ኣሰና! ደጊምስ፣ ህዝብና፣ ኣድባርና በቃ ይኣክል ንምልክን ተላኣኽቲ ምልክን ክብሉ ጀሚሮም፣ Offical letter written by the Eritrean Orthodox churches/monasteries to denounce Yeftahi Demitros and Habtom Russom
ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ በዚ ናይ መራሕቲ ገዳማትን ኣብያተ ክርስትያንን ከቢድ ውገዛ ሰንቢዱ፣ ነቶም ተለኣኣኽቱ ኮይኖም መራሕቲ ሃይማኖትን ኣመንትን ኣብ ምብትታን ዘገልግሉዎ ይፍታሄ ዲሜጥሮስን ሃብተ ርእሶምን ክኣልዮም ከምዝተገደደ ተፈሊጡ 'ሎ። [gview file="http://demo.archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/LetterOfExcomFromEritreanAbbots.pdf"]

ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ በዚ ናይ መራሕቲ ገዳማትን ኣብያተ ክርስትያንን ከቢድ ውገዛ ሰንቢዱ፣ ነቶም ተለኣኣኽቱ ኮይኖም መራሕቲ ሃይማኖትን ኣመንትን ኣብ ምብትታን ዘገልግሉዎ ይፍታሄ ዲሜጥሮስን ሃብተ ርእሶምን ክኣልዮም ከምዝተገደደ ተፈሊጡ ‘ሎ።
Saba October 14, 2014
እዚ ደብዳቤ ሓቂ እንተኾይኑ፡ ህግደፍ ኣብ ቀረባ ጊዜ ገማዕማዕ ምባሉ እዩ።
Simon G. October 14, 2014
It is about time! Is this statement just from those “gedams” or it include the whole orthodox church?
Now, we are expecting the same from our brothers protestant and Muslims. Next???
Hazhaz October 14, 2014
ንትብዓትኩምን ተባዕ ስጉምትኹምን እናመጎስኩ፤ ክብርን ምስጋናን ንሞሳኹም፤
ን ደብረ ቢዘን፤
ገዳም ጻዕዳእምባ ስላሴ፤
ማህበር ዘደብረ ሊባኖስ፤
ገዳም ቅዱስ ዮሃንስ፤
ገዳም ደብረ ሲና፤
ገዳም ኣቡነ እንድርያስ ሰፍኣ፤
ሰላም ዎ ሠናይ ።
Mike October 14, 2014
I the cn is opening and the warms are slowly coming to maturity. If the letter is valid…
1: Orthodox Patriarch (house rested) – followed by Catholic church (…”do you now where your brother is”..)letter and now – with “official” letter from Orthodox churches/monasteries.
So far so good: What is missing this letters is though – this letters are pointing directly at the peripheral parts of the Eritrean system. The head of Snake is still hiding its venom by switching its colors – in this case using scapegoats. Not for long.
2: Now – where are the other faith based churches of Eritrea? When your “brother is calling” Follow the foot steps as well. History will make a judgment and you (the remaining faith based churches in Eritrea) do not want to be on the wrong side. The young Eritreans have put their life and dignity to the world. I think there is a verse in the Bible “1 Corinthians 12:26-31”.
All I could think is – these few people in power in Eritrea are holding on to their dear power. They did dig their burial place slowly but surly. They will be a mockery of Ethiopia soon. Using Ethiopia as a pretext they brutalized the nation of Eritrea. Not even one of them could think right! What will be their excuse once they are behind bar?
petros October 14, 2014
Good bye dictator-it looks like your days are numbered. BTW, do we have these many Gedamis in Eritrea.
wedi Forto October 14, 2014
Oromay hgdef!
Wadbahar October 14, 2014
The strongest indicator that a dictatorship is going down the ditch is when the people show that they no more fear it, irrespective of its repressive powers. This is becoming daily clearer.
Wadbahar October 14, 2014
Nothing sums up the current situation in Eritrea as the words of Robert F. Kennedy (20 November 1525-6 June 1968) who predicted:
“A revolution is coming- a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough-but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability.”
The precision of his prediction, the prevailing signs we are hearing and reading about daily, the aspirations and the same time the fears of the unknown of our people make one think that his prediction was about Eritrea.
Wadbahar October 15, 2014
Please read “1525” in my previous comment as 1925.Thanks.
Bilen October 15, 2014
Hiji do yhash HGDEF.