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National Dialogue Forum for Eritreans Launches SW Radio Transmission to Eritrea – MEDREK (Forum)

Review overview
  • open your mind October 14, 2013

    I know discussion is the best way to start but what are we going to discuss. It is time for action .to solve the puzzle we need to remove the snug of the road .in short we need to kill Esayas and his korakur.

  • Yonas Tesefay October 14, 2013

    Really ! Is it a good begining for the radio ? We heard this guys for more than a decade now and they still believe EPLF and it’s ideology works. They are stuck with Medhin Berad. You think you knew it all? You did once upon a time not now. Can we see action and less talk.

  • monica salguero October 14, 2013

    Beshefen EPLF kab megemeria ksab hegi hetom bluxat yehwatna zehlexe srhat bzey we-il heder mehelayú hehú ab zereba teray melten se-áten hewn mewael hiyú abzi Ewan Ezi Eti zeterefe seb meshalexe hante trgúm yebelún. Hadera.

  • Wedi Tororonto October 14, 2013

    I just hope this will lead into action. The time for talk is over. This lunatic must go!

    • Suleiman Salim October 14, 2013

      bzaHli teSelilka diKa? halew-lew aytbel::

  • Kabbire October 14, 2013

    The problem with the Eritrean opposition is not lack of radio stations. There are many worthy stations such as Assenna and Erena that are doing fantastic job with very little resources. There is also Wegahta that broadcasts daily directly to Eritrea from Tigray.
    What the Eritrean opposition needs to do is to support Assenna and Erena financially and with quality programs. What the existing radio stations need is volunteers in every city who can organize fund raising events in order to cover the expenses of the broadcasters. We need to professionalize the radio broadcasts by paying the journalists who contribute decent salaries.
    Is adding a new radio program a good idea when we can not support the existing radio stations and web sites? I leave the answer to you but I doubt.

    • Awet October 14, 2013

      I agree with you Kabbire!
      The oppositions are opportunist waiting to grab power for themselves. They don’t have at heart the interest of the Eritrean people. How many radio stations we need to convey the message that the dictator is running the country to the ground. Heck we had one radio station during the struggle and mission was accomplished. All resources need to be devoted to assenna and erena.

      Oh God how can a president of a country that over 300 of it’s citizens perished and he won’t even utter a word. How sad is that?

    • Suleiman Salim October 14, 2013


      What do you mean by ” quality programs” ? ‘ta kulu zfelTa derfi Semamat Hanti ‘ya :: nsa dma ” diktatoryawi srAt n’ab shimelba zrkebu Ertrawyan qedtilwom .. tatorawi diktator qdmi diktator mKwanu tator kem znebere tefeliTu:: “

  • habsegheu tt October 14, 2013

    new radio station cannot solv the on going eritrean problem,we have inaf. radio statios
    and modern comniction thecnolgy,to contact eachother,we need unity to overthrow the dictaor
    in eritea.if we donot work together we will have more victms in eritrea and more lampedusa.

    • Suleiman Salim October 14, 2013

      QDMI Hji bradyo gierom ” Arbi Harnet ” zbl mel’kti sedidom wala Hanti fayda aygeberen:: ‘kwa de’a neti mel’Kti nfas bgiega nab Sudan geSu ms weSedo ab’u qhimu terifu:: Sudann Ertran ab hagerat aErab zgber Ebdan aymlketenn ‘yu::

  • Selamawit October 14, 2013

    Please shut up! Change never comes by emotional people. This is a good start for all of us specially for those living in harsh conditions inside Eritrea. EPLF is not something you can throw away in the garbage. These first panelists are some of the most precious people Eritrea has never replaced them. Why are we become so antagonistic to any new idea? We know we have some radio stations pro and against the government. But most of them are run by ex-members of ELF and,or sympathizers of ELF, hence the message does not reach to the public. I am not saying ELF members are bad or avil, but human being is by nature wary about someone who does not know. We need public faces such as Adhanom, Mesfin, Andebrhan, Asfaw, Abdela Adem, Tekeste Haile and others. If these people united and convey their message through this radio and others, I am sure change is next door. Think about the generals, colonels and most importantly to the ex EPLF files. They need some sort of assurance so that they will rise against dictator Isaias, and of course the assurance comes from EPLF members with a high profile. I am glad this radio station is launched.

    • Genet October 15, 2013

      What do you mean by “wary about someone who does not know”? Don’t you think ex-members of ELF and EPLF are equally Erittreans? Do you have to know every body by name and vilage to be ok with their messages? What do you mean by “.. most of them are run by ex-members of ELF and, or sympathizers of ELF, hence the message does not reach to the public” Why not? Are you saying Eritreans don’t feel comfortable with ELF, but they are with EPLF the one who gave us PFDJ? Please explain, if you wish? Thanks

  • monicasalguero October 14, 2013

    Kesab hegi etom tekawemti Eti kulú tezarebwo…tray nefas beliwo hina rehina hegi dma redio adlykum nektzarebu Tray mekexeli shenkolel keykowen yekdenena Amlak.

  • monicasalguero October 14, 2013

    Kesab hegi etom tekawemti Eti kulú tezarebwo…tray nefas beliwo hina rehina hegi dma redio adlykum nektzarebu Tray mekexeli shenkolel keykowen yekdenena Amlak. Melaj mexi-ú kkaleselna nexebe zelena nemesel aytehazuley. Anemo Abay-ye.

  • Suleiman Salim October 14, 2013

    ‘ta MEDREK de’a amHaru ayweseduwan dyom? ” yeEtyoPia federalawi ye’andnet MEDREK::” !!!!

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