PIA Crossing the RED-LINE again – Part II
In my last article I mentioned only the light-weight crimes against the Eritrean people and disturbing the calm waters of our neigbouring countries like Ethiopia,The Sudan,Yemen and lately Djibouti at a high cost of lives.

In my last article I mentioned only the light-weight crimes against the Eritrean people and disturbing the calm waters of our neigbouring countries like Ethiopia,The Sudan,Yemen and lately Djibouti at a high cost of lives. However weak the President seems to be at this moment, he has gone sofar as to cause a cold war provocation and become the CUBA of the 60th.s:
There are more worryng things……………….
as awate’s Gedab News put it on its website on the 14th of July 2014. “Gedab News learned that recently Chinese diplomats met the Eritrean president and protested against the Eritrean government’s attempts to ignite a superpower confrontation in its conflict with Ethiopia. The development has encouraged whispers among senior officials of the regime who are becoming more anxious by the day.”
What about the recent news that….
Similar military Exercise will happen in Eritrea in Three Months: Russian Heavy military pontoon exercise again will took place in Eritrea’s red sea region. More than 600 servicemen and 150 units of engineer equipment from all the military districts will be involved in the exercise. – See more at: http://www.geeskaafrika.com/eritrea-will-host-the-next-russian-heavy-military-exercises-on-water/4751/#sthash.ohBWNsoe.dpuf
All those crimes can be summarised;
Say that he has commited gross human Rights violations..as the UNHR commission stated it strongly: The continued widespread and systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms committed by the Eritrean authorities, including cases of arbitrary and extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, the use of torture, arbitrary and incommunicado detention without recourse to justice, and detention in inhumane and degrading conditions;
The News…… Asmara (HAN) August 4, 2014 –
Eritrea will host the next Russian Heavy military Exercises: comes as a Bomb Shell;
“Defense and Security News. In Eritrea, military, academic, business and media circles there is breathless excitement about the rise of Russia and the US decline they assume as its inevitable corollary. There is an announcement that Russia’s Defense Ministry will hold drills for reservists in all of the country’s military commands in August-October. Now comes yet another announcement, this time that Russia’s will be holding military exercises this week involving 100 aircraft in the west of the country near the Ukraine border. This kind of activity mean that Russia is saber-rattling or somehow threatening regional security and stability, while is getting ready for war with NATO. Russia also has another announcement, this time that Russia’s will be holding military exercises in Eritrea Soon this Year.
Reason Russia Moving to Africa’s Strategic port of Eritrea: Russia’s foreign ministry complained vocally about the sanctions, criticizing the U.S. for “advancing baseless claims” about its role in Ukraine in a “pretentious, prosecutorial manner.” It criticized the EU for allowing its policy to be “dictated by Washington.”
in a Neighbouring Eritrea, Djibouti: US naval vessels and aircraft used Djibouti’s facilities, and the 2 countries perform joint military exercises. US military and economic aid was $7 million in 2000. This included $2.7 million in emergency food aid, $2 million to start a humanitarian demining program, and $100,000 for self-help, democracy and human rights. The country retained close relations with France and other Western nations, as well as with Islamic states. In addition to the US precense, Djibouti was also home to France’s largest foreign military base as of 2002. Djibouti was host to several thousand French military personnel, including the 13e Démi-Brigade de la Légion Étrangère (13e DBLE – 13th Half-Brigade of the Foreign Legion).
Djibouti’s military Strategy is a major, well-equipped, international port, whose management had been recently turned over to a Dubai-based company. Ethiopia, a landlocked country, was the main user of the port. Fairly good roads linked all the small towns to the capital city of Djibouti. The infrastructure still needed much improvement, as paved roads still were not extensive by the early 2000s. Djibouti had an international airport, which could handle large aircraft such as the Boeing 747.
– See more at: http://www.geeskaafrika.com/eritrea-will-host-the-next-russian-heavy-military-exercises-on-water/4751/#sthash.4Hl3JAoN.dpuf
We all know that the leader of PFDJ has gone all the way to test his limits, as to how far he can spoil things unnoticed, even choosing the 911 Tragic moment in NY in 2011 and putting all his High officials in jail without trial. None of us could stop him doing that, simply he chose the moment where all the attention of the world was concerned on this tragic situation. The tention in the Black Sea area between Russia and the West, again similarly exploiting things when it suits him but playing a very dangerous game to the extent that he can bring the attention of all Supper Powes to the edge of Conflict in the RED SEA.
Remember when he allowed to used by both Israel & Iran for their Fleet in our territoorial waters.I for one felt the pain of even thinking that the Iranean Submarines cruising immersed in the Dahlak Archipelago close to the “Israeli Sotto Marina”or sub-marines, come close to a nuclear confrontation.
