ኣሰና! ደጊምስ፣ ህዝብና፣ ኣድባርና በቃ ይኣክል ንምልክን ተላኣኽቲ ምልክን ክብሉ ጀሚሮም፣ Offical letter written by the Eritrean Orthodox churches/monasteries to denounce Yeftahi Demitros and Habtom Russom
ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ በዚ ናይ መራሕቲ ገዳማትን ኣብያተ ክርስትያንን ከቢድ ውገዛ ሰንቢዱ፣ ነቶም ተለኣኣኽቱ ኮይኖም መራሕቲ ሃይማኖትን ኣመንትን ኣብ ምብትታን ዘገልግሉዎ ይፍታሄ ዲሜጥሮስን ሃብተ ርእሶምን ክኣልዮም ከምዝተገደደ ተፈሊጡ 'ሎ። [gview file="http://demo.archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/LetterOfExcomFromEritreanAbbots.pdf"]

ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ በዚ ናይ መራሕቲ ገዳማትን ኣብያተ ክርስትያንን ከቢድ ውገዛ ሰንቢዱ፣ ነቶም ተለኣኣኽቱ ኮይኖም መራሕቲ ሃይማኖትን ኣመንትን ኣብ ምብትታን ዘገልግሉዎ ይፍታሄ ዲሜጥሮስን ሃብተ ርእሶምን ክኣልዮም ከምዝተገደደ ተፈሊጡ ‘ሎ።
Agaze 2014 October 15, 2014
“ሀ. ፓትርያርክ፡
ለ. ጳጳስ፡ ኤጲስ ቆጶስ፡ ካህን ዲያቆን፡ ከይትሾሙ፡ ብሥልጣን ኣብን ወልድን መንፈስ ቅዱስን አወግዝ ኣለኹ። ብፁእ ኣቡነ ዲዮስቆሮስ በዚ ሕጊዚ ተመሥሪትኩም ክትእደቡ አፍልጠኩም። ነዚ ኩሉ ኣብ ቤተ ክርስቲያንና ሕንፍሽፍሽ ዝፈጥር ዘሎ ኣቶ ዮፍታሄ ድሜጥሮስ ስለ ዝኾነ፡ በዚ ዘለዎ ሥልጣን ምምሕዳር ቤተ ክርስቲያን ከይሰርሕ ውጉዝ ይኹን ኢለ ኣሎኹ።
ከምኡውን ቀሺ ሃብቶም ርእሶም ምክትል ጸሓፊ ሲኖዶስ ኣብ ልዕሊ ሥልጣን ፓትርያርክ እትጽሕፎ ዘለኻ ዘይሕጋውን ድፍረት ዝመልኦ ዘይሕጋውያን ቃላት፡ ካብ ዕለት 8/05/1998 ግእዝ ብዲቁና ይኹን ብክህነት ከምኡውን ብካልእ ኣገልግሎት ከይተገልግል ኣውጊዘካ ኣሎኹ። እዚ ዝሰደልኩም ዘለኹ ኣብያተ ክርስቲያናት ኣብ ዝበጽሓኩም ግዜ ናብ ሕዝቢ ከተንብብዎ ብህያው ኣምላኽ አማሕጽነኩም ኣለኹ።
እግዚኣብሔር ንቤተ ክርስቲያንና ሰላም ይሃባ። ንኤርትራ ሃገርና ይባርኽ።…”ደብዳበ ካብ ቅዱስ አቡነ እንጦንዮስ ፓትርያርክ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስትያን ኤርትራ ናብ ኩሎም ምእመናን ዕለት: 13 ጥሪ 2006
Ermias October 15, 2014
Assenna – I posted two comments yesterday and today in Tigrinya but they both disappeared. What is going on?
Some readers have been saying that this is a ploy by HIGDEF and that they are using the two men as scapegoats. That is fair to say. The priests need to call for the release of Abune Antonios immediately and re-instate him as the Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Church. They should also call for HIGDEF to take hands off of our religion. If these priests have given up on life and their flesh, why should they fear anything?
Saba October 16, 2014
Here is your post. Please go to older posts to see all your posts. Relax!
“ናይ ብሓቂ ዘሐጉስ ዜና። እቲ ዘሕዝን ግን ክሳብ ሕጂ እዞም መነኩሴታትን ባሕታውያንን ሱቕ ኢሎም ምጽናሖም እዩ። እዞም ክልተ ውልቀሰባት እዚኣቶም ብተልእኾ እቲ ጋኔን መራሒኦም ኢሳይያስ ኣፍወርቂ ኣቢሎም ክምለስ ዘይካኣል ሰፍ ዘይብል ጉድኣት ኣብታ ቤተክርስትያን ኣውሪዶም። እምበኣርክስ ሕጂ ህዝቢ በቲ ዝሓለፈ ተማሂሩ ንብጹዕ ኣባ ኣንጦንዮስ ብዘይ ወዓል ሕደር ካብ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ክወጹን ናብ ናይ ተዋህዶ መሪሕንት መዝነቶም ክምለሱን ብተሪር መልእኽቲ ክጠልብ ተስፋ እገብር። ግን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣዝዩ ጅጅው ህዝቢ ኮይኑ ኣብ ዘለወሉ ሰዓት ብዙሕ ትጽቢት ክትገብረሉ ኣጸጋሚ እዩ።”
med October 15, 2014
Well Done for the letter!! but remember you have a lot of job to do; it is your responsibility to fight for the safety of the country and its people. I know how difficult it is, to stand against the dictator (PFDJ) system but we all should pay the price for the sake this great nation, particularly the religious leaders should be ready to sacrifice their life for the truth.
