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PFDJ Ambassador to South Africa, Salih Omar embarrassed by Eritreans in a meeting

News from Durban (“hara meriet”) Tesfagabir B. Tesfu The so called Ambassador of Eritrea to South Africa, Salih Omar, was embarrassed by the courageous Eritreans living in Durban/South Africa in a foiled meeting he tried to held

News from Durban (“hara meriet”)

Tesfagabir B. Tesfu

The so called Ambassador of Eritrea to South Africa, Salih Omar, was embarrassed by the courageous Eritreans living in Durban/South Africa in a foiled meeting he tried to held on 17/05/2015 at the beach hotel.

When the ambassador told the participants his meeting is about “The challenges and successes of Eritrea from 1998-2015”, he was forcefully reminded to start the meeting with a one minute silence I commemoration to those who perished in the Mediterranean sea. The ambassador pretended he was planning to do it at the end of the meeting but the participants successfully forced him to start the meeting with a one minute silence.

As he tried to continue with the meeting, the participants demanded to get the full agenda and they told him very powerfully that the new Eritrean identity document is not a priority for Eritreans living in exile.

Since the ambassador did not want to reveal the content of the agenda, one of the participants decided to write the agenda and handed it to him. He wrote the agenda as follows:

  • The Libya tragedy
  • Xenophobia in South Africa
  • The demolition of houses in Adi Keih and other areas
  • The new Identity Document
  • Sanction
  • General

When the participant tried to hand the “agenda” to the ambassador, the ambassador smashed the piece of paper and to the dismay of the participants, he said: “Temasegolu” and that kind of utterance was a shock to every participant.

The ambassador was told very clearly he must come aboard of the “Freedom Boat” because he can not just be a puppet of the dictatorial regime while the Eritrean people are suffering to death.

There was a point when the ambassador said: “ab meadi weyane zterekbe weyane eyu, abana bota yeblun” and one of the participants shouted: “I am woyane but allow me to fight for Eritrea, there is nothing wrong with being woyane, you were working with woyane for years and years before independence”

Most of the participants said they are disappointed to hear that the Eritrean regime considers those who gave their life to the mediteranean sea as “ILLEGAL African Migrants” and to the disappointment of the participants, the ambassador said:

“What proof do you have if those perished are Eritreans in deed … etom aba bahri ztelequ Ertrawyan kemzkonu entay meregagetsi alekum” and when one of them said:

“My brother is one of them” – the ambassador didn’t know how to respond.

“We are Eritreans who have no where to go, during the Xenophobic attack in South Africa, you never came in person to enquire about us while the delegates from the Ethiopian embassy came to console their people lamented another disgruntled participant.

The participants reminded him that this is South Africa and it is a democratic country hence they demanded to have a say in the agenda and this argument continued for two solid hours (from 19h00 – 21h00) and when the ambassador made it clear that he was not going to start with the Libya tragedy, more than 95% of the participants walked out of the venue and the ambassador was left only with three participants.

As the participants were leaving the venue, they chanted:

“Durban Hara Meriet Eya” – you cannot come all the way from Pretoria and dictate us, enough is enough!!!”



Review overview
  • dan May 18, 2015

    they could be smashed his head with chair

    • wediare May 19, 2015

      You never smashed anyone but you wished to smash someone by somebody. Shame on you. Always if a person needs someone to do something for him, is like cranching stone with out his teeth.

  • wediare May 18, 2015

    “he was forcefully reminded to start the meeting with a one minute silence I commemoration to those who perished in the Mediterranean sea.”
    “Since the ambassador did not want to reveal the content of the agenda, one of the participants decided to write the agenda and handed it to him.”
    This is weird and strange I don’t expect from justice seekers.

  • Alem K. May 18, 2015

    Way to go my brothers and sisters (deleyti fthi) in south Africa. We should not allow the criminals and crooks spread their lies deceit and tyranny in the free lands of the outside world. We should make them shiver even by their own shadows. They are murderers, thieves, criminals and crooks and they should be treated like one.

  • kemal Ali May 18, 2015

    Well done compatriots.

  • keshi mars May 18, 2015

    George, thanks for the information.

  • Misgina May 19, 2015

    Z so called ambassador is just doing his ‘job’. Our real enemies r those loyal refugees who hosted him. Misgina

  • Emba Denden May 19, 2015

    Ezi mjemerta nayti widqet higdef eyu. Eti tsaeri hirsi jemiru alo harnet dima kitwiled eya.

  • Wedifre May 19, 2015

    Aghenaaa Habarem.
    Zeba astkumina zeba siteyu!!
    What you have done is a lesson that he can never forget in his lifetime.
    It is better to do what you have done than not to attend a meeting.

  • SUKU May 19, 2015


  • asmara May 19, 2015

    It seems we need to mature. It is granted PFDJ and its puppets have to be challenged. Anyone who claims to fight for democracy must exercise democracy first. Civilization is one of the pillars of democracy which includes respecting others. As Buddhas has clearly stated it, the best wisdom is to turn your enemy into your best friend. Anyway, as it is stated in the article, some participants have tried to enforce their agenda on a meeting called or organized by someone else. Is this democratic way of expressing your opinion? Let’s say the meeting was organized or called by Justice seekers or any Opp group and a member or members of PFDJ tried to enforce his/her agenda by telling the speaker to say whatever the PFDJ puppet wants to say? What would be our reaction? I absolutely agree the points the PFDJ ambassador was asked to speak about are vital topics. But why don’t the Justice seekers call their own meeting and talk about it? Or they could have challenged the meeting leader by asking questions and giving comments. Otherwise i don’t see any point of such immature acts. We need to go far beyond that. Being emotional does help at all.

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