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More about Yohans Wendmagegn:The PFDJ Messenger in Australia

Australia YohanesYohans Wendmagegn: he ws born of a poor family and a mediocre student in Mendefera. As far as I know him he did not finish his high school due to poverty. In 1970 he wrote a book by the title of Fqrn ziktmnan. Nevertheless, no body was interested in it because it was not a well written book but passable by his standrds.

Australia YohanesYohans Wendmagegn: he ws born of a poor family and a mediocre student in Mendefera. As far as I know him he did not finish his high school due to poverty. In 1970 he wrote a book by the title of Fqrn ziktmnan. Nevertheless, no body was interested in it because it was not a well written book but passable by his standrds.

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