PFDJ’s Propaganda Minister on the Defensive
VOA’s Adanesh Fshaye (Amharic Programme) sprays some fresh air to the radio station (Tigrinya Programme) that has almost been hijacked by the dictatorial regime in Eritrea. Listen to the 13 min interview from yesterday, Monday,

VOA’s Adanesh Fshaye (Amharic Programme) sprays some fresh air to the radio station (Tigrinya Programme) that has almost been hijacked by the dictatorial regime in Eritrea. Listen to the 13 min interview from yesterday, Monday, Dec 23rd. Some members of the radio, especially Tewelde should follow her good example.VOAAdanesh
truly, Truly i say to you December 28, 2011
part 3
But what surprising me know is, Ato Ali Abdu after he imprisoned the real heros he started to rerpeat what Haile Drue had already at the begnning said it, namily because of the help they get from US and others Woyane almost ATELAKYOMNA like speech. What a loser! What has Hero Haile said it differently ?atleast he and his others imprisiond comrades, like Okbe, Petros, Sharifo, Birhane, Beraki.etc… were calculated the the third round war how dangerous it could be because of that because they advice let us face this conflict in different sreategy, you imprioned and you calling them they kneeling dawn losers and mercenaries , but in other side despite all this danger and at that difficult time, Isayas was compromised the help that the whole world in the name of hunger were decided to give to Ethiopia without any question he was allowed Ethiopians to be helped through Port Asab, Can any one say it this he dead that because he feels as human being . Why he not agree better to stop the war instead then ? Anyway the whole Eritreans specially those inside country they know it very well to what he have said it that time. So after all this happened, if ato Ali Abdu pretends to be Chtholic more than a pope I mean more than Haile Drue said it to repeat we know who our nation enemy and real hero is. Just wait only till the real time comes for everything!
Silvana May 28, 2013
kobertana wohdet kobra Entezey atyeknana yhaysh bla mkniyatu zeblena keyrkeb ab mewdad mesrih selam nerkeb higiwen T junktion akabawyan mslena aynehsesn nenewanu abti awdi nerekeb emo wey kltiena ntlkie ayhi zenam selam kenewred wey ane aykonkun msli koberta genbot 24 nebarit eya emo abelo eti gega kltiena nerkeb T Junkition we are caling kingdom with no partiality with no terorism lets be perfect each day for not bing ab mealti lieli 10 gizie eyeye men mukaney zihtet emo what ever ayntehamel ab alem zesreh negerat nimsaf nbeyne slezymket happy beirth mamuk koberat new cabinet in life of world of god but nathing is going to change me than bein Eritrea TT.BETY gro more when they are more
aurora bruk December 28, 2011
ali abdu (ibud) has been a puppet (eseyas’s) his entire life. i am sure, his life is not only a lie, but also very risky. for who can walk on his toes all his life? eseyas zezibelo kishimdid dikas yeblun, ibud. i am also sure, the conspiracy theory is not unfounded. he wants Eritrean youth, to leave their country, so that he can unite Eritrea with Ethiopia, without any resistance whatsoever. abdu ibud just like his master, is not fit to even govern a cemetery, let alone the Eritrean People. all he does, when asked questions concerning our country is, start by saying America this America that. America is a country which has policies. and its officials safeguard them. they also tell you openly, that they give priority to American interests first. that is their duty. but that fool thinks, he can be big just by criticizing a big super power. the sad part is, that we have to live, under the oppression of people him and his master, who never stop to think about the consequences of their actions. all they care about is themselves and their families (ali ibud’s one family is in Canada). we better think about our people and ourselves. December 28, 2011
This is idiot man so called ALI ABDU is not ALI rather he has to be called (BELAY ABDU). This stupid man who jailed his father by Issayas order. May Allah the almighty cast him soon into his warm HELL.
peter December 28, 2011
Ali Abdu didn’t answer approprately to the question he was asked to answer. If he had been a student and I were a teacher, I would give him 10% out of 100%. Because his answers were irrelevant to what he was asked. His answering stlye is like his master. He has to learn at least from the interview of Yemane Gebreab and Meles Zenawi
Huluf December 30, 2011
They keep beating around the bush….they bring historical differences. It is one and one thing simple problem…they refuse to be law abiding and that is the difference between Eritrea and USA….they are just trying to fool the Eritrean people.
WARSA February 26, 2012
ela June 20, 2014
All we Eritreans know is talk talk talk….. no action….how come we didnt get any of our martyrs and fathers genes????? Sad!