Boat Carrying Nearly 200 African Migrants To Europe Sinks Off Libyan Coast – Reuters
La Stampa Italian Newspaper says: "On board a barge 200 immigrants. Among the victims, all Somali and Eritrean, also a child" TRIPOLI, Aug 23 (Reuters) - A wooden boat carrying up to 200 migrants has sunk

La Stampa Italian Newspaper says: “On board a barge 200 immigrants. Among the victims, all Somali and Eritrean, also a child”
TRIPOLI, Aug 23 (Reuters) – A wooden boat carrying up to 200 migrants has sunk just one kilometer (half a mile) off the Libyan coast, the coast guard said on Saturday, and most passengers were feared drowned.
The local coast guard said it had no boats of its own and had to commandeer fishing vessels in a rescue attempt after fishermen raised the alarm on Saturday morning.
Migrants have been streaming out of North Africa in rickety boats in rising numbers for years. Many head for Italy, and so far in 2014, the total number reaching Italian shores has passed 100,000, the Italian government said this week.
Libya is a major departure point for this journey, and human traffickers are exploiting the political chaos and lack of security that has blighted the country since Muammar Gaddafi was toppled in an uprising in 2011.
The small boat crammed with between 150-200 migrants sank late on Friday near Qarabouli, east of Tripoli, local coast guard official Mohammad Abdellatif told Reuters Television.
Local fishermen raised the alarm at dawn on Saturday morning and the coast guard managed to rescue 16 migrants who were still alive in the water, surrounded by bodies, Abdellatif said.
The boat had entirely disappeared when the coast guard arrived at the scene, around 1 km from the beach, he said.
The coast guard in Qarabouli has no equipment and so is forced to borrow fishing vessels and tug boats to carry out their rescue missions, he added.
All of those rescued were released as there was nowhere to detain them, Abdellatif said. He said he had informed the local hospital, the ministry of health and the criminal investigations department of the accident but that all three had refused to collect the bodies.
In recent weeks, Libya has seen the worst violence since the 2011 rebellion as rival factions battle each other for influence and control of the country’s wealth. Foreign embassies and agencies have evacuated their staff and the entire parliament has decamped to the country’s east.
State authority has crumbled and basic services are becoming increasingly more difficult to come by.
“The coast guard has no problem with searching for the missing illegal migrants, but the problem is who will receive them after finding them,” Libya’s navy spokesman Ayoub Qassem said,
“They have no locations to accept them and the immigration authorities are not helpful enough to receive them on time,” he said.
The Italian navy told Reuters they were not involved in the incident and had no further details.
Italy is carrying out the bulk of patrols in the Mediterranean Sea aimed at preventing major tragedies involving migrants. More than 70,000 people have been rescued through the “Mare Nostrum” (Our Sea) mission of patrols which Italy began last October. (Additional reporting by Isla Binnie in Rome; Writing by Ulf Laessing; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky and Ralph Boulton)
omer ali August 23, 2014
ኣንቱም ስባት አንታይ ምዓት ዩ ካን ኣክሉና ክሳብ ምዓስ ዩ ከምዚ ኢለና
Keren August 23, 2014
ቀንዲ እዚ ሓዘንን ቅልውላውን ኤርትራ እንታይ እዩ፧
እዋይ ተዋሪድና፤ ኣንታ ንሕና ዓዋናት ኣሕዋቶም እኳ ኢና፤ “ገድሊ ሰውራ” እናበላ ከናቋናጁ ንውዕል፤ ነዚ ኩሉ ውርደት ፈጢርናዮ።
ገለ ብስም ገድሊ: ብጀብሃን ሻዕብያን ኣብ ገደል ተደፊኖም ተሪፎም፤ ገለ ባራዩ ሳሕሳሕ ዓረብ ኮይኖም: ኣብ ፈቐዶ ምድረበዳ ሱዳን ግብጺ ሊብያ ኩላሊቶም ተጠቢሑ ንካልእ ሳሕሳሕ ዓረብ ይሽይጥ፣ ገለ ድማ መጻወቲ ዓረብ ኮይኖም።
ገለ ድማ መላሲ ኣውያት ዘይብሎም ማእከላይ ባሕሪ ሃህ ኢሉ ይውሕጦም።
ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ እቲ ዝተዋርደን ዝመሽመሸን ሰብ ኤርትራዊ ኮይኑ ይውለድ። እዚ ውርደት እዚ ቀደም ብግዜ ሰውራ ዝተጀመረ ሕድሽ ዘይኮነ፣ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምጥፋእ እተበገሰ ውዲት እዩ።
ዓያሹ ግና ምንጪ ሕስረትኩም ውርደትኩም ኣይትፈልጡን ኢኹም።
እወ ኣብ ነጻ ፕረስ እትኣምኑ እንተኾንኩም፣ ካብ ህግደፍ እትሕሹ እንተኾንኩም፤ ኣዛ ሓጻር ርኢቶይ ንኽንደይ ደቓይቕ ክትልጠፍ እያ፧
Selamawi' August 23, 2014
Dear Keren, while I agree with freedom of the press, I disagree when someone crosses borders and boundaries to call me all sorts of names. No, thank you.
