Op-Ed: Eritrea: no more excuses for indefinite national service
By Fisseha Tekle 30 July 2018, 15:05 UTC The recent peace agreement with Ethiopia presents the Eritrean authorities with the opportunity to end the indefinite national service, a widely-criticised practice that has robbed the country’s youth of their

By Fisseha Tekle
30 July 2018, 15:05 UTC
The recent peace agreement with Ethiopia presents the Eritrean authorities with the opportunity to end the indefinite national service, a widely-criticised practice that has robbed the country’s youth of their dreams creating a generation of Eritrean refugees.
The Eritrean government introduced compulsory national service in 1995. By law, every high school finalist undertakes 18 months of national service, which include six months of military training. When relations deteriorated with neighbouring Ethiopia following the bitter 1998-2000 border war, the national service was extended indefinitely.
Op-Ed: Eritrea: no more excuses for indefinite national service
Degoli July 31, 2018
Thank you. I agree with the Op-Ed 100%
Asmara Eritrea August 1, 2018
Clearly the National Service was not constituted to protect Eritrea from Ethiopia’s aggression. If it was, it would have ended a long time ago and indeed promptly after the signing of the peace agreement between the two nations. The rationale for the creation of the National Service is abundantly clear now that Isaias has given the “responsibility” for Eritrea to Dr Abiy. The National Service was not created to protect Eritrea but the beast himself.
Who the F…. hell does Isaias think he is to give our country to Dr Abiy? Eritrea is a country freed by the blood of its martyrs and no one, least the brain-dead Isaias, has the power to give our country to anyone. It is high time for the Eritrean people to rise up and expel Isaias from our home land to Ethiopia, where he belongs.
How long are we going to tolerate this idiot destroy our people and beloved country? A question paraphs we all Eritreans should ask of ourselves.
Now that Isaias is officially married to Dr Abiy with the exchange of a ring, it will be a matter of time before he starts to beat him up as he threated to do to the late Melees Zenawi. Let’s face it, Isaias is a thug of the worst kind – a psychopath! I blame the G15 sheep for creating this monster.
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship.
Michael Tesfamariam August 1, 2018
Oh! Do you think indefinite national service is the reason behind influx people fleeing the country? No, absolutely not, the only real motive for Eritreans to leave their country has nothing to do with humanitarian issue, rather an extreme poverty and desperate economic desire partly instigated by lack of domestic investment and corrupt public institutions. Military service in Eritrea should be embraced as grace, whether is it is definite or indefinite people are offered free military training and free guns to protect their freedom and rights. No generous and humble regime like the one in Eritrea has ever allowed its citizens to own and possess guns and other sort of weapons, yet no coward and weakiling people like Eritrean has ever been seen, abandoning their Kalashnikov and run away to leak somebody’s leftover in abroad. I concord with. Megstu hailemariam when he said “ We don’t need the people but the land”. Right, Eritrea as a land is one of the most beautiful and critically strategic and potentially resourceful. However, Eritreans are just full of crap and shit, with no hope or ambitions. But, I got to admit, there are a handful Eritreans including myself who shouldn’t fall into that large portion of crap category.. To be frank, If I were Eritrean President, I would have bought all Eritreans one way ticket to leave the country and vanish anywhere they wish, and let other people from any other corner of the world, who are willing and able to come to help us build a new economically and democratically vibrant and robust powerful country.
Now, wether this indefinite national service is halted or pursued, believe me it is not going to bring any significant change for anyone on the ground. Instead, it will encourage the people at home to leave the country like Trojan horse. which is I believe is good for folks like me. Sorry, what else I should say if the public choose to drop their guns and run away for just a cup of tea and bread. Good bless the land of Eritrea.
ephraim hagos August 2, 2018
you need to lrarn what grace means bro check it in english and greek
Asmara Eritrea August 2, 2018
Dear Michael,
I could not agree more. It only takes one brave individual to change a country’s destiny. Look what happened to Indra Gandhi – it took one individual, not an army, to remove her from Indian politics. In the 70s, similar incident happened in Egypt. I could go on to illustrate how weak we Eritreans are. But then our martyrs, having done their job, are gone – no one else seems to remain..
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship.
Michael Tesfamariam August 4, 2018
Well, of course it takes only one person, but that person is part of extremely small portion of the population, probably 1%. So why would we lose a such brave citizen when we have millions of coward selfish population? Enough is enough, we have already lost hundreds of thousands brave men and women so this dead wood generation can live in peace and justice.
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
degoli what???
Why you agree about somethings that has noting to do with you? I read your post at TOL. You are clearly not an Eritrean. So go back to TOL.
warda agame; day time hyena.
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
MT what? did you say “Eritrean including myself” you got to be kidding me.
