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Mr Naizghi Kiflu one of the high ranking officials of the PFDJ regime passed away in London.

Mr Naizghi Kiflu one of the high ranking officials of the PFDJ regime; a close friend and right hand man of Isaias Afewerki, the tyrannical leader in Eritrea, passed away in London, due to chronic

Mr Naizghi Kiflu one of the high ranking officials of the PFDJ regime; a close friend and right hand man of Isaias Afewerki, the tyrannical leader in Eritrea, passed away in London, due to chronic illness, according to sources.

After Eritrea’s independence, Mr Naizghi served as a top official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Adviser of the President for Local Government as well as Minister of Information, during the total closure of the independent newspapers in Eritrea and the arrest of the their editors and journalists, in 2001.

During the armed struggle for Eritrea’s independence he was one of the key figures of ‘HALEWA SEWRA, a department responsible for the secret prison services in Sahil, where many volunteer fighters were tortured and killed. Even after independence of Eritrea, many blame him for carrying on his involvement in crimes against political opponents of Isaias Afewerki.  

Mr Naizghi Kiflu has been residing in London, after his ambassadorial appointment was declined by the British government, and later was investigated by the British police for suspicion of crimes against humanity.

Review overview
  • Mr. T February 7, 2012

    Hatred breeds hatred, and eventually it consumes everyone mercilessly. Those who are defacing this website with their stinking and hate-filled garbage should know that Mr. Naizgi Kiflu had spent most of his life to make his country free and any crime that he was accused of is now buried with him. And soon or later, everybody will follow that path. He has innocent family members who are now feeling the sadness and pain because of his death. Act like humans, not like a bunch of thugs. Those who are accusing him of crimes against humanity don’t need to see further than their backyards. There are as many revolution era criminals walking and kicking within the opposition movements as there are within the PFDJ regime. Please have respect for the dead and fight for the living.

    • Haqqi Nezareb February 7, 2012

      Hi Mr. Tsehaye,

      Can you name few names please?

      • Ahmed saleh February 8, 2012

        Good question, please name the criminals to be identified by all democracy loving people

      • Mr. T February 8, 2012

        Haqqi N.

        “hiji grm” says the famous singer, Fihira. Right away, I would start with you. The only reason you are hiding your name in this form is to hide your past crime. The leaders of the old Jebha, its security personnel and its top cadres have cold blood in their hands. Where are they now? Some of them are your neighbors and some are in your state and city. Those who committed gross crimes against the people of Qohain and Dembelas in the 1970s are now the leaders of the opposition movements. Those who killed innocent fighters in the name of “Falul” and so many innocent civilians in the name of “jasus” (spying), particularly for so many innocent Tegaru migrant workers, are now website masters, taxi drivers and public workers in your neighborhoods. Many have changed their names to hide their identities in Europe and North America. However, this is not the time to list the endless list of the opposition criminals because we have other urgent issues such as defending Eritrea and Eritreans from the barbaric woyane regime.

        • Haqqi Nezareb February 8, 2012

          Hi Mr. Tsehaye,

          Don’t be like your boss who talks on non-relevant issues for hours. I asked simple question: Give us the names of your assumed criminals in the opposition. You seem to know many of the killings that happened when I was a small boy. Please spill out their names clearly so that we will bring them to courts when the evil regime in Eritrea is removed. I really want to know those in opposition who have their hands socked in blood of innocent Eritreans. Pretty sure there are plenty of people like Naizgi Kiflu who are currently killings thousands Eritreans as we speak.

    • Dan Nomav February 8, 2012

      T, you’re a piece of garbage…CONGRATS, THE CRIMINAL KILLER Naizghi Kiflu IS DEAD…ISIAS IS NEXT…

      • Mr. T February 8, 2012

        Dan Nomav,

        You won’t be spared either. You may be the first one to go. What an idiot!