Well done again and we are all fully supporting you!
Saba October 15, 2014
To Med on: It’s all of us that have to do the “Job”, not only the priests….!
ኣርዓዶም October 15, 2014
ብሓቒ ጀጋኑ ኣቦታት ! እንተኾነ እዚ እዅ ደንጉኹም፡ ነዞም ቕድሚ 10 ዓመታት ዝተወገዙ ኣረሜናውያን ፍጥረት፡ ክሳብ ሎሚ ክትምእዘዝዎም ኣይግባእን ነሩ፡ ብዝኾነ ግን ሕጂ`ውን ጽንዑ፡ እዞም ርጉማት፡ ነቲ መራሒኦም ኣፍትዮም ከም ቕድም ከይምለስኹም ተዳሊኹም መክትዎም።
ኣጆኹም፡ ጸባ ኣስትቲኹምና፡ ደስ ኢሉና።
እግዚኣብሄር ኣብ ጎንኹም ይኹን፡
Zeray October 15, 2014
It is not time to celebrate for anything. This is typical of Issayas when he wants to refresh and get a better grip, then he discards the status-quo and brings in new loyal ones with a different agenda. Let’s just wait.
What is needed is for the government to stay out of religion.
Hans October 15, 2014
1. You should have asked about the illegitimately dethroned and jailed Patriarch of Eritrea Abune Antonios,who wrote this letter in 2006 “The grave action that you have taken is illegal as it is in total contravention of the Constitution of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church, the Canon of the Church, the guidelines enumerated in the Didascalia, the fit’ha negest (Law of the Kings), and the writings of St Clement. According to the above, which are the legal foundations of our church, a Patriarch, once consecrated, can be removed only under the following three specific circumstances: (1) grave moral failure, such as adultery (2) falling into heresy, or (3) physical and/or mental infirmity.”
2. This church has been accusing young Eritreans who have different spiritual views “menafkan” as they also stated in their letter. They went as far as chasing and handing them over to authorities who incarcerate them to unknown prisons for years.
3. I believe this letter, which itself is full of accusations and hatred than spirituality,is only a crocodile’s cry just to show us that they do care for their people as their catholic brothers. Amusing!! Typical PFDJ style, instead of focusing on the major issue, you look for a scapegoat. No one with a normal state of mind would accept that these two people are responsible for all the wickedness and moral degradation that the church has been suffering. Zehizin iyu!!
Wadbahar October 15, 2014
The priests went one serious step forward by writing the letters and they should be thanked for that courage. In fact, they are better than other religious leaders who are still loyal to the regime or are hiding. This does not mean that the priests should not do more for which we have to encourage them, but do not blame or criticize them. What we have to see is where our religious communities were yesterday and where they are heading to now. That progress in their position should be high appreciated and recognized, while encouraging them to do more in becoming more explicit and more radical. But negative readings and hair splitting we read in some comments will take us nowhere, though they may sometimes come out of being overambitious and haste for results, not necessarily malice. Even here, we have to downplay hasty accusations, unless we know the writer through his/her previous comments.
meto October 15, 2014
አዚ ብቤተ ክርስትያናት ተዋህዶ ኤርትራ ኣብ ዓዲ ተወሲዱ ዘሎ ሓድነት ኣብ ደገ ዝርከቡ ኣቕሽሽትን መእመናን’ውን ኣሰሮም ክስዕቡ ይላቦ፡ ኣምላኽ ይተሓወሶ፡፡
ahmed saleh October 15, 2014
Eritreans in every corner start to fire up critisism
against oppressors because the majority opened
their eyes to see and their ears to hear . Couple of
years ago it was hard to find people interested to
listen . Obviously , the wall of silence and fear
began to crack in front our eyes .
I salute the Eritrean websites tireless dedication
to encourage every change seeker nationalist .
We can’t underestimate their contribution to
save our people from darkness and arrogance.
bahrey October 16, 2014
I sincerely commend and congratulate the five monastery heads for the denunciation of the abuses perpetrated by the these two abominable people against the Orthodox Church, its legitimate patriarch, the monasteries and the faithful at large. I would have a few questions though: not surprisingly the regime has first commissioned the two men to do the dirty job, then has left them to their fate by joying the excommunicating spiritual authorities. Why is then that there is no mention of the regime itself in the document? Secondly, the same document speaks about the troubles faced by the Church and the monasteries: why not mention, at least mention, the miserable plight of the population at large, already so courageously and lucidly denounced by the four Eritrean Catholic Bishops? Thirdly, the monasteries in Eritrea amount to about a dozen: what are the other monasteries waiting for to follow suit? Finally, why are the Evangelical Church and the Muslim community still silent? At any rate, the stand taken first by the Catholic Bishops, and now by the six monasteries, is a decisive turning point in Eritrea’s history in the last close to two decades and a half. Is it the beginning of the end? I would be interesting the hear the comments of assenna’s readers on the above questions.