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More than 20 members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea are taken to Gahtelay for military training

More than 20 members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea are taken to Gahtelay for military training for 45 days, according to sources from Asmara. As a result , most offices of the ministry

More than 20 members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea are taken to Gahtelay for military training for 45 days, according to sources from Asmara.

As a result , most offices of the ministry are closed and the ministry is effectively out of operation; causing discontent of many foreign diplomats stationed in Asmara as they are unable to get routine correspondence and services for their embassies.

All departments are being run by unqualified individuals who lack the necessary diplomatic expertise and merely selected by Yemane Ghebreab (Monkey) on the bases of personal loyalty to him.

Foreign Ambassadors in the country are unwilling to do diplomatic meetings with those department heads as they continually fail to get answers on many issues and the diplomatic protocol requires them to meet with their counterparts or with officials above their post in diplomatic hierarchy.

Review overview
  • Michael Tesfamariam June 8, 2015

    Let them all die out there. I have no sympathy to anyone who chose to serve the clique that is determined to butcher our people.

    • Simon G. June 8, 2015

      With the summer heat, some of them may die. In that case, your wish will be granted.

    • eritrean love June 8, 2015

      Michael Tesfamariam

      I guess anything the government does there is always something behind it….maybe he wants to discourage the foreign diplomats from some agendas…specially the eu diplomats that are pressurising the system to reform…I am not sophisticated enough to explain but it smells fishy from abroad .

      • ነበር June 9, 2015

        ዝያዳ ንከገልገልዎ ን45ማኣልቲ ናይ ብላአ ዎ ስተ ዳንከራን ዚኣረገ ኣቡነ ሰማያት ሚድጋምን አዩ ኢቲ ምስቲር።።

  • Eritra June 8, 2015

    Many of these people, if not all, are the stuff of which the regime is made. There is a spy network within Foreign Ministry that, through a liaison officer, reports to National Security. Controlling and exploiting to the maximum possible Eritrean communities in foreign lands is their mission’s first task. Thanks to Issu the monster. This is actually good news. Let them taste it.

  • AHMED SALEH June 9, 2015

    We do not have substantial prove to accuse foreign minister employees . The whole country is under
    the mercy of one man rule dynasty . To say let them die out there to civilians with government job is
    irresponsible and totally wrong . Fight for justice to all in general like principled person without any
    discrimination .

    • Michael Tesfamariam June 9, 2015

      I couldn’t be more clearer than what i said ; i want them all suffer to death from the extreme weather generated strokes. It is just disingenuous to suggest that some of them might be civilians. Who cares, if i had the power that could inflict max damage to the regim’s apparatus, i would have used it now no matter who is employee or officer. I don’t just want to pretend of being sensitive to handful lapdogs while the largest portion of the people are suffering at the hand’s of the cold and insensitive clique in Asmara. I don’t personally believe that the UN or other peaceful methods of struggle is appropriate way of dealing with the wicked regime in Eritrea and its sick supporters. Death is the only pragmatic solution to end the story of hgdef’s crimes.

    • Hamid June 9, 2015

      Dear Ahmed what you said is right we all need justice for all.must of those people they don’t know what they are doing.have a nice day brother.

      • AHMED SALEH June 9, 2015

        Well , this way everybody who held government jobs is guilty for all corruption taken inside
        the country while the decision makers high post officials enjoy themselves . Nobody cares
        before and it doesn’t surprise me if you said who cares , that is our weak side , hawna delay fithi .

  • mm June 9, 2015

    Issu is a great equlizer,serve him or oppose him your fate is the same. I side with those who died with dignety defending the people.

  • Let them go to hell, their being in such positions is void. If they are really Eritreans they should have stand with the suffering of their brothers & sisters. Mainly at this critical moment of the ERI people. Remember, time changes, generation pass, lives become lost.

  • Justice4all June 9, 2015

    እዞም በሃማት ሰባት እንታይ ዓይነት ተንኮል ሓሲቡሎም ኣሎ ኣይርዶኦምን? ብወቕዒ ልቢ ሞይቶም ኢሉ ክቐብሮምዩ።

  • Alemgena Taye June 9, 2015

    Poor dear Eritreans dying one by one, by one dictator PIA. I am terribly sorry.

