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  • kilite mot November 5, 2013

    Habtu hawey nab libika temeles nezi hizbi tgideselu tekonka metsika abti akeba terekeb sima mermir haderaka .
    Amanuel mias mias iu siatat pls habirena.welcome wedi vacaro!!

  • wedi Blata, November 5, 2013

    Wedi Vacaro,

    You are not a politician and that’s what we are looking for, walk tall and we can’t wait to
    see you in the Bay Area.

  • Wesson Gebray Haile November 5, 2013

    It is high time we did unite for the salvation of Eritrea!

  • Wesson Gebray Haile November 5, 2013

    I am going for it! Mr Vacaro now you are on the right track.

  • Selam November 5, 2013

    Mr. Tewolde
    You are exemplar and I wish all Eritrean take such a stand, so we can get rid of this BRUTE, AND BARBARIC DICTATOR SOON. Thanks for your intuitive.

  • Adiam Solomon Kahsay November 5, 2013

    BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!!!!! Era ora! GOD BLESS YOU!Spero di vederti a BOLOGNA come nei bei tempi. Abbracci e stammi bene.


  • HGDEF is now Mendef November 5, 2013


    My next president is Dr Vacaro, who is going to sweep the idiots in our beloved country. We react though too late, but better than tooooo late!


    The bacoons had enough time (22+) to govern the country/people just and democratic. But we developed even backwards!

    So, DIA with his clique/junta has now some days left to pack his bag (full of corrupted Dollars). He can trace his roots in Tembien so as Kisha/Monkey too! Demhit can accompany him/them so that Eritrea remains finally for Eritreans.

  • HGDEF is now Mendef November 5, 2013

    Dr. Tewolde !

    Eritreans in Europe are waiting for your speech – London, Frankfurt,…! The way is straight forward, at home and in diaspora. They had enough of the home grown idiots, that are good for nothing!

  • Guangul November 5, 2013

    I like Wedi Vaccaro”s straightforwardness of calling a spade spade. No more beating around the bush , no more political philosophies and articulate sophistications that are far beyond the scope of understanding of the average Eritrean. This is what we have been missing in the past – a straight talk that’s easier even for my grandma to understand. It’s useless to talk about Democracy and constitution at this point before dealing with the hampering obstacle on the way. Those are issues of the future. We have a leader who claims to have no contract. ‘Contrat zihabeni yellen’ – there can’t be any clearer words than these. The man is hell-bent to rule for a lifetime and may be beyond it, if he passes the throne to his son. The country is like his private garten and we need to male it ours first. In tough times like this, we need couragious Eritreans like Wedi Vaccaro who come out with the truth and intention of encoruraging and inspiring the silent majority. This is more effective than all political activities of the so called parties added together.
    It’s time these parties have come together or joined Wedi Vaccaro for the common cause.

  • eman November 5, 2013

    Good work I support you.