A friend was on the HGDEF meeting the guest speaker was Zemhret, an old lady ask him Eritrean youth as high-jacked and reaped in Egypt and no one is helping. they are in danger? his replay was there is noting we can do we have told them they shouldn’t get out of the country.
That is one of the rezone out of more than 40,000 thousand Eritrea in united kingdom there where only 700 PARTICIPANTS because HGDEF is only interested about Eritrean money in diaspora, half of the participators where expected change of policy from HGDEF but they where disappointed, with his Zemhret comment and policy . don’t get me wrong when I say 700 participants some of them go to listen for change of policy or the have interest in Eritrea like property or paid money for land Bond property and inheritance ,they are not all DIA supporters.
If you ask them the majority say we like reform but we are scared of our interests. HGDEF propaganda brain washed only the mainority by promising reform 4th gear, the cement factory is ready now you will build homes.
but HGDEF KNOW The majority are boycotting by becoming silent, that is the biggest message to HGDEF 39000 Eritrean’s silent that tells HGDEF Eritreans are waiting for change, but dont know the way to do it, but once the torrent of change pikes momentum as it is started to pike up now the majority whom are silent will join !!!
That will be last day for DIA and HGDEF as well as the komaro in diaspora.
God help the youth of Eritrea.
Hawey,eritreans would join if you were genuinly struggling for change but 90% don’t trust your move for the following reasons
1-you motivated by the hatred you held for shabia when they kicked out of Eritrea 80th.
2- you had a corruption history in ur organizations,and we fear to be ruled by thives,like other Africans or our next door Ethiopia
3- you had a divisional policy,tribal regional, regional and we don’t want to end up like ethnic centered ruler tigray(*****)
4- putting ur hands on woyane’s against ur own brother despite all inhuman a,looks more revenge than its struggling for change,and the high price you are not even hesitating to pay.
5-your intellectual doctor spelt it out and wished unification with Ethiopia,so we wonder what will happen if he elected president(too far thou)
6-although we all understand the youth problems,however you are excessive using it for ur own agenda,but you haven’t taken any steps to assist them.which is disappointing.
Most eritreans with yr idea mr Abdi you perfectly well said, they are not in the right track, to convince people for your poletical party not by insulting ordinary people what happen in london demonstration.
That’s the problem they can’t convince others because they don’t know where they stand,so forsa wedi hawey “eidey edka elna”(team work)WE CAN DO IT, I strongly believe all Eritreans will join us including hgdef members,plus it doesn’t reflect any opposing signs,its unique and it will get respond.
Lets work hard where ever we are and collect as many signatures as we can,believe me we can do it!
mind you,eritrean gov’t doesn’t regard their movements because he knows where they stand,unification,divisions is all what they are good at,things which we never ever want to see in ERITREAN.
You are the one who is stuck in history. Most of the ELF fighters have moved on..some joined EPLF like Zemhret himself…it may be right few in leadership and they have a right as Eritreans to form a continued opposition….Where you are lost is this movement did not come from opposition , it came right of EPLF like myself.. Most EPLF fighters do not want DIA period. He hijacked what they struggle and the HIDRI they want to honor of the martryrs…so quit gabbling and misleading….Now more so than the EPLF fighters the youth which comprises by those that grew in Beti Mhrti sewra, Sawa generation are no more kids they are approaching 40 years and some past that…Those are the opposition. Please you yourself need to move on..I can read you are stuck in some vindictive/Hiliek based on historical…Most of these you I mentioned do not care of that….they see their counterpart youth in the world …they have a baseline they measure where their country is? I do not disresepct the ex-ELF leadership that you accuse and demean but they did not create this momentum of opposition…it is again my friend from whithin.
I beg you like a brother to desist from destructing the debate by bringing two unnessary malicious attack the ELF verterans and our neighbours in the south( an awreja that has suffered from demeaning contotation of the word “Agame”. Wish you get off those two topic and define your stand I will respect it however different.
Im not accusing leaders of jebha (not all of course)out of the blue bro,i gonna tell my story,i brought up in jebha Wey mot family until they’d been kicked out,my father used to record gospel (murmur) in every seminars and bring it home to us and we used to sing it to get money(brawa zwedey ).as i grew up start to realize who is who in political world i notice divisions among the leader,the treatments their children get,be it education or luxurious life style very different from the ordinary tegadelti,sending the leaders children to a higher education etc which is totally an acceptble.i just said this to let you know Im not accusing from nowhere,>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>Back to our current issue,you said they are betmhrti sewra are the ones who oppose the govt at the moment,i didn’t know that they have problems with the govt which give them enough reasons to oppose cos the were very looked after by the gov’t for the obvious reasons and no eritrean would object that the
second reason which i don’t believe they are “”betmhrti sewra””
cos (BS)they wouldnt have gone to woyane and ask for help,so
please don’t insult our intelligence.
the only ppl in Eritrea have the all reason to oppose and erupt up
risings are the ones in the national services only,
and we have to do something which doesn’t involve those unionists in addis,or the opportunists in exile.
Eritreans who care about this issue desperately needed to sign a petition and hand it to the eritrean embassies where ever we reside.
##and wondering why its a problem if i call these dirty creatures AGAME?
SelamOctober 24, 2011
I don’t think the 39000 Eritrean’s silent are against DIA you are right they want change but not your way.
I and a friend of mine attended a meeting in London,the as usual the debate starts with how to get rid of ISAYAS,they were mixed eritreans from all tribes and religions,how ever the chair man started by at the moment we don’t have rights in Eritrea as an example he picked ppl of keren,he carried on,keren was the second city in Eritrea but now it ranks the 5th, because of the majority are Muslims and this shows how the tigre and blen have been regarded as second citizens,and denied the basics,electricity and water etc.some ppl objected that Muslim and Christians,and my friend muslIm, asked what you talking is this what you gathered ppl to debate about?the chair man replied do you have any other issue want to debate? >>>
I agree with you he makes no point considering the weight of what the nation talking of keren being number one number five. What is your point? Simply someone could not assert truth or he does not have a point does not merit that PIA is not DIA.
You still have not answered some of the questions Huluf asked you and I remember some of them?
1. Are there container prisons? Is that human?
2. Shouldn’t G-15 and others so called threat to national securitu not be brought to justice if there is “EVIDENCE”?
Let me add one of mine
3. Do you remember who likes to use the word “EVIDENCE”
4. Should one man single handedly take a country to war?
5. Ok, If he did should he not take responsibility than accuse those that tried to checkmate him for a better military & diplomatic strategy ?
6. Why is DIA now trying to implement just what G-15 advised him to do when it is too late?
7. Do you know or relaize what he is trying to do now and he has no bargaining chip?
The thing is you are repeating,what you read in the websites of those opposition or human rights ones which they collect from Eritrea/none eritreans asylum seekers,entay kem zbelku kea kulahna tfelto mesleni so take such accusations of ur list,but i agree there is brutality to some extends.
i haven’t seen any person who was said he was imprisoned in a container,
regard G15 i don’t know exactly what’s their issue,if its as you said security reasons,i don’t think any gov’t expecting to show evidence to accuse anybody,otherwise guwantnamo would ve closed its doors.and Eritrea is not different,and we do not know what the issue is apart what has been rumored by the oppositions.
EVIDENCE mostly used by innocent to proof their innocence.
how so sure you are that Eritrea started the war,isn’t this what both countries accusing each another of?how come you took woyanes side? although no 3rd party confirmed who did start it.again belaa belw.
G15? again belaa belw,cos we don’t know why they are in.
i think he will go ahead with his successful self-reliance policy.
Hope you i answered reasonably good.
don’t use them for ur list political purpose, as long as no one knows nothing about their case.just pray to be released soon.
1. There is no Eritrean unless unattached to the struggle, war, and members in our ary
that do not have a relative or who himslef has been in a container…that is indicative
you are detached from what is at home just emotional and in some HILIKHAWI journey
with some Eritreans and you have become unobjective.
2. USA will never put it’s cititizens leave alone it’s war heroes. You are pupetting what Issayas, Kisha, Yemane..hide with the Guantanano argument.
