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Mr Naizghi Kiflu one of the high ranking officials of the PFDJ regime passed away in London.

Mr Naizghi Kiflu one of the high ranking officials of the PFDJ regime; a close friend and right hand man of Isaias Afewerki, the tyrannical leader in Eritrea, passed away in London, due to chronic

Mr Naizghi Kiflu one of the high ranking officials of the PFDJ regime; a close friend and right hand man of Isaias Afewerki, the tyrannical leader in Eritrea, passed away in London, due to chronic illness, according to sources.

After Eritrea’s independence, Mr Naizghi served as a top official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Adviser of the President for Local Government as well as Minister of Information, during the total closure of the independent newspapers in Eritrea and the arrest of the their editors and journalists, in 2001.

During the armed struggle for Eritrea’s independence he was one of the key figures of ‘HALEWA SEWRA, a department responsible for the secret prison services in Sahil, where many volunteer fighters were tortured and killed. Even after independence of Eritrea, many blame him for carrying on his involvement in crimes against political opponents of Isaias Afewerki.  

Mr Naizghi Kiflu has been residing in London, after his ambassadorial appointment was declined by the British government, and later was investigated by the British police for suspicion of crimes against humanity.

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  • Cambo February 7, 2012

    May all Eritrean victims rest in peace

    • Cambo February 7, 2012

      This reminds me of journalist Solomon Abera’s letter “eta Elet” (That Day).
      listen courtesy of asmarino .com

    • Tafla February 7, 2012

      Today is not a good day for PFDJ & its supporters. Nizghi dead Nevsun Resources (NSU) stock (which is held by many PFDJ’s supporters) is down 30% today.

      • Dr Haile February 7, 2012

        Resr in Peace Nayzghi.
        Tafla Your information is a bit late. Nevsun Total value has been plummeted to the lowest ever (50% off the share). This is due to the escalated tensions between Eritrea and Ethiopia around both Badme and Umhajer. If this continue for the coming two weeks as Nevsun predicted, the company will be closed temporarily until it is resolved. That’s why Shuttle diplomacy is under way from the PFDJ. So far Eritrea has sent envoys to Germany, Hungary, Austria, Britain, USA, Russia, China and France to get rid of this crisis.

  • Gebela stoop February 7, 2012

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  • ተወልደመድኅን February 7, 2012

    ሚኢቲ ዒይሳርን ዓመት ዝጸንሑ መሲሉዎም፡ኣሸሓት ኤርትራውያን ብግልጺ ኣጥፊኦም ሎሚ’ምበኣር ኣርኪቡሎም መዓል ናይዝጊ።ሕንቛዕካ ድሕሪ’ቲ ሞት ብጾቶም ቀሲኖምን ኣሳፊሖምን ኣይንበሩ።እቲ ዘህዝን ኣብ ቅድሚ ፍርዲ ከይቀረበ ምማቱ ጥራሕ’ዩ።

  • Wadbahar February 7, 2012

    Good riddance; no taboos when it comes to the death of criminals who had caused lots of sufferings and pain to the innocent people. His death has saved more oxygen for the human beings to breath and many British Euros that could be used to help the poor. All his friends, including his master, will join him in hell soon but their crime records will live forever. Our people will neither forgive nor forget. Throw his body to the wolf.

  • DownPFDJ February 7, 2012

    every man must die. even wedi medhin berad will die soon. but what is the legacy the man leaves behind that counts. naizghi did torture and kill many. so has isaias. hopefully we will have better leaders in the future.

  • kabUK February 7, 2012

    May he rot in HELL

  • Wadbahar February 7, 2012

    Let us collect and document the most common medieval torture devices, including the use of rats and knee splitter (used for destroying body parts), they used to extract confessions and cause incredible agonizing pain.

    Imagine how many hundreds or thousands of Eritreans have:
    • died
    • humiliated
    • crippled
    • castrated or became sexually impotent
    • went to madness …to say the least

    We will need the collection of these devices for our National Museum of Medieval Torture that will teach generations to come and lay the foundations against any possible occurrence of torture in our future history. Let us all of us start collecting these devices and documenting them. This is a black stain in all humanity and our history that we need to deal with once and for all.

  • wedieri1994 February 7, 2012

    The crime he commit was very Hard to believe?. 2002 He KILL M/J Berhane G/geher… While he was handcaf and cover his face with his MENDEL. I am still remember that day. But Thanks to God, he didn’t have great time in life. He just dead in the hand of British tax payers. PIA didn’t help him in money?

    Peace to all humanity

  • Mr. T February 7, 2012

    May his soul rest in peace. Those who are accusing him of crimes against humanity don’t need to see further than their backyards. There are as many revolution era criminals within the opposition movements as there are within the PFDJ regime. Please have respect to the dead and fight for the living.

  • A Iyasu February 7, 2012

    ንኣቶ ናይዝጊ ነፍሶም ይምሐር፤ ይኹን እምበር፥ እቲ ካዚ ክርከብ ዝኽእል ምህሮ፥ ካብ ኬዱልና ክብሉኻስ ኬዱና እንተበሉኻ ይሓይሽ እሞ ሰናይ ግብሪ ንግበር፥ ንዓመጽ ኣርሒቕና ደድሕሪ ሠናይ ግብሪ ንስዓብ።

    ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ፥ ከምቲ ኣምላኽ ብነቢይ ሶፎንያስ ዝተዛረቦ፥ ንመከራኹም ኣልጊሰዮ እየ፥ ይበለና።

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