FAILED STATE August 23, 2014
Selamawi ,
If nobody hates you & do not call you names ,it means you do not have a stand ,but,knowing you you have a stand ,and do not be bothered by insults.i believe in the controversial & outrageous things I say.
Keep your head up 1
Even Jesus was insulted & crucified for raising the dead & walking the cripple.
Eritreawit August 25, 2014
Keren, and cowface, aka Death in vain,faid state—-All you Eritrean haters.
We the people will survive, the siper war is on, i see you all are here full time to confuse and trying to demoralize Eritreans, it is not going to work, ANTUM ERITREAWIAN HATEFTEF TIBLU ZELEKUM BIZABA GILOBALIZATION, HIZBKUMIN ADDIKUMIN ATFIKUM AYKONENEN, GILOBALIZATION TIQIBELU–XEMAMAT AYTKUNU.
DEATH IN VAIN August 26, 2014
Eritreawit ,
I hope you follow my advise ,I hope you challenge with reason & logic instead of terming some as demoralizers ,some as non nationalists……Only if your nationalism id dependent on fake history ,war drums,and fake superiority would your nationalism be affected ,if you are clean ,educated & disciplined & someone calls you illiterate ,dirty & would not even bother to reply to that person ,due to confidence of your acheviements.
You should be able to define yourself without labelling others ,just an advice from a super wise uncle.
Kidan, Sudan August 23, 2014
I donot know how far we could live with this kind of news, All eritreans should aware of the risk involved in this journey, they must stop this illegal routs. You have too, otherwise there will more death than ever. issais is the main responsible person for this issue.
ኣስጢፋኖስ ገበረሚካኤል ተሞልሶ August 23, 2014
ኣዝዩ ዘሕዝንን ዘስደምምን ፍጻሜ! ክሳዕ መዓስ ከምዚ ክቕጽል ምዃኑ ኣዝዩ ዘደንጹ ነገር’ዩ። እቲ ፍታሕ ካብ ውሽጢ ክመጽእዩ ዝግብኦ ነይሩ ግን ከኣ ከምኡ ንክኸውን ብዙሕ ቅድመ ኵነታት ይሓትት። እቲ ዘሕዝን ግን ደርሆስ በምዑት ደቃ ትጻወት ከም ዝብሃል፡ እተን ሓድነተን ኣደልዲለን ንኢሰያስ ክኣልያ ዝግብአን ውድባት ኣብ ክንዲ ዝሓብራ ተጠማሚተን ኮፍ ምባለን እዩ። እምበር ኢሰያስ ደኣ ክንድዚ ምጸንሐዶ ነይሩ እዩ። ሰብ ፈንፊኑዎ ፎእ! ካብ ዝብሎ ነዊሕ ገይሩ’ሎ። ናትና ሓቢርካ ዘይምብጋስ ግን ዕድመኡ ከም ዘንውሕ ገይሩዎ ኣሎ። ካልእ ይትረፍ ናብ ኤርትራ በጺሖም ዝመጽኡ ደገፍቱን ፈንፊኖሞ ኣለዉ። ዝበዝሑ ድማ ናብ ኤርትራ ምኻድ ጨሪሾም ኣቋሪጾሞ። ስለዚ፡ ሓጥያትና ክውዳእ እንተኾይኑ ደገፍቲ ኢሰያስ ንኹን ተቓወምቲ ሃገራዊ ዕርቂ ፈጢርና ሃገርና ናብ ሰላም፡ ስኒትን ቅሳነትን ዝበጽሓሉ ደረጃ ሃሰስ ክንብል ኣለና። ልክዕዩ፡ ህግደፍ ነዚ ተበግሶ እዚ ኣበርቲዑ ክቃወሞ እዩ። ኣብ ቅድሚ ህዝቢ ዝጸንሕ ሓይሊ ስለ ዘየለኦ ግን ክንዕወት ንኽእል ኢና እብል። እቲ ጸገም ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ንዕርቅን ሰላምን ደፊሮም ሕራይ ይብሉዶ እዩ። ኣምላኽ ይሓግዝ እዩ ዝብሃል።
m August 23, 2014
we are very selfish pepole we dying in the sea, in the desert, with out diginity like animales, were is the realy hero man like wadi Ali forto, we only talk lelelele be man stand up go fight the evil dictator isias, and be freee
FAILED STATE August 23, 2014
If you are not in your fifties or more like me ,you are not selfish ..People my age started the fire & let the young people burn in it..while them /us raising their/our kids in diaspora ,You had nothing to do with it if you are young ,do it out of conscience ,but you do not owe shit to nobody. You did not start the fake Gedli ,& you did not beat war drums ,if you are not in your 45-50 +++.
But help our people,but as our agenda is not clear & interwined with lies & invented heroism & nationalism ..nobody wants to die for unclear adventurism .Let us learn the truth & the truth shall set us free.