3. If we do not know why should we not know about G-15. Are we not Hade Hizbi Hade Libi?
Stop lying to yourself. From your analysis of the knowledge on the history our stuggle as
it is easy for you to attack Jebha etc….you know this is political assasination both fronts utilized in meda…It is insulting for it to continue in free Eritrea.
4. Mind you until about a week Gadaffi assesed just like you are doing that his people were bought by USA and they were rats.
Its not enough to proof what rumors everywhere just by saying HADE hzbi HADE hzbi,,,,regarding the war int’l law won’t tell us who started the war,do yo have ant 3rd part link to relay on.otherwise i agree with my gov’t until i find the proof.
Im sorry but all what you said is hearsay things,
regarding USA,justice not only for ur citizens only,and check USA prison if its free from military personnels and then defend them.
Its all over the world to have political prisoners,even if they appear infront of justice for thru sake of of appearance in court,but still they sentense them decades or shot them.
KiburOctober 24, 2011
Waw, you appear to be savy as you write…but you lack deliberation of situations.If we had not started the war, what then puts us to be an AGRESSOR( check international law) thus put us in diplomatic defense worse in Military defense..we could not even initiate an offensive war which EPLF is good at…Because of this misclulation of demented dictator we were forced to wait for people like Siye to train fresh army every offense and they initiate the offense….to the determinent of Thrid Offensive….which forced the imbalanced DIA to wake up Kofi Anan and accepting worse conditions of the Ruwanda-USA proposal….that is when the Giants of our Sturggle now in dangeon that were coming with the right decisoins. …..Now your DIA no one would even pay attention to him on the corridors of New York.
Did you forget the eloquent Saleh Younis who single handedly beat “electonic Alulas of woyane campaign” siding with his governoment now defiled as Woyane messenger….Please read each article he wrote that rallied Eritreans behind and litteally most of the elogquent Eritreans specially in the US outdid Woyane not our Governoment…who looked lost…not because they are incapable…because it was one man show blundering one after the other.
What you do not realize is the potential of the momentum of the youth abroad and it’s direct impact to our youth at home whih is essentially EDF.
>>>>My friend angrily of course we should debate about real issues not a fabricated unexisted problems,we don’t have religious nor tribal problems in Eritrea but,all what we have is the issue of the unlimited n.service,and people’s living standards,prisoners,democracy and justice,but you are creating divisions b/n ppl no more,he asked my friend who do you belongs to,my friend replied I AM AN ERITREAN NOT BELONG TO
NONE OF YOU.and the attendees were divided b/n haqu eu and klah shabia.>>>>
What i want to say is,if the other the so called oppositions are the same as the ones I’ve seen,believe me they are not upto any good not for Eritrea nor eritreans
and we should dismiss their dream of ruling Eritrea by any means otherwise they will create un amenable
fractions in the country which eritreans the last needed and we are much better with out them.
Yes you might be living in a democratic nations but make sure to know the agendas of whoever you support before shouting down
down ISAYAS.
Forget about opposition parties…now literally the youth has risen….the lies can not go on….do you remember just few weeks ago Gadaffi seemed invincible…once people refuse your legitmacy forget those in Addis, those any where with name of parties…. All the positioning is being put in place don’t you see…next week starts the UN deliberation, the youth is tired of being brutialised and enslaved….once it unravels those defending our nation will side with their people…so do not get bamboozeld by some medicore individual eritrean quesion (still their right) that does not make Issu right!.
come on be a relative of Truth….she is looking you out…time is running out.
I’d been for Eritrea and i am now,
if you want justice for the youth problems,and in a civilized way, collect signs from every eritrean be it hgdef member or not and handed it to embassies wherever we live,and request to limit the national services to its original of 2yrs, if this is what you want YES Im in and every eritrean will,but to tell me to get rid of ISAYAS and dreaming about ruling Eritrea? That’s what i dn’t agree.because ISAYAS is serving the country day and night and its not fair to discredit the efforts he’s doing.
It is not about Issayas , Zemhret, Yemane anymore it is about Youth and their motherland….this is exactly how Issayas, Durue adn Musse while in Prince Mekonen High School started. One is dead, One in prison, One is dictating. These three did against Haile Selassie what our youth are now doing….either you are very young or new to our revolution and potentially emotionally naieve…
Let us make a bet….that our debate will have different tone and will be on a different pace some months from now brother!!
i have a different idea, ignore those useless oppositions and collecting signatures and handed it to the Eritrea embassies through our youth(hgdf)or select pppl for this civil mission i believe this would get a lot of supports and bring a wonderful outcome.
And lets pray the sanction to be lifted too.
signature nakb.
I wish but it is too late….You see our fundamental problems of our naieve including you and I is we are debating of topics we should have adressed….now sanction is inevitable….the deal is being worked out such us how Russia, China, some others need it…That is why it starts in Camapala( I tried to explain to you mamy times…DIA trip was not bilateral…how then Museveni after praise for diplomatic consumption pats Issyas…it is because he was the messenger to give him ultimatium and options), then comes Gabon. No borders with Gabon , no direct interest with it…but it fulfiling some work for IGAAD for it’s interest as would Russia and China…why did Russia(voted yes in the last sanction meaning you could build all the statues of Russian heroes our business comes first, why would China obstain(means could careless but will not show it).
I welcome a healthy debate…let me tell you if you remove this power monger dictator who is manipulating four generals to stay in power…I guarantee you Wodi Ephrem would throw green olive for peace to G-15, and G-15 would unite the nation…that is what they worked four in the 3rd Congress of Hizbawi Genbar…Ok, if PIA is working day and night let him declare a forth congress and complete the charter of our our journey – EPLF journey.
Stay well.
The art of revolution by mockery Part 1
The Libyan “dictator” has been murdered in cold blood. The maximum degree of disrespect for a corps of the dead was offered by way of at times necrophilia seeming orgy of celebration of the wicked type. As Libyans proper are a little bit subdued, much less celebratory, about the dark forces gripping their country, our fork- tongue mercenary wannabe ‘opposition’ seem to seize both the moment and attempt to be more Catholic than the pop. The transition from ‘secularity’ to ‘fundamentalist’ political system in Libya is of no consequence to merit a mere glance let alone a sober and critical acknowledgement of the penetrance of barbarity (forget human rights) associated with the later socio-political configuration.
The art of revolution by mockery Part 2
The new masters of Libya have lifted the ban on the number of women that men can marry; women shall be covered up head to toe and not be seen with a male in public, they will be banned from driving…and many other basic civil and social rights will be trampled upon. Public flogging, an eye for an eye justice and others are back after the ‘successful revolution’ in Libya. I have yet to see/read from any one of the Eritrean so called “opposition” , save the woyanes that swell their ranks and files, boldly coming out to say what has happened in Libya was in fact a travesty of the basic ideals of Justice and Democracy. Rather than drawing superficial and misleading parallels and wasting their time in making large printouts from adobe photo lab.
I don’t know what happened to the “Dozens of companies” trying to stop new sanction at UN. Delibration regarding the sanction is starting tomorrow according the following news by Agence France Press not from Dehai.org.
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 18 – The Security Council will begin Tuesday discussing a draft resolution on imposing new sanctions on Eritrea for what a UN report describes as destabilizing actions in East Africa.
Neighbor and long-time rival Ethiopia has sought reinforced international sanctions since a UN panel in July said Eritrea was behind a plot to stage bomb attacks on an African Union summit in Addis Ababa in January.
The additional sanctions being considered included targeted measures against investment in the country’s mining industry as well as further asset freezes and travel bans on the Eritrean leadership.
The additional sanctions being considered included targeted measures against investment in the country’s mining industry as well as further asset freezes and travel bans on the Eritrean leadership.
The United States threw its weight behind Ethiopia’s call for new sanctions in August after the UN group that monitors sanctions said Eritrea was behind the bombing plot.
The UN experts also said Eritrea was arming and supporting insurgent groups in Somalia, including the Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab.
The Security Council imposed in December 2009 an arms embargo, travel restrictions and asset freeze on top Eritrean political and military leaders because of alleged support for the Islamist Shebab militants.
Eritrea has, however, accused its neighbor of staging a “frenzied campaign” for sanctions and says any measures enforced by the UN would hurt the Eritrean people most of all.
A six-nation East African regional group, the Inter-Government Authority on Development, has called for sanctions against mining interests and banning a government tax on remittances sent back by Eritreans living abroad.
