New hotline number to all Eritrean refugees in Sudan and all others having concern
To all Eritrean Refugees in Sudan and All Others Having Concern UNHCR/Sudan has asked us to inform you of a phone number that is being tested there as a hotline for urgent situations involving refugees. This line

To all Eritrean Refugees in Sudan and All Others Having Concern
UNHCR/Sudan has asked us to inform you of a phone number that is being tested there as a hotline for urgent situations involving refugees.
This line is to be used ONLY for urgent situations involving refugees in Sudan who:
1. Are reportedly detained / imprisoned without representation OR
2. Are in danger of deportation / refoulement.
The phone line will be available daily from 08:00 to 21:00. If no one answers, leave a recorded voice message in Arabic, Tigrinya or English. Include what basic information you have, such as:
- location of the refugees who are in trouble
- names of individuals; how many are involved; number of women and children, if any
- any phone numbers that you have
- who you are and how to contact you
The new hotline number is: +249-18-358-7005
Please share this information with those who may have need of it.
tamrat tamrat January 20, 2015
God job sudan. It seams that it is better to be a refugee in suda than a citizen in etitrea at least for a good deal of eritreans. I am great full for the sudanese peoples non stop help for eri and ethio refugees.
Elssa January 20, 2015
Dear it is not Sudan you should thank but UNHCR for doing their duty.
dawit meconen January 20, 2015
That the con artist isaias afecherqi has been inflicting unfathomable human abuses on the people of Eritrea for a long long time ought to be self-evident to the UN Human Right Abuse Inquiring Commission.
The illegal and unnecessary war he launched on Ethiopia in 1998, in which over 20,000 young Eritreans perished, whom he had purposely exposed to the onslaught by willfully mismanaging the war.
Although the Algiers Treaty ended the state of war between Ethiopia and Eritrea and that the long border between the two countries was manned by UN Peace-Keepers, when the attention of world community was grabbed by the USA war on Iraq, the con artist isaias afecherqi scrambled to monopolize The Eritrean Government by abolishing the ratified Constitution, abolishing the Parliament and incarcerating its members without due processes of the Law.
There should be no doubt among genuine Eritreans that the prior border instigations on Eritrea by woyane and the subsequent launch of the illegal and unnecessary war on Ethiopia by the con artist isaias afecherqi was the result of conspiracy of the two to enable the con artist to grab State Power under State of Emergency.
If there had been no such conspiracy as some maintain: First, there would have been no war because patriotic isaias Afewerqi would have taken the safest, easiest, shortest and cheapest road to effectively undercut woyane adolescent border instigations. He would have gone to the UNSC/OAU offices.
Secondly, if the war he launched was innocent mistake: First, he would have never excluded the competent War Generals; Secondly, the result of the war would have been totally different; Thirdly, once the state of no war was signed by the two countries, he would have ended the State of Emergency and resumed the process of building the Nation in accordance with the ratified Constitution, and not the destructive process he undertook.
Among the habitual modus operandi of the con artist isaias afecherqi is to initiate destructive process subterranean ways, and when the people react, offer rationalization. Recall, he did not prepare the people for the war with Ethiopia. It was only when it became world wide news that he was bothered to tell them the lie that they were invaded by woyane.
The “war “and the “national service” are the same; he conceived and instituted them to decimate the people of Eritrea. As you well remember his lie about the “woyane invasion” was discredited by the Eritrean Ethiopian Claim Commission, and about his “national Service”, the diving social fabric and economy of our people attests to his malicious lies.
The forceful rounding of the youth in Concentration Camps under the deceptive guise of “national Service”, whose main goal, as has transpired on the ground was, therefore, to deny the country of its potential of repopulating itself, first, by compelling the child bearing age youngsters to leave their country in frustration, and then to kill them in the traps he had set up in collaboration with woyane in Ethiopia and Beshir, in the Sudan.
My Genuine Eritreans,
The con artist isaias afecherqi is committing genocide on our people. The sooner we acknowledge this truth, the better chance of survival we have. But never forget that woyane is the other face of the con artist. Those who are pupping behind woyane are either confessed anti Eritrean Nation, in the like of Hussan Kelifa, or are waiting for the rude awakening in the future because woyane is working behind the seen to plunge Eritrea into civil war as a prelude to its complete decimation. Stop procrastinating. Act Now. Tell our people the Truth!!
tamrat tamrat January 21, 2015
Imagine new eri immigrants meet this confused man and they listen why he is in opposition.
What is going on in his mind.
assenna January 21, 2015
tamrat tamrat,
When commenting consider the issue raised. If you can please do not say one thing over and over again. For more info refer Assenna guidelines. We hope to see you helping discussions move forward rather than going in circles.
tamrat tamrat January 21, 2015
Here is the short summery of maconnen facts.
Woyane recruited isaias and sent him to media and isayas created woyane. After that isayas put woyane in addis. And woyane told isayas to start military service in erittrea with out informing ethiopians and ertreans so that eris run away from eritrea while stopping military service in ethiopia. After three or five secrate military service graduates in eritrea woyane ordered isaias to wage the illegal but useless war against ethiopia without telling eritreans so that woyane can invade eritrea. The woyane invaded eritrea. After that woyane and isaias went to Algeria and stopped the war. But woyane and isaias do not want respect algers agreement and isaias continue military service to send ertreans away from eritrea so that woyanes colonize eritrea. And this secrete is known by few people like maconnen and the bold macconen is exposing this horrible grand secrate.
AHMED SALEH !!! January 20, 2015
The solve the problem in those refugee camps depends at
Sudan government responsibility to investigate their
corrupted security forces illegal activities . Otherwise
the risk will stay suspended at anytime to strike if they
continue to cover up their wrong doers .
Emergency hotline number can make a difference but there
is more than that which require urgent attention to their
safety and well being as humans .
Efrem January 21, 2015
neither the UNHCR or people of sudan is in favour of us!
ahmed January 29, 2015
We Erittean ‘s should do something .