BY AMARE GEBREMARIAM GEBRE “If we no longer treat the dead with dignity what hope is here for the living” Condolences to the family of Naizgi Kiflu that is to his wife, his son and daughter and

“If we no longer treat the dead with dignity what hope is here for the living”
Condolences to the family of Naizgi Kiflu that is to his wife, his son and daughter and relatives.
People say that you can measure how civilized a country is by the way it treats its dead. That is dignified burial. The world community is moving into the brave new world of designer babies, face transplant and cloning. These advances are held to be evidences of the superiority and prowess of our civilization. Yet the way we treat the dead is of the greatest possible significance, not just to the health services but to the society at large. If we do not show respect to the dead, we will not show it to the living.
Death is inevitable. Naizghi Kiflu died Feb 6th 2012 in London a natural death at the age possibly 70 years. Yet his corpse did not get proper burial not because his family could not afford it, not because the British government did not give permit, but the dictatorial regime PFDJ in Eritrea did not allow entry of Naizghi Kiflu’s corpse to Eritrea for dignified burial. Highland Eritrean Christians always prefer to bury the dead at his/her village of origin. This is the norm of the Eritrean highland society and this is not the norm of only Eritrean but of most world society.
I knew Naizghi since my school age days first at Tipo elementary school then at St. George middle school in Mendefera and at a high school in Asmara. Naizghi battled colonialism since his middle school days.
People say beauty is on the eye of the beholder. My take on Naizghi’s struggle for independence and after is based on observed facts and reported information.
a) His struggle started during middle school days when he led the demonstration of St. George middle school student in support of the students of high school students in Asmara. Then he continued it by distributing fliers in Mendefera and Asmara during his high school days. He was also the brave man who organized the most cells of Movement of seven{ mahber 7} ,organize demonstrations. Because of these activities he was expelled from high school along with the late Andemicael Kahsai and were exiled to Ethiopia Where he continued his struggle. Then he got scholarship to the Soviet Union stayed in other countries and joined the armed struggle in 1972.
b) I met him in Sahel for a brief time in 1976 that we only exchanged greeting. 1974 is the time Naizghi started to put black spots in his endeavor for independence. He became right hand man of Isaias Afeworhi and had a role in the execution of the revolutionaries (MENKA). There is also information that implicates him in many ways as a minister of information, vice chief of security——-etc. This is second hand information that I can not conform or reject.
c) Naizghi Kiflu was an intelligent, bold, hard working and visionary. People who grew up with him expect from him a document of the struggle of EPLF and PFDJ and his vision for the future. I am sure the Eritrean people will forgive him for certain misdeeds the moment that document surfaces.
Eternal life to Naizghi Kiflu and condolences to his family and relatives.
We struggle we succeed Comments>>>>
Glory to our martyrs
Sold their Soul March 4, 2012
Ato Amare,
You want to sell the idea that Nazgi was a “good Eritrean”. The truth is he was an eritrean who lost his soul while he was alive for power. We are talking about a man who has been killing human beings for more than decades.
What are you saying ato Amare ? Mesmerized by Naizgi’s past teen age lfe. Snce he became a grown man he was a killer not freedom fighter. Not to respect Naizgi Kiflu but the dead body deserves proper burial. You should write another article and thank ato Amnauel for giving the opportunity to post the article.
secret observer February 25, 2015
please be quiet you uneducated and simple living being at amare you sound like a ethipian which is why you talking about death you are not anyone that has witnessed any of naizghis life so respect his death and go live youre average life now