Start your kuzimina because by next week the brick will start coming to hit hard your DIA, sanctions, ultimatiums etc….It is a matter of time Bashir and Abdella Saleh(who is asking a guarantee). Then we will have ONE poor dictator that will probably relocate to Sahel…He is not going to feel safe in Masawa.
Time for your Kozimina practice.
abdi once you are pro Hgdef, then you don’t support what they do to the youth. all of as what we asking was a reform but DIA is deaf he will never hear reform today or tomorrow!
Almost every Eritrean was supporting him until recently but the greed got bigger and he became obsessed with power. you can see this from his interview’s, so if you think you going to bring change by petition and even hand it to Eritrean embassies you are mad man on dream world.
” he is like Gaddafi All my people love me ”
So watch this attachment will help you understand the type of man he is.
” Isaias Afwerki All my people love me ” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0uQwODNkTA
Compare both abdi, he is not even bothered about you and you are trying to defend him. well done fool !!
This is not a measurement of care or love he shows towards eritreans,the real measurement is what he is doing on the group,”Ami Tmet ayneberen,lebzeben wn yelen,nAmeta wn aykhlun eu,nzelalem wn aykhlun eu.”this way we understand that he loves us.
I’ve said Im HGDEF but i admire the man for his job regardless what the oportunists blabbring for their own benefits.
If you think these worthless shouting in the streets will bring change you are so wrong and IF only IF they brought change its gonna be change for worse,civil wars,religion,regional etc.because they are still fighting who to lead before even they got there.so ppl knows your agendas and what u upto.
But in case of my it could be successful.
It does not aim any change of leadership,which is ok with the majority of eritreans including HGDEF members and i don’t think any real eritrean will refuse to sign cos its our main problem.
Eritrean in diaspora can make change with a civilized manner with out your dreams of unification to get the presidency of Eritrea.
You mean the deliberation was on the same day the article was published? The article was published last Tuesday.
Entay dea libka torog torg tble ala? Be tetenkela nab triq triq keytlwot. I am trying to use my tigritgna here with Ameche background.
Your tigrignia is perfect…any way it may be a minor oversight on your part, but yes the news was was about the Tuesday gone last week, otherwise it would have read as “The Security Council will begin next week discussing a draft resolution…” Also, the meeting had taken place albeit not in UNSC level, but is facing stiff resistance. The bet is still on!
The only current issue on the topic appears to be the following one:
TRADERS GET BULLISH ON SHARES OF NEVSUN RESOURCES, SHARES UP 1.7% (NSU) Print Share Oct 24, 2011 (SmarTrend (R) Spotlight via COMTEX) Nevsun Resources (AMEX:NSU – Snapshot Report) is one of today’s best performing low-priced stocks, up 1.7% to $4.75 on 0.3x average daily volume. Thus far today, Nevsun Resources has traded 243,000 shares, vs. average volume of 773,000 shares per day. The company traded 573,000 shares yesterday. Nevsun Resources Ltd. is a gold producer and base metal developer. The Company has a gold-copper-zinc mine in Eritrea. Nevsun Resources share prices have moved between a 52-week high of $7.75 and a 52-week low of $4.32 and are now trading 10% above that low price at $4.75 per share. Over the last five market days, the 200-day moving average (MA) has gone down 1% while the 50-day MA has declined 1.6%.
Good news for the investors that have Nevsum’ shares. For Eritrea this is what is Issais said in one of his interviews ” worki shetu zhafteme hager ab alem yelon, nehnawun kineftm bezuh aynezbeyn ina”. What does the news mean for Issais?
While Issais and his cohorts are salvating on the money that comes from Eritrean gold sell, here is the other ugly face of gold minning: destroys environment. The minning has also other negative impacts, for now let me post few paragraphs from an article appeared on Washington Post. By Nina Shen RastogiTuesday, September 21, 2010.
“A gold band may be the ultimate in effortless style, but it takes a lot of work to produce one. Forget any ’49er fantasies you may have of nuggets glittering in riverbeds: Most gold these days comes from large open-pit mines, where huge amounts of rock are churned up to extract tiny flecks of precious metal. A “rich” mine might contain just a few tenths of an ounce of gold per ton of ore; a “poor” one would have a few hundredths of an ounce per ton. The mining watchdog group Earthworks estimates that a standard 18-karat wedding band leaves behind 20 tons of ore and waste rock.”
“Moving that much earth doesn’t just require a lot of energy. It can also lead to toxic mine drainage, probably the biggest environmental concern associated with gold-mining. When you dig up rock that’s been buried for a long time, air and moisture can set off chemical reactions that produce acids and leach toxic metals. If those substances — sulfuric acid, arsenic and copper, for example — run off into lakes, rivers and streams, they will pose serious risks for populations of fish and other aquatic organisms. Mine drainage is a problem for many kinds of operations, but it’s especially significant for gold extraction. For one thing, gold is often found in rock that contains a lot of acid-generating sulfides; for another, mining gold produces much more unwanted rock than does mining other minerals.”
Haqqi NezarebOctober 24, 2011
“Once you start extracting the gold from the ore, new issues arise. Take mercury, for example. The element, which has been linked to a host of negative health effects, is found in many metal and coal deposits. Large-scale gold operations often start processing ore by roasting it, which can shoot a lot of mercury into the atmosphere. (The same thing happens at coal-burning power plants, the source of about half the United States’ airborne mercury emissionsin 2005.)”
What you are saying the word “next” is missing in the article otherwise the article is OK? You also you said, ” facing off resistance”. From who? What is your source, I guess the article by Tazabi as posted on Dehai? Or may be from the inept representative of Issais at UN? Either way, the issue of sanction will not evaporate without a trace at the UN.
Your comment on my Tigrigna is encouraging. I guess I have to practice it more so that I will understand the garbage that comes out Issaais in his tigrigna interviews, I mean the “Minia Kolel” one.
The art of revolution by mockery Part 3
As we speak of our amateur wannabe opposition groups, their distinctive character is firming up to the worst. One only needs to take a peek at the placards that they carry during their god forsaken demonstrations. What they depict is an imaginary and made up caricature which can only be termed manifestation of sick, twisted and perturbed minds. At a time where Ethiopia is being devoured merciless by an ethicist, sadist and barbaric clique that has sold her to the highest bidder, these so called ‘opposition’ have become an unwitting partner of the barbaric and evil junta of the TPLF regime. Having drunk from Meles’ blood soaked hands into poisonous inebriation, these aimless, integrity less and principle less merchants of ‘opposition’ feel they are riding the express train to their never never land. They labour to fabricate stories, invent daily invectives of division and hopelessness. They dance and ululate in a city that bore witness the merciless gunning down of young 200 young men and women who were silenced forever. In a city of terrified and starved dwellers who have resigned to selling their offspring to procurers abroad. This is the dawn of new era, the new era of revolution by mockery!
While Issais and his cohorts are salvating on the money that comes from Eritrean gold sell, here is the other ugly face of gold minning: destroys environment. The minning has also other negative impacts, for now let me post few paragraphs from an article appeared on Washington Post. By Nina Shen RastogiTuesday, September 21, 2010.
“A gold band may be the ultimate in effortless style, but it takes a lot of work to produce one. Forget any ’49er fantasies you may have of nuggets glittering in riverbeds: Most gold these days comes from large open-pit mines, where huge amounts of rock are churned up to extract tiny flecks of precious metal. A “rich” mine might contain just a few tenths of an ounce of gold per ton of ore; a “poor” one would have a few hundredths of an ounce per ton. The mining watchdog group Earthworks estimates that a standard 18-karat wedding band leaves behind 20 tons of ore and waste rock.”
I want to hear your put on this environmental issue or you want to wait until demarcation?
The environmental concerns you highlight through your references are valid and worrisome to be the modest. If you also read my earlier posting (I think you did as you’ve replied to it), there are also other potential consequences to peace and stability of the nation should there be a corporate fall out in the partnership arrangement adopted with the GoE. Eritrea can only stand to benefit from credible, patriotic and committed opposition that would not only check government and its policies but also be constitutional vanguard in the event of “Corporate” foul play. Unfortunately, our nation is in a woyane imposed no war no peace footing. The opposition wannabes have adopted a murky position of revolution by mockery of basic principles in faithfulness to ones professed ideals. So, in essence, yes till demarcation do us apart really.
