PFDJ supporters’ extremism getting out of control
Political radicalism and religious/ethnical fanaticism has been part of this world for millennia. In modern Eritrean history, the same sort of radicalism and fanatical adoration of a human being or political organization like in Stalin’s

Political radicalism and religious/ethnical fanaticism has been part of this world for millennia. In modern Eritrean history, the same sort of radicalism and fanatical adoration of a human being or political organization like in Stalin’s Soviet, Mao’s China, Mussolini’s Italy, Gaddaffi’s Libya, the Ayatollah’s Iran, Hitler’s Germany was only originally experienced when Haile Selassie was the emperor of Ethiopia; and Eritrea forcefully annexed by Janhoy, became another province of Ethiopia. Haile Selassie in the eyes of many almost became the embodiment of God on earth. Haile Selassie was Ethiopian. But Eritrea has won its own Haile Selassie – saying no to Ethiopia’s- in the first and current President of the State, former guerilla fighter Isaias Afwerki, the leader of EPLF. Not understanding, or perhaps purposely ignoring the fact, that idolizing one man undermines the collective struggle of the Eritrean people, thousands of Eritreans keep worshipping and idolizing one single mortal man as was witnessed in the city of New York on September 25th 2011. And others, whether motivated by genuine nostalgia of seeing a democratic governed better Eritrea or personal grudges in addition to political agenda, are fighting against the regime and wanting to herald a new era of change quickly. Much revulsion and mistrust has been searing among Eritreans for couple of years. For example, a group of individuals from the Change movement chased the head of political affairs of PFDJ after seeing him in a New York bar drinking beer with a female companion on the 26th of September 2011. The young Eritreans were caught off guard as they bumped into Yemane Ghebreab, senior adviser and next-man to the President, in a bar where anybody could be unchained as one finds himself overwhelmed with angry emotions. This verbal attack on Yemane Ghebreab is the result of bitterness and animosity, PFDJ has been sowing between Eritreans for years. This video might easily be mistaken as a scene from Dateline NBC’s to catch a predator, only that the predator here is not a pedophile, but a political predator, a killer, the man who rattled on the G-15 and advised Isaias to lock them up together with other dissidents, who spoke up against Isaias Afwerki’s authoritarian rule peacefully:
Watch the attack on Yemane here:
Here is similar video clip from Leeds, UK, where squabbles between pro- and anti-government Eritreans disrupted a meeting with the PFDJ ambassador to England, Tesfamichael Gerhatu, in August 2011. The anger and bitterness is obviously in full display in this video:
Here are similar videos from Germany as well as Sweden, where pro-PFDJ seminar attendants and anti-PFDJ demonstrators are getting verbally and physically insulting towards each other:
On the side of the government supporters, there have been several incidents of verbal and physical attack committed and filed police reports as well as court cases. The most notoriously foul and loud-mouth government supporter is a lady called Sophia Tesfamariam. Sophia Tesfamariam has been accused of insulting and dishonoring others aiming to please and score points with the PFDJ government at least twice.
Sophia Tesfamariam, a fervently extremist supporter of PFDJ
Eritrean journalist Meron Estifanos was threatened by a PFDJ supporter after participating in a Free Dawit Isaak Seminar in Sweden. She went to the Swedish Police and filed a report regarding the violent encounter.
“You mention my name and write about Dawit Isaac’s family one more time I’ll cut your throat,” said Tedros Isaak – who happened to be the brother of the imprisoned Dawit Isaak according to this report- to the lioness Meron Estifanos, who has invested so much time and energy in solving the plight of Eritrean people’s desire for rights and dignity:
How mind-boggling it is indeed, that PFDJ politics of divide and rule has managed to segregate and propagate so much hatred and animosity even between family members. Tedros Isaak, unlike other brothers and family members of Dawit, is a staunch follower of PFDJ. It seems that is first allegiance is with the regime instead of his brother, Dawit Isaak, who has been gone for ten years from the family home because of the Eritrean regime’s paranoia and fear of losing its grip on power. Some reports indicate that Dawit Isaak might already be dead in prison.
