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Melbourne Rally 2012: Preparation is in Full Swing to Face PFDJ-Festival

As it is customary, the Melbourne Rally Organising Committee is once again ready to peacefully rally against the annual Eritrean regime ‘so called’ cultural festival. We reassure Eritrean democrats who are fighting to achieve peace

As it is customary, the Melbourne Rally Organising Committee is once again ready to peacefully rally against the annual Eritrean regime ‘so called’ cultural festival. We reassure Eritrean democrats who are fighting to achieve peace and justice in Eritrea that we will do whatever we can to make our voices heard on behalf of the voiceless and oppressed people of Eritrea.

We remind PFDJ’s sympathisers and supporters to stop rewarding the dictatorial regime which is oppressing the Eritrean people day in day out. We renew our call to those who are silent to be vocal; to those who are planning to participate in the Festival, we urge you to think again and reverse your decision. We call upon all decent Eritreans to support our peaceful rally, demanding respect for human rights and the establishment of the rule of law in Eritrea. To those who are undecided, we encourage you to take a bold step and join our peaceful rally, because demanding justice for ALL Eritreans is a noble thing to do.

As usual, we ask some legitimate questions that occupy the minds of caring and decent Eritreans:

  1. Does the Eritrean regime really care about its people?
  2. Does the Eritrean regime really take concrete measures to alleviate or, at least, to reduce the suffering of its people?
  3. Does the Eritrean regime really believe in justice, which we outside the festival venue are calling for?
  4. The ruling party in Eritrea is named People’s Front for Democracy and Justice. Does this party really understand the great ideals this name hold? Definitely NOT! In fact, the appropriate name for the ruling party is Popular Front for Dictatorship & Jailing.
  5. Is war/conflict the right approach to resolve the everlasting tension between Eritrea and our neighbouring countries?
  6. Does the Eritrean regime really know why the youth are escaping to neighbouring countries in droves? What actions has the Eritrean regime taken to address the youth’s concerns?
  7. Why Eritrea has no a representative legitimate parliament elected by the people?
  8. why the Eritrean constitution is shelved indefinitely?

We remind our Eritrean compatriots who preferred to remain silent and those who are planning to be part of the festival to contemplate about those important issues and search truth answers to those questions. We remind you the progress and development programs that you watch on ERI-TV are mere propagandas utterly in contradictions to the bitter reality and dire situation inside Eritrea. Eritrea would have been a better country had it been ruled by the rule of law.

Enough is enough, fight for the people’s rights.

Yes to democracy, No to dictatorship

Yes for the rule of law

Justice for prisoners of Conscience, Political prisoners and Journalists

No to interference in religion affairs, and justice for our religion teachers and leaders

Respect for the elderly and cultural norms

people’s Power will remove the dictatorial regime in Eritrea


Melbourne Rally Organising Committee

2 January 2012

Review overview
  • Abdi January 2, 2012

    I went to the last festival in London,sadly what i saw there from the oppositions was unbelievable,a bunch of thugs lined infront of the venue entrance and calling every and each entrant “na’a ayt’eto abzi,komaro ketriena eikhn,metaqaEti etc”,i don’t see this as appropriate way of seeking supporters or a listener,I support the gov’t for reasons which i believe are true and good so do many others, so try to prove us wrong and explain your agenda in a civilized way if you didn’t get our support you may get our respect and sympathy,but spoiling every festival and calling people names is a work of thugs and i doubt if any human being would be interested to listen to spoilers and thugs.grow up.

    • Fekrawi January 2, 2012

      Well well well.. may be the name calling that you are blaming for opposition members is some thing they learnt from yourself just cant pretend to be civilized when you support a very abhorently uncivilized party, the PFDJ which is known for for nothing but its abusive and insulting language. you can support whoever you like but being civilized is not some thing you are known for, at all.As the holy book goes “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye” ?

      • Abdi January 2, 2012

        So do you mean its good because as you said AFEWERKI uses it?but to get me on your side you need to be polite and respected.otherwise you are useless and pointless wonder thou you being woyane ally.

        • Fekrawi January 2, 2012

          what i am saying is that you are confused cause you cant see your problem but the problem of others..being civilized starts from oneself..if you did some background check on the identity of your master DIA and the others then you would have realized you are probably insulting yourself but you are just a puppet you cant help it!

          • Abdi January 2, 2012

            Forget about PIA,what Im asking is to explain your point of opposing the gov’t in appropriate way not by acting like a bull and insulting people in every public are not even using this space convince people instead you are insulting me.this does proof your point and still you will remain pointless until you proof the opposite.

    • Dani January 2, 2012

      Abdi u can support any party which u want.but these time really is it the time to support of PFDJ.if u think as a human being i don’t think the time to support,or to join the festival.Because of is not the time to dance or to enjoy,i mean our brothers and sister’s what they got in Sinai desert.when we know these and other thing’s please ask WHY?I think these time the supporter of PFDG are uneducated people,means they don’t really use their mind properly,as human being.