Here ago again “Demarcation” as scapegoat.But the Ethiopian government has put a precondition regarding the demarcation process. Are you saying we will not: hold election, frees political prisoners, and keep the youth with no end military services until demarcation? For Woyanie the “No war No peace “strategy is working for them because as we attest it, Eritrea is slowly and surely dying.If Issaias was smart, he should have heeded to the honorable HAILE DERUE’ speech he gave in Germany in 2000 right after signing the peace agreement with Woyanie in Algiers. That is the kernel of Temesgen’s argument: put the constitution into action, hold election and other stuff instead of prying for Woyanie to bend on their precondition. I would say if the last ten years of “no war-no peace” had a crippling effect on Eritrea, definitely the future of Eritrea would be more disappointing. These days you zombies have hard time understanding the obvious reality. Please come out of your perpetual denial habit. It is a bad disease it will slowly kill you like the precondition put forward by the people south of our border killing Eritrea.
President of Puntland State of Somalia, Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole), in a speech at Combating Piracy Week Conference held in the UK said that “despite our genuine efforts, the Somalia Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) report of March 2010 published allegations and character assassination against the Puntland Government leadership. This defamatory report was prepared and influenced by a politically motivated foreign individual. This individual has a track history of writing anti-Puntland documents, favoring other Somali entities at the expense of Puntland. Because of his biased track history, we believe that this individual lacks credibility and cannot be considered to play a neutral role in Somali affairs as a U.N. organization officer” [October 20, 2011] I think the sanctions web of lies are unraveling as we speak!
Haqqi NezarebOctober 25, 2011
The news is about Puntland spelling out their anger on the Monitory group. Is the article relevant to Eritrea? Not really. The President of Puntland is expressing his frustration with the Monitory Group. By the way, is Puntland a member of UN (just kidding)? With regard to Eritrea Vs the Monitory Group, Issais was caught red-handed.
So let me guess your next big news would read: The President of THE ASSOCIATON OF ENDSWATEt expressed his anger about the bad treatment Issais received at his last UN meeting and the report of the Monitory Group is not acceptable.
While I am on it, push this critically important information by the President of Puntland to Araya Desta so that he can attach it as addendum to the rebuttal response of Eritrea.
Bel Kozami arkey tetenkeka eta torog-torog libka nab tirik-trik telewotet tmesl eya zela (kiddin). Tedlyena eka.
Haqqi NezarebOctober 25, 2011
Here is an article posted on Awate.com by Semere Habtamariam recently. Let us what he says in his opening paragraph:
“Isaias is mentally unstable and unfit to lead. He is stuck in a cemetery of dead ideas and it’s foolish to expect him to change. His arrogance and ignorance knows no boundary. Who among us could have imagined any head of state to openly boast: “I don’t have an employment contract with the Eritrean people. The Eritrean people don’t pay my salary.” Call it lunacy or not, the man who is better suited for medieval rather than modern times believes what he says: he owns Eritrea and all Eritreans are his subjects. The mouth says what the heart is full of. According to his twisted logic, the Eritrean people have no right to ask him to step-down or to change his policies. Here is a man who had allegedly said, “hzbi ertra kem gerewenNa mqTqaTu”.
Haqqi NezarebOctober 25, 2011
Here is the news from Miningweekly.com on its July 11, 2011 edition regarding mining activities by people south of our border: ” Centamin Egypt Limited (“Centamin” or the “Company”), the gold mining group in Egypt, is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement with Sheba Exploration (UK) Plc (“Sheba”) on the terms of a recommended offer (“Offer”) to be made by Centamin for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Sheba (“Sheba Shares”)”
Sheba, which is a UK registered company, is listed on the PLUS-quoted Market (PLUS:SHE) and operates through its sole subsidiary, Sheba Exploration Limited, in Ethiopia. Sheba owns and operates three gold and base metal exploration licences in the regional state of Tigray, in Northern Ethiopia.
Mr. Abdi (Abbadi ) ; would you please tell all Eritreans the truth where exactly you ‘re stand : because i think every body got confused the fact that some times you will be mean to HGDEF openent & some times you’ll be giving a suggetion how to over through Issis the dictater . So i we would like u to please be kind enogh to tell us your stand if possible help to Eritreans to defend democracy .
Listen im an ordinary eritrean not a member of any opposition,unionist, opportunists nor Im HGDEF member.
however,i appreciate the efforts the gov’t doing and the achievements on the ground and this doesn’t make HGDEF nor opposition.
I believe its very natural to have faults at the beginning of our journeys what ever it is, and Eritrea or the gov’t of Eritrea is not exceptional to fall in those faults,considering its the very first gov’t in Eritrea we should expect faults.
so Im not gonna discredit the achievements they are doing and ABOVE ALL Eritrea was liberated by them,a dream which would have never seen a day light without thier existence.
Also there is an issue which i disagree with and that’s the unlimited national services,and suggested a petition for that issue and find long lasting solution for our youths problem and also this doesn’t make me an opposition,or somebody with unknown
you can call me what you like but this is the best way for getting
change for OUR uth problem.
Other than this it is “nedekha way wredela”
ive never even suggested to over through PIA God bless him,and never said anything about HGDEF be it good or bad thing,so stop making up things its Agames behaviour.
I believe Abdi is watching too much Eri TV which serves as blatant propaganda machinery for DIA. Abdi you are very kind but gullible subject like most Eritreans. I mean for start you believe by submitting a petition for change in order of the national service process you would get a positive reaction from the PFDJ government i,e. they would change the national service to 2 years? Mate wake up and smell the coffee Eseyas is a dictator and if you submitted a petition you would by default qualify as “traitor”, nonetheless, I strongly believe you are an opposition proponent although a wee bit confused. I share your fear to certain extent but I believe it is up to you and I to bring about a genuine and healthy change. With respect
so do i believe you are watching too much assena tv,lo
this has nothing to do with oppositions,and the main problem in Eritrea is unlimited national services which caused these all problems for our youth,and if it went back to where it was i don’t see any other problem,
And the gov’t won’t reject it, if its been signed by every Eritrean who lives abroad.
So don’t mix up thinks out of ur feelings or believes Im not an opposition nor Hgdf,i trust ISAYAS and the last thing i want to see is Eritrea without ISAYAS, handed to those opportunists/unionists who are using these desperate young ppl for their own benefits.
I believe those oppositions won’t be happy to see the youth,prisoners problems finished,cos these are their
main weapons against ISAYAS.
Yet they are praying for more sanction on Eritrea although they know the ppl will be hurt,and they should
have not supported it for the sake of the poor ppl.(menti megogo thlef anchiwa) was the wise action not
clapping with Agames for more sanction.
Shawel October 23, 2011
A friend was on the HGDEF meeting the guest speaker was Zemhret, an old lady ask him Eritrean youth as high-jacked and reaped in Egypt and no one is helping. they are in danger? his replay was there is noting we can do we have told them they shouldn’t get out of the country.
That is one of the rezone out of more than 40,000 thousand Eritrea in united kingdom there where only 700 PARTICIPANTS because HGDEF is only interested about Eritrean money in diaspora, half of the participators where expected change of policy from HGDEF but they where disappointed, with his Zemhret comment and policy . don’t get me wrong when I say 700 participants some of them go to listen for change of policy or the have interest in Eritrea like property or paid money for land Bond property and inheritance ,they are not all DIA supporters.
If you ask them the majority say we like reform but we are scared of our interests. HGDEF propaganda brain washed only the mainority by promising reform 4th gear, the cement factory is ready now you will build homes.
but HGDEF KNOW The majority are boycotting by becoming silent, that is the biggest message to HGDEF 39000 Eritrean’s silent that tells HGDEF Eritreans are waiting for change, but dont know the way to do it, but once the torrent of change pikes momentum as it is started to pike up now the majority whom are silent will join !!!
That will be last day for DIA and HGDEF as well as the komaro in diaspora.
God help the youth of Eritrea.
Abdi October 23, 2011
Hawey,eritreans would join if you were genuinly struggling for change but 90% don’t trust your move for the following reasons
1-you motivated by the hatred you held for shabia when they kicked out of Eritrea 80th.