Hell….we are observing idly without combating his evil intentions. You can say we can do nothing at this moment, however the world community is noticing such provacations, because it comes to be a dangerous game that crosses the nerves of the US and NATO’s aliances, whose Navy ships are stationed in the Bay of Tajura (Entrance to Djibouti harbour).It is a huge gamble to take for a small country along the Red Sea coast and God knows what the consequence is.
Eritrean current economic progress according to AfriBiz, as stated in its journal (see:africaneconomicoutlook Written by: Editorial Team on August 5, 2014.)
Economic growth in Eritrea has been irregular. Soon after its official declaration of independence in 1993, the country enjoyed rapid economic growth averaging 7% per annum. Recent trends reflect a downturn in real GDP growth and this is of great concern. The real GDP growth rate slowed from 8.7% in 2011 to 7.0% in 2012, largely attributed to major crop failures and foreign-exchange shortages, which restricted imports of intermediate goods. The negligible foreign investment (other than in the mining sector) and declining aid inflows driven by Eritrea’s policy of self-reliance and isolation have since severely constrained the country’s economic performance.
Politically, the country has remained isolated in the region due to its alleged involvement in activities undermining peace, security and stability in the region. The impact of the second round of sanctions by the UNSC is reflected in the critical challenges facing the economy but will not necessarily affect the mining sector in any significant way. The UNSC also expressed its concern over the potential use of the Eritrean mining sector as a financial source to destabilise the Horn of Africa region. It called on Eritrea to show transparency in its public finances, including through
co-operation with its Monitoring Group, in order to demonstrate that the proceeds of these mining activities are not being used to violate relevant resolutions.
The collection of a 2% tax on income earned by all Eritreans in the diaspora was suspended as it was considered unlawful by the United Nations.
How many red-lines have PIA crossed in the last 23 years of his tyrrany?
According to the rapporteur for UNHR “Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention
France, Somalia:* draft resolution 26/… Situation of human rights in Eritrea
The Human Rights Council,
Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights and other relevant international human rights instruments,
Recalling resolution 91 and decisions 250/2002 and 275/2003 of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights,
Recalling also Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, on institution-building of the Council, and 5/2, on the code of conduct for special procedures mandate holders of the Council, of 18 June 2007, and stressing that the mandate holder shall discharge his or her duties in accordance with those resolutions and the annexes thereto,
Recalling further Human Rights Council resolutions 20/20 of 6 July 2012 and 23/21 of 14 June 2013,
Emphasizing that everyone has the right to take part in the government of his or her country, directly or through freely chosen representatives, and expressing grave concern that national elections in Eritrea have not been held since 1993,
Reiterating its deep concern at the ongoing reports of grave violations of human rights by the Eritrean authorities against their own population and fellow citizens, including violation of civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights, and the alarming number of civilians fleeing Eritrea as a result of those violations,
……..UN humaniterian Report.
What is next move by the opposition? This is the million $ question to be answered soon by all of us!We are warned.
Tesfazghi Yitbarek
Mike August 8, 2014
“PIA Crossing the RED-LINE again”
I think it is “we” the people who have and are crossing the RED or Blue or Yellow or any other line….. We are all obsessed about PIA and PIA is having a the last laugh.
Why do we not all place PIA in the ignore list and focus on what we all can do for Eritrea and what we can do as a team.
Some are “hankered down” for weeks and months in writing article after article to justify who and what PIA is up to. When PIA is away – still infatuate as “desperate lovers”. When he PIA sneezes we are “all over PIA”.
My people – Save your ink and energy from wasting away while PIA I laughing at you all. Focus your energy, at least 1/3 of that, towards helping Eritreans for a change.
Place PIA in the IGNORE bucket and team up for a change to do good for Eritrea.
MightyEmbasoyra August 8, 2014
I believe isayas has got mad about the African leaders invitation to the WH. Now, he just need some attention and started to make some flickering noise by dealing with Russia.
Just saying.
Yerhiwo August 8, 2014
What do you expect from the worst dictator on earth? This mad dog who grew up in Enda Suwa can sell his own family to stay in power. He killed or jailed Eritrean Dekebat heroes such as Abraham Tewolde, Isais wedi Flansa, Ibrahim Affa, Haile Durue, Petros Solomon, Okbe Abraha, Sherifo, Aster Fitshasion, Ermias Debessay, Senait Debessay, Beraki, Estifanos Suim, Tesfalidet Sium, Miriam, etc. etc.
In order to stay in power he brought DEMHIT fighters to protect him and abuse Eritrean dekebats. Things are tightening finally….the UN is working hard to bring this criminal to International Criminal Court with his cousins Monkey and Kisha along those brutal generals such as Filipos, Wedi Memhir, Manjus, etc.
