELF. Several fighters died on both fronts.One of the war commanders was Petros Solomon from the PLF and his counterpart was the late Said Salih. Several fighters died for nothing, but to satisfy their leaders antagonism.
Israel Misghina Ghebrezghi died in that fight. His father a popular attorney Misghina Ghebrezghi was allowed to do a burrial service in Asmara, while the poor majority whose parents were not the pro-Ethiopia entities like Deghezmatches or Qenezmatches of that era. Poor fellows whose only crime was of Eritrea and the self determination for their mother country…Eritrea.Thanks to the intervention of our fathers and mothers was prevented from further disaster in the independence
struggle.The propaganda machine of 03 was at its highest level in black mail.
Eritrean Fighters in exchange of Money in Foreign invasion
Eritrean youth in the service of Issayas Afewerki in the fight for ‘independence” in Foreign Countries.In Rouwanda helping Kagami fighters were Eritrean fighters and Eritrean guns and Arpigees.In the Congo(Zair),in South Sudan and in Gomugofa in Ethiopia and in 1991 up to the Menelik Palace in Finfine (Addis Abeba).In The Sudan helping different oppositions in the North, East and the Rhashida opposition groups.
Years after 1991, Eritrean solders helping terrorists,like Al Shebab,Djiboutian opposition,Ethiopian TPDM and Houtis in Yemen supported by Iran Shites and Huzbulahs in Libanon were engaged.
Fishing and Shell farming and collection in the Red Sea:
When the late Salih Said (Meky) was the Minister of Fishery; he and Isayas Afewerki had an arrangement with the Saudi Fisheries a huge contract to let the Company fish as much as possible in the territorial waters of Eritrea, clos to Massawa and Asseb. The rewrd was a speed boat to Salih Meky and a huge amount of royalty to Issayas Afewerki. This means the contro; pm the amount of commercial fish will not be the responsibility of the Ministry but in the hands of the Cabinet members. There was the so called Inspection group lead by Semere, who was a member of the Halewa Sewra controlling the young inspectors from knowing all the secret deals. Once I remember that the seamen on the Saudi fishing boats the crew of the ships hit the Eritrean young inspectors and kicked them from board and no one protected them from such incidents.These young inspectors were the so called nay 90 tegadelty, who joined the EPLF in 1987-1990 and were first laidoff with only Ethio Birr 1000 as compensation for their armed struggle as fighters. They were all who joined the armed struggle from Massawa.
Chinese Housing and road construction plus mining bid.
First it was the agreement with the South Korean KINGNAM Ltd Co, a contract to build social buildings affordable to be bought by the Middle Class Eritreans, instead it was sold for the (PFDJ) supporters of HIGDEF.It was said that KINGNAM would build in Asmera Sembel areas, Massawa Kutmia areas and Mendefera areas. Actually the Mendeffera contract was abundend during the 1998-200 war. The Chinese Construction companies had only a small chunk of the contract for building houses complex.They failed in the first trial in Massawa fishery jetty, near the railway station in Tewalet area.This did not stop them but when Maumer Kadafi funded the Asseb Massawa road as a reward for Issayas’s support to Kadafi in the African Union and in other sectors by sending Eritrean soldiers to fight in protecting Kadafi.Additional to the road construction project kadafi got the LIBOIL contract to replace the old Italian AGIP oil and fuel comapny. A third contract was the Al Islam Kadafi must coach Abrham Issayas Afewrki as a crown prince for the future kingdom of the Yohannes V dynasty in Eritrea. Well that was a dream not to come true because kadafi is gone and PIA is in bad shape so we are saved from the doomsday by miracle. Ras Alula tried it and PIA is also failing in constructing the Yohannes dynasty in Eritrea.Hellas the situation in Ethiopia may attract some well wishers to that kind of dynasties in the 22nd centuries like General Sebhat Efrem and General Filipos.