2- you had a corruption history in ur organizations,and we fear to be ruled by thives,like other Africans or our next door Ethiopia
3- you had a divisional policy,tribal regional, regional and we don’t want to end up like ethnic centered ruler tigray(*****)
4- putting ur hands on woyane’s against ur own brother despite all inhuman a,looks more revenge than its struggling for change,and the high price you are not even hesitating to pay.
5-your intellectual doctor spelt it out and wished unification with Ethiopia,so we wonder what will happen if he elected president(too far thou)
6-although we all understand the youth problems,however you are excessive using it for ur own agenda,but you haven’t taken any steps to assist them.which is disappointing.
Abdi October 24, 2011
4—- all actions they took against your own ppl.
young eritrean October 24, 2011
Most eritreans with yr idea mr Abdi you perfectly well said, they are not in the right track, to convince people for your poletical party not by insulting ordinary people what happen in london demonstration.
Abdi October 25, 2011
That’s the problem they can’t convince others because they don’t know where they stand,so forsa wedi hawey “eidey edka elna”(team work)WE CAN DO IT, I strongly believe all Eritreans will join us including hgdef members,plus it doesn’t reflect any opposing signs,its unique and it will get respond.
Lets work hard where ever we are and collect as many signatures as we can,believe me we can do it!
mind you,eritrean gov’t doesn’t regard their movements because he knows where they stand,unification,divisions is all what they are good at,things which we never ever want to see in ERITREAN.
Kibur October 24, 2011
You are the one who is stuck in history. Most of the ELF fighters have moved on..some joined EPLF like Zemhret himself…it may be right few in leadership and they have a right as Eritreans to form a continued opposition….Where you are lost is this movement did not come from opposition , it came right of EPLF like myself.. Most EPLF fighters do not want DIA period. He hijacked what they struggle and the HIDRI they want to honor of the martryrs…so quit gabbling and misleading….Now more so than the EPLF fighters the youth which comprises by those that grew in Beti Mhrti sewra, Sawa generation are no more kids they are approaching 40 years and some past that…Those are the opposition. Please you yourself need to move on..I can read you are stuck in some vindictive/Hiliek based on historical…Most of these you I mentioned do not care of that….they see their counterpart youth in the world …they have a baseline they measure where their country is? I do not disresepct the ex-ELF leadership that you accuse and demean but they did not create this momentum of opposition…it is again my friend from whithin.
I beg you like a brother to desist from destructing the debate by bringing two unnessary malicious attack the ELF verterans and our neighbours in the south( an awreja that has suffered from demeaning contotation of the word “Agame”. Wish you get off those two topic and define your stand I will respect it however different.
Abdi October 24, 2011
Im not accusing leaders of jebha (not all of course)out of the blue bro,i gonna tell my story,i brought up in jebha Wey mot family until they’d been kicked out,my father used to record gospel (murmur) in every seminars and bring it home to us and we used to sing it to get money(brawa zwedey ).as i grew up start to realize who is who in political world i notice divisions among the leader,the treatments their children get,be it education or luxurious life style very different from the ordinary tegadelti,sending the leaders children to a higher education etc which is totally an acceptble.i just said this to let you know Im not accusing from nowhere,>>>>>>>
Abdi October 24, 2011
>>>>>>>>Back to our current issue,you said they are betmhrti sewra are the ones who oppose the govt at the moment,i didn’t know that they have problems with the govt which give them enough reasons to oppose cos the were very looked after by the gov’t for the obvious reasons and no eritrean would object that the
second reason which i don’t believe they are “”betmhrti sewra””
cos (BS)they wouldnt have gone to woyane and ask for help,so
please don’t insult our intelligence.
the only ppl in Eritrea have the all reason to oppose and erupt up
risings are the ones in the national services only,
and we have to do something which doesn’t involve those unionists in addis,or the opportunists in exile.
Eritreans who care about this issue desperately needed to sign a petition and hand it to the eritrean embassies where ever we reside.
##and wondering why its a problem if i call these dirty creatures AGAME?
Selam October 24, 2011
I don’t think the 39000 Eritrean’s silent are against DIA you are right they want change but not your way.
Abdi October 23, 2011
I and a friend of mine attended a meeting in London,the as usual the debate starts with how to get rid of ISAYAS,they were mixed eritreans from all tribes and religions,how ever the chair man started by at the moment we don’t have rights in Eritrea as an example he picked ppl of keren,he carried on,keren was the second city in Eritrea but now it ranks the 5th, because of the majority are Muslims and this shows how the tigre and blen have been regarded as second citizens,and denied the basics,electricity and water etc.some ppl objected that Muslim and Christians,and my friend muslIm, asked what you talking is this what you gathered ppl to debate about?the chair man replied do you have any other issue want to debate? >>>
Baree October 23, 2011
I agree with you he makes no point considering the weight of what the nation talking of keren being number one number five. What is your point? Simply someone could not assert truth or he does not have a point does not merit that PIA is not DIA.
You still have not answered some of the questions Huluf asked you and I remember some of them?
1. Are there container prisons? Is that human?
2. Shouldn’t G-15 and others so called threat to national securitu not be brought to justice if there is “EVIDENCE”?
Let me add one of mine
3. Do you remember who likes to use the word “EVIDENCE”
4. Should one man single handedly take a country to war?
5. Ok, If he did should he not take responsibility than accuse those that tried to checkmate him for a better military & diplomatic strategy ?
6. Why is DIA now trying to implement just what G-15 advised him to do when it is too late?
7. Do you know or relaize what he is trying to do now and he has no bargaining chip?
Abdi October 24, 2011
The thing is you are repeating,what you read in the websites of those opposition or human rights ones which they collect from Eritrea/none eritreans asylum seekers,entay kem zbelku kea kulahna tfelto mesleni so take such accusations of ur list,but i agree there is brutality to some extends.
i haven’t seen any person who was said he was imprisoned in a container,
regard G15 i don’t know exactly what’s their issue,if its as you said security reasons,i don’t think any gov’t expecting to show evidence to accuse anybody,otherwise guwantnamo would ve closed its doors.and Eritrea is not different,and we do not know what the issue is apart what has been rumored by the oppositions.
EVIDENCE mostly used by innocent to proof their innocence.
how so sure you are that Eritrea started the war,isn’t this what both countries accusing each another of?how come you took woyanes side? although no 3rd party confirmed who did start it.again belaa belw.
G15? again belaa belw,cos we don’t know why they are in.
i think he will go ahead with his successful self-reliance policy.
Hope you i answered reasonably good.
don’t use them for ur list political purpose, as long as no one knows nothing about their case.just pray to be released soon.
Kibur October 24, 2011
It is clear how deluded you are. Here is how.
1. There is no Eritrean unless unattached to the struggle, war, and members in our ary
that do not have a relative or who himslef has been in a container…that is indicative
you are detached from what is at home just emotional and in some HILIKHAWI journey
with some Eritreans and you have become unobjective.
2. USA will never put it’s cititizens leave alone it’s war heroes. You are pupetting what Issayas, Kisha, Yemane..hide with the Guantanano argument.
3. If we do not know why should we not know about G-15. Are we not Hade Hizbi Hade Libi?
Stop lying to yourself. From your analysis of the knowledge on the history our stuggle as
it is easy for you to attack Jebha etc….you know this is political assasination both fronts utilized in meda…It is insulting for it to continue in free Eritrea.
4. Mind you until about a week Gadaffi assesed just like you are doing that his people were bought by USA and they were rats.
Abdi October 25, 2011
Its not enough to proof what rumors everywhere just by saying HADE hzbi HADE hzbi,,,,regarding the war int’l law won’t tell us who started the war,do yo have ant 3rd part link to relay on.otherwise i agree with my gov’t until i find the proof.
Im sorry but all what you said is hearsay things,
regarding USA,justice not only for ur citizens only,and check USA prison if its free from military personnels and then defend them.
Its all over the world to have political prisoners,even if they appear infront of justice for thru sake of of appearance in court,but still they sentense them decades or shot them.