Another article, which could be read at, exposed that young Eritreans at YPFDJ are also turning into brutal crimes. This assertion was manifested in the young man Senai Solommon Lemma, the chair holder of YPFDJ Denmark, who received 40 days prison sentence as a result of vehemently attacking an elderly Eritrean man while the PFDJ members were rooting for him as he committed sadistic violence, according to this article:
Senai Solommon Lemma, YPFDJ Denmark chairman
Here is another similar article, an interview of 4 young Eritreans victims, who were attacked by YPFDJ members because they asked a simple question regarding the political situation in Eritrea:
“Q – You were attacked by the PFDJ members, did you receive any injuries?
Merih: I sustained bruises and scratches, but nothing beyond that.
Smret: Yes, I was injured. Headache for a few days, minor bump on my forehead, minor scratch on my cheek, and my entire body was sore.”
The physical and verbal violent attacks committed by PFDJ supporters are endless. They are happening every single day; most of them do not get reported to the police. It is really distressing to see Eritreans stoop to such low levels of hate and animosity because of politics. This is shameful. This is not part of being an Eritrean in my view. Eritreanism use to mean brotherhood above all. The young generations of Eritreans are copying the exact same behavior as the old. The YPFDJ are the exact replica of the old PFDJ-Raza nay abo Haza. The result will be continuous mishap and calamity, if matters do not change. The martyrs of the freedom struggle envisaged an Eritrea by all for all. Not a totalitarian Eritrea of few.
The article YPFDJ and Radicalization of the Diaspora youth ( tried to explain a little about how, why and in what circumstances the movement YPFDJ was created. The three factors that have driven the young Diaspora Eritreans to join YPFDJ, I believe, are mainly identity-who am I…what am I…- belonging-where do I fit in, where am I accepted, where am I mostly happy—discriminations-why am I not fulfilled and happy in the West, why am I not accepted as equal to the white man, why am I a second-ranked citizen, etc.
Personal Identity-who am I
The composition of the YPFDJ membership is mainly that of 2nd generation Eritrean youth born in Europe and USA and who have a skewed picture of what it is to be an Eritrean. They erroneously define Eritreanism equal to PFDJ and the EPLF struggle. They build their Eritrean identity on the dogma and teachings of a single political party just as religious fanatics hold a religion to be the sole definer of everything concerning their identity. This is an erroneous philosophy that will ultimately create identity crisis and sooner or later give rise to conflicts within the YPFDJ itself. To become instrument of a single political party in the name of Eritrea and to claim one is building Eritrean identity on the fundaments of a political organization is equal to saying that Christianity is the omnipotent describer of a Christian man’s whole self. Identity is never confined to a single religious or political thought or dogma, especially national identity.
The YPFDJ youngsters have tried to forge a particular form of Eritrean identity for a couple of years now. To grow up in Europe among Europeans as an Eritrean creates split personality- an immigrant’s identity crisis. These young people do not feel they are real Eritreans in Eritrea, nor real westerners in Europe|USA-aym’erabawyan ayeritrawyan. They have existed in twilight of identity dilemma for many years. To suddenly wake up and discover there is a movement called YPFDJ that will embrace them as they are and utilize the meager skills they possess to collect finances, recruit other youngsters and spread positive propaganda about the PFDJ in the West was a blessing in disguise for many. In return, the PFDJ promised to educate and enlighten them about Eritreanism as well as embolden and yield them confidence regarding world politics a la PFDJ style. Moreover, PFDJ missionaries promised several times at conferences, that the YPFDJ will be leaders of future Eritrea. How it even is possible for a group people who cannot even communicate in their mother tongues efficiently or wholly comprehend the Eritrean identity to be leaders of the Eritrean people might be beyond anybody’s imagination. I mean, is it even conceivable for the proud Eritrean people who have sacrificed more than 95000 martyrs to claim and hold on to their freedom to be ruled by 2nd generation Diaspora born Eritreans who have no clear and all-encompassing understanding of the Eritrean identity?