Chinese Fish Processing and Fishing Contract
In 1997 I went with a group of members of the Ministry of Marine Resources on a Procurment mission to the Far East including China,South Koea and Singapor etc…This mission as usual was a clandestine mission, lead by a Cadre Haile Awalom. It was said that we will do some shopping including Fish Trawlers and Fishing gears. We started our voyage with Ethiopian Airlines via Addis Abeba to Mombay in India, to Thailand,Hongkong,Singapore,Western Australia and Myanmar (Burma). We followed the route laid out by the Cadre and came back home with two official contracts and one unoffical deal. The 2 official contracts were one Chinese contract to build a US$ 40 million contract with a joint company of Chinese/Singapor fish processing Co. The Unofficial contract was arms deal with the Chines government of US$ 50million.
The Belessing in disguise for Issayas Afewerki and Hagos Kisha.
It was the ANADALCO co from the USA stationed in Kwait, that had won the contract to explore OIL in the Zula bay and around the Shumuha Island in the Massawa water ways.This exploration was in its early stage that Issayas waged the Badme war against Ethiopia, then the Company packed its belongings and took millions unfilfilled contract payments.The first stage of 6 month search for oil only was US$ 25 million, and the second stage was supposed to be a US$ 50 million cash, but it did not materialize according to the agreement.Then in 1998 they left Eritrea and went back to the Gulf State.
Blood Diamond:
Dozens more workers alleging forced labour and intimidation at Bisha mine set to join civil action against mining company Nevsun Resources
Gold,diamand,copper and silver are abundant in Eritrea.The Italians alredy tried to mine in Eritrea
however due to their defiet in 1941 they abandend their mining activities.The British done no investment in Eritrea but were pilfering the remains of Italian industries and left after 10 years of stealing the hardware and infrastructure which they found in Massawa and other parts of Eritrea after their victory in the Second World War.Some of their bounties they took them to their colonies in India.
The mining industry was not established until the 21st century.The PFDJ foreman was well aware the existence of minerals like copper in Debarwa area, which was already exploited by Nippon already in the seventies.They halted it when the ELF tried to scare them and left for good during the Ethiopian occupation by the DERG.
Mining Companies were invited in the early 2010 and have done some survey and the first company was the Ashanti of Ghana, but did not come as favourite.Then followed a Canadian,Australian,South African mining companies including the late comer Newzealander company looking Phosphates in the Afar region. They all had a contract in Eritrea with the regime, which seems ver lucrious contract at 40% for the PFDJ regime and 60% for each company God knows wether they pay tax revenu, yet it is still clandestine work.Announcement by NEVESUN, a Canadian mining Co is open except for the employment of its crew in the mining fields.Bisha is the file where mining activities are taking place bu there is also the Asmara,Embaderho/Adi Nefas
mining activities taking place.More than two Billion US$ is in the pockets of PIA and Hagos G/Hiwet(KISHA) from the mining in 2015/2016 already. All the contracts with the PFDJ are at 40% for the regime and 60% to the Company.Above all the PFDJ is also getting Royalty from the comapnies which are active in Eritrea.There is also the PFDJ own Company competing with the Foreign Companies with the advantage of priorities given to it by the regime not to pay a market price to its employees.Medical and other services are deniet to them.In the past military recruits were put to work in the mines at a horrible places without ventilation and no sanitation facilities.
Dozens of Eritreans are to join a groundbreaking civil action in Canada as plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Nevsun Resources, which majority-owns the Bisha mine in north-west Eritrea,(following a ruling last week).
Two of them – Kadane, a security guard, and Aman, an administrator – spoke out for the first time about what they claim they experienced at the mine: forced labour, horrendous working conditions and a climate of fear and intimidation.
“The mine was like an open prison,” Kadane told the Guardian. “They can take you and do what they want with you. I was owned by them. We were like objects for the government and for foreign companies to do with us what they wanted.”
The civil action against Nevsun, taken on behalf of Eritrean workers by the Canadian Center for International Justice, began in 2014. The company owns 60% of the Bisha Mine Sharing Company, which owns and operates the mine. The other 40% is owned by the Eritrean government.
