Libya migrant boat sinks – 14 dead – BBC
At least 14 people died when a boat carrying hundreds of migrants sank in waters between Libya and southern Italy, navy officials say. Some 200 others were rescued from the boat, which went down south of the Italian

At least 14 people died when a boat carrying hundreds of migrants sank in waters between Libya and southern Italy, navy officials say.
Some 200 others were rescued from the boat, which went down south of the Italian island of Lampedusa.
This comes a day after it emerged that 36 migrants drowned last week when their boat sank off the Libyan coast.
Libya is used as a departure point by many African migrants trying to enter the European Union illegally.
Italy’s Ansa news agency said that the boat sank on Monday about 185 km (115 miles) south of Lampedusa.
Some Italian media reports said 400 were on board. But a navy spokesperson said it was not clear how many people were on the boat, so the number of missing passengers was unknown, AP news agencyreported.
The Italian navy has sent a frigate and a helicopter to help in the search for survivors, the BBC’s Alan Johnston in Rome reports.
Unseaworthy, overcrowded vessels are continually setting out from Libya, carrying people who hope for better lives in Europe after fleeing war and poverty in various parts of Africa and the Middle East, our correspondent adds.
On Sunday, Libyan officials said at least 36 migrants from various sub-Saharan African countries drowned when their boat sank off the Libyan coast last week.
The numbers of migrants leaving for Italy had increased in recent days but authorities did not know why, Libyan Navy spokesman Col Ayoud Qassem said, quoted by Reuters news agency.
Late last year, hundreds of migrants drowned when two boats sank in waters off the coast of Lampedusa. Italy has since stepped up navy and coastguard operations.
rahwa May 12, 2014
tragic, sad and depressing. people are perishing everywhere and we know the root cause of these tragedies. more often than not it has to do with political will or lack of it. could not the International Criminal Court or international community accuse the lunatic dictators like eseyas of crimes against humanity? after all he is responsible for the death and missing of tens of thousands of Eritreans.
selamwit2 May 12, 2014
m May 13, 2014
Selmawit2 you are monkey Agame go hell
selamawit2 May 13, 2014
why do get mad when i say/quote the truth – namely that you are always saying
“Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrra lelelelele
aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb ccccccccc kakakakakakakakakakakakakaka
and you know m m m m m, the ones who insult us as “agame” are the hgdfs. so now it is clear why you want to demoralize eritreans: i thought you are kind of “Tezareb” and co. but you must be a server of DIA (which is originally from Tigray but that’s not the reason we want him to go – we don’t judge people by their “blood” but by their action)
airhead, that really kakakakakakakakakakakakakaka kaka!!!
m May 13, 2014
the so called selamawit2?the mentalty such as youres is destroying our Eritrean, you such idiot bitch Eritrea it will be only to ERitrean not to you bitch Agame ,Komalat,
selamawit2 May 13, 2014
the truth is to the enemies of eritrea is like holy water to the devil.
m m m, be careful – you will be judged by your reaction to the truth…
m m m m the here is the truth:
the wonderful sister Zufana once in this forum said (freely quoted):
only those you are prostitutes or who are born to/ raised by protsitutes call
other people “b…”.
Zufana sister, i really cosign your statemnet!
Sorobeti May 13, 2014
ኣንታ ፈጣሪ ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ብፍርህን ሸርሕን ጉርሕን ተዋሒጥናስ ንሓደ ዲያፕሎስ ምስ ውሑዳት ኣኽላቡ ካብ ዝባንና ኸነውርዶም ኣይበቓዕናን ባዕልኻ ፍትሕን ቅሳነትን ለግሰልና።
m May 13, 2014
what a joke?you want the international court help you,no way, why we escape like rats, we have to stay in our motherland to fight to the dictator, evryday tragedy we die for nothing like Animals were is the realy man hero like wadi ali forto,our woman is raping by bedwin Rashaida,our young dying at lambordusa,our old Tegadelti runing like monkeys and they siting in U.S.A and Europe they only talk at paltk lelelelelele shame very shame our Eritrean pepole suffering a lot now, but we still talk we we we, we are noting empty the only we do is Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrra
selamawit2 May 12, 2014
rahwa, you are aboslutley right. But on the other side, did we ask the “the International Criminal Court or international community /to/ accuse the lunatic dictators like eseyas of crimes against humanity”?