    • HGDF February 8, 2012

      Very right. I was surprised to see people writing irresponsible and inhuman comments including the Assenna itself. We have a culture that ኣውያት ከይተኣውየን በተዘመድ መርድእ ከይተነግረን ሞት ኣይንገርን, መዋቲ ጸላኢኻ ይኹን ፈታዊኻ ብዘየገድስ ከየልቀስካ ኣይሕለፍን። ኣሰና ግን ቅድሚ ኩሉ ሰሚዑ ክበሃል ነዚ ኩሉ ኣብ ግምት ከየእተወ ኣብ ምዝርጋሕ ተቀዳዲሙ። Even the US didnt breake Islamic tradition after it killed its worst enemy Bin laden.

      • HGDF February 8, 2012

        My comment above it a reply to Mr. T not to the inhuman Dan Nomav

    • Abrahaley February 8, 2012

      NO RIP for Naizgi
      If you judge people, you have no time to love them.― Mother Tere

      The man didn’t take time love the “Yemin” the “Menkaa” but he judged them. Personally I Happen to know the mean spirited man who is dead now with his blood in his hands. There is no reason to worry about the fillings of his family. They know his business and operations. If they didn’t know they need to know who he was. Even D. Isayas will not say RIP to him.
      Again, It is very inappropriate to say RIP to Naizgi. I have seen few posting “Rest In Peace” messages on few sites ever since the news of his demise was announced. But most Eritreans feel it is inappropriate to think a man with his kind of spirit will really rest even in heaven. Same applies to Isyas.

  • Hazega says February 7, 2012

    Hagos Berhane, I can’t agree more than what you said. Good concept. I hope DIA/ Dictator Issays Afeworki and all the bandits of PFDJ do not escape through normal death. We need them to suffer at prison ERRAERRO for ever and ever!!!!!!That’s how to pay off the innocent life killed by such pigs.

  • bus-Zone February 7, 2012

    To the hell

  • Kalighe February 7, 2012

    It’s unfortunate that killers like Naizghi, Ali Said and their associates are gone without facing justice for crimes committed against innocent Eritreans.

    May his soul rest in hell.

  • Semhar February 8, 2012

    The dictator, the mad dog, the tyrant, the psychopath must go!
    – His boss (Mubarak of Egypt) is thrown out of power.
    – His adored brother (Gaddafi) died like a rat.
    – The international community’s talking peace and carrying big stick [sanctions] is having an effect.
    – The Eritrean people are beginning to realize that there is no point in waiting for the regime to reform itself – that it needs to be overthrown.
    We must apply LIBYA style!
    The dictator, the mad dog, the tyrant, the psychopath must go!
    This is the moment we must come together to save our land and our people.


    • harena February 8, 2012

      Our president is the boss of him self. Nobody in the world can order him!!

  • elias February 8, 2012

    I am saddened to hear the death of Veteran Neizghi Kiflu. Tegadalay Neizghi Kiflu went to Meda from USA to fight for his country. He devoted his whole time and life for this cause. Brothers and Sisters! It is not good to offend a dead and not good to make such negative comments or disagreements. Please reserve yourself from such difference of opinion. It is out of our culture and not the right time either. We should respect and love each other and linked to this, we should consider into account his family. My heartfelt condolences go out to the family of Neizghi Kiflu.

  • abbe February 8, 2012

    Mr T stop preaching in support of criminals and beasts. It is unfortunate that such inhuman rascals such as Naizghi, Ali S. Abdalla left without being brought to justice after committing unforgettable crimes against the Eritrean people.
    What we can say now to Naizghi is R.I.H (Rest In Hell) and I wish weddi medhin barrad to be brought to justice and not to die like the drunkard rats likes of Ali and Naizghi.

  • Aster February 8, 2012

    the death of naizghi kiflu is a good news for vEritreans because he is one of the main enemies for the Eritreans. we hopeful all the dictators will follow nayzghi kiflu soon.

  • simon haile February 8, 2012


  • Delay Selam! February 8, 2012

    I was really happy this day when I read the news of the death this worst and criminal man. This man was the right hand of Issaias and pure Tigraway. He has been helping his his boss taking thousands of pure Eritreans into jail. He was the chief commander of the secret Security of Issaias regime. I hope to soon that Issaias would be captured by the people and will bring him into justice court. This is a great news to Eritrean Nation and I hope that GOD will cast him into his warm and hot HELL directly.
    Death to Issaias and his blind renegades!
    Peace to the Eritrean people!

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