BY AMARE GEBREMARIAM GEBRE “If we no longer treat the dead with dignity what hope is here for the living” Condolences to the family of Naizgi Kiflu that is to his wife, his son and daughter and

“If we no longer treat the dead with dignity what hope is here for the living”
Condolences to the family of Naizgi Kiflu that is to his wife, his son and daughter and relatives.
People say that you can measure how civilized a country is by the way it treats its dead. That is dignified burial. The world community is moving into the brave new world of designer babies, face transplant and cloning. These advances are held to be evidences of the superiority and prowess of our civilization. Yet the way we treat the dead is of the greatest possible significance, not just to the health services but to the society at large. If we do not show respect to the dead, we will not show it to the living.
Death is inevitable. Naizghi Kiflu died Feb 6th 2012 in London a natural death at the age possibly 70 years. Yet his corpse did not get proper burial not because his family could not afford it, not because the British government did not give permit, but the dictatorial regime PFDJ in Eritrea did not allow entry of Naizghi Kiflu’s corpse to Eritrea for dignified burial. Highland Eritrean Christians always prefer to bury the dead at his/her village of origin. This is the norm of the Eritrean highland society and this is not the norm of only Eritrean but of most world society.
I knew Naizghi since my school age days first at Tipo elementary school then at St. George middle school in Mendefera and at a high school in Asmara. Naizghi battled colonialism since his middle school days.
People say beauty is on the eye of the beholder. My take on Naizghi’s struggle for independence and after is based on observed facts and reported information.
a) His struggle started during middle school days when he led the demonstration of St. George middle school student in support of the students of high school students in Asmara. Then he continued it by distributing fliers in Mendefera and Asmara during his high school days. He was also the brave man who organized the most cells of Movement of seven{ mahber 7} ,organize demonstrations. Because of these activities he was expelled from high school along with the late Andemicael Kahsai and were exiled to Ethiopia Where he continued his struggle. Then he got scholarship to the Soviet Union stayed in other countries and joined the armed struggle in 1972.
b) I met him in Sahel for a brief time in 1976 that we only exchanged greeting. 1974 is the time Naizghi started to put black spots in his endeavor for independence. He became right hand man of Isaias Afeworhi and had a role in the execution of the revolutionaries (MENKA). There is also information that implicates him in many ways as a minister of information, vice chief of security——-etc. This is second hand information that I can not conform or reject.
c) Naizghi Kiflu was an intelligent, bold, hard working and visionary. People who grew up with him expect from him a document of the struggle of EPLF and PFDJ and his vision for the future. I am sure the Eritrean people will forgive him for certain misdeeds the moment that document surfaces.
Eternal life to Naizghi Kiflu and condolences to his family and relatives.
We struggle we succeed Comments>>>>
Glory to our martyrs
FACT-is-FACT March 1, 2012
Ato Amare,
With all due respect, If you, as educated as you are (at least your ability to write in a foreign language testifies), That Individuality with ABSOLUTE conviction & Justice oriented mind-set that absolutely grasps the understanding that, whichever direction -soceity, the ordinary, at large, is always at a loss- being institutionally and systematically oppressed by those who always “VISION” to carry the GUNs and use it against anyone that opposes them. And, you, as “THE” typical Eritreans educated (the elites) tried to rationalize his INSIDIOUS crimes by limelighting a Greenish leon light on his “revolutionariness”.
In the name of Revolution, ONLY the few have benefited the -PIE- During & Post Gedli .. and Naizgi , his family and his children, and those who led it, that had been behind the Frontlines, the “elites” benefited it all ! and you know it. Let nature take its course. It is neither Isaias Aforqi ability nor any other Human, rather the -art of the Divine- for all this Ato naizghi’s DEAD SOUL suffering and his family’s dead-family walking! .. who would console that mother who lost all her 5 children to Gedli, and the Halewa Sewra apparatus and hadn’t had a decent meal since May 24, 1991? but who?
FACT -is- FACT ,
But ,he only killed menka´E if you get my drift !!!!!! Offcourse ,I am being sarcastic.One could commit atrocites ,but if one day invites a “poor” Mexican “whore” in Tijuana ,… should be considered a saint ??????? What did his banditry brought to Eritrean society ??? Revolutionary my behind !!!!!
FACT-is-FACT ,You analize it intellectually ,which you have made excellent & sober analysis ,I will shout like a mother “#/&%R !!!