ahmed saleh May 12, 2014
Too bad to see the country governed by incapable group who ignored the needs of the people . When you face a
political party of stupids you expect
the same stupid blow up results . It is
heart breaking facts to see country become a hell place to live for the young generation after the previous ones paid their life for better future.
m May 13, 2014
Selamwit?why you dont go fight to the dictator, you siting like monkey with out fight you want ask the international court to help you shame on you, we are cowerdes selfish pepole, we only talk bla bla bla we die evryday and we wested time to say lelelelelele
selamawit2 May 13, 2014
m m m m airhead, you have only this in your brain:
1. air
2. air
3. Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrra lelelelele
aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb ccccccccc kakakakakakakakakakakakakaka
what a brain – i am impressed!
ahmed saleh May 13, 2014
The same provocative language
from same person using pen name m , Mehari …………..
You already said as it is men of GURRA and that is why he asked you to lead armed struggle a request from coward men, LOL.
selamawit2 May 13, 2014
Dear brother Saleh,
you are absolutley right: every time they disgraced theirselves, they change their names and try again to ambush us eritreans…
But they underestimate our will to repeat the truth if needed endlessly – til they can not find a new name anymore.
Just let’s watch them go loco (unsuccessfully tying to devide our people) and LAUGH. 🙂
Mehari T May 13, 2014
ashit sahsah (Pimpo), I can assure you 100% that I am not anything near this lunatic cowboy called ‘m’. However, as I am enjoying so much your desperste detective work/investigation, please continue it vigorously! You can’t get any lower in your savage Muslim Arab world pimpo. Go and serve your normal savage Bediun % Rashaida barbaric Islamic mission for your Arab masters.
selemawit2 May 15, 2014
Dear brother Ahmed,
come on, let’s give him some water as we are human.
Pour guy, he is just BURNING inside! Do you see the smoke coming out his ears/nose/mout – ans also directly from the head. WOW. 🙂
rahwa May 13, 2014
selmawit2, let’s ask the international criminal court or international community to issue an arrest warrant against eseyas because we know he committed and is committing crimes against humanity. let’s you and i start on that front. everyone else is also welcome to join us. i mean it. are you with me selamawit2? i am sure you are.
selamawit2 May 13, 2014
Rahwa, you are realy COOL – such a great lady with drive!
I am so much impressed. So, let’s get started.
let’s exchange the details tomorrow…
selamawit2 May 13, 2014
P.S. @Rahwa: Maybe e.g. Ahmed Saleh wants to join us?
ahmed saleh May 13, 2014
Well if coward men like Mr. m
prefer to hide like a coward man
to leave the front fight for our sisters , I can’t resist to join you
to give the needed hand . Our
women heroic history is the pride of our society , you and other sisters in this forum speak
their voices .
Keep it up jeganu ahatna .
Yerhiwo May 12, 2014
Rahwa and selamawit2….you are right, but I don’t know why the UN is waiting with all the evidence at hand. Dictator Isaias Afwerki’s crime is 100 times worse than Charles Taylor’s crime or Milosovic’s crime. The dictator in Eritrea (WEDI MEDHIN BERAD)should be charged for the death, torture, human trafficking, human right abuse, genocide of Kunama, terrorism support and other despicable crimes committed to the Eritrean people.
International Criminal Court has to act fast to save pure DEKEBAT Eritreans from extinction!!!
ahmed saleh May 13, 2014
The only time international world give
serious attention is when people inside the country rise up . Then U.N.
would step-in to calm the chaos from spreading further on surrounding regions .
On the other side , they only involve
to protect their stake of interest when
faced jeopardy .
Geje May 12, 2014
Best of last weeks comments:
THE NOBLE TEACHER on May 8, 2014 at 10:06 pm said:
“ተሓሳማይ ጓሳ___ ንምስሑ ደልካዮ
ንድራሩ ይኾኖ እቲ ብኽብረት ዝኣበዮ”
ከመይ ኣለዉ _____________ ሽኮራት ኣምሓሩ
ደርፎም ጥዑም_____________ ቆንጂት እሽሩሩ
ጸብሖም ሃነን________ብጠስምን በርበረን ዘመቅሩ
ዓረብ ከይረግጸኒ____________ሂወቶም ዝኸፍሉ
መስጣኹም ግዲ ወሪዱኒ፣_____እነዉ ደቀይ ይሓሩ !!!