Eritrea is a failed sate under this criminal!! A country under UN sanction for helping terrorist group Al-Shebab with no University, shamble economy, no constitution and no elected president will fall soon and freedom and justice will prevail for Eritrean people.
Eritreans inside the country…don’t sleep tight until you get rid off this mad dictator who is the cause of all the evils, death and misery in Eritrea!!!!
Daniel August 8, 2014
DIA not PIA.
Sengal August 9, 2014
DIA is someone who believes in power. Let’s find ways of removing this criminal by power.
Daniel Joseph August 9, 2014
You Eritreans spend your time backbiting regional division dancing higdefites tunes that’s all.PEOPLE GET A LEADERSHIP IT DESERVES. You run like monkeys you die like rats.
silent August 9, 2014
Are you Eritreans?
What a stupid question, even the Gash-Barka cows know that you are human-mosquito, good only in infecting with deadly diseases and annoying people with your endless zzzzzzzzzz.
It is Shaebia, and one of Shaebia rules is: አድጊ ዝገበረካ፣ ጠይቒ ግበሮ፣፣
ሩስያ መጸት ኢልኩም’ዶ ሸራእራእ ኢልኩም፣ ኤረ ገና፣ ኤቲ ጻውታ አይተጀመረን፣ ከሎ ገና መእተዊኹም አልሹ!!!
True Lies August 9, 2014
ወያነ ዝፈርሕዎ ዶ ገጢምዎም ???
ላልማየ ላልማየ ላለ __ላልማየ ላለ
ሰላም ኣይግነይ ራሻ እንተለ __ላልማየ ላለ
ይብሉ ኔሮም ኣብ ሜዳ።ንራሻ ባሊጋና ሒዝና ሳላጣ ከም ንገብሮም ኣይፈለጡን።
rezen August 10, 2014
A clip from international news outlet:
“Islamic State militants have killed hundreds of Iraq’s minority Yazidis, burying some alive and taking women as slaves, an Iraqi government minister said on Sunday, as U.S. warplanes again bombed the insurgents.
Human rights minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani accused the Sunni Muslim insurgents – who have ordered the community they regard as “devil worshippers” to convert to Islam or die – of celebrating a “a vicious atrocity” with cheers and weapons waved in the air. No independent confirmation was available.”
That is Muslims massacring Muslims!!! Imagine also Christians massacring Christians!!!
To bring you to your own “beloved” ERITREA, one does not need to imagine that this would happen in your own turf, though you were smart enough to escape to a safe location and have the pleasure of being a hero in the Internet Cafe >>> like me! But then, it is not a new revelation: Issayas Afewerki Abraham — Founder and Self-Made President of the State of Eritrea of five million creatures and Member of the United Nations, sitting with Giants of the Globe — had said it a long time and he must be smiling…….
It all(i.e.the FIGHTING) starts from one religion against another religion. And then it grows to what you just read above. It does not end there: then there will be fightings based on RACISM …. and then within the same race … Human beings are capable of creating cause for disintegration and they are capable of reporting it about it from a safe distance>>>>>>> go ahead, have the pleasure of writing your piece , to your heart’s content.
fetsum abraham August 10, 2014
Rezen mighty and all commentators are welcome to read my articles at the Kunama Party site http://www.mesel-biherat.com/. Assenna has censored my article “religion and women” and I have moved on posting my works at the Kunama site. I have two articles there and visit them if u are interested. I will have few more posted there from now on till the end of this year and see you there. I miss you and thank you for your participation in the past
citehposted two articles I have been censored by Asseb
rezen August 10, 2014
Oh Fitsum! I just made myself comfortable with my little machine in front of me. And then I took a sip of my delicious coffee and clicked at assenna. I said to myself: wow! from one delightful to another! But then the message was bitter >>> the implication that Fetsum, the challenger who, OK, can be rough at times, will not be at demo.archive.assenna.com. Amazing, I was wondering about you. But then, I comforted myself believing that you have taken a deserved long vacation.
As to Assenna’s “censoring” your article, in PRINCIPLE, it is a VERY DANGEROUS move. I sincerely hope assenna Management would take the matter seriously and let us be [i.e. its faithful clients]assured that the DEMOCRATIC principle of demo.archive.assenna.com is still intact. Otherwise, even its own struggle for freedom would be totally meaningless.
As to your article, I will definitely read it and follow your subsequent articles with my sincere opinion [always in civility, even in disagreement].
With that, let me remind you Fetsum that you owe me a cup of coffee — since you spoiled the one I have in front of me. Keep SMILING.
failed state August 10, 2014
mafia isaias has made our country almost a failed state.we need to save our nation & our people. we habe no other choice.