      • Abdi January 2, 2012

        I feel sorry for the victims of sinna,but if we be more honest no one has forced them to go that way and risk their lifes,
        seeking refuge means to get to a safer place away from where you feel unsafe or scape to the nearest safe place,in our youth’s case the safest place would have Sudan if they were real political refugees but instead they left to Israel through Sinai for a better life and sadly they ended up please you are talking to an Eritrean and we all know what are the motivation behind their adventures, don’t insult our intelligence and say ISAYAS for the reason many
        other youths are still in the country and doing well.
        As for the festival,its a gangs action to ruin such public occasions. and its a clear message to the people that you guys are worthless thugs.

        • Alex January 2, 2012

          The reason is not about their education. A person without
          honesty, truth and good heart always see for trouble. These
          kind of selfish people enjoy to see others bad situations. Do
          not get surprised when they sing and dance, what they care
          is only IA like those Koreans.

    • Hameed January 3, 2012

      Today you are acting the role of a civilized person, but you have failed to play it. How can you play it and you miss the trace of it. Wherever you move your zerE khomaro charater follow you. You master has the power and authority, that satisfy your instinct. You leave all the luxury your master furnishes you and come to sites of the marginalized, poor and uncivilized; it is one of the wonderfuls of zerE khomaro . Why you do you bring to yourself headache with such retarded people. Don’t waste your time with the dullheaded. NeAkhum zemesele mis zey rebhu gezyeO ayehilifinyu. Adi Eba nidequ, seltinu nialem ketmerhu. Ab alem kemakum aitefetren. Chewan Ente tikhwin eti zimerhaka win kemo, ab dehri masakin meygoyekhan, gna zerE khomaro aby kesetin. A street boy remains street boy even if he in New York, London or Paris. If you are a respected person you would have invited people to the websites of your master and would have assisted the marginalized and the poor, but richness and authority to zerE khomaro makes them mock and abuse the poor and the weak.

      • Abdi January 3, 2012

        Here is the way to you site tigrayonline give us break.we can sort out problems.

        • Hameed January 3, 2012


          Today you are acting the role of a civilized person, but you have failed to play it. How can you play it and you miss the trace of it. Wherever you move your zerE khomaro charater follow you. You master has the power and authority, that satisfy your instinct. You leave all the luxury your master furnishes you with and come to sites of the marginalized, poor and uncivilized; it is one of the wonderfuls of zerE khomaro . Why do you bring to yourself headache with such retarded people. Don’t waste your time, Mr. Abdi, with the dullheaded. NeAkhum zemesele jigna mis zey rebhu gezyeOm ayehilifinyom. Adi Eba nidequ, seltinu nai alem liqawint kitkhonu ni alem ketmerhu. Ab alem kemakum aitefetren. Chewam Ente tikhwin eti zimerhaka win kemo, ab dehri masakin meygoyekhumin, qina zerE khomaro aby kisiltin. A street boy remains street boy even if he lives in New York, London or Paris, or he hold the citizen of the developed world. If you are a respected person you would have invited people to the websites of your master and would have assisted the marginalized and the poor, but richness and authority to zerE khomaro makes them mock and abuse the poor and the weak.

    • Eritrawit January 3, 2012

      for what you dictator enablers, scolding is not enough i wish if they do more than that. because if it wasn’t ppl like you, we haven’t been disrespected our ppl. suffering every. please listen to what Fikrawai is telling you. your leadrs are froud.
      they aren’t even Eritreans. 5 of them in power corrapting the country WAKE UP. unless if u are like them too.

    • Wey Gud January 3, 2012

      Abdi – thank you for all the reasonable, and genuine Eritrean views and comments. I don’t know what name we can give to those people who:
      – Shamelesly support or advocate for a higher sanction to be imposed on thier own country. Shame!
      – Oppose festivals?…oh boy, shame!
      – Hit Eritrean women who participated on thier countries events, steal thier ornaments..shame!
      – Terrorize musicians who contributed a great deal to the liberation of Eritrea…Shame!!
      – Openly advocate and stand to the values of Woyanie…..oh boy!, shame shame!!!
      – Work hard, twist and turn tot to address our legally determined border issue?
      -Gamble, in the name of our youth who sadly, lost thier lives becouse of thier personal decission?
      Shame!!! SHAME!!!

    • Wey Gud January 3, 2012

      The reasons these people are on the opposite side of the Eritrean people are:
      – ELF burn-outs, who basically died in 1981, their personal blind hatred is leading them to act crazy, fall victims of Woyanie, and do not care if Eritrea is destroyed.
      -Woyanies themselves infiltrating Eritreans pushing their agenda – dream of sea port
      -Relatives of those imprisoned for country betrayal and treason. They can fight for their relatives, but THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO PUT ERITREAN EXISTANCE IN QUESTION AND AT RISK. THIS IS A CRIME
      -Relatives of the poor souls who lost at sea and deserts. NO ERITREAN IS HAPPY ABOUT THIS. But pointing your gun at the government is only running away from being accountable for encouraging our family, by sending money for them to take that route. If my brother died on Sinai Desert, it is a reflection more on ME than on the government. I prefer a brother in Sawa, than a brother buried in Sinai Desert
      _Woyanie Sell-outs like Amanuel Eyassu, Michael Abera etc. These people are criminals, and will eventually be accountable for their crimes, for destroying the core values of Eritreans, for putting the very Existance of erittrea at risk! no question about that, tthere will be time for them
      -Finally, there are few people who doesn’t know left from right. So unsuccessful in thier personal life, and are just venting it out on the easy target. Thier own people

  • Abdi January 2, 2012

    We ve seen this picture many times so please find another one or edit suit the occasion.