You convince yourself that you are an Eritrean. My GOD have mercy on you. Where are you right now? why can’t you go and take care of DIA?
Stop encouraging civil war in Eritrea.
Michael Tesfamariam August 4, 2018
Yes, you’re right, it was me, flattering myself though everything what i said is 100% correct. Why I should care about being called too rude or arrogant, I don’t use self deprecating tactics to muffle the truth just for the sake of correctness. In fact,I shouldn’t have said what I said if I wasn’t telling the truth. By the way, are you member of the lazy and region driven corrupt “opposition”? I hope you are not.
Ghebrezghi August 5, 2018
What a stupid, mischievous, and arrogant respondent are you?! You are definitely not Eritrean; so you should mind your own f..king business! Or could likelky be another dead brain hgdf stooge!
Simon G. August 8, 2018
The decedent of Ras Alula Aba Nega guy, MT, you are becoming so busy recently. Do you remember the saying “You snooze, you lose”?
Your clever evil guy from Tembien, out smart you, for some unknown reason.
Give up, you are finished!
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
degoli what???
Why you agree about somethings that has noting to do with you? I read your post at TOL. You are clearly not an Eritrean. So go back to TOL.
warda agame; day time hyena.
k.tewolde July 31, 2018
As long as the Asmara regime continues to hold on to power illegitimately, this servitude will continue in one form or the other because it is part and parcel of the state machine which feeds its sustenance.You can’t undo one and keep the other.In other words you cant’ put a hair weave and lose the face.For the Eritrean people to achieve a total lasting peace,freedom and justice,they have to assume power in their hand and chart their own fate and destiny by making a fundamental change to the status quo,not bits and pieces of reform or Zsa Zsa Gabor type face lift.Folks don’t settle for the minimum go for the J. because our downtrodden people who went to bed hungry so that we can have something in our stomach to carry the mission ahead when we were in the field deserve better.
Genet-Original August 1, 2018
DIA got to go first. otherwise, there will be no meaningful change for our people. He has to go!!!
AHMED SALEH !!! August 1, 2018
Is it true Genet Original showed up after long period . I hope it is true because to
use others name has been the work of suspicious elements .
Genet-Original August 1, 2018
Hi brother AHMED SALEH the great. It is true it is me Genet Original. I am back.
Thank you.
k.tewolde August 1, 2018
Glad to have you back,G.O.
Genet-Original August 1, 2018
Thank you brother K.t. it is good to be back!
Amanuel August 1, 2018
100% right.
Asmerom August 1, 2018
Amanuel aka Asmara Eritrea, Idris Suleiman, Sol, Mohammed, Aba thimmer
Indeed, you are 100% Moslem NEFAHITO, compulsive liar , Arab impostor ass hole.
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
Asmerom or real name gebre tsadik is 100% warda agame treacherous mind.
Your new name is day time hyena. give to you by PM Abiy.
But I call you dirty and warda agame!!!
Ogbai Geladios August 8, 2018
Thank you very much Simon you said it all in a few words. Defending DIA for no good reason is unfortunate, yet to be discovered some of them comes from the main cell of hgdf and the rest of them are simply blind followers with no idea what is going on. Time is up for DIA and its bandits.
stay alert!!!
AHMED SALEH !!! August 1, 2018
Eritreans have not alternative choice except to defeat oppressive government . We must learn a lesson
from Ethiopian popular uprising that brought the fall of WEYANE . Throw out the olders guard and replace
with younger , energetic and educated nationalists .
Michael Tesfamariam August 1, 2018
,,,Don’t worry we will remove Issais and replace him with one big fat ass Muslim, What simpleton!
Genet-Original August 1, 2018
Michael, T
As long as he or she is an Eritrean, it will be good for Eritreans We will deal with it as a family. We are not going to make the same mistake we made with that warda agame, Ethiopian’s emperor wannabe,
Debish August 1, 2018
You must be a super Amara hooker/prostitute of Eritrea then! I bet you don’t even fucking know the meaning of “warda”??? You must’ve just heard it the greedy HODAM Amaras using it against our brothers/sisters people of Tigray. Go on, tell me the meaning of “warada” before I fucking tell you what they also call hookers “Eritreans” like yourself.
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
debish? gebre tsadik is more likely your name.
Warda agame = you warda agme. day time hyena= treacherous mind.
warda agame not just warda why are you leaving out the agame part?
warda homo
Debish August 1, 2018
Bravo brother Michael anbessa, this fat ugly Muslim asshole overacts as more Eritrean!
Asmerom August 1, 2018
Haw Debish,
Please tell this ugly old cow baAlti wuQato hooker what they {her Amara abusers/fuckers} mean by warada and also what they really call her as well! I read somewhere that she is the sister of Sophia T/mariam and that just like her sister she is an opportunist who doesn’t know much about Eritrea and Eritreans.