ብትሕትና__________ ሓወይ፣ወዲ ጎይታይ ዝብሉ
ደቂ ባዜን ሳባ፣_____________ ኣቦታተይ ተጋሩ
ስልጣኖም ንሽዋ ዝህቡ፣_______ኢትዮጵያ ከሕብሩ
ሃገሮም ብዕስራ ዓመት፣____ምስ እኒ ጃፓን ዘዋዳድሩ
ካብ ዜሮ ተበጊሶም___________ንሚእቲ ዝሰግሩ
ናይ መሬት ወዲኦምስ___________ጠፈር ክዛወሩ
Hubble Telescope_ ላሊበላን እንጦጦን ዘስፍሩ
ን Europe ክሓልፍዋ___ብቴክኖሎጂ ዝማጣጠሩ
ብጅግንነትን ልብምናን__________ብኹሉ ዝስዕሩ
ዓጋመ እንተልክዎም__________መሊሶም ዝኸብሩ
ኣቦታት______ ናይ ጉራጌ ስልጤ ኣደሬ ምስ ኣምሓሩ
ብጀካ “ህዝበ ትግርኛ” ______ብላሽ ህዝቢ ዘይፈጠሩ
ክልተ ሳዕ ኣዛሪቦምኒ________መልሓስ ኣፈይ ሓፊሩ
ናፊቐዮም__ብመስጥኦም;እነዉ,ሽፋቱ ሂወተይ የሸብሩ !!!
ኣይርስዖን ________ህዝቢ ደቡብ ምስ ኦሮሞ
ቡኑን ጠስሙን __________ነብሰይ ዝኣለሞ
ብናይ ስርዓት ገዳ__________ባህሉ ዝዕምሞ
እቲ ሕማመይ _____፣ካብ ንኣይ ንእኡ ዘሕመሞ
ሸፋቱ ከይጎብጡኒ_____፣ጓድ መንግስቱ ዘህጀሞ
ንወምበዴ________ ብግብረ ሃይል ዘጣመሞ
ቢሮክራሲ ደርጊ_________ንጥፍኣት ዝሰለሞ
ናፊቐዮ “ረቢ ሲያ ኬኒ” ይበለለይ እቲ ዝጥዓሞ !!!
ምስ መን ገዲፍክኒ______ _ ሕያወይቲ ኣደ ?
ብእኒ ኮንዶም ግብጺ እምበር _ እንደገና ተሰዲደ
ብሰብኣየይ ______ ነዕራብ ክጉምባሕ ተገዲደ
መጥሓን ተሰኪመ______ ጸጕሪ ርእሰይ ሰዲደ
እንዳ ኣብዑርኪ ክሓድር፣_ብሓሙኹሽቲ ተለቢጠ
ክመጸኪ እየ ____ ንይቕሬታኺ ተደፊኤ ሰጊደ !!!
ምንነው ሆዴ ቧቧ፣____ኣልችል ኣለ ኣንጀቴ
ናፈቀችኝ፣______ የድሮዋ ኢትዮጵያ እናቴ
የት ኣባትክ ከረምክ____ ኣንተ ሌባ ወምበዴ !
እንደማትለኝ ኣውቃለሁ ,ስሄድ ኣቢሲንያዊ ቤቴ
ኣይጨክንም ልቧ______ያውቀዋል ኣንደበቴ ።
ኣልሞትኩም ብዬ ኣልዋሽም፣ነጠቁኝ ያባቴን ርስት
መንጎንበስ ሆነ ስራየ ፣______የበደዊን ሚስት
ሴት ልጄ ፣___ያጎቴ ኮረዳ ጎረቤት ዘመድ ኣክስት
ሻዕብያ ኣባለጋቸው_______ በሌሊት በማግስት
እኔማ፣እንዳረጀች ኣያት ኣለቅሳለሁ እቤቴ ውስጥ
እናቴ ሆይ___እግርሽን ልሳለም ኩራቴን ልውጥ
ወስኛለሁ________ኣለ ኣንቺ የለኝም ሂወት !!!!!!!!!!!!