The lawsuit claims that Nevsun engaged Eritrean-run contractors and the military to build the mine’s facilities. It is claimed that the companies and the army forced Eritreans to work in abhorrent conditions.
The Court case in vancouver against NEVESUN will reveal all the past mistreatment of the employees complaining against the company and finaly allowed to open a court case in Vancouver in Canada.
The contract signed with the Newzealander Company is not known but it is also 40:60 ratio of agreement.The IMO is not controling the situation of the workers and the signing of contracts.There is always room for corruption and mistreatment of the workers employed or military service personel employed there in the mining activities.As long as the regime has this opportunity without opposition we will see another Congo with the Curse of Blood Diamonds in Eritrea.
God save Eritrea
k.tewolde October 16, 2016
This all comes courtesy of the pioneers of ‘AWET NIHAFASH’ and hafash is eating dirt.God save us all! Thanks Yitbarek.
Meretse Asmelash October 16, 2016
Dear Ytbarek,
Thank you for sharing such a valuable information.
To me, over all, it is very well documented and factual except one information >> an actual date.
let me take you directly to the information that you put in..
You wrote and I quote:
“Israel Misghina Ghebrezghi died in that fight. His father a popular attorney Misghina Ghebrezghi was allowed to do a burrial service in Asmara, while the poor majority whose parents were not the pro-Ethiopia entities like Deghezmatches or Qenezmatches of that era”
Every bit of information that put here is right except — Israel Mesghina, Alem Mesfun (1st martyr ) Dr Abashimel and couple other fighters did not die in that war. Several weeks earlier they were ambushed and killed around Shieb Gedged. The ELF was saddened, angry and furious for their unjustified death. Then months later the ELF flexed its muscle on EPF platoon or hayli led by Petros and Salih Tetew. Salih Tetew died in that war. No sane person can advocate for a civil war. but let’s remember, when EPF members ambushed the group it was not an accident. Anyways, I found it hard generalizing such a war taking it to the level …”but to satisfy their leaders antagonism”
Wedi Hagher October 17, 2016
“Several weeks earlier they were ambushed and killed around Shieb Gedged. ”
Meretse Asmelash
When Iseyas was in Ala (Selfi Natzinet), a group of ELF Tegadelti who were on their way to Akeleguzai to take annual leave with their families, were ambushed my Selfi Natzinet.
Iseyas spoke to the group from a safe distance. and said something like this: “Do you think we should kill each other to make the ‘Beni Amer’ happy ?” .
He knew that may ordinary Tegadelti who were sent from Akeleguzai to Lowlands were not happy, not only because of hot weather, but also because they felt mistreated by military leaders, who happened to be Lowlanders and language and cultural barriers made their life very difficult.
In that brief encounter, the ELF fighters agreed with Iseyas that there was no need to shoot at each other. But as the group left the area greeting Iseyas and his group, they were shot at from back and several died while others managed to escape.
Despite all that the ELF never wanted to kill Iseyas, why ?
(By the way they could have done it very easily, in Sudan, Lebanon, Somalia, South Yemen)
Martyr Abdulkadir Ramadan, said: “Harming Iseyas would affect our national unity, because the Highlanders see in him a leader”.
Lula October 17, 2016
This is another issue of selective outrage.
The Jebha leaders and remnant groups tell us all EPLF crimes but never say a word about Jebha crimes, few examples, burning of Tigre text books, the murders on Falul, Ubelites, the Kunama, the Gifa of highland christian peasants, the murders of the Sryet Addis, the burning of the lower Seraye villages ….
If you guys care about “national unity”,, then the young Eritreans need balanced history
Jacob Gebretnsae October 17, 2016
Dear Assenna Moderator,
Calling names should not allow through, I anyone want to put his view he/she can but calling names is against any constructive discussion. Please block such comments like the above called her name Ruta.
assenna October 17, 2016
Dear Jacob Gebretensae,
Thank you for alerting us about the commentator called Ruta.