    • Wey Gud January 3, 2012

      Abdi – lol,

      That photo above is very funny. You can easily see all the old ELF Bur- Outs. (Those old chaps are the very same ones who pretend to be the “Youth” behind computers and sold out websites. Fools
      And yes, we have seen that picture many times.

  • michael January 2, 2012

    To oppose eritrean festival? what does it mean? How some one could understand it? Opposition needs wisdom.

    • Abdi January 2, 2012

      If they got wisdom,they wouldn’t have been woyane ally against their own people!!
      sellouts,a regret for their parents for bringing them to this world.

  • Joke January 2, 2012

    What kind of struggle is this? What are you trying to achieve by opposing a festival, or calling names and intimidating people from exercising their right to participate in an event they like. If you guys truly believe you have the right cause, then make your own festival, your own meetings, your own events and attract people by the power of your ideas. By intimidating people you are only making yourself more hated by the Eritrean people. You tell people you are opposing the government because it denies people to have the right to have a political believe they choose, and yet you are doing the same to others by intimidating and harassing them for doing what they believe is right. You guys are hypocrites and pathetic.

    • Eritrawit January 3, 2012

      Joke -er.
      You didn’t hear. It started already; california selebrated new years 2012, This will continue in all states of UAS and Urope, whatch and see. ERi. ppl are fedup with you guys. game over suckers.

  • Alex January 2, 2012

    Wow, what encouraging news. Starting from New york to Europe and Israel and now
    Australia. The time of eritreans to be intimidiated and scared of these criminals is over.
    Everything has two sides, it is better to see our own opinion and listen our gut instinct
    especialy if we have a nagging feeling about something or someone’s hidden purposes.
    No more festival in the name of Eritreans suffering is accepted from concerned people who
    have wisdom, curiousity ,humanity and love to our nation.

  • drumbeat January 2, 2012

    ’’ወያ ሕብራዊት ሻርባ፡ ሕዣቶም ተሸሪባ’’
    ’’ወረዶ ኣለኪ ናይቲ በዓል ሻርባ…
    ተኸቲቡ ኣብ ሓድሽ ኣበባ’’
    ’’ካብ ሻርባስ ኣይምሓሸካንዶ ኣበጀዲድ
    ተኸዲንካዮ ዘይበሊ፡ ዘይቕደድ’’
    ’’ወያነ ዝዘዋሪኣ ኦፔል
    ሰንድያቶም ናብቲ ገደል…፣
    ወያነ ዝመራሒኣ ኦሮብራረ

  • sam January 2, 2012

    ’’ወያ ሕብራዊት ሻርባ፡ ሕዣቶም ተሸሪባ’’
    ’’ወረዶ ኣለኪ ናይቲ በዓል ሻርባ…
    ተኸቲቡ ኣብ ሓድሽ ኣበባ’’
    ’’ካብ ሻርባስ ኣይምሓሸካንዶ ኣበጀዲድ
    ተኸዲንካዮ ዘይበሊ፡ ዘይቕደድ’’
    ’’ወያነ ዝዘዋሪኣ ኦፔል
    ሰንድያቶም ናብቲ ገደል…፣
    ወያነ ዝመራሒኣ ኦሮብራረ

    • Alex January 2, 2012

      You are free to to clarify your point of view but respect others point of view. We
      are asking for our right to have democratic government. We must stop insults and
      name calling on each other because it shows stupidity only.

  • Mohammed Abdella January 2, 2012

    Shame on you guys, you will not get any support from the Eritrean people for various reasons:
    1. you are sold out weyane agents
    2. Regionalist, are not interested in national unity
    3. you dont have any vision to admistarate the entire country, only power greedy with the support of Ethiopia

    • ahmed saleh January 3, 2012

      Ask yourself before you ask us who we are, have good day. And the power greedy
      is your president who happen to destroy the country.

    • Wey Gud January 3, 2012

      Mohammed – well put!

      Shame on these people!

  • Popular Front for Dictatorship and Jailing(PFDJ) January 3, 2012

    one with right mind and good heart cannot go there for dancing…
    it is very shame to see that some people are dancing.. while so many people are suffering..
    the most shameful thing is that.. the hgdef mendef are going to use it as if these are the supporter of the tyrant barbaric and cancer of the peace regime…

    dancing and “Gauyla” didnot bring us any bread… rather the hgdef mendef use it as a propoganda means to show that the people is with him..
    our people is not a need of “Gauyla” our people want justice, developments. freedoms, democracy and peace…
    stand up and let’s do together to destroy the dictator and tyrant regime out of the surface of the earth….

  • Wey Gud January 3, 2012

    To all the Eritreans in Deaspora