Agordat August 23, 2014
When the whole world reports the horrible news, the regime in Eritrea is either silent or speaks about African migrants.
If this situation continues for one or two more years, Eritrea will remain completely empty of its young generation.
What is really shocking is the silence of all those who are around Iseyas, many of whom happen to be indigenous Eritreans.
The so-called Generals and Security chiefs who are protecting the regime are not less responsible than Iseyas.
While Ethiopia is contemplating on how it can give a deadly blow to the PFDJ, so that Afars and Kunamas can move to take care of their respective lands, the regime is busy dividing its people along regional, ethnic and sectarian lines.
Asmat USA August 23, 2014
My heart and prayer go to the victims and I conference the victims parents. Here again and again and again witnessing the tragedies loss of our brothers and sisters in the Med. Sea. How long is it going to be like this? What can we do to stop all those tragedies? Hundreds of young Eritreans are loosing their lives and the rest of us are except HIGDEF supporters are grieving. Please let’s do something to stop this. What are we waiting for to react? We , the ERITREANS do not deserve this. We have to stund up for our rights and Change the FUNDAMENTAL cause ( the DEVIL of ERITREA).
abab August 23, 2014
EYSC think none violence change in eritrea and they’re working hard also they will pass a working plan at the end of this month. Can eritreans tell them to stop dividing our people so we all can unite to work together on how to remove the dictator to finish all this tragedies.
FAILED STATE August 23, 2014
abab ,
I am for revolutionary change and peaceful & war ,the objective being to bring the criminals to court.
I do not know much about EYSC, but do you know it is possible to overthrow PFDJ in three days..let me tell you how & I hope you reply to my prescription ,
1)Those of us in diaspora to demonstrate everyday infront of UN,Eritrean embassy ,& Egyptian embassy
2) People in Eritrea will be encouraged to stay at home ,saying nothing..for 5 days.Everybody refuses peacefully ,ask Gandi .
Keren August 23, 2014
እዋይ ተዋሪድና፤ ኣንታ ንሕና ዓዋናት ኣሕዋቶም እኳ ኢና፤ “ገድሊ ሰውራ” እናበላ ከናቋናጁ ንውዕል፤ ነዚ ኩሉ ውርደት ፈጢርናዮ።
ገለ ብስም ገድሊ: ብጀብሃን ሻዕብያን ኣብ ገደል ተደፊኖም ተሪፎም፤ ገለ ባራዩ ሳሕሳሕ ዓረብ ኮይኖም: ኣብ ፈቐዶ ምድረበዳ ሱዳን ግብጺ ሊብያ ኩላሊቶም ተጠቢሑ ንካልእ ሳሕሳሕ ዓረብ ይሽይጥ፣ ገለ ድማ መጻወቲ ዓረብ ኮይኖም።
ገለ ድማ መላሲ ኣውያት ዘይብሎም ማእከላይ ባሕሪ ሃህ ኢሉ ይውሕጦም።
ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ እቲ ዝተዋርደን ዝመሽመሸን ሰብ ኤርትራዊ ኮይኑ ይውለድ። እዚ ውርደት እዚ ቀደም ብግዜ ሰውራ ዝተጀመረ ሕድሽ ዘይኮነ፣ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምጥፋእ እተበገሰ ውዲት እዩ።
ዓያሹ ግና ምንጪ ሕስረትኩም ውርደትኩም ኣይትፈልጡን ኢኹም።
እወ ኣብ ነጻ ፕረስ እትኣምኑ እንተኾንኩም፣ ካብ ህግደፍ እትሕሹ እንተኾንኩም፤ ኣዛ ሓጻር ርኢቶይ ንኽንደይ ደቓይቕ ክትልጠፍ እያ፧
rahwa August 23, 2014
Tragedy once again. Do we grieve and go on as nothing has happened?
Paradiso August 23, 2014
Eritrean border guards shoot dead 10 civilians trying to flee
by Sudan Tribune on 23 August 2014
By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
August 22, 2014 (SHIRE, ETHIOPIA) – Eritrean border guards have allegedly shot dead 10 Eritreans citizens as they attempted to cross in to Ethiopia, a recent escapee told Sudan Tribune on Friday.
Samuel Gedion said he was among a group of 18 Eritreans who were trying to flee to Ethiopia two weeks ago.
“Ten of them were killed, while three of us made it to Ethiopia. I am not sure on the fate of the remaining five,” he said.
He said border guards had opened fired on the group without any prior warning.
One of those reportedly killed was a young woman who had recently finished 18 months of military service.
Eritrea has a long-standing shoot-to-kill policy against those who attempt to flee the repressive nation, dubbed the North Korea of Africa.
Eritrean opposition groups in Addis Ababa told Sudan Tribune that hundreds of young Eritreans have been killed by border guards in the past two years alone.
The regime in Asmara considers citizens who attempt to flee as traitors. Those who are caught are often subject to indefinite prison terms and serious human rights abuses.
Many others are also punished by death, particularly if they are believed to have links to exiled Eritrean opposition groups.
Daniel August 23, 2014