I do not believe the proud Eritrean people will ever allow their land to be ruled by non-Eritreans, half-Eritreans or power-mongering bottom feeders and carpetbaggers like Sophia Tesfamariam in the new dawn, only truly proud Eritreans will see to the state affairs of Eritrea- Eritreans who knows well all the branches that make a perfect Eritrean identity and have studied all the branches in entirety. What makes Eritrean national identity? Well, knowledge about Eritrean native languages, cultures, customs, history, religions, mythology, music, art, writings, national dresses and wearing, Eritrean national geography, the social and anthropological composition of the people, the knowledge and understanding of the Eritrean common mans mentality and psyche which has created the proud national mentality, etc. These above mentioned are some of the qualities that build true Eritrean identity, not politics. Politics has nothing to do with personal identity or national identity. Politics is a changing mechanism, a suitable tool created by a group of leaders to direct a nation through circumstances until new era comes and new politics are created. Politics of a party or organization is not permanent.
A party or organization under which name any state or nation is ruled is not permanent either- look at Gaddafis, Ben Alis, Mubaraks political movements- gone like the wind. Therefore, building identity on the basis of a political movement is like building a house on the beach, on the sand, near the ocean times. People exist forever, but current leaders, parties and political systems will always become victims of time and change. Any man who fanatically holds on to one political party’s ideology as the only truth is weak-minded or cunning opportunist.
Building identity barely based on politics, region, ethnicity, clan, or religion will undoubtedly give birth to disagreement, conflict, fundamentalism, terrorism, violence and havoc. In Eritrean communities around the world, it is safe to deduce, it is politics, which is creating distrust and disunity between Eritreans- the divide and rule policy of the Eritrean regime. Eritrean nationalism is today defined as being a supporter of PFDJ politics by the Eritrean regime. And all opportunists and those fearful of the regime must, naturally, comply with this idea.
Throughout the years, PFDJ members around Europe have been the most powerful in the Eritrean communities-gebertin hadegtin. They have acted not only as organizers of festivals and seminars, collectors of money, promoters of the PFDJ politics, but also as Gestapo, spying and collecting information on Eritreans living abroad. Today, these works are slowly being handed over to the new generation. This new generation is the YPFDJ members, youngsters born and raised in Diaspora, who know little about the true nature of the government recruiting them and asking them to spy on their brethren.
The YPFDJ members are treated as high official guests when they visit Eritrea in groups every second year to attend the Sawa Festival. They are offered the greatest service, the best transportation, the finest hotels, the finest cuisine, etc. Even in Sawa, they are treated as foreign ambassadors, while Eritrean soldiers and poor service students are joined hand in hand to provide them entertainment and hospitality of high caliber. Around the city of Asmara, they act like they own the city, reminiscent of UNMEE, fighting and looking down on the native Eritreans, throwing away their money here and there arrogantly and pompously, behaving and acting indecent and ill-mannered. They keep themselves to themselves, never really trying to integrate with the local people. The YPFDJ members have created an exclusive club, an odd form of Eritrean identity; they are a peculiar and anomalous breed of Eritreans, if they at all can be called Eritreans. The YPFDJ movement is a strange movement of uniforms, party, drinking and thrill; a gathering of opportunists, a bunch of dancing and singing afro Pinocchios, a gathering of “yes, Boss” utters, instruments of Big Brother; needless to say, a very dangerous bunch of people. What make them dangerous is their high opportunism and little knowledge about Eritrea and the world-but mostly, their willingness to accept any order from the Eritrean government without raising any questions as a result of their high opportunistic nature and desire for recognition and influence.
