Listhaug warns Eritreans against travel to Eritrea
When the regime in Eritrea this month marks 25 years, many Norwegian-Eritreans will travel to Eritrea to celebrate. Those who leaves is taking the risk of punishment, warns immigration minister Sylvi Listhaug In May there is

When the regime in Eritrea this month marks 25 years, many Norwegian-Eritreans will travel to Eritrea to celebrate. Those who leaves is taking the risk of punishment, warns immigration minister Sylvi Listhaug
In May there is expected thousands of Eritreans from Europe who will travel to Asmara, the Eritrean capitol, NRK reported. They go to celebrate the 25th anniversary of a regime that the UN believes is one of the worst in terms of human rights.
Woldab Feshatzion, leader of Eritrean Community Association, believes part Norwegian-Eritreans will travel down to celebrate the regime.
– I think that some Norwegian-Eritreans who have been granted protection in Norway, will go down. I do not wonder, he says.
Eritreans who arrived as refugees and not Norwegian citizens, are not allowed to go to their home country. It is contrary to the criteria for being granted asylum.
– It is clear that once say they have fled a regime and seeking protection in Norway, then travel down to salute the same regime, then there is reason to look into this, says Listhaug NRK .
Norwegian immigration authorities will monitor which Norwegian Eritreans traveling.
– This will be the information that will be interesting for the immigration authorities to look into. So what I expect of course that they do, says Listhaug.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today
Michael Tesfamariam May 4, 2016
I hope and wish the regime in Eritrea will put all these disgraceful Eritreans in Diaspora in one concentration camp so they will taste the true flavour of the regime’s torture and killing machine. Let them go, but Norway and other European countries should track down all those despicable Eritreans who are now traveling to Eritrea after obtaining foreign passports. They were all refugee yesterday,who came to Europe disguising themselves as asylum seekers and lied they had been tortured by the regime in Eritrea. How can one possibly even think going back to the very regime that he or she had accused of it persecuting and forcing them fleeing their home country? That is why the Europeans have now reversed their position toward the regime in Eritrea and become hostile to the asylum seekers who lied to them that they would be killed if they returned to Eritrea. I suspect more than half of those shameful individuals who are so desperate traveling to Eritrea to show their solidarity with the bloodthirst vindictive regime of HGDEF entered Europe pretending as political asylum seekers. What a shame, they must be exposed and stripped their passport and deported them all back to the regime they love.
Amanuel May 4, 2016
Well said. But let’s cooperate and expose them.having A passport does not mean that they are now immune from deportation. Just write simple letter to tmmigration office. All you need is name and birth day of them.
Michael Tesfamariam May 4, 2016
It has always been my ambition to do so, however, I have got to make sure that every piece of information I supply to home office must be get verified by eye witnesse before being investigated by home office. So, I should be able to find someone around who is willing and able to cooperate with me so the information I submit to home office is indeed true. Then Home Office will start their investigation by checking the travel details of that particular individual or individuals who came to the Europe as asylum seekers but later appeared to make frequent travel to Eritrea . I am happy to do but unfortunately I need one who can act as eyewitness when I when I provide the information I gather on these nasty individuals. Anyone who can volunteer on this task let him contact him via my email.
Semur Ghenbar May 4, 2016
ኽቡር Michael Tesfamariam ፤
ብጣዕሚ ዝብላዕ ዘረባ ተዛሪብኻ ፤
አጅኻ ሎሚ ዝሕግዙኻን ዝተሐባበርኳን ከይበዝሑኻ እምበር ከይትስእን አይትስጋእ።
ጊዚኡ አኺሉ እዩ ኩሉ ደላይ ፍትሒ አብ አብ ቦቦትኡ መንገድን ሜላን እዩ ጠፊእዎ ዘሎ እምበር ነዚ ንኤርትራን ሕዝባን ከጥፍእ ዝመጸ ፉሽስታዊ ውልቐመላኺ ንምእላይሲ ቑሩብ እዩ ዘሎ።
አጆኻ ሚኪኤል ምስኻ አለና።
Berhe Tensea May 5, 2016
what a wonderful idea is that, the mothers that are addicts of ghaila and dankera and enjoying peace, democracy, and lavish welfare and having their children with them must taste what the mothers in Eritrea are exposed to.
Imagine a mother with six children and with a dead husband raising her children alone is getting her old/16 year daughter taken to Sawa in few months.
The poor relative supports her family by kunano or traditional hair dressing.
With out the daughter how is they going to survive?
I wish and pray that agony and suffering to befallen on these cruel mothers and such families.
Abdulkader Abdulnur May 12, 2016
You are talking commonsinse that is why ourproblem never solve out that is why the mafia goverment pansh our people.
A H May 4, 2016
Those who go to celebrate the 25years Independence day with the Tyreny, let them go and should bear the sole responsibility of their action and no one should bother should they face any revenge and act of evil attitude by the paranoia regime.