  • Natnael June 9, 2015

    @AHMED SALEH, @Michael Tesfamariam,

    As a concerned und victim of DIA and his decayed regime like almost all Eritreans I can understand the emotions of Michael. It is clear that one will be punished for failure what he/she does, not for the intention or ignorance (unknowing). These foreign office employees did harm/everything deliberately and knowingly upon vitim country men and women. Thefore liquidating them is just and legitimate like mengistu did it upon the 68 higher Ethiopian officials. Unfortunately a large numeber of DIA’s clique / YES-men that should belong to the group fails still.

    I hope the DIA-Regime ends its ERA soon may be in the coming months, so that we can greet the NEW YEAR in September with a new DIA-free spirit.

    • AHMED SALEH June 9, 2015

      My issue with most Eritreans is ; we try to deny from our own failure on giving unreserved
      support to one man rule in first place . And it doesn’t make a sense to put finger of blame on
      those left behind . The high number of politically motivated prisoners inside the country is
      enough to convince me that no one can feel secure either they work within government jobs
      or not .
      And how can we condemn people we don’t like that based in emotion ?
      Do we know their reputation , background or their characters ? Obviously not .
      So how come a real Eritrean express ill wish toward his follows .

  • Eritra June 9, 2015

    DIA is a smart devil. I think he is suspecting the report will be pain in the ass for his regime.
    Anticipating the worst, this seems to be his first move on the chess board. He want all those who know how to speak to a foreign diplomat out of the game, till the report is old. They will be busy lifting heavy stones under the killing sun of Wia. If he eventually replaces them with young and less talented yes men, he will stay in power for another decade, enjoying whisky and contemplating on how to best dismantle a country or whatever left of it, methodically.

  • ኣርዓዶም June 9, 2015

    ከም ዝመስለኒ፡ እዚ ኦም ገለ ዓይነት ስልጠና ይወስዱ ኣለዉ ማለት ኢዩ።
    ምናልባት ምስጢራዊ መደባት ኢሳያስ ንኸተግብሩ ይዝትዩ ይህልዉ። ገለ ተብዓት ትሃልዮሞም ኩነታት ናብ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ክኣኣልእክዎ ተስፋታት ኣሎ።
    ተዘይኮይኑ ምኽሮም፡ ከም`ዚ ዝስዕብ ይመስል
    1, ቕዋም ኤርትራ ብመምርሒ ህግደፍ ዝጽሓፈሉ
    2, ንህዝቢ ጎስጕስ ብዛዕባ ዝጽሓፍ ተስፋታት
    3, ወትሃደራት ኤርትራ ናብ የመን ምልኣኽ
    4, ኢትዮጵያ ተመዝግቦ ዘላ ዓወታት፣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ጽልው ኡን፣ ወደባት ኤርትራ ምስ ደምሒት ተሻሪኽ ካ፡ ምስራሕ፡ ን ኢትዮፕያ ክሕደገላ
    5, ኢሳያስ ንይምሰል ምርጫ ከካይድ እሞ እንደገና ክምረጽ ከም ዘለዎ
    6, ዕርቒ ምስ ኣመሪካ፣ ምክንያቱ ኣመሪካ ብውሽጢ ኒ ኢስላምያ ድዓሽ ትድግፍ ብምዅና
    7, ኣብ ወጻ ኢ ክግበር ዘለዎ ህግደፍፋዊ ጎስጕሳት፣ ነቶም ማንኪ ዘቖሞም ኮራኩር ፕፍድጂ ምትብባዕ
    8,ነትም ነርወይ ክትሰጎም ትደሊ ተቐቢልካ ገንዘቦም ራሲኻ ንገሊ ኦም ምእሳር ወይ ምፍናው
    9, ምስጢራዊ ማእሰርትታት
    10, ንወዲ ኢሳያስ ምትካእ
    11, ዕርቒ ምስ ወያነ ብውሽጢውሽጢ ብማእከልነት ደምሒት
    እዚን ካልእ ጽውጽዋይያትን ክኸውን ከም ዝኽእል፡ ኣይንስሕቶን።