ዝኸበርኩም ኤርትራውያን ኣሕዋተይ፣እቲ ቋንቋ ህዝበ ትግርኛ ዘይኮነ፣ክፍሊ ግጥመይ__ናይ ሓንቲ ኢትዮጵያ ትብሃል ሃገር እዩ፣ኣብ ጆግራፊ እውን ዘላ ኣይመስለንን በዚ ኣላስካ ገጻ እያ።ሓንቲ ዘይትረብሕ__ሰላሳን ሰለስተን ዩኒቨርሲታት፣ኣህጉራዊ ህንጻታተን ከተማታት፣ ቡን ናይ ኤርትራ ካብ ኢሊባቡር፡ከፋ ሰሪቓ ካብ ዓለም ንኮሉምብያ ብምብላጽ ሳልሰይቲ ዝወጸት፣ብሰደድ ስምስም ካብ ኣፍሪቃ ቀዳመይቲ፣ካብ ዓለም ራብዔይቲ፣ሱቕ ኢላ__ኢንዱስትርታትን ቴክኖሎጂን ዝበዝሓ__ወዲ ዓከርን ብርስንን ዘይትበልዕ፣ዕሸላዊትን ተሕንኽን ሃገር እያ።
ተጋሩ ዝብሃሉ ህዝቢ ክ ኣ ኣለዉዋ።ቆቁሩብ ቋንቍ ኦም ይፈልጦ እየ።ንኣብነት
ኣሎራ ክብሉ ___ከመይ እን ኤኻ ወዲ ጎይታይ፣ወዲ እምበይተይ ይብሉ
መብጽዓ ክብሉ __መጽብዓ። ቺ ቬድያሞ ክብሉ__ክንርእኤ ኢናቲ።___ማዘረይ ክብሉ __እኖይ። Interesting language ,ehh ?
Tezareb on May 10, 2014 at 6:02 pm said:
Sudan itself does not have enough power of its own. Sudan will simply re-sell the power it buys from “Mama Ethiopia” to poor Eritrea at higher prices. This is not new. If you go to Eritrea now, most of the wheat flour, cement, Zurya, pasta, coffee, tea, taff, Dagusa, Berbere, Giesso, spices, leather products …. come from “Mama Ethiopia” through Sudan, with the exception of salt.
Funny, this is called “Free Eritrea” after 50 years of stupidity licking stinking Arab azzz, and still licking the Arab Abeeds of Sudan 🙂
Welcome to “Mama Arabia” at a heavy price.
Here is how the reliable AFP reports to the news:
“Sudan plans to supply neighbouring Eritrea with electricity, official media reported on Friday, just months after Khartoum said it would buy power from Eritrea’s rival Ethiopia.
The announcement came during the second day of an official visit to Khartoum by Eritrean President Issaias Afeworki.
Eritrea is one of the world’s poorest nations.”
Respected Geje ,
ዝኾነ ሰብ ነቲ ዝብሎ ,ከምዚ ኣነ ዝኣምነሉ __እንድሕር ዝኣምነሉ ኮይኑ ,ቃላት ካብ ገለ እዩ ዝመጽእ ።እቶም ኣብ ላምፔዱሳ ዝጥሓሉ ሰባት በቲ ረሳሕ ኣተሓሳስባናን፣ሃገራውነትና ኣብ ክንዲ ፍቕሪ ንህዝብና ዝኸውን___ጽልኢ ንዓጋመ ኣቦታትና ምኽንያት እዩ ።ንውግእ ባድመ ኣሽሓት ዘዋጽኤ ዘይተማህረ ብዓል ታክስን ኮስታሪት ኦፊስን ፣ነዞም ዝጠፍኡ ቆለውዕ ግን ሳንቲም ቀያሕ የብሎምን፣ ኤልሳ ጭሩም ንበይና እኳ እያ ኣብ ጅቡቲ ከይዳ ናይ ጥሜት ኣድማ ዝገበረት፣ እዞም ኣብ ሰሜን ኣሜሪካን ኤውሮጳን እንቅዓ ብሙዅላስ ነንስትና ቀዲምናየን ዝጠነስና ንመስል ፣ንማለቱ ደቂ ተባዕትዮን፣እተን ኣንስትና እውን ብርጕዲ መቐመጭኤን ኮቦሮ በትኽስያን ተዋህዶ ኣኺሉ ዘሎ__ኣንኳይ ናይ ጥሜት ኣድማ ክንገብርስ፣__ላቺ ናይ ኣእጋርና ከማን ከይንኣስር ከብድና መቐመጫናን እናጎተተ የሳቕየና ኣሎ።
ክብረት ይሃበለይ ገጅረት/Geje ቅጭን
m May 13, 2014
absulutly you are right you are the real Eritrawi you teel the true thank you
M ,
You are right ,real Eritrean should be awarded to those who love their people ,than to those who hate kind neighbours.