Debish August 2, 2018
Haw Asmerom, I would rather wait and wait for her – this hooker’s response. I know she doesn’t fucking know the meaning of the word (warada) at all but all she has and knows is so much malicious hatred and bitterness just like her HODAM Amara pimps who use her for their prostitution businesses. But once we or her Amaras finish with her, she’ll surely be “aytiblaE aytisitey”, and we’ll see how ‘her family deal with her’. She can’t be more than a fake bambula, can she????? I agree she doesn’t represent Eritrea.
Asmerom August 2, 2018
OK, fair enough haw Debish but you’ll be waiting for ages!
This ugly old cow hooker by a fake name of Genet Original is just a very noisy and irritating Amara’s dog/ya Amara wisha and her fake claim of “We will deal with it as a family” thing is a hoax. You see, her only family is her animal farm where she lives as isolated/reclusive loner.I agree too that she is a fake bambula of the animal farm.
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
Asmerom???? no this can;t be your name. That is Eritreans’ name. KKKKKKKKKKK. I am having fun analyzing your thought process. Clearly, it is not complicated. But one needs to differentiate between an agame who was brought to Eritrea, due to hunger in the 1940s or during the Derg era who came to kill Eritrean in collaboration with Mengistu Hailemariam. So, you hate Sophia the PFDJ and I the Justice seeker. What dose it say about you, You are a dirty agame and treacherous mind, who hate all Eritreans. Well dirty agame, We are not your enemy or problem, but your treacherous mind can’t tell the difference. The past 27 years, you dirty agames have been stealing from and killing other Ethiopians. Now, this new kid in the block name Abiy is making you loss control of everything. He called you “day time hyena” that fit you well KKKKKKKKKK.
so long dirty agame!!!
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
Asmerom or gebre tsadik. more likely gebre tsadik. KKKKKK. gebre tsadik, if you care about Tigray people who didn’t get a penny for the past 27 years are in a graved danger at this time. The agames like you who Abiy called day time hyena are off of their priority. What do you think, you will get from attacking Eritreans? You have 100 million strong, angry enemies from the south and the red sea state who despise you from the north. What is your end game? What is this? you are planning to create independent Tigray and what? Go where? Dirty agames are not only Treacherous mind or day time hyena as PM Abiy called you, your are undisputed retarded.
dirty agames.
Michael Tesfamariam August 2, 2018
I wonder, have you ever come across this Muslim guy saying some nice things about the country other than his own fanatic belief? I understand he is now in the moon coz one little and incompetent Muslim called Abey Ahmed Shek Bilanden has ow been installed in Ethiopia, and already begun to destroy the oldest and most precious value and transition of Christian communities in the region.
Debish August 2, 2018
No, I haven’t come across this fat ugly Muslim asshole ever say some nice things about the country. But, what do you expect from a selfish opportunist foreign mercenary brutal agent???? If he had his way he would be declaring his Sharia law on Assenna and Eritrea.
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
debish was born under a Veranda somewhere in Eritrea. That is why he hate all Eritreans.
Warda agame who hate himself.
Michael Tesfamariam August 1, 2018
My sarcasm was meant to calm this zealot Muslim know as Ahmed Salih, I have never seen him here in this forum, commenting some sensible stuff about the country as whole, he rather cares much more about his tightly defined own religious ambitions than national dignity. This kind of mind set has got to stop.
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
M.T your treacherous mind and warda agame action to destruct real discussion about real issue of Eritreans must stop.
It is not sarcasm, what you are doing is dividing Eritrean by pretending that you are one of us. You will never be one of us. Why don’t you go and solve your looming problem in Tigray?
Ogbai Geladios August 8, 2018
Michael T. why are you upset about our Muslim brothers fat or skinny, that they have the right to lead or to be led as any one of us equally no less or more as Eritrean citizens. Shame on you!!! are you part of those called Agazian. No one is going to buy your stupid comment. disregard if you are not one of us.
Deglel August 2, 2018
Brothers Asmerom and Debish,
Leave that gual ‘warada’ Seraye garbage lemanit/beggar goHaf shit alone! She used to share a Tigrayan {Wedi Adwa} man with her Adi Quala Komarit/prostitute dog mother and since he dumped them both she has been barking like a wild savage muslim Arab dog and also acting like a typical loose cannon. We just have to feel sorry for these two sad filthy ‘warada’ Seraye bitches and have to redirect our mergem to the Tigrayan man for screwing them up so savagely.
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
You know, you are also at TOL with the name Doglel VS Deglel here at Assenna. You sure are working overtime. I ask about your specific post about Adi Quala, The person said All komarots in Eritrea are all from Tigray. You most likely are one of those product. I am sure you know wed quarter agame. Ata warada homo.