AHMED SALEH !!! October 17, 2016
Who was stupid , Issaayas or Eritreans in general ? Isn’t it true people offered their unconditional loyalty
voluntarily to serve for his agenda at the expense of their brothers ?
At the end of the day the whole country paid heavy price from his secret party conspiracy . Remember
that his crooked propaganda machine (03) played big role on conveying his sinister agenda to deceive
highlanders . The contaminated seed he sowed from first day of his departure from ELF in 1970 had
been poisoning Eritrean social and political affairs until this moment .
For some reason our people ignored the warning signals sent from principled patriots who stood against
his destructive policies . Unfortunately the voice of MENKAE was the strongest message at its early stage
our people missed to take precautions from any danger that might harm their future .
The most painful memory of our history is the unnecessary bloodshed between two Eritrean brothers and
how and why it happened goes back to analyze background history of famous actor Wedi Afom involvements
in every play from A to Z . And it will not change until Eritrea free itself from suffocating by sleaky snake with sheep skin .
To speak the truth was a lie yesterday , a lie today and a lie tomorrow but naked eye do not lie .
Muhammad October 17, 2016
Selam Ahmed,
Would you please call me at eight three two, three seven four, eight seven three two.
Teclay October 17, 2016
You raised several issues,but nothing is new .We have been told this for such a ling time and we are tired of it.Instead of analyzing the basic cause of the disaster ,humiliation and an eventual extinction,it is found to be much easier—blaming Isaias for everything under the sky-this is not politics.
You said that “….PIA went outside, very furios(as usual) and declared “independence” without consulting his fellow Eplf fighters”….Whom do you want to consult ???? why should he ???
AHMED SALEH !!! October 17, 2016
Let me help you to identify the basic cause of disaster . We are the living witnesses to
recognize that any action we perform is judged solely buy it’s outcome . Now the writer
of the article tend to analyze the reality of consequences our people are paying and to separate the achieved ends from which they were produced . On the other hand he highlighted about Eritrean predicament that has been placed under governance of wrong verses good that dictates every aspect of civilian life on all they do , all they say and all they think . If other dictators took the blame for crime against humanity it also apply to PIA too .
To make it simple , he is saying we can not justify the end while he hijacked our freedom that failed the country for trusting EVIL Issaias Afewerki . He committed crimes on Eritrean
people worst than the late Ethiopian president Menghistu Hailemariam .
The fate of big section of our young generation who are displaced in Sudan , Ethiopia and Israel proved it all . So if you think it is we blame for everything under the sky , be it
PH October 17, 2016
Poor eritrea,unlucky been neighbour of ethiopia.because it looms evil from the era of ኣሉላ -ኢሰያስ that ELF knew and told us ln the very beginning PLF harbours selective ሸፋቱ but we didn’t listen.
Lula October 17, 2016
Some of the comments are unbalanced, this is another issue of selective outrage.
The Jebha leaders and remnant groups tell us all EPLF crimes, as it should be, but they never say a word about Jebha crimes, few examples, burning of Tigre text books, the murders on Falul, Ubelites, the Kunama, the Gifa of highland christian peasants, the murders of the Sryet Addis, the burning of the lower Seraye villages ….
If you guys care about “national unity”,, then the young Eritreans need balanced history
k.tewolde October 17, 2016
Lula,if you can write in English,you can research your history,nobody has to tell you their version,it is there in in black and white, some you can get it from those who lived it,the rest you do your homework since you live in a world free of any duress.I was there during the ‘falul’ era and sat to listen and discuss with them their view and why they chose to split and most of them directly or indirectly became victims of the tyrant eventually,the last group were martyred in liberation of Massawa.Yep, it is not pretty,the tyrant did us in,Mohammed killed Kiros,Tecle killed daniel,Omar killed Ahmedin,Saba killed Freweini.One eye was weeping while the other eye was gazing to shoot at a family member.I was there throughout the entire campaign,it was an era that heralded the beginning of the end,an era that ushered the tyrant as an absolute power in our homeland.,and he did’t do it alone.That is the reason you and I here and tens and thousands like us are scattered all over the globe and some more on the way.Mission accomplished for the tyrant.
