Monkey business
PFDJ as we all know is the only political party in Eritrea and headed by the President.The other leaders of the party are Alamin Mehammed Said, Yemane Ghebreab (Monkey) and the recently imprisoned Abdala Jabber
PFDJ as we all know is the only political party in Eritrea and headed by the President.The other leaders of the party are Alamin Mehammed Said, Yemane Ghebreab (Monkey) and the recently imprisoned Abdala Jabber the director of organizational Affairs of the party.
Wedi_ Eri March 19, 2013
Let him come, maybe he will join Ali Abdu!!
Zeray March 20, 2013
Wedi Eri
If Ali Abdu and the like refuse to speak-out then they will remain guilty and the Eritrean victims will never forgive them.
Zgeremo March 19, 2013
In Eritrea almost everyone has a nickname. It is part of our cultural tradition and culture. So there is no problem to have a nickname. It is just a nickname.
But you Tesfai Yitbarek have a brain of less than of a monkey. This is a huge problem and should be a major concern for you. No place for you with humans. Go and climb trees!
Saba March 19, 2013
Do you mind explaining detailed what you condemn on Tesfai´s article? I dont think you are mad because of the nicknames?!
tekeste March 19, 2013
Yemane’s nick name is a reflection of his personality. No moral value and inhuman.
Saba March 19, 2013
Tekeste thanks for your info. I wanted to know from Zgeremo what made him so angry on the writer. He said the writer have a brain less then a monkey! This confused me.
ahmed saleh March 20, 2013
I was going to join in here . But I am thinking from know on not to respond with
any commentator who do not come with his real name except the few who used same
familiar name . And next I will request proof of blue blood Eritrean origin.
stefanos temolso March 20, 2013
Zegeremo, exactly you are Zgeremo because you are the seventh guard and understand late (you are sleepy in Sahel terminology) try to wake up brother. Your compatriots are dying, in prison, their organs being sold, tortured, lacking basic food items, no freedom of meovement, no freedom of expression etc. and yet you grumble simply because one monkey is called a monkey! poor fellow try to look around and learn.
Hazhaz March 19, 2013
In a desperate race against time, the Eritrean community living in the diaspora has managed to raise $41,000 demanded by Bedouin people-traffickers to buy the freedom of the girl’s family.
Ahlam, who is just eight, has already seen her father beaten and tortured in front of her.
It was when the Eritrean community heard that their kidnappers would force 19 men, all captives themselves, to rape her mother in front of the little girl, that they decided they had no option but to act.
So the community has scraped the money together.
“It will be sent to Cairo,” says Meron Estefanos, who has interviewed Ahlam and her family several times since they were captured at the beginning of January.
The interviews were carried by the Eritrean radio station Erena.
The radio operates from Paris, one of the few sources of accurate information for Eritreans, who are subjected to some of the harshest censorship in the world, according to Reporters without Borders.
The tragedy begins…
The story of this family begins when they hear that a close relative is dying in Sudan.
They crossed into Sudan legally, since Ahlam’s father is a fighter, who was wounded in Eritrea’s long war of independence, that ended in 1991.
aus 17 March 19, 2013
I think the first one to be liquidated is Monkey, because he’s the one who designs almost all the evil deeds as a right hand of Isayas Afewerki’s regime.
Do the first home work and the second comes by itself- The demise of the barbaric rule of the 21 century
Saba March 19, 2013
I agree with you, that should be done from europe all those genetical piece of shit should be eliminated. There is no right punishment for them even if they sit in jail.
They are injailing and killing further. Our people getting butchered in Sudan,Egypt,Libya,South Sudan for nothing but nothing!
Eritrean became the cheapest african nation.
There is no need to put ones energy in convincing people by changing their mind in regards to PFDJ… They are traitors, cruel benefitors and ignorant cold-blooded sadistic loosers.
Honestly, i get frustrated, my anger is getting bigger and bigger , honestly speaking what can greatly happen to you in specific EU countries when getting rid of evil people?
Life sentence is limited to 15 years. I know one eritrean who killed his wife in the hospital after she gave birth (his own child). I saw him after 6 years outside already!
I am not supposed to write this down here, but KHALAS… nothing really seems to move and change radicially.
Wait and wait and wait no proper UNIFICATION.. So many funny sounding Parties which i cant even spell properly.
Why it has to be even have a english translation? why not in tigrinya,tigre or whatever abbreviation of 3 max. 4 letters. Why not reducing the parties in total to a max. of 3 useful ones then into this bullshit of 20 or more.
Unfortunetly i know too less about politics and dont have that whatever talent to “run” something like that.
We have such small population we cant be governed by 20 or more parties. This can never function and is only confusing. If one is confused will end up not trusting and not caring who is on power.