From Mexico with love.
Teclay May 13, 2014
very nice as usual.Let met say it again from your answer to brother Geje”_እንድሕር ዝኣምነሉ ኮይኑ ,ቃላት ካብ ገለ እዩ ዝመጽእ” right,,,,,and”እዞም ኣብ ሰሜን ኣሜሪካን ኤውሮጳን እንቅዓ ብሙዅላስ ነንስትና ቀዲምናየን ዝጠነስና ንመስል ፣ንማለቱ ደቂ ተባዕትዮን፣እተን ኣንስትና እውን ብርጕዲ መቐመጭኤን ኮቦሮ በትኽስያን ተዋህዶ ኣኺሉ ዘሎ__ኣንኳይ ናይ ጥሜት ኣድማ ክንገብርስ፣__ላቺ ናይ ኣእጋርና ከማን ከይንኣስር ከብድና መቐመጫናን እናጎተተ የሳቕየና ኣሎ።” ohhhhhhh i can not help laughing. WAZA MIS QUMNIGER ZIBILWO IZI IYU
Ok! We are in the lowest point now,who is responsible? as for me every Eritrean who is above 38 years old now.But there are a grope of Eritreans who were educated at that time ,old enough to think out of emotion ex like Dr. Amare .,Dr.Bereket ,Dr.Berhe .W etc are for me not only made big mistakes but they are criminals. As for me before they die like every one they have to apologize to the poor Eritrean ppl . that is the minimum the poor unfortunate Eritrean ppl can expect from this Wolves.
The Noble teacher would you ask them to apologize with your good language please ?
Dearest Teclay ,
There could not have been Hitler without German peoples willful cooperation in massacaring Jewish people & invading others and there is no Isaias with the population over 50 like mine .As by my minimum support I put you in this sh*t ,I am taking responsible..and every other person should admit theit mistakes and ask forgiveness to the knew generation.
Gideon May 13, 2014
Kubur hawebo/uncle M.Habte (TEN),
Kemaka hakegnatat yibzihulna tirah anta anbessa wedi anbessa. Amlak yehagzkan misaka yikunin.
Please uncle continue your noble mission to enlighten the confused folks of Midre-bahri. They
still think/believe the Italians brought them from Sicily and they just happened to speak the
language as Ethiopians, specially the tigrigna of Tigrayans! Fascist Italian/Mussollini must
have damaged them beyond repairs for life! Uncle M, brutal honesty is the best way forward indeed.
Gideon ,
ኣነ ነታ ሓቂ ኩሉ ጊዜ እንተዘይወነንክዋን እንተዘይተኸተልኩዋን እውን____ከንጸባርቓ ንድሕሪት ዘይብል ፣ወዲ ድምበዛን፣ጉሕጭዓ፣ውላድ መረታ ሰበነን፣ብታሪኽ ሓውዜንን ንጉስ ደምብያን ኣቦታተይ ዝኾኑ፣ እታ ብንእሽትኣ ከላ ካብ ማይቅኔጣል ዓድዋ መጺኣ ጸብሓ ኣብ ገሽናሽም ኮይና ክትክሽኖ እንከላ፣ ሃነን ኢልዎም ትግረን ብሌንን ካብ ከረንን ዓደርደን ዝመጹ___ብሓምሊ ኣድግን ጥሕሎን ጌራ ትሰርሖ ዝነበረት ላዛኛ ናይ DIMBEZAN CHAMBER OF COOKING ዝተሸለመት__እታ ጓል ሰራይት ኣደይ ድማ ብምውንዛፍ ቀዳመይቲ ወጺኣ ኣብ መንደፈራ ዘሎ ሰቨን ኢለቨን 7-11 /Seven-Eleven ስእላ ትጠቂዑ ዘሎ ፣ኣጆኻ ንንኣሽቱ ሓቂ ብምንጋር ከድሕኖም ድምብርጽ ኣይብልን እየ።ኣብ ኤድሞንቶን ካናዳ ብርጭቆ ወገናውያን ሓለውቲ ዓውዲ ብግንባረይ ዝሰበርኩ እኮ እየ !!!