Kibur October 24, 2011
Waw, you appear to be savy as you write…but you lack deliberation of situations.If we had not started the war, what then puts us to be an AGRESSOR( check international law) thus put us in diplomatic defense worse in Military defense..we could not even initiate an offensive war which EPLF is good at…Because of this misclulation of demented dictator we were forced to wait for people like Siye to train fresh army every offense and they initiate the offense….to the determinent of Thrid Offensive….which forced the imbalanced DIA to wake up Kofi Anan and accepting worse conditions of the Ruwanda-USA proposal….that is when the Giants of our Sturggle now in dangeon that were coming with the right decisoins. …..Now your DIA no one would even pay attention to him on the corridors of New York.
Did you forget the eloquent Saleh Younis who single handedly beat “electonic Alulas of woyane campaign” siding with his governoment now defiled as Woyane messenger….Please read each article he wrote that rallied Eritreans behind and litteally most of the elogquent Eritreans specially in the US outdid Woyane not our Governoment…who looked lost…not because they are incapable…because it was one man show blundering one after the other.
Kibur October 23, 2011
What you do not realize is the potential of the momentum of the youth abroad and it’s direct impact to our youth at home whih is essentially EDF.
Abdi October 23, 2011
>>>>My friend angrily of course we should debate about real issues not a fabricated unexisted problems,we don’t have religious nor tribal problems in Eritrea but,all what we have is the issue of the unlimited n.service,and people’s living standards,prisoners,democracy and justice,but you are creating divisions b/n ppl no more,he asked my friend who do you belongs to,my friend replied I AM AN ERITREAN NOT BELONG TO
NONE OF YOU.and the attendees were divided b/n haqu eu and klah shabia.>>>>
What i want to say is,if the other the so called oppositions are the same as the ones I’ve seen,believe me they are not upto any good not for Eritrea nor eritreans
and we should dismiss their dream of ruling Eritrea by any means otherwise they will create un amenable
fractions in the country which eritreans the last needed and we are much better with out them.
Yes you might be living in a democratic nations but make sure to know the agendas of whoever you support before shouting down
down ISAYAS.
Huluf, October 23, 2011
Forget about opposition parties…now literally the youth has risen….the lies can not go on….do you remember just few weeks ago Gadaffi seemed invincible…once people refuse your legitmacy forget those in Addis, those any where with name of parties…. All the positioning is being put in place don’t you see…next week starts the UN deliberation, the youth is tired of being brutialised and enslaved….once it unravels those defending our nation will side with their people…so do not get bamboozeld by some medicore individual eritrean quesion (still their right) that does not make Issu right!.
come on be a relative of Truth….she is looking you out…time is running out.
Abdi October 23, 2011
I’d been for Eritrea and i am now,
if you want justice for the youth problems,and in a civilized way, collect signs from every eritrean be it hgdef member or not and handed it to embassies wherever we live,and request to limit the national services to its original of 2yrs, if this is what you want YES Im in and every eritrean will,but to tell me to get rid of ISAYAS and dreaming about ruling Eritrea? That’s what i dn’t agree.because ISAYAS is serving the country day and night and its not fair to discredit the efforts he’s doing.
Baree October 23, 2011
It is not about Issayas , Zemhret, Yemane anymore it is about Youth and their motherland….this is exactly how Issayas, Durue adn Musse while in Prince Mekonen High School started. One is dead, One in prison, One is dictating. These three did against Haile Selassie what our youth are now doing….either you are very young or new to our revolution and potentially emotionally naieve…
Let us make a bet….that our debate will have different tone and will be on a different pace some months from now brother!!
Abdi October 24, 2011
Amen,Afka maar ymlae,i love your last bit,
i have a different idea, ignore those useless oppositions and collecting signatures and handed it to the Eritrea embassies through our youth(hgdf)or select pppl for this civil mission i believe this would get a lot of supports and bring a wonderful outcome.
And lets pray the sanction to be lifted too.
signature nakb.
Kibur October 24, 2011
I wish but it is too late….You see our fundamental problems of our naieve including you and I is we are debating of topics we should have adressed….now sanction is inevitable….the deal is being worked out such us how Russia, China, some others need it…That is why it starts in Camapala( I tried to explain to you mamy times…DIA trip was not bilateral…how then Museveni after praise for diplomatic consumption pats Issyas…it is because he was the messenger to give him ultimatium and options), then comes Gabon. No borders with Gabon , no direct interest with it…but it fulfiling some work for IGAAD for it’s interest as would Russia and China…why did Russia(voted yes in the last sanction meaning you could build all the statues of Russian heroes our business comes first, why would China obstain(means could careless but will not show it).
I welcome a healthy debate…let me tell you if you remove this power monger dictator who is manipulating four generals to stay in power…I guarantee you Wodi Ephrem would throw green olive for peace to G-15, and G-15 would unite the nation…that is what they worked four in the 3rd Congress of Hizbawi Genbar…Ok, if PIA is working day and night let him declare a forth congress and complete the charter of our our journey – EPLF journey.
Stay well.
Abdi October 23, 2011
-inhuman actions they took against ur own ppl.
Kozami October 24, 2011
The art of revolution by mockery Part 1
The Libyan “dictator” has been murdered in cold blood. The maximum degree of disrespect for a corps of the dead was offered by way of at times necrophilia seeming orgy of celebration of the wicked type. As Libyans proper are a little bit subdued, much less celebratory, about the dark forces gripping their country, our fork- tongue mercenary wannabe ‘opposition’ seem to seize both the moment and attempt to be more Catholic than the pop. The transition from ‘secularity’ to ‘fundamentalist’ political system in Libya is of no consequence to merit a mere glance let alone a sober and critical acknowledgement of the penetrance of barbarity (forget human rights) associated with the later socio-political configuration.
Kozami October 24, 2011
The art of revolution by mockery Part 2
The new masters of Libya have lifted the ban on the number of women that men can marry; women shall be covered up head to toe and not be seen with a male in public, they will be banned from driving…and many other basic civil and social rights will be trampled upon. Public flogging, an eye for an eye justice and others are back after the ‘successful revolution’ in Libya. I have yet to see/read from any one of the Eritrean so called “opposition” , save the woyanes that swell their ranks and files, boldly coming out to say what has happened in Libya was in fact a travesty of the basic ideals of Justice and Democracy. Rather than drawing superficial and misleading parallels and wasting their time in making large printouts from adobe photo lab.
Haqqi Nezareb October 24, 2011
I don’t know what happened to the “Dozens of companies” trying to stop new sanction at UN. Delibration regarding the sanction is starting tomorrow according the following news by Agence France Press not from Dehai.org.
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 18 – The Security Council will begin Tuesday discussing a draft resolution on imposing new sanctions on Eritrea for what a UN report describes as destabilizing actions in East Africa.
Neighbor and long-time rival Ethiopia has sought reinforced international sanctions since a UN panel in July said Eritrea was behind a plot to stage bomb attacks on an African Union summit in Addis Ababa in January.
The additional sanctions being considered included targeted measures against investment in the country’s mining industry as well as further asset freezes and travel bans on the Eritrean leadership.
Haqqi Nezareb October 24, 2011
The additional sanctions being considered included targeted measures against investment in the country’s mining industry as well as further asset freezes and travel bans on the Eritrean leadership.
The United States threw its weight behind Ethiopia’s call for new sanctions in August after the UN group that monitors sanctions said Eritrea was behind the bombing plot.
The UN experts also said Eritrea was arming and supporting insurgent groups in Somalia, including the Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab.
The Security Council imposed in December 2009 an arms embargo, travel restrictions and asset freeze on top Eritrean political and military leaders because of alleged support for the Islamist Shebab militants.
Eritrea has, however, accused its neighbor of staging a “frenzied campaign” for sanctions and says any measures enforced by the UN would hurt the Eritrean people most of all.
A six-nation East African regional group, the Inter-Government Authority on Development, has called for sanctions against mining interests and banning a government tax on remittances sent back by Eritreans living abroad.
Kozami October 24, 2011
Haqqi N.
That was Tuesday last week, not Tomorrow! anta sebay…libey eko tog era neira! (kidding)
Huluf October 24, 2011
Start your kuzimina because by next week the brick will start coming to hit hard your DIA, sanctions, ultimatiums etc….It is a matter of time Bashir and Abdella Saleh(who is asking a guarantee). Then we will have ONE poor dictator that will probably relocate to Sahel…He is not going to feel safe in Masawa.
Time for your Kozimina practice.
