Mola Asgedom, head of the Ethiopian opposition, Tigray People’s Democratic Movement (TPDM) based in Eritrea flees to Sudan along with his soldiers after clashes with the Eritrean army.
September 12, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – A well placed Sudanese source revealed today that a dissident Ethiopian general fled to Sudan on Friday evening along with his soldiers after clashes with the Eritrean army. The source who

September 12, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – A well placed Sudanese source revealed today that a dissident Ethiopian general fled to Sudan on Friday evening along with his soldiers after clashes with the Eritrean army.
The source who spoke to the Turkey-based Anadolu news agency on condition of anonymity said that General Mola Asgedom who heads the Tigray People’s Democratic Movement (TPDM) that is based in Eritrea, arrived at the Sudanese town of Hamdait at the border triangle between Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan.
He explained that Asgedom escaped to Sudan after armed clashes broke out with the Eritrean army at the outskirts of the Eritrean city of Omhajer on Friday morning.
The source went on to say that Asgedom and 683 of his forces handed over their weapons to the Sudanese authorities.
He explained that Khartoum succeeded in preventing the escalation of clashes between Asgedom’s forces and the Eritrean army and evacuated the soldiers to Wad al-Hilu town in Kassala State while their leaders were transferred to unspecified areas inside Sudan.
He added that 7 of the Ethiopian opposition forces were killed during the pursuit by Eritrean troops to its western border with Ethiopia and Sudan.
Eyewitnesses in the border areas said they heard gunfire during the clashes, noting that the entrance of Ethiopian opposition forces to Hamdait created a state of confusion among the population.
A pro-Ethiopian opposition TV confirmed that Asgedom turned himself in to the Sudan, without giving details.
The Eritrea-based Ethiopian opposition coalition consider TPDM to be the military wing while the Ginbot 7 of Berhanu Nega lead the political forefront.
Ethiopia also backs Eritrean opposition groups in the context of proxy wars between the two longtime foes.
solomoneritrean September 13, 2015
one by one everyone of them will our country finally their genera eseyas will also escap
solomoneritrean September 13, 2015
every one of them will leave the country including eseyas!!
smret22 September 13, 2015
Have ever thought last week Mola and dimhet will run out of eritrea? I bet not. Everything has time..those who believe isias will rule for ever will be surprise when such time come and something happen to isias.
Berhe Tenesea September 13, 2015
He had enough of being ashker and chief guard of Iseyas. The Demhit are there just to protect one of their own.
slam September 14, 2015
well said bro.
wedi like September 13, 2015
Eritrea is so bad, everyone escapes. Even demhit
Tzegay September 13, 2015
The one, who does not bleave in miracles is not a realist.
Let’s hope to see more miracles in this new year 2008.
Mike September 13, 2015
Well – Here are my questions however we do not know all the details…
1: If the rebels wants to go back to Ethiopia – why not leave them to just go? How could you force anyone to fight for cause they may not believe anymore?
2: If the number of rebels who are crossed to Sudan is correct – Why would the Eritrean government even chase them? Is this another failure on Eritrea side failing to have a decent head to manage all these rebels they have been fostering?
3: What will be the next move of the rebel leader from Sudan?
samuel September 13, 2015
Isayas can cheat every body except his -UNCLES–
Kombishtato September 13, 2015
This proves again that Demhit was not a significant force to begin with, and rightly on the mark, the bravest Horn African observer and anayst, YG, called it long ago “The Demhit sideshow”.
Genet-orginal September 15, 2015
“The Demhit sideshow” Come on now. YG, can we call them now the biggest Woyane spy to help Isayas destroy the Eritrean people? We have been told Tigray people and Eritrean are brothers/they are the same people. Well, so much for being the same people. This two faces Mola is telling the world. He got out of Eritrea, while killing Eritreans. Away Mola.
Proud Ethiopian September 15, 2015
Genet~ That is a true Ethiopian who can no longer be with the enemy of his beloved country despite his political views. That is a true HERO… Can you Eritreans have one like Mola Asgedom? I guess NOT.