Habte May 4, 2016
ኣታ አስኻትኩም ከ ካብ ምዓስ ግህሰት መሰል ወድሰብ ትድግፉ? ንሓደ ሰብ ናብ ዝፈትዎ ሃገርን ናብ ዘፍቅሮ ህዝብን መንግስትን ምኻድ ምኽልካል አኮ ዓቢ ግህሰት መሰል ወድሰብ አዩ።
Semur Ghenbar May 4, 2016
ሐብተ ሐውና፤
“ዓቢ ጌጋ ትዛረብ አለኻ፤
ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ እኾ ብፍላይ መንእሰይ ተረካቢ ሀገር ሐጽ ኢሉ ዓይኒ የብለይ ስኒ የብለይ አብ ዘይፈልጦ ገደል ዝጠፍእ ዘሎ ሽፍታ ኢሳያስ ምቕማጥ ከሊእዎ እምበር ንሀገሩ ጸሊኡ አይኾነን ።
አይረአኻን አይተዓዘብኻን ዲኻ ሕዝባዊ ግንባር ግንቦት 24/1991ነጻነት ሒዙ ኤርትራ ምስ አተወ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝኾኖ።
ካብዚ መግለጺን መረዳእታን የለን።
ካብ ሐቒ ክንሀድም ምእንቲ ጣቓ ዘረባን ጔል ዘረባን ደው ነብል አይንወራዘ ናብ ሐቒ መጺና ሕልናና ነዕርፎ።
Berhe Tensea May 5, 2016
Stain believed and considered the people or the mass as a herd and incapable of thinking or reasoning logically.
Habte meskinay is member of the herd who is living in illusion and day dreaming the only thing Isay to him is mehret yewredelka, and to remind him that there will be a pay back time to people like him.
Danny May 4, 2016
The soil go and salabrat with Eritrean poeples whet do you go salabret to Ethiopia you muster agame I don’t tink so go to hell fuking hassusat weyane long live the king happy 25th anversary Eritreans all over the world long live essayas afewerki
Mokie May 4, 2016
Start letter writing campaign to bring to the attention of immigration authorities in host countries, the activities of Higdef satellite organizations, that are sending members to celebrate 25th year independence day with the very ruling party, they claim had subjected them to inhuman treatment, and due to that had left the country looking from protection elsewhere.
Berhe Tensea May 4, 2016
The people who claimed that, they were tortured, and engaged in the national slavery service for years , and came to the West, and Norway must not be allowed to misuse the generosity that was given or shown to them.
The people who will travel to Eritrea are mostly Welfare beneficiaries, and therefore, the Norwegian government must do everything to confront the freeloaders.
Norway must be made to be aware that the regime in Eritrea also encourages its supporters to milk
the West and hide their money in Eritrea.
Norway must be vigilant to safe guard its national interest and must work hard to differentiate between fake and genuine refugees.
Deleyti Fithi must also cooperate with authorities regarding this issue.
25 years of slavery too much for our people to handle.
May 24 is the day that the martyrs gift was stolen by the Tembeinis and I hate to celebrate that day, that day that brought unseen misery and hardship to the people.
Berhe Tensea May 4, 2016
The people who claimed that, they were tortured, and engaged in the national slavery service for years , and came to the West, and Norway must not be allowed to misuse the generosity that was given or shown to them.
The people who will travel to Eritrea are mostly Welfare beneficiaries, and therefore, the Norwegian government must do everything to confront the freeloaders.
Norway must be made to be aware that the regime in Eritrea also encourages its supporters to milk
the West and hide their money in Eritrea.
Norway must be vigilant to safe guard its national interest and must work hard to differentiate between fake and genuine refugees.
Deleyti Fithi must also cooperate with authorities regarding this issue.
25 years of slavery is too much for our people to handle.
May 24 is the day that the martyrs gift was stolen by the PFDJ or Tembeinis and I hate to celebrate that day, that day that brought unseen misery and hardship to the people.
Death to the mafia regime and the DON or Iseyas.
AHMED SALEH !!! May 5, 2016
To hunt foot soldiers doesn’t help purposes for winning the battle
but to gain their support for common goal destroy common enemy .
Eating each other pave way for the monster to finish us one by one .
Those recent newcomers with refugee statue must not play fools to
put themselves at risk that contradicts their initial claims .
ኣርዓዶም May 5, 2016
The safe haven is only the UK ( united Kingdom of Britania) its very sad thing, despite the very practitioners of Human rights and different medias are stationed in the UK, HGDF supporters are able to do what ever they want.
its sad thing, like Bahlbi and else who are representing the YPfDJ or some other figures who are the main supporters are able to go out and in to Eritrea. So far, no one has spoken about this to the UK government.
we know the UK government is very slow, but once they understand the case, they can deport them instantly. The problem is, there is one active to watch after these basterd YPFDJ and PFDJ. I hope that some people rise to come and fight against those horrible HGDEF supporters. The sad thing is that, they UK knows them, even they were camped in some area, none of the activities has spoken to the immigration about those people camping and supporting the regime.
please woke up people in the UK, you made us frustrated.