Shawel October 24, 2011
abdi once you are pro Hgdef, then you don’t support what they do to the youth. all of as what we asking was a reform but DIA is deaf he will never hear reform today or tomorrow!
Almost every Eritrean was supporting him until recently but the greed got bigger and he became obsessed with power. you can see this from his interview’s, so if you think you going to bring change by petition and even hand it to Eritrean embassies you are mad man on dream world.
” he is like Gaddafi All my people love me ”
So watch this attachment will help you understand the type of man he is.
God bless you and him together, Change is coming and no one will stop it !!
Shawel October 24, 2011
” Isaias Afwerki All my people love me ”
Compare both abdi, he is not even bothered about you and you are trying to defend him. well done fool !!
Shawel October 24, 2011
Eritrean president in denying facts
Abdi October 24, 2011
Abdi October 24, 2011
This is not a measurement of care or love he shows towards eritreans,the real measurement is what he is doing on the group,”Ami Tmet ayneberen,lebzeben wn yelen,nAmeta wn aykhlun eu,nzelalem wn aykhlun eu.”this way we understand that he loves us.
Abdi October 24, 2011
I’ve said Im HGDEF but i admire the man for his job regardless what the oportunists blabbring for their own benefits.
If you think these worthless shouting in the streets will bring change you are so wrong and IF only IF they brought change its gonna be change for worse,civil wars,religion,regional etc.because they are still fighting who to lead before even they got there.so ppl knows your agendas and what u upto.
But in case of my it could be successful.
It does not aim any change of leadership,which is ok with the majority of eritreans including HGDEF members and i don’t think any real eritrean will refuse to sign cos its our main problem.
Eritrean in diaspora can make change with a civilized manner with out your dreams of unification to get the presidency of Eritrea.
Fashil kufu gzie Fashil eu.beakhum zmets’e change kea zey mmts’eu ymrets.
Abdi October 24, 2011
Corr, i have not said Im HGDEF.
Haqqi Nezareb October 24, 2011
You mean the deliberation was on the same day the article was published? The article was published last Tuesday.
Entay dea libka torog torg tble ala? Be tetenkela nab triq triq keytlwot. I am trying to use my tigritgna here with Ameche background.
Kozami October 24, 2011
Haqqi N.
Your tigrignia is perfect…any way it may be a minor oversight on your part, but yes the news was was about the Tuesday gone last week, otherwise it would have read as “The Security Council will begin next week discussing a draft resolution…” Also, the meeting had taken place albeit not in UNSC level, but is facing stiff resistance. The bet is still on!
Kozami October 24, 2011
Haqqi N.
The only current issue on the topic appears to be the following one:
TRADERS GET BULLISH ON SHARES OF NEVSUN RESOURCES, SHARES UP 1.7% (NSU) Print Share Oct 24, 2011 (SmarTrend (R) Spotlight via COMTEX) Nevsun Resources (AMEX:NSU – Snapshot Report) is one of today’s best performing low-priced stocks, up 1.7% to $4.75 on 0.3x average daily volume. Thus far today, Nevsun Resources has traded 243,000 shares, vs. average volume of 773,000 shares per day. The company traded 573,000 shares yesterday. Nevsun Resources Ltd. is a gold producer and base metal developer. The Company has a gold-copper-zinc mine in Eritrea. Nevsun Resources share prices have moved between a 52-week high of $7.75 and a 52-week low of $4.32 and are now trading 10% above that low price at $4.75 per share. Over the last five market days, the 200-day moving average (MA) has gone down 1% while the 50-day MA has declined 1.6%.
Haqqi Nezareb October 24, 2011
Good news for the investors that have Nevsum’ shares. For Eritrea this is what is Issais said in one of his interviews ” worki shetu zhafteme hager ab alem yelon, nehnawun kineftm bezuh aynezbeyn ina”. What does the news mean for Issais?
Haqqi Nezareb October 24, 2011
While Issais and his cohorts are salvating on the money that comes from Eritrean gold sell, here is the other ugly face of gold minning: destroys environment. The minning has also other negative impacts, for now let me post few paragraphs from an article appeared on Washington Post. By Nina Shen RastogiTuesday, September 21, 2010.
“A gold band may be the ultimate in effortless style, but it takes a lot of work to produce one. Forget any ’49er fantasies you may have of nuggets glittering in riverbeds: Most gold these days comes from large open-pit mines, where huge amounts of rock are churned up to extract tiny flecks of precious metal. A “rich” mine might contain just a few tenths of an ounce of gold per ton of ore; a “poor” one would have a few hundredths of an ounce per ton. The mining watchdog group Earthworks estimates that a standard 18-karat wedding band leaves behind 20 tons of ore and waste rock.”
Haqqi Nezareb October 24, 2011
“Moving that much earth doesn’t just require a lot of energy. It can also lead to toxic mine drainage, probably the biggest environmental concern associated with gold-mining. When you dig up rock that’s been buried for a long time, air and moisture can set off chemical reactions that produce acids and leach toxic metals. If those substances — sulfuric acid, arsenic and copper, for example — run off into lakes, rivers and streams, they will pose serious risks for populations of fish and other aquatic organisms. Mine drainage is a problem for many kinds of operations, but it’s especially significant for gold extraction. For one thing, gold is often found in rock that contains a lot of acid-generating sulfides; for another, mining gold produces much more unwanted rock than does mining other minerals.”
Haqqi Nezareb October 24, 2011
“Once you start extracting the gold from the ore, new issues arise. Take mercury, for example. The element, which has been linked to a host of negative health effects, is found in many metal and coal deposits. Large-scale gold operations often start processing ore by roasting it, which can shoot a lot of mercury into the atmosphere. (The same thing happens at coal-burning power plants, the source of about half the United States’ airborne mercury emissionsin 2005.)”
Haqqi Nezareb October 24, 2011
What you are saying the word “next” is missing in the article otherwise the article is OK? You also you said, ” facing off resistance”. From who? What is your source, I guess the article by Tazabi as posted on Dehai? Or may be from the inept representative of Issais at UN? Either way, the issue of sanction will not evaporate without a trace at the UN.
Your comment on my Tigrigna is encouraging. I guess I have to practice it more so that I will understand the garbage that comes out Issaais in his tigrigna interviews, I mean the “Minia Kolel” one.
Kozami October 24, 2011
The art of revolution by mockery Part 3
As we speak of our amateur wannabe opposition groups, their distinctive character is firming up to the worst. One only needs to take a peek at the placards that they carry during their god forsaken demonstrations. What they depict is an imaginary and made up caricature which can only be termed manifestation of sick, twisted and perturbed minds. At a time where Ethiopia is being devoured merciless by an ethicist, sadist and barbaric clique that has sold her to the highest bidder, these so called ‘opposition’ have become an unwitting partner of the barbaric and evil junta of the TPLF regime. Having drunk from Meles’ blood soaked hands into poisonous inebriation, these aimless, integrity less and principle less merchants of ‘opposition’ feel they are riding the express train to their never never land. They labour to fabricate stories, invent daily invectives of division and hopelessness. They dance and ululate in a city that bore witness the merciless gunning down of young 200 young men and women who were silenced forever. In a city of terrified and starved dwellers who have resigned to selling their offspring to procurers abroad. This is the dawn of new era, the new era of revolution by mockery!
Haqqi Nezareb October 24, 2011
While Issais and his cohorts are salvating on the money that comes from Eritrean gold sell, here is the other ugly face of gold minning: destroys environment. The minning has also other negative impacts, for now let me post few paragraphs from an article appeared on Washington Post. By Nina Shen RastogiTuesday, September 21, 2010.
“A gold band may be the ultimate in effortless style, but it takes a lot of work to produce one. Forget any ’49er fantasies you may have of nuggets glittering in riverbeds: Most gold these days comes from large open-pit mines, where huge amounts of rock are churned up to extract tiny flecks of precious metal. A “rich” mine might contain just a few tenths of an ounce of gold per ton of ore; a “poor” one would have a few hundredths of an ounce per ton. The mining watchdog group Earthworks estimates that a standard 18-karat wedding band leaves behind 20 tons of ore and waste rock.”
I want to hear your put on this environmental issue or you want to wait until demarcation?
kozami October 24, 2011
Haqqi N.