Hazhaz May 12, 2014
Thanks to all the folks posting YG’s recent side comments of asmarino here. He is very thought provoking and profoundly brave original thinker. Here is a new one.
Normalizing an abnormal regime
by Yosief Ghebrehiwet · Top Commenter
Selam Eyob, and Mehari
If I have to give a job description to what Saleh Younis is doing with his articles and comments it would be that he is trying hard to normalize an abnormal regime. If he is to convince people that we have to wait until PFDJ replaces Isaias, he had to conduct some kind of face-lifting that would make the PFDJ look more appealing; thereby making the waiting a tolerable task. In his latest article, he does that by focusing on the MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate) story:
“I don’t know what the reason for the impressive MMR is, but my position is: if true, it is great news that Eritrea has reduced its mortality rate because, at the end of the day, this is really what any government should be measured on: how are you improving the lives of your population? Of course, in a country where over 70% of births happen at home, one may be skeptical, but WHO factors this in.”
Notice, that at the start, he seems to qualify his belief by adding, “if true”, but immediately cancels out that supposed skepticism by factoring in WHO’s dependability on this matter. But the issue is not whether believes it or not, but what he is trying to make out of it; or, more specifically, why he is bringing it up as a success story in a midst of totalitarian horror.
Think of the Captain of The Titanic, grabbing the microphone as soon as the ship hit the iceberg, and demanding the attention of the panic-stricken passengers. Of course, the passengers would be all eras to hear the Captain of the ship give them all the instructions needed to save their lives. But suppose the Captain starts with thanking the cleaning crew for doing a wonderful job of keeping the ship squeaky clean; thanking the cook and his helpers for providing excellent food and service; thanking the health crew for providing excellent health services to the sick; thanking the entertainment crew for thrilling the passengers with their music and dance, thanking … You get the drift. Would you blame the passenger if at that moment they rush to the captain’s cabin in fury and rage, drag him out Kicking and screaming and throw him overboard into the ocean?
And here we have Captain Saleh Younis taking all his time to tell us what a wonderful job the PFDJ is doing in lowering maternity mortality while the ship named Eritrea, having hit the iceberg a while ago, is actually sinking.
Sorobeti May 13, 2014
I am just wondering and asking why YG concentrates on the duo of while he keeps mute on several writers who promote hate against the people of Tigray attributing them as foe enemies of Eritrean people. Why YG has not replies to the former American ambassador who wrote an offensive article against Tigreans while dealing with the boarder conflict.
The following article needs respond from any sane Eritrean.
The article was posted on on 18 Aoril 2014.
The Curse of Having Tigray as a neighbor
By Bereket Kidane,
In Deuteronomy 27:17, the holy bible tells us “Cursed is he who moves his neighbor’s boundary stone.” To say having Tigray as a neighbor has been nothing but a curse to Eritrea is an understatement. It is enough to make you ask God, “What did we ever do to deserve a neighboring enemy like that?”
It was Tigray’s attempt to push its boundaries north into Eritrea that has been the cause of all of the complications Eritrea has experienced in the last 15 years. This week marked the 12th anniversary of the signing of the Algiers Peace Agreement. The current leaders of Ethiopia who hail from Tigray, in whose name an expansionist war was fought to cure an inferiority complex, show no sign of leaving sovereign Eritrean territory. But it doesn’t stop there.
If one considers the opportunity cost alone that has been lost to Eritrea and the region over the last 15 years is incalculable. The fact that Tigrayan leaders were willing to risk it all and gamble everything the Ethiopian State had as long as it meant that they could take Eritrea down with them is a very telling sign of the depth of the inferiority complex that they are afflicted with.