AHMED SALEH !!! October 17, 2016
Hello Mr. Nefahito
Non stop similar complaints and the same language . It is possible pen names Ruta and
Lula belong to one loser . You have been good at it in this forum .
Poor guy for how long you will hide under dirty rugs . Funny dude have the nerve to speak
on behalf our young and national UNITY .
What is next , to come with different pen-names for your usual provocative comments .
AHMED SALEH !!! October 17, 2016
Dear K.Tewelde
You said ” one eye was weeping while the other eye was gazing to shoot ” .
True , we were hesitant to shoot for a kill . That is why the number of deaths was minimal . But you know latter in life I learned the truth about humans weak
consciousness and the way they attain with material world . It become obvious
only those who went through that sad experience and those who try to put
their feet in their shoes can feel the grieve , Dirty politics always shield the both sides architects from taking responsibility .
It is very hurtful memory which left lifetime scars in our back
k.tewolde October 17, 2016
That is very true Ahmed,deep scars,custom made for us,uniquely ours.It was an ugly war that took the life of Mengstaab Tecle my mentor, he was one visionary son that Eritrea lost at that time and so many like him.That is why the dark cloud keep hovering over our homeland because their souls hasn’t quite rested yet.
AHMED SALEH !!! October 17, 2016
Are you talking about Menghsteab the well built heavy set guy
with great personality from battalion 372 . I am sure he is .
I think he was merah ghanta .
T.Yitbarek October 18, 2016
Dear Miss LULa/or Mr Luul
I appreciate your concern and I would like to inform you that I have written articles earlier that have been posted in other Eritrean websites like Oromai or The Curse of Eritrea ……..etc knowing that I should say the naming of happenings in both Fronts.Luckily I was a civilian member of the ELF from 1966 until May 19975 and never said that my ELF was a holy or a mistakeless Liberation Front, however under Isaias Afewerki’s Watch we are mercilessly annihilated and our young are leaving home forcedly en mass.I am afraid thanks to PIA Eritrea may be no more exist as a state bu a Ghost state only in name..