The YPFDJs have immense to learn about Eritreanism. To know your identity and understand your roots, you cannot ask a politician to school you. You must ask or read books by historians, archeologists, anthropologists, by unbiased Eritrean historians like Tekeste Negash, Alemseged Tesfai and so on. That is, if you really want to know what it is and how it feels to be Eritrean. Last, but not least, the gravest crime anybody can do against Eritrea and the Eritrean identity is to be fanatical nationalist, -regardless if it is sincere nationalism or nationalism motivated by personal-gain, for there are plenty young and old individuals utilizing Eritrean nationalism for personal fortune- because fanatical nationalism blinds. And sightlessness will only prolong the distress of our shared delicate nation. And one thing, we must always remember, we are only Eritreans in this lifetime-for about 70 years. We are temporary Eritreans. Eritrea doesn’t own us nor do we own Eritrea, the land. It belongs to the Creator like all countries and all life. Therefore, most importantly, Eritreanism is about respect for all Eritreans, regardless of their political orientations, region and religion. Secondly, Eritreanism is about love for Eritrea as our country and collective home. No Eritrean is entitled more to Eritrea, no matter who he/she is or what he/she has accomplished in the name of serving Eritrea. This is the fundamental statute of wearing the honorable badge of Eritreanism. This should be the main tutorial of the YPFDJ kids when learning about true Eritrean identity, instead of hate politics and propaganda. And if there are some of their brethren asking for the introduction of constitutional governance in Eritrea, it is only because “democracy is the only system that persists in asking powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be” as Sydney J. Harris once perfectly illuminated it. YPFDJ members need to increase their consciousness. They keep babbling about Niqhat, but true and complete Niqhat is not-regrettably- abundantly visible at YPFDJ yet.
The third part of this article will talk about the ancient human yearn to be part of a group, a movement, the need to be powerful, acknowledged, admired and important-how it has pushed many YPFDJ opportunists to run for little power in the movement. And last but not least, how growing up in the discriminative environment of the West has motivated others to join the YPFDJ to find acceptance and approval.
Mohammed Saleh, is a freelance independent Eritrean writer based in Washington DC, USA, and member of the civic organization, Omma Hatona Eritrea.
Temesgen Medhanie October 11, 2011
Qozami Part II.
I hate to narrate a historical thread or time line where it seems to be clear that, the label “Eritrea” to define a certain geographical boundary came into effect in the early 19 centruy when Ethiopia as a nation state came into ‘being’ in the first millennium. Hope you’re not going to call me an “And’netista” or a latter day “Neo-Unionist” proponent. As much as I disagree and abhor the idea of unification, it was kind of surprising to see Isaias entertaining the idea when he alluded the possibility for it in the near future. Again, an ahha and hmmm moment to say the least. As for the study (Dr. Mo) you seem to passionately dismiss as a bogus, it wouldn’t have any bearing if I take you around into a loop to prove that, it is an authentic and credible study. I am certain that, an intelligent guy like you wouldn’t miss the crude reality as Eritrea is rightfully found at the very bottom when you pretend to brandish otherwise. I say, time is the hidden factor. We will see.
kozami October 11, 2011
I wouldn’t call you ‘Andnetista’ but rather settle by stating that you are trying to be more Catholic than the Pop himself. To your surprise, or not, the notion of ‘Ethiopia’ that you allude to has little currency with the majority (about 70%) of that country’s population. Outside the Amhara/Tigrai peoples (32%), the Oromo group represents approximately 40% of the population, the Sidamo of the southern account for 9%, while the Shankella make up about 6% of the population. The Somali (6%) and Afar (4%). Nilotic peoples live in the west and southwest along the Sudan border. The Gurage account for 2% of the population; the remaining 1% is made up of other groups. The Ogadiens and Oromo peoples may have hard time buying the lineages you are trying to sell let alone the Bilen, Saho and Rashaida of michiwti Ertrana.
As to PIA’s inferences of possible confederation type of arrangement in the longer run, that is the reality no one would have an issue with. Who would disagree with the prospects of market harmonization and preferential taxation regimes as well as free transfer of labor and goods and free port services to benefit all the people of the region. Do we need the King of Kings and Lion of Judah ’till thee kingdom come’ razzmatazz to sell the idea, except to inadvertently limit its scope and validity for the wider region. So, PIA being the visionary that he is happens to be right on the mark on this one.