What is making us fail?
I like comparing it to the kurdish people. They are above 20million in this world. But they are also so disunited. Right now, one can say they dont have a country, but what about us? We have now one country on paper!
I just cant understand how this bastard primitive uneducated mentally-retarded Isayas was able to rule and is still ruling this country.
Zeray March 19, 2013
The definition of Monkey business- make the lives of the youth inside Eritrea so unbearable to leave the country, and then go wherever they are and try to win them over. What is the benefit? Cold cash in foreign exchange.
Saba March 19, 2013
There is nothing to discuss about Ahlam´s family case. It hurts me personally to extremly, as sister and as a mother. She is my child. But trusting in bedous is for me an incredible mistake. What if they and it would not be the first or second time dont keep the so called “agreement”.
I´d have rather paid the funds to real fighters. I know even among bedous there is huge hate.
Because they dirtied now the name of all Bedous although really not all are involved in that madness.
I do have to some extended trust in Hamdy Al Azazy since he proved to us Eritreans there are human beeings fighting this terrible horrible unexplainable shit even by beeing now wanted by those “Units” in and around Sinai.
He has few people behind him. Because of financial lack they cant attack them or blow them up.
If we dont look at it from the emotional point of view, this is a very non-smart act in sending those funds.
This is giving those biests the so called fuel to take more captive.
That is their income.
One Rashaida or Bedou i dont really remember where this biest came from, said in arabic, if you capture twenty people , two of those eritreans will pay for sure! Eritreans are the ones who are getting most tortured!
Once one person pays, others will die so that others get more pressured to pay!
Now i believe they will target more on those families then on individuals only.
If i ask for collecting funds for fighters in Eritrea or Sudan only 3500 Euro came up by 3 individuals.
How can one explain this???!!!
What is going wrong with us as human beeings? Why waiting until it is always too late??!!!
ahmed saleh March 20, 2013
The Bodowin asked for 40,000 dollars because he claimed that he bought them again “HE BOUHTTTT THEM ”
like dealing with herds merchants . Who are the sellers the RASHAIDANS . From whose blessing ? From
some HGDF thugs conspirators in border area .
SABA March 20, 2013
Did someone read this link? I am so amazed how they are trying to divert attention and putting themselves clean
Shririm bririm March 19, 2013
Haw monkey is in trouble. I do not think He is fully convinced by the road map of DIA. I think he lost HIS American citizenship 4 good, (not sure I am ). What I observed during the east sudan peace deal in Asmara is, DIA was teasing or undermining him,( body language)when monkey was to adress in arabic. funny !! I think monkey differs far fr. the Idea of DIA. But history is to tell US soon, or sooner or the soonest possible.
Saba March 19, 2013
I know a lady who is married to the nephew of Monkey. They got married about 8 years ago. Unfortunetly that time i was just to unknown about this biest. The sister of this monkey Yemane is living in Ulm and some more of his family.
I dont want to call for violence especially not on innocents but in comparison to eritreans and non-eritreans who are suffering, who were suffering and who are still going to suffer because of them why not targeting their family members to at least feel the right pressure.
I am so sure they dont take those current actions against them very serious. They categorize them as poor,frustrated and so on. But when it comes to family they may get pressure inside their family and even will get heart attacks and hopefully will die in pain as fast as possible.
eyob March 19, 2013
Saba i somehow agree with you!Eye for an eye,teeth for teeth is the only answer for our grief .Wedi Ali had opportunity to hold issayas daughter at the Forto in order the beast to kneel down and negotiate,unfortunately he did not do it and the monster kneel him down.God dammit!
ab ab March 21, 2013
I wish monkey family where around me in the uk. This week was the best time to make him know who and what he is to the heart broken Eritrean people.
belay nega March 22, 2013
“I wish monkey family where around me in the uk”
belay nega March 22, 2013
ab ab March 22, 2013
P.E.A. Kids are like any ERITREAN. They need to be killed and tortured. So their family be heart heart broken like every enosent Eritreans. Anyway they will at one point of their life even after the death of their father.
belay nega March 22, 2013
that is why GOD is listening to your prayer and what is happening to ERITREAANS keep on happening
halayii March 21, 2013
Can some one update full adress of the place where monkey is goin to held the meeting please?
Samuel March 22, 2013
I think it is time for an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. this so called PFDJ is killing us Eritreans on a daily bases. why not us Eritreans start defending and avenging ourselves? it is time to let the money and its kinds to come to our turf and do to them what they are doing to us Eritreans. time for an eye for an eye…………this killers don’t believe in dialogues for a solution……they kill for a solution……..let’s speak their language and start acting on it.
belay nega March 22, 2013