Please understand the danger we are in today thanks to this Megalomaniac alien.
DESALEGN October 18, 2016
ብዛዕባ ዶብ ንኹሉ ኤርትራዊ ዜጋ ዝምልከት
ዶብ ኤርትራ ካብ ኣብ ካርታ ስእሊ ሓሊፉ ኣብ ምድሪ ብግብሪ ዘይተመልከተ ብምኻኑ ህግደፍ ምስ ኩለን ጎረባብቲ ሃገራት ብዝተፈላለየ ምኽንያት ኩናት ከምዘካየደን ኣዚዩ ብዙሕ ሂወት ሰብ ከምዝ ሃለቐን ንብረት ከምዝዓነወን ከምእዉን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከምዝተመዘናበለ ይፍለጥ። ኣብ ሞንጎ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ዝነበረ ናይ ባድመ ይግበኣኒ ጉዳይ ብው.ሕ.ሃ ባድመ ናይ ኤርትራ ምኻኑ ተወሲኑ። ነቲ ብው.ሕ.ሃ ዝተዋህበ ብይን ብመንገዲ ክልትኤን ሃገራት ቅቡል ከምዝገበረኦ ብወግዒ ኣፍሊጠን እየን። ው.ሕ.ሃ ግብራዊ ስራሕ ምምልካት ዶብ ንምጁማር ኣብ ዝብል ደረጃ ምስ በጽሐ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ግብራዊ ስራሕ ምምልካት ዶብ ክጅመር እንተኾይኑ ዝምልከተና ሃገራት ኣብ ጣውላ ኮፍ ኢልና ብምዝታይ ጥጡሕ ባይታ ንምምልካት ዶብ ዝምልከት ክንፈጥር ኣለና ዝብል ሓሳብ ምስ ኣቕረበት ው.ሕ.ሃ ኤውሮፓዊ ህብረትን ገለ ሃገራት ኣፍሪካን ነቲ ጉዳይ ፍታሕ ንምንዳይን ሓቢርካ ምዝታይ ንዝብል ሓሳብ ቅቡል ኮይኑ ስለዝረኸበኦ ንኽሰርሓ ተበጊሰን ምስ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ክልተ ጊዜ ርክብ ከካይዳ እንከለዋ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ንኽልተ ልኡኻት ው.ሕ.ሃ ኣብ ኤርትራ ኣትዮም ስረሖም ንኸየሰላስሉ ክልተ ጊዜ ናይ ቢዛ ሕቶ ብምንጻግ ካብ ናይ ሽምግልና ው.ሕ.ሃ ብገዛእ እዲ ከምዘዝለቐ ኩሉ ዓለም ዝፈልጦ ጉዳይ እዩ።
ህግደፍ ነቲ ዝነበረ ሽምግልና ዘይምቕባሉ ምኽንያት እንታይ እዩ ወይ ሕጋዉነት ኣለዎ ድዩ ኢልና ክርኢ ምስ እንፍትን። ብመሰረቱ ህግደፍ ዝወሰዶ ስጉምቲ ግ ጉይ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ ዘይሕጋዊ እዉን እዩ ነይሩ። ምኽንያቱ ጉዳይ ብሕጋዊ መንገዲ ንኸሳልጡ ናይ መእተዊ ቪዛ ናብ ኤርትራ ምኽልካል ዓብይ ገበን እዩ። ንሕጋዊ ሰብ ተቐቢልካ ተዘራርቦ እቲ ዝብሎ ነገራት ምስ ዘይት ሰማማዓሉ ንሓሳባትካ ኣይቅበሎን ኢኻ ክትብል ዘለካ። እንተዘይ ኮይኑ ምስ እተሸገርካ እንዳእወኻ ርድኣኒ በጃኻ ኢልካ ለሚንካ ምስ እተብቅዕ ሰላም ምስ ኣውረደልካ ናብ ገዛይ ኣይትእተወኒ ማለትከ ኣብ ምንታይ እዩ ክቑጸር። እዚ ተርእዮዚ ብህግደፍ ሓዱሽ እይኮነን ኣብዝቐረባ እዋን ዓለም ኩሉ ትፈልጦ መግስቲ ሕግደፍ ተመሳሳሊ ስጉምቲ ኣብ ዓለምለኻዊ ተጣበቕቲ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ናብ ኤርትራ ኣትዮም ስረሖም ከየሳልጡ ከምዝተኣገዱ ይፍለጥ።