Temesgen Medhanie October 11, 2011
Ohh you got me now with those damn statistics and population percentages. I wonder if you got them off hand or you had to dig in Golgol (Google) as we call it in Tigrigna. Hope you’re not going to take me for a full blown cadre as I seem to be too self conscious about it. Sure enough, Ethiopia-proper is an amalgam of variety ethnic groups where the new Ethiopia seems to manifest itself in a hyphenated world where an Oromo would identify himself as Oromo-Ethioipian as the motto seems to be unity in diversity. In a sharp contrast Ethiopia of the yesteryears was a nation of an elite ethnic group where the lesser ethnic groups were on the periphery. I should stop here before you go, “This dude is a hard core Weyane”. As for the “visionary” Isaias, I am not sure what to say to be honest. Simply because, he seems to confuse the high beam of an incoming train with a light at the end of the tunnel.
kozami October 11, 2011
IMO whatever Meles is promising you, take it with a pinch of salt. You say that “… an Oromo would identify himself as Oromo-Ethioipian…” if he/she is not labeled a “terrorist” in today’s Ethiopia of the woyane junta.
According to an Ethiopian intellectual, Alemayehu G. Mariam, the current “anti-terror Ethiopia” he describes the motto by saying “…the “anti-terrorism law” is a masterpiece of ambiguity, unintelligibility, obscurity, superficiality, unclarity, uncertainty, inanity and vacuity”
kozami October 11, 2011
The writer continues to elaborate by adding ” anyone who provides “moral support or advice” or has any contact with an individual accused of a terrorist act is presumed to be a terrorist supporter. Anyone who “writes, edits, prints, publishes, publicizes, disseminates, shows, makes to be heard any promotional statements encouraging, supporting or advancing terrorist acts” is deemed a “terrorist”. Peaceful protesters who carry banners critical of the regime could be charged for “promotional statements encouraging” terrorist acts. Anyone who “disrupts any public service” is considered a “terrorist”; and workers who may legitimately grieve working conditions by work stoppages could be charged with “terrorism” for disruption. Young demonstrators who break windows in a public building by throwing rocks could be jailed as “terrorists” for “causuing serious damage to property.” A person who “fails to immediately inform or give information or evidence to the police” on a neighbor, co-worker or others s/he may suspect of “terrorism” could face upto 10 years for failure to report. Two or more persons who have contact with a “terror” suspect could be charged with conspiracy to commit “terrorism”” Now, did I hear you say unity in diversity? Right? Woyane’s Ethiopia seems pretty hard place to swing a cat, let alone diversify in any meaningful way if you ask me.
Temesgen Medhanie October 12, 2011
I am not sure what to make of what you have just ‘asserted’. Either you’re digressing or you’re spinning off a tangent where the issue at hand was supposed to be about Eritrean identity. As much as I don’t take him (Alemayehu G. Mariam) too serious, I won’t take it from him where he is a polemicist at best. At times, he seems too infatuated with Meles as he scribes a lengthy cut-and-paste run-of-the-mill articles where Sofia T. comes out a runner up in the race to bash Meles. His run-away articles with an appellation of “A Must Read” are nothing but deconstructing Meles as if the latter is a philosopher-king when he is actually more often over rated. To be more precise, Alemayehu is gravitating Meles to the lime light more than he deserves. But for a reason that should be left to shrinks, the guy is inking his heart out about Meles like a dude who is jilted by a girl friend. As for the offer, it would have been an honour to work for or with Meles had he been the president of Eritrea. Of course, we have to blame his father for keeping his Eritrean wife in Tigrai as opposed to taking her to Eritrea to settle down.