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 13, 2015
DEMHIT crossed the line to give us negative impression
from the beginning . Good news for Eritrean people
to see them disappear . In this case ;
But for Issayas destructive policy, we will observe
more failures including armed clashes .
Zalanbessa September 13, 2015
What do you really mean by “DEMHIT crossed the line to give us negative impression from the beginning”?
It is not clear what you are trying to say or you are simply not making much of a sense by your above comment.
By DEMHIT leaving Eritrea, Eritrean people have WON nothing and Esayas Afewerki has LOST nothing too. The big game or the big gambling will be revealed soon as who is really the winner and loser.
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 13, 2015
The time DNHIT tried to work for Issayas government security
forces in ASMERA , they asked a Lady for her ID by saying
MASTEWAKYA and she asked who are you to know my Eritrean
identity ? Also do not forget the tension they brought with
ASMERA youth .
Now do not you think our people feelings at ease to see them
gone for good . Issayas used them for his own agenda and their
leaders played in his conspiracy for personal gain at expense
of our people . At the end , both of them lost the game .
This political show as usual as others looks reached at its
maximum level to shut down .
Genet-orginal September 14, 2015
The loser are the young men within DEMHIT and the Eritrean people. the winners, the Woyane gov and their beloved brother Isayas.
Kombishtato September 13, 2015
Weyane’s showed that they are not Arab slaves or Abeed as Issaias and many of the Arab wanabes labour to fake. Weyane’s showed that they are good students of the Israeli intelligence networks. Better learn from the best, not from the savage ignorant, such as Saudi Arabia and the Arab Bedouins and Rashaidas who are all friends of Issaias, or shall I say masters?
AHMED SALEH !!!. September 13, 2015
Take it out your inner thinking openly than concealing it. By
now we can understand where your comments come from to avoid
further confrontations .
I used to get offended thinking your are Eritrean eventhough my
suspicion proved me right . From now on , I won’t be offended
from badmouthed comments from people like you from South border.
Language used to portray our people comes from sources of old
dirty politics who used to bombard and destroy your people .
And haters in either side won’t stop spew their venom .
FOR HATRED AMONG PEOPLE . Because they don’t represent no
one except their own wicked personality .
Abate September 14, 2015
ሓው ኣሕመድ “People must refrain themselves not to convoy their mission …” ድበልካያ ፍትሓውነትን ማዕርነትን ትብህግ እኳ እንተዀነት አሚንካሉ ንኽብል ተጸጋመ ምኽንያቱ ከዓ አቐዲምካ አብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ትግራይን ደምሒትን ዝቓነኻየን ቃላት ስለዘንበብና። ንምዃኑ ኣማኢት አሽሓት ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ድተወልዱ ኤርትራውያን ስጋብ ድሓለዉ “መታወቂያ ” ድብል ቃል ክንሰምዕ ባህርያዋ ይኹን ደኣምበር ነዚ ሓቂ ብሰራዊት ድምሕት ምስዋር ጋዶ እዩ።
Genet-orginal September 14, 2015
For the last time, Isyasy is not Eritrean. He is Ethiopian working for the woyane gov./leaders who are his brothers. Just hear what this Mola guy. Saying, “we have been working with the Ethiopian gov.” And he left Eritrea by killing Eritreans. He only forgot to say. He has been working with Isayas, woyane gov against the Eritrean people. FYI, Isayas is not only working with Rashideas and others to kill Eritreans, but with Ethiopian as well.
Proud Ethiopian September 15, 2015
Whether Isyas is Eritrean or not, He ruled you for over 20 years. Now the question why can not you Eritreans overthrow this government and get an Eritrean (whatever that means ~ another Tigrean descendent) to rule you. If you know Isayas is working with Rawhides and others to kill Eritreans and with Ethiopian as well ~ what did you so called Eritreans do about it?