You said, “..feel sory for tigrayan man for…them…” So you are conforming that you are dirty agame. It is good to know homo.
Genet-Original August 4, 2018
Waygud! a bunch of black heart agames are spending their times trying to divide Eritreans with whatever they can think of may works. They keep holding on a grudge for being called dirty agame. There is a reason why you were called dirty agame in the first place. Because you are untrustworthy dirty agame, you will never change in to a decent human being. Now, your constant hate monger toward Akele Guzai and Seraye people can be two things: One, you are using the Eritrean people in Hamasien for your cover ( pretending to be Eritrean) and attacking the rest of Eritreans. This tactic will never work, because no Eritreans will attack anther Eritreans the way you appear to do. 2nd, You or your families were born under a “gebla” or to make it clear for you, under a VERANDA in Akele Guaai or Seraye. Get over it, it is a fact of life.
Degoli August 5, 2018
ዓረብን ባራዩ ዓረብን ገዝኦም ከየጽረዮ እዮም ፤ ንኤርትራውያን ኢትዮጵያውያን:- “በዚ ኺዱ ፤ ከምዚ ግበሩ ፤ ቋንቋ ትግረ ትግርኛ ግደፉ ፤ ከምዚ እመኑ” ዝብሉ። ንማውሪታንያ ትበሃል እስላማዊት ዓረባዊት ምእንቲ ክንመሰል? ኣብ ማውሪታንያ የመን ሱዳን ሰብ ኣብዚ እዋን ከም ጠለ በጊዕ ይሽየጥ ፤ ከም ንብረት ይውረስ።
ዓረብን ባርያ ዓረብንሲ ንዓይ ብዛዕባ ሓርነትን ናጽነት ከምህረኒ? ዘገርም እዋን።
French magazine writes in its August edition:
“Although slavery was abolished in 1981 and criminalised in 2007, the “spirit of slavery” lives on, says Balla Touré, an anti-slavery activist. People may be legally free, but discrimination, social pressure, poor education and the lack of identity papers mean that thousands still live in de facto slavery, says Mr Touré.
The Global Slavery Index, compiled by the Walk Free Foundation in Australia, said that in 2016 some 43,000 people, or 1% of the population, were slaves. SOS Esclaves, a local anti-slavery organisation, reckons the real figure is much higher …
Ogbai Geladios August 8, 2018
Michael T. why are you upset about our Muslim brothers fat or skinny, that they have the right to lead or to be led as any one of us equally no less or more as Eritrean citizens. Shame on you!!! are you part of those called Agazian. No one is going to buy your stupid comment. disregard if you are not one of us. ዶጎሊ ወዲ ኣሉላ መፍቶትካ ረኺብካ ምስ ወዲ ሓወቦኻ ኣብ ኣዋሳ ተደሚርኩም ደቂ ኣንድነት ኣብዚ ከኣ ተዕገርግር ኣለኻ፡እቶም ትድመሩ ኪዱ መረብ ስገር በሉ ንሕና ምስ ኣሕዋትና ኣስላም ጸገም የብልናን ክነበር አኢና። ጎይቶትካ ደኣ እንታይ ክገብሩ ንስዑድያ ጉያይ ጉያ ይብሉ ኣለዉ ስዕድያ ኢማራትንዶ ምስ ኢየሩሳለም ሓቢረን እየን። ደቂታ ለምንቲ ከይተዛርቡና ግደፉ! ኣብዘይ ትፈልጥዎ ኣይተደናግሩ ኣይተህተፍትፉ!!!
Ghebrezghi August 5, 2018
DIA is a deslusional monster and there should not be any National Service Program under his watch. The existing Defense Forces should not give up their guns. They should turn their guns against the brutal dictator, instead.
Zere August 6, 2018
Let us face whether we realized it or not the Eritrean revolution stopped prematurely circa 2001. A lot of people think if they write, whine, and holler all the time against Isaias he will voluntary give up power to the people. It ain’t going to happen because he is a ruthless dictator as there is an asymmetric power balance between his junta and the people. The only way to snatch it is to snatch it from him just like the Eritrean people did from the criminal Dergue junta. Eritrea/ns can’t have peaceful resistance in a vacuum with no civil liberty, civil society and institutional infrastructure for rule of law. We have nothing; no constitution, no budget, no sophisticated administrative state. We just have the whim of Isaias. He starts wars, he makes peace, put people in jail and there is no one to ask him, why? With all their cruelty and canniness the TPLF while enriching and pillorying the poor Ethiopians built and improved Ethiopia 100 times better, granted got a lot of donation- getting donation is a skill too, than our self appointed dictator did in the last 27 years. Now enough writing folks or shut up and recite ” Zberket tsaihana zNeguse nGusna” or