Having failed to militarily dismantle Eritrean sovereignty, they now seem to be pursuing a long-term stealth agenda that is aimed at reversing Eritrean sovereignty. It is hard not to notice how Tigray seems to be co-opting Eritrean culture and symbols wholesale in the hopes of deliberately blurring the differences and staying close enough to the Eritrean heartbeat until the day Eritrea is weakened enough through sanctions that Tigray can walk-in and have its way with Eritrea.
If it were possible to change your geography, Eritreans would do it in a heartbeat. How nice would it be to trade Tigray for another Sudan that deals with its neighbors in good faith and doesn’t suffer from inferiority complex?
Read more:
Respected Hazhaz..,
But suppose the Captain starts with thanking the cleaning crew for doing a wonderful job of keeping the ship squeaky clean; thanking the cook and his helpers for providing excellent food and service; thanking the health crew for providing excellent health services to the sick; thanking the entertainment crew for thrilling the passengers with their music and dance, thanking … END OF QUOTING YOU QUOTE YG..
Actually I remember what the Captain said…..
Dear passengers…. .. We are about to drawn and die….
Passengers>>ohh my God ,*Srying & screaming…….then
Abruptly..the captain says with a broad smile…But ,there is good news !!!..
– Passengers…..What _ you mean we will be saved from drawnning ???
_ Captain…..No, But I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO !!!
Dearest Geje..
Did you also read this fantastic poem with brutally honest ,educational message ???
“ይነጽጎ ዓላማ ቢስ ህዝበ ትግርኛዊ ጽልኢ
መንነቱ ክሒዱ ንኻልኦት ቀቢላታት ጎዳኢ”
እምቢ ኣይተሓሕቶን__________ንመታሕታዊ ሓወይ ኣስላማይ
እምቢ፣_ዓሰብ ሒዙ ኸደ ኢለ፣ኣይጸልኦን፣ንዓፋር ዘሊኑ ሓዳራይ
እምቢ፣ኩናማ መሬቱ ክሕደግ ኣየሰቅጥን____እቲ ብሰላም ነባራይ
ኣታ እምቢ ኣይጸልኦን____ ነቲ መዕቆብየይ ኣቦይ ወዲ ትግራይ
እምብለይ ኣይጸልኦን፣ነቲ ክሳዕ ሕጂ ዘይቀበጸኒ ዘመደይ ኣምሓራይ
ኣይክተሎን ህዝበ ትግርኛዊ ፖለቲካ___ናይ ምርሕሓቕ ምፍልላይ
መንነቱ ክሒዱ መንነት ናይ ዓረብ ናይ ፋሽሽቲ ሃሰውሰው በሃላይ
ንግራስያኒን ጭፍርኡን B***job ክህብ __ቅድሚ ሰብ ዘላላይ
ከም ናይ ኣቦታቱ ባንዳ _______ኩርማጅ ሙሶሊኒ ኣፍቃራይ
ኢሳያስ ጥራይ እዩ ዝፈልጦ፣__ኣብ ጸጽባሕ ገገሪፉ፣ዘብሎ ሕራይ !!
ኣንቱም ___________እዞም ወያነ ክንደይ ይህልዩ
ሓውና ህዝቢ ተጨቍኑ ኢሎም ኣብ ዘይሕማሞም ዝሳቐዩ
ንኢሳያስ የውግዝዎ__ ዘይተረድኦም ንሳቶም እናተጋገዩ
ወዲ ኣፎም ዘሕስረና_________መዚኑና እንድኣዩ
ንዝሓልየልና ,ከም ንብሎ________ ፈሪሑና ጃጅዩ
ንዝወቕጠና ____ ነኽብሮ ከም ሓያል ጅግና ተራእዩ
ባርያዊ ሓንጎልና፣__________ተገላቢጦሽ ባህሪኡ
ናይ ደቂ ባንዳ_________ኣብ ዝበልዑሉ ዝሓርኡ
ሕማም ወለዲ____________ናብ ደቂ ተሸሚዑ
ግራስያኒን መድሕን ኮይኑ____ራእሲ ኣሉላ ተጸሊኡ
ኣይትድከሙ በልዎም፣እቲ ጉዳይ ቀደም እዩ ተወዲኡ !!!