ናብ ቀዲ ኣርእስተይ ክምለስ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ዘልዓሎ ነጥቢ ሓቢርና ንዘቲ ዝበሎ ሓሳብ ክንርኢ ምስ እንፍትን ዘቕረቦ ሓሳብ ብመሰረቱ ቅቡልን ክስገር ዘይኽእልን እዩ። ምኽንያቱ እዚ ምዝታይ ዝብል ቃል ወይ ሓሳብ ንኤርትራን ንኢትዮጵያን ዝምልከት ኮይኑ ክልትኤን ሃገራት ሓቢረን ቅድመ ኩነት ንምሕንጻጽ ዶብ ክሰርሓን ጥጡሕ ባይታ ኽፈጥራ ይግባእ። ክልቲኤን ሃገራት ዝገብረኦ ዘተ ው.ሕ.ሃ ይኹን ኤውሮጳዊ ሕብረትን ካልኦት ናይ ኣፍሪካ ሃገራት ኣብ ምውህ ሃድ ንሓበራዊ ዘተ ክልትኤን ሃገራት ክሰርሓ ይኽእላ ክነየውዚ ሰጊረን ዝትግብረኦ ስራሕ ክህሉ ኣይኽእልን እዩ። ክልቲኤን ሃገራት ምስ ዶብ ምሕንጽጽ ርክብ ዘለወን ገጠራትን ከማታትን ህዝቢ ብምርኻብ ኣድላይ ዝኾነ ቅድመ ኹነት ምሕንጻጽ ዶብ ምስ ኣጠናቐቓ። ንው.ሕ.ሃ ኩሉ ዘድሊ ቅድመ ኩነት ንምሕንጻጽ ዶብ ዝምልከት ከምዘጠናቐቓ የፍልጣ። ው.ሕ.ሃ ክኢላታቱ ብምልኣኽ ናይ ዶብ ምሕንጻጽ ስራሕ የካይድ። ክኢላታት ውሕሃ ብዝሓንጸጽዎ መሰረት ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ቅቡል ብምግባር ናይ ዶብ ምስሕሃብ ዝበሃል ነገራት ኣብዚ ይዕጾ። ካብዚ ወጻኢ ዝኾነ ዓይነት መፍትሒ ክመጽእ እዩ እልካ ምጽባይ ግን ካሊእ ዘይነበረ ሰበብ ኽመጽእ ወይ ነቓዕ ምፍጣር ኮይኑ ናይ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ዶባት ንመዋእል ፍታሕ ከምዘይህልዎ ኤርትራዊያን ብፍላይ ተዳናገጽቲ ህግደፍ ሙሁራት ኢና ትብሉ ጠንቂ ዶባትን ዝመጽእ ሳዕቤናቱን ብምግንዛብ ህግደፍ ናብ ዘተ ሰላም ናብታ ብገዛእ ኢዱ ዘቋረጻ መድረኽ ተመሊሱ ጉዳይ ዶብ ናይ መወዳእታ መልክዑ ንኽሕዝ ክሰርሕ ከምዘለዎ ንግደፍ ኣድላይ ዝኾነ ድፊኢት ክትገብርሉ ከምዘለኩም ክምዕደኩም መሪጸ ኣለኹ።
ዶብ ኤርትርን ኢትዮጵያን ምህንጽጽ ማለት ዓብ ኣለምና እቲ ዘዓበየ ፕሮጀክት ከምኻኑ መጠን ኣዝዩ ብዙሓት ኪኢላታትን ኣማኢት ኣሻሓት ህዝቢ ዝሳተፍዎ ስጋብ ዝኾነ ዝዓበየ ምውህ ሃድ ዘልድልዮ ስራሕ ስራሕ ብምኻኑ ናይ ክልቲኤን ሃገራት መራሕቲ ምሉእ ምትሕብባር ዘድልዮ ጉዳይ እዩ።
“ተሪፉ ዘሎ ስራሕ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ናይ ምሕንጽጽ ዶብ ንኽትግበር ተፈትዩ ተጸሊኡ ኣብ ጣዉላ ሓቢርካ ኮፍ ብምባል መዓዲ ዘተ ምክያድ ጥራሕ እያ”
ጉዳይ ዶብ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጳይን ኣብ ጊዝይኡ ፍታሕ ምስ ዘይረክብ ዝመጽእ ሳዕቤን ኣዙዩ *** ከቢድ ምኻኑ የጠንቕ ኣለኹ !
T.Yitbarek October 18, 2016
Dear Desalegn
I am sure you are not following the bigger picture and your Tigrigna text has no relevance to what so ever.Our forefathers would have told you…….that you are saying
አንጣጢዕ አዘርአ ኣሎኹ..Put things in order please!
PH October 18, 2016
ኩብር Desalegn.
“ንቲ ብው.ሕ.ሃ ዝተዋህበ ብይንብመገዲ ክልቴን ሃገራት ቅቡል ከምዝገበረኦ ብወግዒ ኣፍሊጠን” ይብል ርኡይተኻ።
ድሕሪ ቁቡል ምባል’ዲኣሞ ናይምታይ ዘተ?ቀሚሽ ኣደይ ሓንኩሊኒ ህግደፍን ወያንየን ናይ ስልጣን ሑቶ ዲኣምበር ናይ ዶብ ሑቶ ከምዘይኮነ ቡሩህ ኢዩ።ዘባእሶም፡ዘተዓርቆም ፉሉጥ ኢዩ።ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምስ በረሰ ምስደነን።