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Open public debate on current issues: The London (discussion) Facilitators Group presents three prominent speakers to debate on the types of change that our country requires.

Open public debate on current issues: The London (discussion) Facilitators Group presents three prominent speakers to debate on the types of change that our country requires. The speakers will be: 1 - Suleiman Hussein (Cidrie) "The need for

Open public debate on current issues: The London (discussion) Facilitators Group presents three prominent speakers to debate on the types of change that our country requires.

The speakers will be:
1 – Suleiman Hussein (Cidrie)
“The need for a peaceful political reform”.
2 – Amanuel Eyassu (Assenna)
“What we need is a fundamental Change”.
3 – Abdu Abdella (para-legal)
“There is a Prudent Alternative Way”

Date: 29/11/2014

Time: 14:00 to 17:00

Venue: Initiative for Change
24 Greencoat Place, Victoria
London SW1P

Review overview
  • Awate November 24, 2014

    well done assenna, if you could broadcast it alive it will be great. awareness is vital in eritrean politics where victims serve dictatorial regime.

  • brhan November 24, 2014

    zebuk zete, kezali nay mhurat zete yedli alo ftah kmezei. tbahle mbal trgum yeblun.

  • keren November 24, 2014

    Libi abotaTkum aymeHadegkum! kuburat ahwat.

  • Abraham Haile November 25, 2014

    Well done, we need to approach the current situation seriously and should take drastic action to unite THE ERITREAN PEOPLE IN DIASPORA.
    Let us take the initiative to bring the dispersed people together to create a strong revolution to remove the ONE WAGON REGIME in Asmara. The wagon is falling and crying for some one to hold it before it reaches the ground. If it touches, then that will be a self distraction button activation, by then it will be disaster. Act now before it is to late!!!!!!!

  • Michael Ghebre November 26, 2014

    We the Eritrean people need a complete change from the current regime. The government is feeling the heat from the pressure of the Eritrean media of Assenna and others,that is why it wants little reform for sawa.

    The PFDJ regime can’t be reformed you cannot deodorise the stinking system, it has to be a complete change. If you believe that PFDJ is going to do for the Eritrean people you must believe also the slaughter house is in the interest of the cows.