Shewit October 12, 2011
Shewit October 12, 2011
(By the way, I am not much fond of the new Assenna’s arrengment of its comment section)
The gentleman you are going back and forth with may have been a demographer at the Ethiopian Statistics Bureau at one point, and seems to have a serious nostalgia of his old job. At the risk of being called “woyane”, from my close observation I witnessed that Ethiopians are becoming less and less interested in the once big deal “ethnic identity”.(My observation does not include people like Professor “Al Mariam”, who for some strange reason, tweak his Amharic name and anglicize it, when he writes his articles. Putting his confused identity aside, many Ethiopians don’t know who the heck he is, as much as the HIGDEFites use him to justify their convoluted logic) Speaking of convoluted logic, do you remember the “100 years of homework” that “Professor” Isayas gave Meles to do? Apparently, from the look of Ethiopia today, Meles is “miserably” scoring “F” on it. (Lucky for the Ethiopian people) There fore, the little lecture that Qozami gave us about how the make up of Ethiopian ethnic group and the wisdom of Al Mariam, could be an indication of that they are searching for someone to do that unfinished homework”.
Shewit October 12, 2011
Part II
I still hate this comment section arrangment.. 🙂
… While they lament about Ethiopia’s ethnic make up and which ethnic group should be allocated how much power in Ethiopia, Eritrea, a country they say they care about is slipping away. In my recent trip to Kenya, I was able to meet young Eritreans, who have so many innovative ideas and are smart spend their whole day in a shack “coffee houses” and “tea rooms” doing absolutely nothing. Why? Because they were chased out of a land, they hoped they would work their idea on, succeed in life and grow old gracefully and prominently in. If they hear Qozami spends so much time and energy analyzing the make up of Ethiopian ethnic groups, instead of being their voice, they would be amazed. If they hear him saying that Isayas is “visionary”, then they would figure him out right away, handcuff and shackle him, put him up on their wide and firm shoulders, and carry him to Sembel. (Of course on the way to sembel, they’ll have to plug their ears, not to listen his hallucinatory scream of “nehna nsu, nsu nehna”.
Temesgen Medhanie October 12, 2011
Shewita haftey,
I sure can’t get enough of your cold sarcasm augmented with serious ideas to reckon with. Of course, they will slap you with a Weyane label where it could have been used as a badge of honour if you hailed from that part of the world but obviously you’re not. The talk of the town has it that, Al Mariam hasn’t been to Ethiopia for the last thirty five years or so where he still confuses the country with the time when the Emperor left the help of power. Al Mariam could as well be stuck in time where the diagnosis is retrograde amnesia. He reminds me of a patient in the classic book, “The man who mistook his wife for a hat.” As much as Qozami and the high priestess Sofia find a comfort zone in the run-of-the-mill articles of Al Mariam, the people who are feeling the burnt and the down trodden life in Eritrea would hang them high up as emotions are boiling beyond it could be gauged. That is, PFDJ thugs in diaspora have the luxury of living in a la la land where Eritrea is mistaken for a Shangri-La where in reality, Eritrea is nothing but a basket case to say the least. I say this not only to state the facts but also to keep you company as you are labeled Weyane by PFDJ zombies.
Temesgen Medhanie October 12, 2011
Please read helm of power as opposed to help…….
abdi October 13, 2011
Baree October 14, 2011
You refelct your state of mind when you are insulting others….You are paranoid about something….You better face your fears now before you end up to be sociopath. If you truly believe that your convicition is right then why insult people…Why drag people into a debate of your own people even if you at war with them. What happened to confidence is the name of the game,true EPLF( most of it’s leadership in jail of course)…..why are ululating and screaming and kicking ….Fear!
Be calm for truth shall set you free otherwise prepare for what is inevitable….Abotatne kimselu(” hayal seb yelen hayal gizie ember..”) yiblu….Hey Abotatna gin wala iti himaq Hakena iyu…So as you see hayal gizie is sweeping dictators like paper….DIA is so smart he is aware of it…Did you watch that humble act during his speech to UN audience(sorry empty chairs)….that in itself is a demonstration of what he harvested all these years with filth mouth…oh yes ! remember! fear ! he is already graduated psycopath…..act quick before you end up in that direction.
Concerned Eritrawi October 13, 2011
I can see agame terrorized you to the max. How pathtic