FACT-is-FACT March 1, 2012
.. i.e should be read ” … Had had That Individuality with Absolute… “
FACT-is-FACT March 1, 2012
we humans in the end realize how so immaterial, trivial we are to even stand on this earth as Humans , especially at the twilight of our physical strength when we are not even able to take care of our own physcial, emotional burden. This man who had portrayed himself as an absolute giant with absolute disdain and thuggism towards the most beaten up soceity of him … the least those grieving mothers of the Heroes & heroines expect from people like you (the educated bunch from the cities and towns) .. asnse of REASON, JUSTICE without rationalizing crimes, “tsenAt Yehabeken Adettat ….. at least the least ! .. romanticizing the criminals on its own is a Crime … … the 20+ years grief of the Eritrean mothers that adds up to the Longingness of their children pre Independence … man it is a salt to the wound….. .. Ignorance itself is a bliss !
awet March 1, 2012
The opposition and non-pfdj entity should be cautious and not get overwhelmed by this fiasco. The criminal is dead and the regime refuses to bury one of its own. It only goes to show how out of touch and bizzare their value system is. They are far away from the Eritrean values and morality. It’s now time to disengage from this issue.
Mr. T March 1, 2012
I cannot agree with your statements more. Sadly though, Eritrea’s political discourse is completely dominated by criminals who accuse other criminals. Without doubt, the only person that can comfortably be compared to the criminal PFDJ’s boss was the notorious Abdela Idris. Although these two are diametrically opposed in their political principles, they both share equal magnitude of ruthless historical deeds. I never had felt so much enraged in my lifetime when I saw the rotten supporters of the rotten opposition movements elevating the renowned revolution era criminal to a hero status. Who would forget the torturing of innocent civilians in the name of spies (Jasus) during the notorious ELF era with the infamous Abdela Idris as its sole power breaker?
Mr. T March 1, 2012
Who would forget the liquidation of the heroic fighters who were labeled as “Falul” and others as “Yemin”? The ruthless pro-Arabism and pro-Baathism Abdela Idris had single handedly destroyed a twenty year old organization and murdered Melake Tekle and his driver in cold blood. Compared to Abdela Idris’ devilish infamy, Naizghi’s alleged crimes, if any, are so diminutive in size. Many of those who are accusing him are in fact the filthy regionalists and the religious extremists. He had fought for his country with gallantry for over 50 years. Can the anonymous “mice and rats” show us a fraction of the sacrifices that Naizghi had made for his country if they have any? Group thinking is not a solution; it is truly a curse.
Ahmed saleh March 1, 2012
Mr T
For the record let me tell straight forward. We see people for a reason of protecting their own backward tendencies try to cover-up the evil deeds of our past. Before you point the blame to
others first look yourself honestly and ask if you are truthful. Those who defend A. Idris and
K. Naizghi in my opinion are on the same category groups, insencere and deceitful people.
Advocating M. Tecle death is your right but nobody will distort the facts of our past furthermore.
You better search for truth before you say something, he was the head of security and close partner of Abdella. Leave the story to get exposed by some individual in detail. Do not forget a lot of Eritreans are left out with scars. We are talking about serious issues of mankind, nothing to ELF-EPLF things but the crimes committed to the innocence . I do not give a damn of organizations affiliation to politices the matter because for me is an act of betrayal.
Fessahaye March 1, 2012
Isayas will die fighting his own evil spirits; the last fight will be against his own shadows.
john March 1, 2012
Isayas is so f********
“MISDEEDS”….are you f &(/$# ing kidding .May I be allowed to mention another “HERO” that fought the evil soviets & send them humulated from Afghanistan.He was very charitable to the poor . He just had some “MISDEEDS” ,JUST MASSACRED THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS ,MAILY SHITES & ON SEPT. 11th ,3000 PEOPLE IN THE TWIN TOWERS & MIGHT HAVE KILLED MEN WHO SHAVED THEIR BEARDS & WOMEN WHO DID NOT WRAP THEMSELVES LIKE CHRISTMAS PRESENT…..I MEAN WILL YOU NOT F #$%&”/() G EXAGGERATE HIS MISDEEDS ?????????????
Daniel (metaabity) March 2, 2012
No wonde, there is a lot of people in our world praising Nazism and no wonder in Eritrea opposition groups praising a devil man like Nay-siol or Nay-sheytan ( his ex name was NAYZGI ). Naysiol do not own a human sprite and human body what he own a devil sprite and a devil body. That’s why I don’t worried about a devil dead body. Nay-siol had said to an old Orthodox prist who is now living in Londn when Nay-siol was religious affaries “you will not see Eritrea to buried your dead body” so “what goes around comes around” as we say in Eritrea ( Eid Senahit Egri Shendahit)
HGDF March 2, 2012
Assenna playground for non-Eritreans Like Singapo has banned the real Eritreans like me from commenting to make Aya Meles happy.
Abnet Tesfai March 2, 2012