The environmental concerns you highlight through your references are valid and worrisome to be the modest. If you also read my earlier posting (I think you did as you’ve replied to it), there are also other potential consequences to peace and stability of the nation should there be a corporate fall out in the partnership arrangement adopted with the GoE. Eritrea can only stand to benefit from credible, patriotic and committed opposition that would not only check government and its policies but also be constitutional vanguard in the event of “Corporate” foul play. Unfortunately, our nation is in a woyane imposed no war no peace footing. The opposition wannabes have adopted a murky position of revolution by mockery of basic principles in faithfulness to ones professed ideals. So, in essence, yes till demarcation do us apart really.
Haqqi Nezareb October 24, 2011
Here ago again “Demarcation” as scapegoat.But the Ethiopian government has put a precondition regarding the demarcation process. Are you saying we will not: hold election, frees political prisoners, and keep the youth with no end military services until demarcation? For Woyanie the “No war No peace “strategy is working for them because as we attest it, Eritrea is slowly and surely dying.If Issaias was smart, he should have heeded to the honorable HAILE DERUE’ speech he gave in Germany in 2000 right after signing the peace agreement with Woyanie in Algiers. That is the kernel of Temesgen’s argument: put the constitution into action, hold election and other stuff instead of prying for Woyanie to bend on their precondition. I would say if the last ten years of “no war-no peace” had a crippling effect on Eritrea, definitely the future of Eritrea would be more disappointing. These days you zombies have hard time understanding the obvious reality. Please come out of your perpetual denial habit. It is a bad disease it will slowly kill you like the precondition put forward by the people south of our border killing Eritrea.
kozami October 25, 2011
President of Puntland State of Somalia, Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole), in a speech at Combating Piracy Week Conference held in the UK said that “despite our genuine efforts, the Somalia Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) report of March 2010 published allegations and character assassination against the Puntland Government leadership. This defamatory report was prepared and influenced by a politically motivated foreign individual. This individual has a track history of writing anti-Puntland documents, favoring other Somali entities at the expense of Puntland. Because of his biased track history, we believe that this individual lacks credibility and cannot be considered to play a neutral role in Somali affairs as a U.N. organization officer” [October 20, 2011] I think the sanctions web of lies are unraveling as we speak!
Haqqi Nezareb October 25, 2011
The news is about Puntland spelling out their anger on the Monitory group. Is the article relevant to Eritrea? Not really. The President of Puntland is expressing his frustration with the Monitory Group. By the way, is Puntland a member of UN (just kidding)? With regard to Eritrea Vs the Monitory Group, Issais was caught red-handed.
So let me guess your next big news would read: The President of THE ASSOCIATON OF ENDSWATEt expressed his anger about the bad treatment Issais received at his last UN meeting and the report of the Monitory Group is not acceptable.
While I am on it, push this critically important information by the President of Puntland to Araya Desta so that he can attach it as addendum to the rebuttal response of Eritrea.
Bel Kozami arkey tetenkeka eta torog-torog libka nab tirik-trik telewotet tmesl eya zela (kiddin). Tedlyena eka.
Haqqi Nezareb October 25, 2011
Here is an article posted on Awate.com by Semere Habtamariam recently. Let us what he says in his opening paragraph:
“Isaias is mentally unstable and unfit to lead. He is stuck in a cemetery of dead ideas and it’s foolish to expect him to change. His arrogance and ignorance knows no boundary. Who among us could have imagined any head of state to openly boast: “I don’t have an employment contract with the Eritrean people. The Eritrean people don’t pay my salary.” Call it lunacy or not, the man who is better suited for medieval rather than modern times believes what he says: he owns Eritrea and all Eritreans are his subjects. The mouth says what the heart is full of. According to his twisted logic, the Eritrean people have no right to ask him to step-down or to change his policies. Here is a man who had allegedly said, “hzbi ertra kem gerewenNa mqTqaTu”.
Haqqi Nezareb October 25, 2011
Here is the news from Miningweekly.com on its July 11, 2011 edition regarding mining activities by people south of our border: ” Centamin Egypt Limited (“Centamin” or the “Company”), the gold mining group in Egypt, is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement with Sheba Exploration (UK) Plc (“Sheba”) on the terms of a recommended offer (“Offer”) to be made by Centamin for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Sheba (“Sheba Shares”)”
Sheba, which is a UK registered company, is listed on the PLUS-quoted Market (PLUS:SHE) and operates through its sole subsidiary, Sheba Exploration Limited, in Ethiopia. Sheba owns and operates three gold and base metal exploration licences in the regional state of Tigray, in Northern Ethiopia.
Paradiso October 24, 2011
ዘምህረት ህግደፍን ካለኦት ጎሓላሉን ነዚ ዝሞተን ዝዓሰወን ስርዓት ስለምንታይ ከምዝድግፍዎ ኣይርድኣንን።
ዝኾነ ኮይኑ ንባህርያት ህግደፍ ንምዝኽኻር ኢሳያስ ንኣልጀዚራ ቲቪ ዝሃቦ ደረት-ኣልቦ ሓሶት ኣብዚ ታሕቲ እነሆ፤
Shawel October 24, 2011
This will help the viewers to see the HGDEF and DIA propaganda and the truth.
Abdi October 24, 2011
And it would help your future propoganda’s credibility,if you check the DATE before inviting us to watch it!
Jemal October 24, 2011
Mr. Abdi (Abbadi ) ; would you please tell all Eritreans the truth where exactly you ‘re stand : because i think every body got confused the fact that some times you will be mean to HGDEF openent & some times you’ll be giving a suggetion how to over through Issis the dictater . So i we would like u to please be kind enogh to tell us your stand if possible help to Eritreans to defend democracy .
Abdi October 24, 2011
Listen im an ordinary eritrean not a member of any opposition,unionist, opportunists nor Im HGDEF member.
however,i appreciate the efforts the gov’t doing and the achievements on the ground and this doesn’t make HGDEF nor opposition.
I believe its very natural to have faults at the beginning of our journeys what ever it is, and Eritrea or the gov’t of Eritrea is not exceptional to fall in those faults,considering its the very first gov’t in Eritrea we should expect faults.
so Im not gonna discredit the achievements they are doing and ABOVE ALL Eritrea was liberated by them,a dream which would have never seen a day light without thier existence.
Also there is an issue which i disagree with and that’s the unlimited national services,and suggested a petition for that issue and find long lasting solution for our youths problem and also this doesn’t make me an opposition,or somebody with unknown
you can call me what you like but this is the best way for getting
change for OUR uth problem.
Other than this it is “nedekha way wredela”
Abdi October 24, 2011
ive never even suggested to over through PIA God bless him,and never said anything about HGDEF be it good or bad thing,so stop making up things its Agames behaviour.
Eritrawi October 25, 2011
I believe Abdi is watching too much Eri TV which serves as blatant propaganda machinery for DIA. Abdi you are very kind but gullible subject like most Eritreans. I mean for start you believe by submitting a petition for change in order of the national service process you would get a positive reaction from the PFDJ government i,e. they would change the national service to 2 years? Mate wake up and smell the coffee Eseyas is a dictator and if you submitted a petition you would by default qualify as “traitor”, nonetheless, I strongly believe you are an opposition proponent although a wee bit confused. I share your fear to certain extent but I believe it is up to you and I to bring about a genuine and healthy change. With respect
Abdi October 25, 2011
so do i believe you are watching too much assena tv,lo
this has nothing to do with oppositions,and the main problem in Eritrea is unlimited national services which caused these all problems for our youth,and if it went back to where it was i don’t see any other problem,
And the gov’t won’t reject it, if its been signed by every Eritrean who lives abroad.
So don’t mix up thinks out of ur feelings or believes Im not an opposition nor Hgdf,i trust ISAYAS and the last thing i want to see is Eritrea without ISAYAS, handed to those opportunists/unionists who are using these desperate young ppl for their own benefits.
I believe those oppositions won’t be happy to see the youth,prisoners problems finished,cos these are their
main weapons against ISAYAS.
Yet they are praying for more sanction on Eritrea although they know the ppl will be hurt,and they should
have not supported it for the sake of the poor ppl.(menti megogo thlef anchiwa) was the wise action not
clapping with Agames for more sanction.
I strongly