ኣነ ዘሕዝነኒ _____________ናይቶም መንእሰያት
ጽልኢ ዓጋመ መንነቶም ዝተማህሩ ብሕንጢታቶም ማማያት
ሲናይ ዝተፈርዱ ___________ብወለዶም ብዕራያት
ድፋዕ ክስደዱ________ሓደ ዘይበኽየሎም ብኣውያት
ኢሳያስ ስለ ዝፈልጥ _______ምዃንና ከወፍቲ ፈርሃት
ኣህባይ እንተዝወልድኦም ምሓሸ__ ካብ እኒ ነ ድርባያት
ጥፍኣትና ቀሪቡ እዩ_____ቀርብዎ እቲ ሃገራዊ ብኽያት
ከዛብ ሃገር ሞይታ እኮ እያ ________ብኹሉ መዳያት
ዝመጽእ ዘሎ ዓመት ሓደራ___ከይንርስዕ ጸሊም እድያት !!!
The most saddened Eritrean Uncle, Uncle TNT
m May 13, 2014
well done its true
Teclay May 13, 2014
Very nice specially this one”እምብለይ ኣይጸልኦን፣ነቲ ክሳዕ ሕጂ ዘይቀበጸኒ ዘመደይ ኣምሓራይ ”
I wonder What a wise ppl is the Amhara? Why?
– Trough out the the time they were very consistency with their saying “we are brother ” WONDMAMOCH NEN
– We humiliated them using Woyane 1991,We called them AIDUG (donkeys),but only after 7 years 1998 ,when the colonizers (Eritreans) were deported, they stood firmly in front of the lorries in defending the Eritreans.
-Through out Ethiopia the colonizers (Eritreans) used to live in Luxury villas wile the neighbors Amhara was living in small Mad house but they never complained about that.
-Even now in our lowest point which is = Gipsy,they still treat us like one of theirs.
Teclay ,
You make me proud ,we should not bite the hand that feeds us, Ethiopianism ..that included the province of Eritrea are known for giving refuge to Armenians ,Jamaicans & Jeberti why would they noty forgive us for killing & humulating them for 30 years. They have no hatred ,because that is the trade mark of EPLF infested Eritrea.
tamrat tamrat May 13, 2014
Blamming the youngsters for following what others do for a better life is crulity. But to understand what is realy going on talk to the ones who arrive to Europa just now. I have done. I have talken With them. They are not idiots. They know the risk involved. And they feel great that make it and they are deeply sorry for those who couldnt maket it. Their mind setting is diiferen than those who discuss here. But please discuss With them, talk to them. They are not the same youngster i used to talk from Eritrea. They are strong, ambitious, and what ever they do in Sawa or the flee from Eritrea for them suonds like uninserparable fact. Most of them the moment they arrrived Europa the want to see sawas Picture, and the Music and the good time they have spent there. They are different Group.
Gura May 13, 2014
dear hazhaz,
Like many readers, I was astonished to read the lies the two Salihs at Awate have been weaving recently, one on the burning of the Tigre language that blames falsely to the Kebesa and now “normalizing the abnormal regime” of asmara, as YG called it in his very good response on Salih Abdu Yonus.
Here is another response from Abraham GG:
“The Nazis built the autobahn. This is en excellent highway system, at one time the best in the world. Yet, the Nazis violated all kinds of civil liberties of all people including the Germans – in fact they were genocidal. Just because the Nazis built the autobahn, our author at following his logic and mindset would claim, the Nazis after all were not that bad. Did they not built the autobahn.
“By the same logic this author is telling us that the lawless PFDJ after all are not that bad. In fact sometimes they are good. Look they are reducing maternal mortality rate. And this guy presents himself part of the opposition. In fact he thinks he is it. With this kind of mindset there is no way one will be able to defeat the PFDJ. His latest writing is unabashed support and love for the Isaias regime. Once a cheer leader always a cheer leader.
“In his post he states that “A good example is the unemployment rates that are published by the Labor Department on the last Friday of each month.” This is wrong. The unemployment and the employment rates are reported on the first Friday of each month. And the report is for the previous month. Once I discovered his error I lost confidence in his mastery of the subject he wrote. What surprised me most and even disheartened me was, none of his readers corrected his outright mistake.”